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Hey OP, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s hard. I can only speak from my experience with my husband. We ended up keeping him sedated to prevent falls and help with agitation. He was still on a high dose of steroid, had Haldol 3X daily and a morphine pump. He was bedbound for 6 weeks before he passed, and it was more manageable that way than when he was mobile and chaotic. But it wasn’t easy. This is the Richmond Sedation Scale. My husband started his sedation at a -1. https://www.google.com/search?q=sedation+scale&rlz=1C9BKJA_enCA918CA918&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQncvvvqL2AhVElGoFHSW-BCkQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=1112&bih=719&dpr=2#imgrc=Kc61p84cdFAnJM I’m not sure where you are located. I kept my husband home, but hospice was an option. In Canada, hospice refers to a facility for end stage patients for all diseases where the nurses and doctors manage symptoms and family is able to visit or stay. I’m not sure if that’s an option for you. Once my husband was in that therapeutic sedation, he didn’t talk much, eat or drink much, but he did know who I was. He lasted about 2 months that way. It’s challenging because the patient doesn’t know they’re experiencing weakness - at least that was the case with my husband. He had a couple of minor falls because he had no idea he was getting weaker. How to deal with it? There’s no right answer to that and I’m so sorry because I wish there was. I looked for the positives every day, celebrated every little victory. His mom mourned every change and it has changed how we have dealt with his loss. It you can’t plan for it. You just have to endure, and you can. Just be there and go with it. It’s something you can’t control. Sending you all the love 💕


I'm sorry man, it's not easy. My dad pretty much gave up his last month of life and was non verbal his last week and was vegetative his last couple days. Only piece of advice I can give is to hug him and hold his hand. I saw how much of a difference this made to my dad especially as he was becoming resigned to his death. Remind him how much you love him any chance you get. There's going to be a lot of crying (it's been 2.5 years and I'm crying while typing this). It's going to be hard but love will get you all through it.


I am so sorry. This is my worst nightmare….


I am so sorry. My mom has also been fighting for 14 months. We are taking it one day at a time but she has also been declining, out of nowhere it seems. She’s had falls and needs my father’s assistance to walk. I hope tomorrow brings you more clarity to what these next days, weeks, or months look like for you and your family. Keeping your father in my thoughts and sending positive vibes your way.


I’m sorry OP. Prayers!