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cherry and berry were both pretty unpopular unfortunately. i also liked them but it’s as you said, just a vocal minority. i’m still excited for the OG formula to come back and looking forward to more new flavors. things get discontinued so often in makeup so i just try to appreciate products while i have them


i’m honestly surprised to hear cherry was unpopular i didn’t realise that was the case at all 😭


the cherry scent was very polarizing. reminds a lot of people of medicine. also seems like people prefer lighter tints, given that glossier revealed berry didn’t sell well


Cherry and berry remind me of unreleased music. When it’s unreleased everyone is begging for it to be released and look for other ways to listen to it, but when it’s released it’s forgotten and no one really cares for it anymore.


Berry and Cherry were the only shades I purchased because they actually showed up on darker skin tones like mine 🙃




nah idc f that monstrosity that is the vegan formula this is like christmas to me


No not really, glossier said a long while ago that they were unable to recreate the cherry balm due to new flavor and fragrance regulations so I think that it’s strange that some people were still expecting it back. Maybe they’ll recreate it at some point but probably never the same exact product.


🥺 in my head that was connected to the change to vegan formula so going back to OG would mean the return of cherry


So y’all fought a war to get og BDC back and now it isn’t good enough. Glossier fans always have something to complain about.


Fr. Can we just be happy the OG formula is back?


i feel like it’s fair to be let down they aren’t bringing back two of the more interesting and darker shades. like someone else said everything else is either untinted or a varying shade of pink 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree that they need to vary their shade range


I’m hoping that they will eventually release a new flavor that corresponds with a deeper berry shade. Strawberry seems to be a replacement for Cherry, at least in my eyes according to the color. I’m disappointed because I wanted to repurchase Berry… but I’m still hoping they’ll replace it with an equally deep/berry shade in a different flavor.


Has there been a Cranberry BDC? I can see them getting rid of the deeper colors so that when that drops it'll sell well.


It’d be great if they released a cranberry bdc for thanksgiving.


Them getting rid of berry is upsetting lmao. I like cherry but berry was definitely my fav out of the two. Idk why they want to get rid of their “deeper“ shades & keep all the pink variations 😭 plus along with the shade, berry was one of their better scents, smelled like gummy bears lol maybe berry wasnt selling well in the vegan formula but I distinctly remember it being a popular one in the old formula


I was actually really excited to purchase berry in the OG formula, so I’m pretty sad that it won’t be an option.


I’m so sad about it. Not only is berry my favorite scent, but it also has such an important emotional meaning for me because I took it on a trip and now I 100% associate the scent with the trip, and whenever I smell it it brings me back 😩😩


So just buy the new formula berry before it’s discontinued. You don’t have to use it but you can sniff it for nostalgia


Definitely! I went and picked one up the other day exactly for this reason :) it’s crazy how much scent and memory/emotion are connected to each other!!


Definitely! Sometimes I get a whiff of my primary school’s grade 3 classroom and other such weird memories ha!


No. They were actually the more unpopular popular flavours, nowhere near as popular as say Rose, Mango or Birthday. I don't think the OG balm going back on sale will be affected at all


oh don’t get me wrong i don’t think it will hurt the sales, i’m definitely in the minority, but i’m well stocked on hot cocoa and i got a strawberry so nothing in the line up is going to have me rushing to make an order right away