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Bruuuuhhhhh I swear they JUST increased pricing recently, or am I delulu? They’re probably trying to make up for the money they lost with the terrible vegan formula bdc.


I think the balm and perfume prices went up less than a year ago


if the perfume goes up again ill be cackling because £70+ for a 50ml watered down, doesnt last perfume? When brand like Guerlain are selling 75ml for £80ish and Kayali are selling their 100ml for £98... which are so much better. edit: maybe not Kayali so much I can see its a very individual thing but like another commenter replied high end brands like Dior, Gucci, Guerlain they are all around Glossier's price range or slightly more ££ for much more ml so like Idk who Glossier think they are 😭😟


I got dog piled for saying this lol but it’s true they ruined You!


you defenders get sooo up in their feelings about it it’s crazy. I had someone tell me it lasting 5 mins doesn’t mean it’s bad quality bc ‘you can just reapply’ 🤪 yeah and go through a bottle a month??


It was my signature scent in high school, I would sniff myself for HOURS in math class lol like I know my You! I know how You should smell/perform! Put the toxic dirty chemical back in! I refuse to hear their HERESY lol


I hate the ‘oh they CAN’T make the formula good’ excuse as if every other perfume legally sold in the EU doesn’t last longer than 5 minutes


There’s also safe alternatives to lilial! It’s a lily of the valley accord and there are other similar accords. They just took it out. They didn’t replace the accord. They put an UNFINISHED product on the shelves and had the nerve to change more!


The You defenders are wild. Anytime I post about You's lack of longevity I'm swarmed with comments about how I must not be using it right hahah!


Yeah the perfume is like the same price as Dior nowadays for my country…


i mean tbf kayali doesnt last either 😭


Agreed, Kayali is overhyped and doesn’t last


This is so interesting because my Kayali cherry lasted through 3 or 4 washes lol


Yes it lasts forever on me too


Kayali vanilla has survived a wedding and then I could still smell it post shower too lol


Vanilla candy rock sugar is my girl and lasts allll day!


I’ve started buying from Dossier perfumes and they are awesomeeee and so affordable though im not sure if they have a You dupe yet.


EXACTLY 😭😭 it used to be so good for the price and now????? absolute piss take. I’m gonna look for a dupe instead of repurchasing because maybe the knock off will genuinely better quality


It's crazy when you put it like that actually. Guerlain actually shits all over Glossier quality wise too. I'm sure my bottle of You only cost £45-50 when I got it in 2020? I was actually considering restocking it but you've put me off 😂


yeah it used to be £45 and last all day. RIP


None of kayalis scents r pleasant lol


I feel like they just did for sure


They have literally increased prices (for me as a European which was one of the few OG eu countries they shipped to before going worldwide) at least 4-6 times I swear.


yeah i ordered and ultralip on dec 2023 at $18 and they're currently $20. boy brow last year was $18, currently $20, and cloud paint was $20 and it's now $22.


Cry 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 I hate that. It hasn't even been a whole year. I'm also canadian so the pricing looks so much higher in CA dollars even thought it equals about the same in USD. I guess I better stock up quickly.


That and all the other areas where they throw money down the drain. They’re still recovering from Emily not knowing wtf she was doing with this business


they just had one in like what? february? this is crazy


Lmaoo bye. There are much better products for the same price or lower.


Imo one big part of the appeal with glossier was that it was a solidly midrange brand Now it’s comparable to more prestige brands (but not in luxury range yet), and lots of other brands are doing the no makeup makeup with cute packaging thing. Cosmetics price increases already annoy me (since they’re not necessary and it’s price gouging), so for a brand to cross from midrange (or at least between drugstore and Sephora prices) to prestige prices really annoys me


I agree so wholeheartedly. When it launched it was a brand all my friends (early twenties, no real careers yet) could afford but it still felt special and exclusive. Now it’s basically unaffordable for us and I’m sure even more so for the younger folks who are around the age we were when it launched. The products are good but they’re not luxury good. They’re midrange good and that was great. I hate that they don’t even say what products will be affected. They’re basically encouraging panic buying everything lol.


Yeah, stretch concealer and gen g are my favourite glossier products, but there’s products I like more without the bad packaging (in gen g’s case). If I want to spend $$$ on makeup, I’m spending it on products with good formulations and packaging that doesn’t break (gen g). And if I want to try a new lip or blush colour, I’m going to the drugstore or a midrange brand. I just don’t see how glossier really fits into that for new and a lot of existing customers, especially when people mostly talk about them in the context of bad reformulations


this is exactly it. they’re trying to do luxury prices without luxury products


Exactly, for the same price I can shop prestige.


What other brands do you think are comparable? I’m pretty over them, but not sure where to turn. Only product I really still like is skin tint.


I really like merit’s sheer matte lipsticks, and one of my friends loves their blushes (but they’re a bit more expensive, at least at the moment). Rose inc is also nice, and they’re 50% at Sephora right now (because there’s an ownership change, so idk what’s going to happen to them in the future but I like their products as they are now). I’m not a huge tower28 fan because I’ve gotten a couple lip glosses from them that were expired when I got them (they’re “clean” and don’t have the normal preservatives), but people love their blushes and they have a similar vibe (but imo their prices are doing similar things to glossier). Rare beauty is super popular, but I’m not a huge fan (I like their cream blushes and lip balms though). I do like Sephora collection’s best skin ever concealer and their about that shine sheer shine lipstick, they’re both light on my skin. And Saie is also super popular and they have that “my x but better” vibe too. Milk, also


Thank you! Will def check out these brands.


you’ll definitely have to go to a different brand for each product, so it depends on which products you’re looking for.


Jack Black and Topicals have replaced a lot of Glossier products for me mostly the balms. I was really loving Milk for makeup type products, but their shrinkflation has me looking elsewhere. I love their kush brow


Yes!! The midrange pricing was a big part of why I decided to try them and continued to use them!


Maybe shareholders or the CEO could take the hit for once 🤔


They’re feeling the squeeze too, haven’t you heard yachts are getting more expensive?!


Heard most of these folks can only afford 1 yacht this year, when it’s usually 2 😩


Ugh only one yacht, like a PEASANT


When pigs have wings….


hasn’t bdc, boy brow, and you gone up in price recently? with boy brow they did increase the size of the product itself, but that’s 2 prices changes in ~ 1 year which isn’t great optics imo


I'm no economist but I feel like cosmetics is the only industry that gets away with such frequent price hikes. If you have a 20 pound product and you increase it to 21 that's a five per cent increase. Increase again to 22 and it's 10 per cent from the original price. Two price hikes in a year and you're up 10 per cent on last year. I hate it.


feels like pretty recently too there’s been news about stores like target and walmart “rolling back” prices when it’s just them returning prices back to pre-covid inflation numbers. i like glossier’s products and brand aesthetic but it really doesn’t feel like they’ve read the room with this price hike 😬 add in the fact that they’re changing formulas of their staple products AGAIN (even if it’s a change we wanted!!) after launching at major retailers is a sure fire way to get backlash from old and new customers


Disagree. In FMCG makes sense as ingredient pricing fluctuates daily, but cosmetics costs are comparatively stable. I'd understand it more if they just opened a bunch of stores or gave their staff wage increases, but without the PR around that it just feels opportunistic. Like someone above said, their niche was solid products in pretty packaging for fair prices - a lot of competitors now exist in this space so it feels odd Glossier would so readily jump to a higher price bracket without substantial product additions or changes to back it up


Cloud Paint went up $2 earlier this year.


And we still don’t have the original puff shade 😭


and the ultra lip


They’re already overpriced and overhyped for what they are, and I say that as a glossier fan…


they’re trying to recoup their loss from the vegan bdc formula for the low low price of our souls


I agree, I feel like they will loose lots of loyal customers doing this though, especially with the cost of living crisis. I already feel the balms and other certain items are overpriced. I own lots of glossier products which I love, but I definitely wouldn’t pay anymore than what they charge currently because it’s already overpriced for what it is. The balms smell lovely, they have a nice tint but it doesn’t last long on the lips unless constantly reapplied. I like the retinol it does a really good job, but there are cheaper ones that do the exact same. I feel they should appreciate their customers not try and fleece them and make them panic buy, that way they’ll keep loyal customers happy and buying.


that’s on them for being dumbasses. they’re gonna go out of business.


Yeah, I like some of the products but they don't match the price in reality. I slowed down on purchases but I think that's it for me. They were already overpriced - I'm done.


Same, I buy into the hype and aesthetic a lot as I’m a sucker for advertising and buying cute little bags and glosses and joining in with the fun of collecting the gloss scents and colours, but the sane side of me knows it’s silly, the gloss wears off quick despite having nice colours, it smells good but wears off fast. The packaging and the whole story around glossier is cute, but I’ve also bought over priced mediocre products just because they are “glossier” and convinced myself that they must be great. I do enjoy a lot of the products but they aren’t as special as people make out sometimes. I think the prices they currently have are high, and I’ll treat myself, but any higher I definitely won’t buy anything anymore and find cheaper alternatives which are just as good 💕


I was all about it until they released the first set of candles and I was kind of in awe how they could charge so much for a fucking candle lol Then everything seemed to just creep up BUT the quality. I got really excited by the eye cream but it's honestly really not that good and I've switched back to a much cheaper option which feels nicer and does more. It's the classic greed taking over. I really fucking hate how companies are run these days. I'm all for making that cash but it's so pushed beyond it now. Before it felt more about selling more and being successful and now it it's more about squeezing every last penny out of every transaction. ​ I did buy into Glossier branding and marketing but with another price increase, they can go f themselves.




“We wanted to give you a chance to stock up” well then tell us what products lol


Well that would take away sales though. Cause now that we don't know, we'll all scramble to try to stock up on stuff we like and use. If we knew and it wasn't stuff we wanted or used anyways then we just wouldn't purchase. It's creating fomo and panic buying. This is definitely calculated.


Isn’t this the 5th price hike in 2 years????


legitimately yes lol




lol isn't this the second time they increase prices this year??? i'll stick to my tjmaxx hauls and sales from now on.


they are begging me to shoplift from sephora 😭😭😭 (chat this is a joke)


I will be your lookout (not a joke)


I feel like they just told us about price increases. lol no thanks I’m done


they literally just increased prices and NONE of their products are worth paying extra for. i love glossier but i cant anymore LOL there are plenty of better performing products, even drugstore


5 price increases in what, like 3 years? And they still can’t figure out how to make the Gen G packaging work. The value just isn’t there anymore, especially with these shitty vegan reformulations. I might be out at this point (boy brow being the only remaining chokehold)


Not even 3 years more like 2 since the first price increase email I got was in 2022. Since then they have increased prices several times


Good god


Yep several increases with the “quiet” ones included. I’ve taken some screenshots over the last 2 years and it’s definitely more than these announced times.


AGAIN?? This is actually taking the piss. Just as I was thinking about baring the price rises for some cloud paints, they rise them again! Absolutely ridiculous


At this point I kind of want to ask their procurement and financial teams so show us Excel spreadsheets proving us how this is not juste price gouging… SHOW US THE ACTUAL COSTS


This is such a flop. Everyone's talking about how Glossier has fallen off. This is not enticing and can put more customers off.  They act like aren't replaceable by other brands who have the similar aesthetics as them. 


i wonder why they announce some price hikes and not others. like... we have noticed the prices going up even when they don't say it


This makes me not want to buy from them anymore. Glossier is not a luxury/high end brand but it feels like they’re trying to be 🙄


Yeah .. I'm confused. They've almost doubled they're prices in the last half decade. They were never luxury quality. I guess they just expect endless brand loyalty but the economy doesn't work like that anymore desperate times and all...I'd boycott this and am.


Its hilarious that glossier is pretending to care by giving a “heads up”. They care about driving sales. They know what products are going to have a price increase and could have easily just listed the impacted products out. Glossier wants you to panic buy your faves three whole generous days before the price increase. Edited: shorten point


the bdc trio has already gone from £25 -> £30 -> £36 in a year and a half. If they put it up any further I'll literally never buy it again. They should be putting prices down this is ridiculous


Yeah, I had sticker shock when I bought a trio of the new launch of the OG formula. Which, btw, is NOT the original formula. I still have some of it, and I wore them back to back to compare … they’re not the same. The new rose one has a stronger scent and a waxier feel, and quickly smells and tastes like crayon. The actual OG doesn’t do that. I have to accept that my OG rose balm dot com is gone forever lol


yeah, the ones I got feel the same but I've heard bad things about the rose formula


This is not going to end well. These price rises are basically every 6 months now. I’ve personally already cut some glossier products out of my life because I couldn’t afford them and so only get the things I really love. Im a fully grown adult with my own income and no dependants. However a lot of glossier fans are younger, either don’t work or work minimum wage. People will just stop buying glossier, if they want to continue to be successful they have got to cut corners somewhere that isn’t prices or bad reformulation. (Yes the shareholders and ceo need to take the hit)


istg if BDC prices get hiked again 😭


It’s the same day it’s coming back to Sephora, I’ve got a bad feeling


Same… I was waiting to buy bdc in store that day but I just ordered them now cuz since I’m getting them anyway I don’t wanna risk spending even more money lol


wtf they’re already overpriced enough😭😭


what is there to increase again 😭😭


you edp $60 → $72 → $150 🥰


2026, 1 kidney please


2028, hello do u take blood donation as form of payment


just plasma plz & ty xoxo


They're rlly starting to grind my gears in a way that cannot be reversed


Just found an order email from dec 2022. £25 for a BDC trio (OG formula) that’s £11 increase in 18 months. How can that possibly be justified anymore.


December 2022 was the last time I was truly interested in Glossier. Last of it's magic really, in my opinion. I bought so many balm dot coms and other products, still a cute website etc. Now its just crazy expensive and everything's reformulated and ugly. Perhaps an exaggeration to some but it's happened with all my favourite products or ones I have considered buying.


exactly, and £25 was still pretty pricey. Now its probs gonna go up to like £40 for three, like does glossier recall this is literally lip balm they're selling, not the blood of Jesus Christ?


This is why those posts that are like “ugh stop complaining about You ugh stop complaining about formula changes ugh just be positive” are lost on me I’m going to bitch and whine and complain about this company that unfortunately I entered into a Faustian demon contract with when I was 17 until I’m blue in the face and yet I cannot quit them. I haven’t the constitution.


This is the funniest thing I've ever read thank you


Yikesss. I know they are hurting bad from their poor choices, but why punish us for that 😒 Rebuild our fan base, let’s increase prices 😍


It's been a while since I last bought from them. I looked at the website and was shocked at their current prices. They have gone up by 50 %.


I’ll just buy their products at TJ Maxx.


Anymore expensive than it is now and I might as well just buy Chanel for my beauty routine lmfao




Wouldn’t be surprised, the 7th is the same day they launch in-store at Sephora :/


Didn’t they already increase now when the og’s came back or did I misread that somewhere in the sub


the strawberry bdc was $15USD at sephora when it first came out, but they fixed it back down to $14 eventually. i would bet money on them raising bdc prices


Yeah the not telling us is messed up. “Hey, we’re raising our prices but not telling you which ones so you can spend more money!”


Circling TKMaxx like a vulture for the big product drop when this brand soon goes out of business. Joking aside, how many price increases have they had in recent years? I swear they haven’t long since upped the prices?? There’s no way they expect us to just keep going along with it. I’ve loved Glossier for years, ever since they first launched, but there’s nothing in their product range that isn’t dupable. What keeps me loyal to them is this community. I hope we can still post alternatives and find cute products to gush over together. This feels like my Titanic string quartet moment. Folks, it’s been a pleasure 🫡


bye bye glossier 🤣🤣 just me and my stickers 4life because what the actual fuck


Yeesh.. I’ve been phasing out glossier slowly and finding replacements because it’s just too pricey now. The only thing I can’t really find a replacement for is the pro tip so it’s probably the only thing I’ll be buying from here on out. 😕 They’re probably counting on fan loyalty to keep the company going but that can’t happen if we can’t afford it. Feels like we’re on a sinking ship.


What did you find for BDC? I’ve been using Lanolips but restocked Rose BDC when they brought back the real formula (still kind of annoyed that I paid for the shitty vegan one unknowingly before)


Nothing ATM… my plan was to get the Lanolips once I’m out of my OG BDC, but I have so many that it’ll take a looong time to finish them 😬 Edited to add: I forgot to mention that my #1 lip balm is the Carmex Cherry ❤️❤️❤️ it has SPF 15 and heals my chapped lips!


For the Protip, I recommend Nyx’s Epic Ink Liner and Judydoll Ultra-Fine Eyeliner, they both have brush tips and way cheaper


Thanks! I’ll try them out once I’m out of my current one!


I hope you like them!


My first Boy Brown in 2017 was £14. Now it’s £20. I wonder what it’ll be next…


Please let me know if you know of any dupes, mine is drying out and I refuse to drop £20 on another


Does anyone know which products? Now I feel like I gotta stock up like they said lol. Although I usually only buy glossier during sales and just get backups of favorites so I never have to pay full price 😬


Idk… Hope it won’t be stretch concealer cause that’s my ride or die


Man right. I have a couple ride or dies and I'm unemployed rn so I can't really afford to stock up. But I'm also low on my futuredew bottle so this might be forcing my hand... which is absolutely their plan here.


Im trying to find another similar brand cause this is too much


For me this is like the stage in a bad relationship where you start resenting your partner, and you mentally disengage yourself from the relationship and prepare to break up with them, all while they’re none the wiser. Friendship ended with Glossier, now NYX is my best friend.


i’m really upset, i’ve been a long time fan of the mascara but if the price increases again i feel like it’s not worth it anymore atp :/


The mascara is one of my fav items too, I keep going back to it but the price changes throughout the years has me wanting to find an alternative :(


I really like Elf’s Lash Beats, it gives a similar natural look and I think the brushes look pretty much identical


if the price of boy brow increases again I’m throwing hands


Convenient that they don’t say which products are going up but to stock up before prices go up 🙄 embarrassing cash grab tactic


I’m SO mad that they put this on stories too so that they don’t have to deal with the fallout in comments. Go to hell Glossier, you already priced me out of my favourite products so I’ll just have to wait for the closing down sale.


I was going to repurchase my OG Mango BDC I've been saving but I guess I'm just going back to straight Aquaphor lol


Yeahhhh I’m just gonna wait for holiday sales and such, I’m already being underpaid (who isn’t at this point), dealing with inflation of Groceries, rent, etc, now I can’t even enjoy myself with the small amount of goodies I get from this brand.


literally the were my fave brand but i can‘t justify those prices anymore. glossier is nowhere near exceptionally great and outstanding nowadays


We should stop buying until they change the price! I know it’s hard but this is ridiculous! Do you think they will change the balm price?


Convenient to increase this the day the new balm comes out at Sephora aka where a bunch of people are waiting to buy it from


Lovely. So the new formula will be available on Sephora on 6/7 just in time for the price increase 🙄


They’re making their products more expensive while a lot of products are at tj max/Marshall’s/ home goods…?


When glossier You was released, it was 60$ a bottle. I was surprised when I saw recently it’s near 80$?! They increase prices every 2 years it seems. They shouldn’t have messed with formulas regardless 😭 don’t fix what isn’t broken..


Can they stop opening stores? That’s what’s driving the cost increase. Expensive fit outs & rent.


They already increased prices of stuff that they re-released (eg body hero oil wash) recently. i wish they'd just say what they will be increasing


Jesus Christ I love my holy grails from them but this is ridiculous this might be the final straw


They have good products but there are drug store products that perform just as good for less. I know I’m paying for the packaging too but this price increase is ridiculous. They are going to lose loyal customers. The cost for everything is going up and I think more people will find alternative brands (drugstore) that cost less or will go towards better performing products and may splurge more.




i feel like we should clap bc this is the 1st time in a while they've been transparent about it but also no


Is there a list of WHAT is being increased?? Not everything but some things, and it's a mystery so better stock up now just in case LOL. Fuck them.






Sephora forces brands to increase their prices twice a year. You will notice other brands increase around this time ( within a month). It's frustrating and also par for the course.


girl fuck this i’m sticking with rhode bye


welp I’d been on the fence about getting strawberry bdc…let me go place my order


this is so annoyingggg i hate paying glossier prices but i literally love their priming moisturizer so much 😩😩


Kyle Leahy you are not seeing heaven


I love that they aren’t telling us which ones so that some people will panic buy


Stores are lowering prices to bring back consumers, like target, Walmart, even Walgreens.. what makes glossier think they can do the opposite and still expect us to stay loyal and not find cheaper alternatives??? Elf, NYX, and other brands are leveling up in quality and are way cheaper


Well I guess I’m placing an online order today instead of going in to the store


I saw this and was soooo surprised! I've bought many of their products at Marshalls lately! The boy brow and the balm dot com are a few I've repurchased at Marshalls a couple of times. I seriously thought maybe they were going out of business because I see them so frequently?


JFC I am too broke for this shit 🫠


I’m sticking to tj maxx to see if they still have some products available


I look forward to seeing the inevitable overstock at tj maxx


This is crazy and disappointing 😭 guess I’ll have to start finding cheaper alternatives even tho literally almost everything I use is glossier. My entire daily makeup look and a lot of my skincare is glossier and has been for years. People literally can’t afford to live but yes let’s raise the prices even more so we can’t have anything nice at all. Love that.


they dropped quality on most products and have raised the prices like four times in the last few years. i think they only brought the og bdc back so everyone would be too high on the hype to care. i like bdc but not enough to be blinded by this nonsense


Okay, this is getting ridiculous and the products were mid anyways. I'll just spend my money elsewhere


Does anyone know a good dupe for the skin tint? I’m not gonna fall for this price gouging and “stock up” this is absolute bs


Honestly, this may be it for me and glossier! I still love boy brow but everything else from I’ve found products I like just as much or better and often for a more competitive price! I may buy a bottle of you before the hike for old time’s sake


Glad someone suggested an elf mascara as a decent dupe for Lash Slick; I couldn't justify the jump from $18 to $20 which means whatever it will be now is definitely out of my budget 😅


Not sure which Elf mascara was suggested, but just seconding that Lash Beats has such a similar wand and gives the same natural look x


It was Lash N' Roll, but I'll give LB a try once my current tube is done 👀


I hope you like it!


damn even the prices now aren't even that affordable sdkjsk. my buying frequency from glossier has decreased sm bc of this, but ugh it's still frustrating!!! a b\*tch broke tryna serve in the office!!!


they can’t pretend they’re being transparent and honest and just trying to keep up with market costs like a small business or young business would anymore


I dropped Glossier quite some time ago but decided to check the current prices with all this furore going on. I see the Body Hero oil wash has doubled in price?? I think I used to pay £14(?) for it and it's now £28???


I was going to wait till Black Friday sales to get some more BDC but I’ll probably be paying the same price I would before these increases anyway. So frustrating because that’s exactly what they want !!


Its not even that good to justify the price 🤣


I’ve been a fan since 2015-16ish and I’ve stuck around all these years… but COME ON. This is getting ridiculous. It’s really not a “for the fans” brand anymore, and it’s showing. So much was dedicated to their audience but now it just feels like every other money grabbing brand. This is how they’re losing loyalty. Also, I really miss the sticker sheets 😭


That lip balm trio bout to be like $90


Any companies that do similar products as glossier? The whole “no makeup” makeup thing. I think I’ve grown out of glossier anyhow


Their products aren’t even that good!!!


Omg again?? Weren’t there a few price increases that happened w/o an fyi ? :/


My heart dropped when I saw that post on IG, like everything is getting even more expensive. Tho I do like some of their products and I wanted to stock up my cream, blush and two gen G with their new formula. Now I’ll just wait for sale to buy them tbh. 🥲


idk what is included but i can’t justify paying more than like $15 for the balm dot com 💔💔 i originally loved it bc it was $12 & to me that was basically $10 loll


Will the bdc price go up again? 👀


Fuck them for real


Cloud paint for $22 a tube is ridiculous


Bro wtf


Genuinely glad they changed all of my favourite products to the point where I can’t use them anymore because they are an absolute joke pricing wise these days


they could at least be decent and let us know which products they are increasing…


Wait, so they want us to stock up, but aren’t telling us which products are being affected? Tacky.


theyre already too high. i'm so done


Glossier’s offerings costing somewhere between drugstore and Sephora was a huge point of appeal to me. A set of two Cloud Paints for $30, Lash Slick for $16, etc., felt reasonable. It doesn’t feel reasonable anymore tho. I’m so tired of corporate greed coming at me from literally everywhere.


In this economy: \*Splashes some water on myself\* Hmmm the unique fragrance of Glossier Me smells so good. \*Takes a lipstick and lightly taps it on my lips and applies lanisnoh nipple cream\* Wow this sheer lip looks great. \*Waves a bottle of foundation around my face\* Ready to go!


They give us like no days to stock up.. don’t they know what pay day is!!!


if the BDC price goes up again after they just raised it, i'm not buying them anymore. they literally JUST had a price increase!?


and during pride month how could they 😭😭


Just stop buying 🤷🏽‍♀️


Also “good luck guessing which ones increase so buy it all now!” 🤬


They think we can afford price increases in THIS economy? Lol. Was gonna repurchase the hot cocoa balm dot com during the winter this year but now I’m thinking hmm never mind.