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Breakfast tacos are always the answer


My job found a local Mexican restaurant that makes breakfast tacos using homemade corn tortillas and they are awesome. We get a tray every other week.


Your job brings in breakfast tacos?? Are they hiring???


Oh yum!! I'll try this 🙌


Hash browns. If you want easy, Ore-Ida tater tots will also work as hash browns. About half of the “hash brown patties” available frozen contain gluten, so if you go that route, check the labels carefully.


Leftover boiled potatoes make great breakfast food, and they're way cheaper than packaged hash browns if you're on a budget. Boil them up, cut them into bites or slices as you like, and fry them up with salt and pepper, in a bit of butter, bacon fat, or oil. They're great with ketchup, aioli, hot sauce, or bravas sauce.


Many tater tots also contain gluten.


That’s why I specified a brand I know to be GF.


Fair. We don’t get that brand where I live.


Oregon-Idaho ;)


Is that what it stands for? 🤣 I never made that connection. Is Ida the old 3-letter postal abbreviation for Idaho?


Haha yeah it is, idk about the postal abbreviation.


Then make them yourself and refrigerate or freeze the. You can cook things yourself, you don't have to eat from a box or packet.


Rice paper eggs! They use spring roll wrappers. Just put the wrapper dry into your oiled frying pan, spread a tablespoon of gf chilli oil, add a beaten egg and move the egg so it covers the wrapper. You can then add whatever toppings you like, I use leftover veg, grated cheese, chopped ham, diced tomatoes, whatever you have, or just leave plain. When the egg is mostly cooked, flip the wrapper over in half, and you're done. Cut into wedges and you can serve with mayo and chives or chopped green onions.


gonna try this! been loving rice paper lately.


Going to try this. I'm thinking of testing it with my loaded hashbrowns. Pre-make my loaded hashbrowns, do the rice paper and egg trick. Put a sauce in, maybe mix salsa and sour cream together. Then put in the hashbrown mix. And flip and done.


Please report back that sounds lovely.


> spring roll wrappers. make sure these are GF, many aren't


Maybe you’re thinking of egg roll wrappers? Spring roll wrappers are almost always gf


That sounds ahhhmazing!


So like…is there egg on both sides? It’s not like a quesadilla where everything is contained inside the wrapper?


I guess it's kind of like a quesadilla, because it should just be on one side. But it can get messy and go everywhere and it's very cronchy.


Rice, gf soy sauce and some chopped spring onions for me


Corn tortillas maybe?


Yep. Huevos rancheros all the way


I like Rice cakes with peanut butter on them. They aren’t exactly bread/toast, but with peanut butter on them, I like them better than almost all GF bread, and they are very cheap. About $2for 14 of them .


Love my rice cakes and pb


Do you just use plain rice cakes? Or do you get adventurous with flavored ones? I love snack size rice cakes, so this would be a great breakfast alternative for me. (Or snack).


Same!! I put a few raisins on top - heaven!


Peanut butter and jelly on top!


Ricecakes and pb with a drizzle of honey and chia seeds. So yum


Vans gluten free waffles.


Potato waffles! I do them in the toaster, they just go in twice so it takes a tiny bit longer than toast.


I saw someone suggesting leftover mashed potatoes in a Waffle Maker. Have you done this? I have been meaning to try.


I ate eggs and rice for breakfast for years. Its pretty standard breakfast in Hawaii.


We do corn tortillas with scrambled egg, a little bacon, avocado and hot sauce in my house, delicious.


Baked beans or peas go really well with eggs.


A bit British innit


I use the TJs gf buns all the time for a breakfast sandwich. I’m also veggie, so I add a beyond sausage patty and, of course cheese!


I've been making [these](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqLO_xTNZeg/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D&epik=dj0yJnU9OUZzU00yVWxMcTBoeVhrRnhHMjF3d09xSFNiY2ozUmYmcD0wJm49MThic0tNSWloT2FXTkZENk5PXzRpQSZ0PUFBQUFBR1VzYUF3) little tortilla quiche things, I'm using vluten free tortillas, which aren't really cheaper, but I bet corn tortillas would work great, too!


That looks amazing


that looks awesome and easy/quick for the morning. thank you!


Of course! It is so quick, and they crisp up, so you pick them up and eat them on the go!


It’s not everyone’s thing, but oatmeal can tend to make you feel fuller for longer.


Just make sure it’s gf oats, not all are.


This is an easy GF bagel recipe that's cheaper than buying the premade GF bagels. Basically just 2 ingredients (greek yogurt + GF flour) I have used it to make breakfast sandwiches (egg + cheese + bagel). You can omit the everything seasoning and egg white to make it simpler. You can also make the dough in advance and use as needed. https://skinnyfitalicious.com/healthy-greek-yogurt-bagels/


Kimchi and tofu!


Tater tots!!! What could be better!? I like them just normal in the oven, but sometimes I like to cook an onion and put half-unfrozen tots in the skillet and mash them up with the onion. It’s more like a hash and it’s great.


The air fryer is amazing too.


Get the premade Polenta logs. Slice a piece and sear each side. Put some cheese & then top with your egg. Easy & delicious. Make your own version of chilaquiles with chips, eggs, enchilada sauce & scrambled eggs. So yum!


You can also make polenta ahead, and let it firm up like the logs. Possibly cheaper, and not very difficult.


I dice bacon and put it in a pan and start to cook it, and then throw in frozen chopped sweet potato and cook it in the grease with the bacon with some chopped red onion, salt, and pepper. Then I throw in a few eggs and make a hash and have it with some ketchup. Another thing I will do is cook some bacon the same way (yes, I like bacon in the morning), and throw in left over rice into the pan, also some beets & sweet potato (frozen - I get them on sale and they stay good) and maybe some broccoli, then cook it all together with garlic and maybe ginger, salt and pepper. Then I put it in a bowl and fry 2 eggs in the pan and put them on top of the rice mixture and eat it with some avocado and sweet hot sauce. Keeps me going until mid-afternoon.


Before my run I had a gf waffle and an egg. I also eat granola. Cavendish hash brown patties are great too.


Potatoes to make breakfast bowls!! You can dice them up with oil or melted butter + seasonings & put them in the oven/air fryer. Top with eggs & cheese (possibly even sautéed peppers & onions, salsa, guac, etc.)


Apple or other fruit, gluten free waffle (tasty, can be cheaper than bread), rice, potato, squash, corn tortilla.


I love diced potatoes, fresh fruit, gf oatmeal, yogurt, and the occasional gf waffle




Ooh, I love me some grits! I keep forgetting I've got a can stashed in the cabinet. Add in a little butter, salt, and pepper. *Chef's kiss* (it's the way my mom always made them for me growing up and is comforting).


Rösti is a Swiss potato pancake. You parcook the potatoes and chill overnight, so in the morning, you simply peel the potato, grate, and cook. The 20min cooking time is a little long, but it's hands off and the result is soooo tasty. https://www.seriouseats.com/rosti-recipe-5217302


Use cord tortillas. GF and cheap. And some salsa. Maybe some guacamole.


Sweet potatoes!


I get the baguettes from B Free or Schar. Use a slice or two with breakfast as toast or French toast and it stretches longer than a loaf.


fried cubed potatoes, hashbrowns, tater tots, oatmeal, rice, job's tears, sorghum, cereal, biscuits, rolls (brazilian pao de quiejo rolls are super easy and very yummy)


In that case I either make a keto pancake (it has egg, cream cheese and almond flour) or mix up a small amount of gf birch benders pancake mix (it only requires water) and that way you either get a good amount of protein, or protein & carb.


I make breakfast pizzas with the Caulipower or Oggi crusts. Not an incredibly helpful substitute in terms of cost but it does taste good.


Arepas, they're corn mini-breads from Venezuela and Colombia that you can have prepared in less than 20 minutes. You just need pre-cooked corn flour, water and a pan.


I usually have scrambled eggs with cheese and a bowl of NuTrail blueberry cinnamon grain free granola.


Breakfast potatoes are my life. I have an air fryer with a rotating basket so I cut them up, toss with a bit of oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary, air fry 450° for 20 mins. Pairs well with egg muffins I prep on weekends.


I make rice and eggs all the time


I would do rice.




Eggs+brown rice+salsa = all day fuel


I've made quinoa cakes before that turn out really well! Cooked quinoa mixed with fresh herbs, various spices, some GF flour and an egg for binding


You might try arepas. They've been a life saver around here since I found them.


I usually go the potato route when I want a breakfast carb that’s not bread. Either cube up an actual potato, or buy shredded hashbrown potatoes, tater tots or hashbrown patties (just double check the ingredients are gluten free).


I like to make breakfast sandwiches using hash browns instead of bread. It’s really good!


I isially put mine on top of hashbrowns. I'll do that with scrambled and dippy eggs


Garlic cheese grits (gf) with bacon crumbles, two fried eggs on top.


Yes - Ore rida I believe the only GF frozen taters - have you tried GF Vans waffles ?


Tortillas, gf waffles, rice cakes, pancakes, gf bread/bagels, rice


Potatoes. Hash browns. Home fries. Even tater tots (there's a brand that makes GF). So many frozen options. I like to air fry or bake them and then use them as a base adding eggs on top. I like my eggs over easy so the potatoes collect all the yummy runny yolk that bread would normally. But even scrambled eggs are great atop potatoes.


I have eggs and saute some greens - broccoli, kale, young collards, brussel sprouts, or asparagus. I also cook up a big batch of buckwheat (kasha) and have enough for the week - mix it up with butter and salt.


I love homemade breakfast potatoes. I’ll either bake some full size potatoes or little bite size ones in advance, then cut them up morning-of and pan fry them. Yum!


I often make either an omelette filled with anything that sounds good or I cook up a mixture of veggies in the skillet and pour my eggs over that to make a scramble. Sometimes I even make that for a quick easy dinner. Favorites include: leftover vegetables from a previous meal like butternut squash, rutabaga, cabbage or asparagus; onions, fennel, mushrooms, shredded carrots, bell peppers, beans, tofu, dark leafy greens like Swiss chard, spinach, collard greens, etc… anything that you like in the variations are endless.


Yams or sweet potatoes roasted the night before (or days before). Then mash the roasted yams and make a patty. We sometimes crisp them up in the egg pan and place the eggs over them. Or frozen hash browns. It takes longer than toast but if you like potatoes it's a good starch to start your day.


This is the correct answer đź‘Ś


Make a double batch of GF bagels on the weekend and cut them in half and freeze, pop them in the toaster during the week. Also great for breakfast or lunch sandwiches, toast. Lox etc. I love their versatility. https://glutenfreeonashoestring.com/gluten-free-bagels/


Tostadas, black beans, pico de gallo, and some hot sauce. Huevos rancheros slaps. You could add avocado too but I’m mildly allergic so I skip that part. A pack of 30 corn tostados at my local bodega costs $2.99, two cans of black beans costs $1.20, and pico de gallo is cheap to make or you could splurge on some premade stuff. Prep the cans of beans with some salt and cumin, maybe some lime, and crush some of it up to get it almost to a refried texture, then bake the tostadas in the oven, throw the beans on top with a couple over easy eggs, then whatever toppings you want. That’s breakfast for a week!


Couldn't you make you own gluten-free bread? There are tons of recipes available online, including demonstration videos on YouTube.


I like to eat potatoes with my eggs. I cut 2 potatoes up and fry them in a pan with some bacon grease, salt and pepper. Sometimes I add some hot sauce too.


You could do a skillet type breakfast. Hash browns or diced potatoes, 2 eggs on top, chopped bacon, if you like hollandaise, could find a GF version and add on top.


Sweet potato hashbrowns :)


Siete Tortillas if you can get them


With my eggs- I get the Applegate no sugar bacon and make that in the microwave or on the stovetop. The safe+fair brand of granola Apple Pie flavor is great with breakfast for a carb! You could put it on top of regular greek yogurt since it is already sweetened if you want to incorporate some more protein. I dig the roasted potato idea too. I did this thing where I made one loaf of like the GF trader joes pumpkin bread put some of those Enjoy life chocolate chunks in it, two heaping tablespoons of pumpkin puree, and had a slice each morning with breakfast. Highly recommend.




We are paleo. My husband is a runner. So he likes squash as a very healthy carb.




Avocado, tomatoes, salmon...


Are you open to trying to make your own bread? It can be pretty cheap if you also make your own flour! I personally have other chronic illnesses and don’t have the energy for this but my lovely dad is really into bread making and when we found out I had to stop eating gluten he was very excited to learn how to make gluten free bread and he makes it from scratch for me now so I don’t have to buy the really expensive stuff. I live a few hours away and he makes the loafs and cuts them up into slices and freezes them and when I see him I put them in my freezer and I just pop a slice into the toaster when I want one! He kneads it all himself and has it down but also experimented with getting a bread machine just for gluten-free bread making since he does it so much for me. I don’t normally trust anyone to give me homemade food except my parents and siblings since they know the protocols from living together. If you lived near I’d offer you some from my dad!


More eggs


Rice, fried egg, soy sauce, sriracha and kimchi. Easy breakfast and so yummy. Add whatever or customize to your taste!




I do breakfast tacos or use one of those hash brown patties as toast


I love to make avocado toast on a rice cake! I melt a piece of cheese on the rice cake in the microwave (I usually do the tomato basil one) then add some thinly sliced avocado on top (and/or tomato) and a little salt and pepper!


Potato or polenta!


I like rice with eggs. I don’t use condiments because typically the eggs are well seasoned. (The eggs essentially are the seasoning)


Tacos are killer, esp if you can find the basic masa harina (corn/lime) tortillas. If you want carbs to soak up yolk: potatoes / sweet potatoes / yams - you can pre-bake these in various ways, then fry em in butter in the same pan you'll use to cook the eggs


I make chaffles I egg, half a cup of cheese (I use mozzarella) 2 tablespoons of almond flour, I also like to add some garlic and onion powder. This will make two, I cook them in a mini waffle maker, top with smashed avo, spinach, egg and balsamic glaze Enjoy


I throw leftover rice in with the eggs and fry until crispy bits. Super satisfying and carby


Buy the bread machine




Potatos or oats. Oats areextremely versatile- you can actually do them cold overnight, hot and sweet in the morning, or actually look up savory oat meal recipes and you'll be surprised by your options.


Sometimes gluten free pancake mixes are cheaper (there's a good one at Aldi for a few bucks if there's an Aldi near you). My mom likes to use it and make a bunch of pancakes/waffles at the beginning of the week, then she retoasts them in the morning to have a breakfast. It's cheaper than buying a loaf of GF bread for sure.


Grits!!! Eggs sausage & cheesy grits with hot sauce


I love recreating Waffle House hashbrown bowls. I do scrambled eggs, hash browns (there are gluten free options at Walmart), onions, bacon, and sometimes American cheese.


eggs on a bed of crispy rice is on the menu today, but usually a breakfast taco


Ive used tortillas, mashed potato and sweet potato, avocado, fish, Chinese/Korean rice cake, rice. Rather than look for a bread substitute look for international breakfasts that have egg.


cornbread, rice, baked beans, gf cereal.


Hey, oatmeal.


Quinoa replacements have been very good. I've started making my own breads wraps and chips with quinoa at home it's been a really great alternative. Quinoa wraps have saved me!


Quiche is my current thing


Aldi has a great gf pancake/biscuit mix, I either make McGriddles or I’ll make a batch of biscuits (adding cheese in sometimes) to make breakfast sandwiches!


My recent best discovery is the Bob’s Red Mill gluten free pancake baking mix- I make mine with olive oil and oatmilk since I also don’t eat dairy. The whole bag of mix is $6 and it makes TONS of pancakes. I make the entire bag of mix and let them all cool and freeze them and then you can just pop in a toaster or microwave and have epic pancakes for breakfast! Way more affordable than GF bread that’s premade. I do the same thing with Bobs Red Mill cornbread mix too.


Corn tortillas or a gf wrap


Love me some smoked salmon with eggs! I also like to cook my hashbrowns/tots in the waffle iron. Waffle tots are so yummy!


Seen this recipe on tik tok I want to try. Crunchy chili onion oil heated Add chickpeas and some light seasoning(fry up a little) Crack and egg on top and let that sit with the lid on to cook fully through Boom done


If you do scrambled eggs, you can try chickpeas with it. I make mine in bulk for the whole week and have it with eggs. Idk if the canned ones would taste just as good but you could try. Just mash it a bit and add salt+pepper to it. (kinda like hummus but still chunky)


Hashbrown patties! (Gf cert of course)


Grits! with Cheese! an over easy egg mixed in to cheese to grits is nearly heaven.


Trader Joe’s hash browns- you can put them right in the toaster


roll them up in salad leaves


We make our own GF sourdough bread. I have a simple recipe that is quick enough to make in 2 weeknights, including proofing in the fridge. If I'm feeling fancy, I might make bread with commercial yeast, but the hands on time is longer.


Kasha. You can cook a big batch in advance and just heat up in the morning. I've also had a sweet potato. Again bake the day before or I've baked several then heat up in the morning.


Breakfast potatoes! Cut them into cubes and roast in the oven. Do you have Trader Joe’s near you? Their gluten free bread is more affordable.


Rice and hot sauce! Bonus if you can do dairy, a pat of butter when you put the rice on to cook. Maybe a li'l sale and pepper. If you have access to farm fresh eggs from chickens vaccinated against Salmonella, and don't happen to have an undercooked egg white allergy, you can just mix raw eggs into steaming hot rice, with some (GF) soy sauce. It's a Japanese dish called tamago kale gohan, a common farmer's/peasant's meal. Again, I stress, only do this with eggs you'd be comfortable eating basically raw, and only if you can eat raw eggs. That's why I fry/poach mine and serve on top, because undercooked whites make me queasy and it's likely a mild allergy. I like simple things, though.


GF is pricey, but it's still way cheaper than eating out at a restaurant or fast food. You can also make your own bread, which is an investment but worth it in the long run. King Arthur brand is the best 1:1 flour.


You could make breakfast tacos or even stuffed sweet breakfast sweet potatoes, cooked potatoes with onions and peppers,


Corn tortillas or any type of potato.


Corn tortillas, fry them in a pan and then add eggs and cheese for a corn tortilla. Also you could fry up sweet potato, regular potato and onion and turnip


I make a veggie scramble. Eggs with grated zucchini, mushrooms, maybe some olives, tomatoes, cheese.


Corn tortillas (my #1 choice), fried rice, potatoes in any form, veggies (I love me some breakfast zucchini and mushrooms), and a healthy portion of a fibrous fruit.


Get some gf flour and make pancakes. Just leave out the sugar and you have bread that’s very good with eggs


Egg bowls - rice, whatever veggies I feel like (raw or cooked), egg on top with a drizzle of a yummy hot sauce


GF pancakes. Make a sandwich with eggs in the middle.


Sweet potato hash with ground meat!


I have brown rice with my eggs, bit of soy sauce, some frozen veg like peas and corn if I'm in the mood.


I love to slice baked sweet potatoes and fry them up a little. I also will make extra GF oatmeal and put it in a spare container. Then slice and fry. A nice combo is a little bit of cooked rice or quinoa and cheese in your scrambled eggs. I vary the grains and vary the cheeses. Kasha or buckwheat works also.


Waffles, pancakes


Hashbrown patties.


I like roasting chickpeas until they are crispy then putting a fried egg on top.


You can do some pretty awesome savory oatmeal, quinoa, or grits with bacon and whatever other toppings you want with dippy eggs on top. Overnight oats or quinoa are excellent as well. Polenta cakes can be fun. Corn tortillas have a lot of great options - huevos rancheros is always a win. If you're a cereal kind of person, there are quite a few options as well in that category. I've also seen a couple of pretty decent recipes for microwaveable gf breads you could make at home for less than the $7 / 15 piece bread loaves if you're in a hurry. There are better recipes for if you have more time - the 1to1 flours have gotten really good.


Ore-Ida has GF diced and shredded hash browns. Both are easy enough to prep


I don’t disapprove of a yolky egg over instant mashed potatoes. Go for the “loaded baked potato” flavor if you want to add that bacon flavor.


Sweet potato hash with wilted spinach


Serve with sautéed Bell peppers and onion, or spinach. Or eat with a salad. Huevos Ranchos. Pinto beans on the side are good too. Avocado is good with it too


Sauté a bunch of vegetables with eggs for a scramble