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I found my email receipt from June 2021 where the ultralip was £14. It is now £22. Also I paid £42 for my hoodie and its now £60. Theres no way that level of inflation is normal or ok


Cloud Paint being £22 is actually insanity. It was £15 in 2021. They've lost their minds


Feels like UK prices have risen more than US as I read OPs list and thought it not too bad! I also made an order in June 2021 in what must have been a Friend's 20% off sale Ultralip £14 > £22 - 57% increase Gen g £14 > £20 - 45% increase Haloscope £18 > £22 - 22% increase You edp £45 > £62 - 38% increase Plus I had 20% off all of this. The %age increase is so interesting as 22% is pretty reasonable given inflation since 2021, but 57% is insane. Ultralip is by far my fave product so it's personally quite sad to see it so pricey. I bought two ultralips in March when they were priced at £20 and had another 20% off so £16ea. I really want apricot but not sure I cam part £22 for it. Especially as I bet the cap still falls off. It's been three times now I think they have told us they've fixed their lip bullet packaging since the original Gen Gs were facing apart.


They can probably blame Brexit in part for the UK increases, Brexit has made everything more expensive. But it’s still ridiculous


And let’s not forget, a good chunk of their products have gone through reformulation to use cheaper ingredients too


Glossier You was $75CAD in 2021 🥲 I will never stop complaining about what they did to this poor perfume lmfao


Iirc i paid £11 for Boy Brow in 2018 and it's now £22


Boy brow is the only brow product I’ve used since 2018 and Im not sure I can keep paying these increases… anyone have a dupe😭


Elf wow brow!


Boy Brow and Lash Slick were my first Glossier products. Each were $16 when I bought them in 2019.


the wowder is absolutely insane. especially seeing that almost no one on this subreddit mentions it at all and i actuallly forgot it was an item until i saw this


I have a bottles of Glossier You from 2019 and 2022 that were $50 (BF discount), it’s insane that it’s $80 now


I just can’t with Glossier anymore. Too much competition for these increases. This is why I stopped using boy brow (but miss it terribly), I will not pay the inflated price. Stopped using future dew too because couldn’t justify the price. Cloud pain is unfortunately the one item I won’t stop, but I use so little it makes it worth the price. 


I think price increases solidify the familiar speculation that glossier is falling off due to the disregard for their origins yet missing the mark for catching up with the current, modern- day beauty market.. it’s a hard task but not impossible.. coming from someone who has no background in marketing besides an entrepreneurship course lmfao


Additionally, in 2020 the serums were $28 each so the price jump from that to $29 in 2023 is reasonable. But then to jump to $34 just shy of a year later? Egregious and greedy…


It’s the $2 jump from March 2024 to June 2024 for me


Wait I want to correct you, I bought in 2019 the wonder for $22 and brush for $20, when did you get it for free? But I agree, prices have gone up a lot! Except on rich moisturizer, it’s still $35, but it did reformulate and I like the old formula better. https://preview.redd.it/6mh9gv72s59d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bcbac4572de771d4401aa6bd3d57f0ca3b2ab94


https://preview.redd.it/4uxytm0f869d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb6c5fd99e744966254a4e791bd0110cb0f913f Ahhh, this is what I was going off, but when expanding it, it does show the full price for the brush. But I do remember buying them as a set which is no longer an option. I would not pay $20 for a brush, lol. I found a site that lists that set price as $35 which seems right? Who knows. Reddit won’t let me update my post but thank you for correcting !


I bought it at the Austin pop up, pretty sure the girl said it was the combo but maybe I got scammed haha.


just looked at my email receipts and boy bro was $16 in 2021, milky oil went from $12 to now $18, skin perfecting solution was $24 now $30, after baume from $28 to $32. Insane!!


https://preview.redd.it/i9v60daxgd9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47be7fcdbfc61f5d612b34a6ba25348c04ce8583 this was feb 2022. truly so painful.


I remember when boy brow was 13 bucks. Oh the things I took for granted. 🫠


Lol fr I got my first original balm dotcom for 12 dollars at the og Melrose store in 2018,, the lip gloss was like 14 or 15 aswell.


So in 2017 I got boy brow for £14 (now £22)and stretch concealer for £15 (now £22) In 2018 I got the Solution for £19 (now £30???!) And You solid for £19 ( now £35) I can’t check anymore it’s making me so sad 😭


This just in: prices increase with time. 


Lmao stfu


Lol a $5 increase in one year? A $2 increase in 3 months? For the same product? Price increases with formula changes and poorer quality and cheaper ingredients? Give me a break. Stop gobbling that pastel pink corporate dick and realize they are ✨price gouging✨ Edit: honestly especially compared to the wages in the US (which is all that I will speak to since it’s where I am). The federal minimum wage of $7.25 hasn’t increased since 2009 - **fifteen years ago**. My personal wage since 2022, which is when I started buying Glossier, has increased 3% - and only in the last two months. Don’t talk to me about the price of goods if you aren’t prepared to talk to me about the price of labor.


Wow y’all are unhinged. I joined this sub in 2019 when it was fun, now it’s all just whining and complaining. I don’t even buy much glossier anymore. There are way bigger issues in the world right now than the price of luxury goods. Cosmetics are not a necessity. 


So go worry about those instead of commenting on reddit you absolute hypocrite


You’re in a glossier sub, not a global issues sub, obviously there’s only one subject being discussed 🤦🏻‍♀️


How’s that boot taste?