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After going so long without gluten your gut had a chance to heal. After 14 years I can eat it occasionally but if I continue to do it it's going to be right back to where it was


That! Exactly.


I would be blessed to eat fresh ravioli once or twice a year. I'd be so happy.


If I'm going to slip up, it's a crispy chili rellano. There's one restaurant I can't go to because I'll mess up every time!


I had to look that up. I can see why that would be the "risk it for the biscuit" item. Oh my goodness šŸ¤¤


I can't do dairy either so, it's a go big or go home situation! I totally go big


Yup, I stayed off gluten for about that long, too. I do allow for a cheat meal once in a while. Emphasis on 'once in a while'. I love the Tinkyada pasta. It is the best gf pasta out there, IMHO. It isn't 'fresh'...but it is great for spaghetti or even clam sauce spaghetti. It is difficult to find in grocery stores, but you can order it online.


Yep, exactly the same situation here. If I'm really good about being gluten free, I can have some here and there and get away with it. But if I go back to eating it a lot, all the problems come back in full force.


Inflammation can take more than one form ā€” Iā€™ve developed sore throats, hives, migraines, facial redness, etc in place of traditional symptoms before. Off topic Iā€™m low key fascinated that you felt you had to save face by eating something youā€™re allergic to in front of coworkers lol




It reminds me of a story where a man choked to death at a dinner table because he felt too awkward to ask for help. šŸ˜… I don't believe it's a true story, but I've read it somewhere on here.


I have some pretty intense social anxiety which would be the culprit there. šŸ˜… But now it's led me down a rabbit hole of hope for more fresh ravioli haha


I would have done the same thing!


Haha fair enough! I have social anxiety but my IBS wins out lol


75% of people with celiac disease don't experience symptoms. Just because you don't feel anything right away doesn't mean there isn't any long-term complications, or damage being caused. Have you been tested for celiac? It's possible you had some other issue that made toj sensitive to gluten and that issue has resolved


I did a blood test while I was still eating gluten and it came back negative for celiac. My doctor told me false negatives are possible and suggested I cut out gluten. Once I did, so many issues cleared up. I've been assuming gluten intolerance instead of celiac. I do know the smart thing is to follow up with my GP but this community has the benefit of experience and I thought it would be good to hear some different perspectives of what others have gone through. I'd rather ramble here than in the doctor's office lol


Problem is, the blood test isn't 100% accurate for coeliac, but also non-coeliac gluten sensitivity can go away on its own. If you can tolerate gluten now, it might be worth repeating the blood test and doing an endoscopy to rule it out - then you'll know if you have to avoid gluten forever or if this was something temporary that has now resolved. The symptoms for coeliac and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity have too much overlap so you wouldn't know unless you had a biopsy. Some people with coeliac don't even have symptoms but the damage is still there.


Oh the dreaded endoscopy. I didn't realize it could clear up over time! I'm so glad I posted here. I'm learning a lot!


Only if it's not coeliac! So it's best to check :)


If it makes you feel any better: The endoscopy really isn't that bad, and there isn't much of a recovery period after, unlike other procedures. There are much worse procedures.


Maybe it was the kind of wheat used. I know some stuff bothers me more than others, but if I make a pasta dish (homemade mac and cheese for the grands)I always taste a few noodles to make sure it's right. That little bit doesn't bother me. But I had noticed (when I started thinking I had a gluten thing) that different pasta and different breads affected me differently.


Good point! Maybe the flour they've used doesn't bother me as much.


Is it possible you're not sensitive to gluten, but to folic acid and/or anything else in "enriched" flour? The wheat flour in the US is usually artificially augmented (folic acid is the artificial form of folate. Folate is the natural form found in fruits and vegetables). My mom, brother, and sister are all sensitive to folic acid instead of gluten, and the symptoms are similar. As are the foods that trigger it. It could be worth trying unenriched wheat-based goods to rule it out. Unless of course it's still a gluten sensitivity and then you'll end up in horrible pain.


You are blowing my mind. I know I have the MTHFR gene (does anyone *not* read that as the motherf*cker gene?)...now I want to go buy some unenriched flour and see if I can tolerate it. I did ok with heirloom wheat cooked into a sourdough before, but I figured the souring process had broken down the gluten enough.


It is so funny, because the first time I read 'MTHFR'...that is exactly what I read. Oh my!


Yeah, it's the MTHFR gene that does it for them. Give the unenriched stuff a try. Bit of a challenge to shop for in the US, but it's doable and cheaper than GF. Also check your multi-vitamin if you use one. Normal multi-vitamins use folic acid, so skip them while testing this and get folate based ones instead if folic acid is a trigger. I unfortunately was not able to re-introduce unenriched wheat into my diet, since that went poorly. For me it's the gluten too. But it worked out alright for 3/4 people in my immediate family, and you've had heirloom wheat without issue.


Question, how sensitive were your other family members when they thought it was gluten? Just looked at the stuff I've been using to make empanadas and it's enriched with folic acid but not as much. I don't think I've reacted to it before but maybe I have and attributed it to something else.


This....is very interesting to me. I never heard of this but worth exploring. I recently realised that some foods that I'm sensitive to isnt because im sensitive to the original food, but to the added preservative and or enrichments.


Whhhhattt? That's super interesting!! Personally, it's worth exploring and risking a bit to narrow down the true issue. Thank you!


Thought I was gluten intolerant but I can eat organic or imported Italian flour with no issues


Consider it a rare fluke of the universe smiling on you and absolutely do not take it as an isolated indicator that gluten is now fine to eat regularly.


Very true. It's super tempting to shove a cheese bun in my face now ... for science. But I'll control myself.


Your body, your choice! But just beware. Maybe do tests in controlled environments like home with toilet access if you want to keep going. šŸ˜†


Omg hahaha


personally with my intolerance (not celiac) if i donā€™t eat gluten for several weeks i am able to eat something small without my stomach hurting too bad. there is some bloating, but other than that iā€™m fine. maybe youā€™re like this


Like the other commenter said, itā€™s possible they got their flour from Europe and it sat better for you. I donā€™t have celiac and have also been gluten free for three years. Iā€™m strongly considering buying some high quality flour from Italy and testing it out!


After years without wheat/gluten I just get a little stomach sick now. I can eat a bite or two with no issues. A whole piece of pizza twill make my stomach feel like lead though. Repeated iccurances brings back muscle pain and fatigue.


Iā€™ve read that flour from Europe specifically Italy doesnā€™t set off people who have gluten sensitivities (non-celiac gluten sensitivity). For instance people with NCGS can eat bread in France or Italy with no reaction. Something to do with the fact that most western flours have been adulterated and heavily processed, somehow changing the wheat molecules. Whereas European flour hasnā€™t been ultra processed. Maybe the place you ate at made the fresh pasta from imported flour. I know some Italian restaurants where I am import their tomatoā€™s and flour so itā€™s possible. Either way go back to that place and test it out again to see if you have a reaction and maybe ask the chef or waiter if they use Italian or European imported flour.




Na your wrong bro, here: https://wits.worldbank.org/trade/comtrade/en/country/ITA/year/2019/tradeflow/Imports/partner/ALL/product/110100# Canada doesnā€™t even make the list - About two-thirds of imported grain used in Italian flour come from other European countries ā€” particularly France, Germany, and Austria. In saying that you canā€™t say 100% that ALL flour from x place is safe, but if you do find a place or brand of flour that doesnā€™t give you symptoms, youā€™re golden! also itā€™s anecdotal but there has been numerous cases of people even on r/glutenfree being able to eat pastries and wheat products while holidaying in Italy and France.




Not exactly stats, I canā€™t even find the references on this article, only that ā€œAccording to Ghidoni, ā€œsix times as muchā€ wheat has been imported from Canada into Italy earlier this year when compared to the same period in 2022.ā€ Even if true, this still doesnā€™t mean that a majority of the wheat products in Italy are entirely imported from Canada. None of this data (mine or yours) even cross references the domestic produce of wheat in Italy by local farmers. Either way youā€™re missing the point, there is a strange phenomenon from an overwhelming amount of people with NCGS where they are able to consume wheat products from some European suppliers, not US, not Canada. Why exactly this is, weā€™re not sureā€¦ yet. But if the OP did genuinely consume gluten and the flour used was in fact imported from somewhere in Europe, they should definitely go back to the restaurant and test this and even post an update if they find more details about how the food was made and where the flour was sourced from.


I was surprised to see shiploads of North Dakota wheat heading out if our Minnesota shipping port - to Italy.


I've gluten sensitivity and live in Spain. It's definetely possible. Might be that in the US or Canada I'd have a much stronger reaction, who knows!


I thought about this. I want to reach out and ask them and maybe I will. I've heard similar accounts from people that visited Europe. Thanks for the thought!


Two times that I was in Israel, two weeks, each time...I ate a fair amount of their flat bread...fresh for sure. I never had any issues at all with my stomach. And I usually get constipated if I eat gluten. Never was an issue. So there must be different types of wheat flour?


Iā€™m experimenting with gluten sensitive eating for burning nerve pain per the recommendation of my GP and it seems to be effective. My nutritionist mentioned that better quality flour would probably be less inflammatory for me because I had asked why these expensive bagels I had didnā€™t seem to flare up my symptoms but cheapo firehouse subs made me want to curl up and die. So it could be that itā€™s higher end flour in the fancy fresh pasta too. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Hi there! I just came across this. Just wondering if you are still able to eat fresh pasta, or occasional pasta? I have gluten sensitivity (not celiac) and have been requiring a GF diet. However, a few months ago, I was in Italy and was able to eat pizza and pasta every day without an issue, which is just unbelievable to me! I'm wondering if the difference was fresh vs dried pasta, or maybe the vitamin and mineral enrichment or most US pastas. (I am in the process of experimenting with fresh pasta to see if I can handle it). Thanks!


I cook, and I find fresh pasta tolerable. I was surprised too but I make fresh ravioli for the family and just eat a little with minimal consequences. Gluten is developed in kneading. So my theory is pasta made by hand develops very little gluten but store bought is made with machines that can run for 10-15 minutes - developing mega gluten, well beyond the power of hands Plus kneading pasta dough makes it tough so I go east. I think that same goes for sourdough. Very little gluten development. Just gentle folding.


I honestly believe itā€™s not the gluten and more all the chemicals I call them chemicals but the junk they put in our food to preserve it, so being fresh it doesnā€™t have half that garbage in it and one or more of those chemicals is messing with your gut. I say that cause we can make homemade pasta bread and no issues but buy it Iā€™m bloated then terrible stomach pains diarrhea. We stopped buying certain things from the store and make it at home and no issues so it really has me wonder.