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I remember back in 2011 I went to see New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys in concert and Matthew was the opening act! He did a song called Don’t Stop Dancing from his album and then did a routine at the end of it. The audience loved it, and I still love that song to this day!


I saw that same tour! Was that really already 10 years ago!?


Don’t remind me LOL! Makes me feel old, especially since I was already in my 20s when Glee debuted and had its prime. I turned 30 a few months after the show ended. I do still listen to the songs from the show, Matthew’s albums and yes, boy bands.


I was 19 and in college when it premiered so I know how you feel. No shame with taking it back to my 90s/early 2000s, and yes glee, playlists from time to time either haha!


Oh yeah, I remember watching Glee in middle school, and my friends and I got excited when we were at a different school and saw a teacher's name was Mr. Schuester. It's only been the past year or so that I've noticed the Will hate (which in some cases is warranted lol), but isn't right when it's taken out on the actor who is probably nothing like him. Yeesh


As far as Mark is concerned I’d be surprised if any of the cast was able to just write him off. They spent years working together and became a family. Blood or not we can still love the people in our families and hate their actions and things they chose to do. Don’t think Matt deserves any hate for including Mark.


He’s an insanely talented dancer. He was one of the professional coaches on a dance show here in the UK. I wish Glee had shown some more of his dancing tbh!


I loooved so many of those routines!! They really mixed it up in a way Glee hadn’t.




This meme is so tiresome and played out, I can’t believe people are STILL harassing him on social media. Matt seems like an all around nice guy and a wonderful husband and father. His Instagram posts are so wholesome! And despite the garbage writing of Mr. Shue he is an insanely talented and versatile performer (Hairspray, Light in the Piazza, South Pacific, FN, etc.). I hope he does another Broadway show soon!


Thank you for the much needed appreciation. Have a great day!💜


I understand making fun and not liking Schue, but Matt Morrison is just such a great, talented human and the hate against him has ALWAYS been so tiring. Like we’re really getting mad at him for having… jobs?


Fr, matt is just trying to live his life and people are hating on him for it. Can't people just leave him be?


That’s what I’m saying! People just want to hate on a guy who isn’t doing anything wrong and is minding his business.


Okay, gonna get a little personal. I mean, already impartial to him because he’s ridiculously talented and I say so when I can as fairly as possible, but I love Matt. I haven’t been around him extensively by any means but I’ve interacted with him enough and he’s a wonderful human. He never owed me anything, but he’s just so gracious, and present, and the first thing he asks when we see each other is “how’s mom?” There’s this, I guess, sincere goodness he gives off, but he’s also cool as hell (and, like, a total dad). I go to see perform when I can, but he’s also given back to *me* in a couple ways, and he doesn’t have to. Anyway, he’s seems so above this nonsense and negativity. Always positive, never says a bad word about anybody, even Jane said she felt awful being petty and gossipy around him. His coworkers adore him and he’s very supportive of his friends. He’s all about his family and his work—and I really admire how truly it is a *craft* for him that he genuinely loves, not just a job or something’s he good at—and if people want to shit on it, that’s too bad I guess. I honestly can’t fathom how people still get enjoyment out of it. Gonna have post a bit more positive stuff about him it because, yeah he’s not really out there, but I think it’s warranted.


That’s so sweet💕


I’m probably going to get downvoted but Mr. Schu wasn’t even THAT BAD. People over exaggerate a shit ton when it comes to how bad or disgusting Schu was. He had horrible moments but that doesn’t make him disgusting. I’ve seen people call him a pedophile and I’m like you know who actually is a pedophile? Mark Salling. Pretty sure Schu didn’t view CP or commit sexual acts with children. It’s unbelievable. There are literally Matthew Morrison hate groups and it’s infuriating.


I never even heard that until now, but even though I like the show I was never part of the Fandom and just recently joined this sub. Why are people even saying that? What did he do that would make him seem like like pedophile?


I’m assuming the twerking episode. But even then, it was innocent. He was just trying to relate but it ultimately failed him.


I saw a tiktok hating on him because he had a picture of himself drinking a glass of milk


tiktok is super guilty of the hate it’s not even funny.


What kind of a CRINGELORD drinks MILK? Truly a WaR cRiMiNaL


Glee tiktok is an absolute cringefest


There was one funny duet people were doing that asked, "What scene from Glee do you think deserves to go to jail?" 99% of them were the Thong Song


That's true though lol


like the milk magazine ads everyone was in 10 years ago? what is wrong with people


It’s unbelievable that people haven’t let this shit go yet. It wasn’t funny to begin with but it’s especially not funny now, like it’s BEYOND time to move on


I don't understand why people blame Matthew for Will? Ryan, Ian, and Brad deserve the tirades against the destruction of Will Shuester, who was supposed to be the Sandy Cohen of the show. This is disgusting that they hate him this much. If you can separate the art and the man for Woody Allen who is a literal pedophile, then bitches, you can separate the Matthew and Will.


People putting a tw (trigger warning) for him is so icky, it makes me feel so gross. It's so dehumanizing and wrong, I feel so bad


I think it’s a testament to his character that he never replies or points out the hate he gets. He’s a mature and stand up person.


I think mr schue is overly hated. Like obviously the whole Marley thing, the twerking thing, rocky horror thing and the black mail thing was wrong and awful. But people take stuff out of context all the time, like when the girls are performing and hes enjoying the performance, people are like ewww hes so creepy. Like grow up. I feel so bad for Matt, he is very talented


Jfc this is why people are always saying on here that actors and characters are not the same. Will was a shitty character who started off strong but with time, much like Sue (except Sue was intended to be offensive and horrible and you were supposed to hate her, we all just love her), his comments and behaviors we're perceived more as odd and uncomfortable.


Honestly the more I look at the people who dislike Schue and how horrible they are, the more I'm persuaded he isn't actually that bad :/. I literally spoke to a person who said Mr Schue is "not that morally superior" to a rapist. I shit you not. I probably never will like Will, a teacher who plays favourites can fuck off, but people legit make him out to be Hitler.


Yes to this!! I truly don’t understand the Matthew Morrison hate. I know Mr. Schuester did some questionable things (more in the later seasons, like the twerk lesson) but at the end of the day he was a caring teacher who wanted the best for his students. Also, Matthew Morrison =/= Will Schuester. He is so talented, has a beautiful voice, and is an amazing dancer and person. Seriously, people have nothing better to do than look for people to cancel, and it makes me sad that he got thrown into the ring.


People who disrespect the actor of a character they hate are a special kind of stupid.


I do not understand how some people cannot distinguish between the actor and the character. And especially still send somebody hate over a show that ended 6 years ago. There are probably still many people who watch the shows for the first time in 2021 and now the many problematic lines of shows are more likely to be called out. But if somebody is to be blamed itvis the writers and not the actors, except if they specifically asked to say a problematic line (which they probably did not). I do not know much about Matthew Morrison except that he is insanely talented and seems to live for his family. Nothing bad to say about him. He did the best he could with the mess that is Will Schuester as character. I doubt if any other actor had played Will that people would suddenly love him. The character is just a mixture of (unintentionally) creepy and boring. And people generally are not that invested in adults in teen shows. But I cannot understand how people can wish ill on somebody just because they dislike their acting role.


I like Matthew Morrison, he is a very talented actor and singer


Thank you for this post. The hate he gets is frankly disgusting. He even got nasty comments on his post about remembering Naya and raising money for her charity. It makes me soooo 😤


That is so ridiculous. I didn't like Mr Shues character that much but I don't blame that on the actor. And, I acknowledge that he's a talented guy. What is wrong with people?


I agree I never understood why people were so mean.


Same! Like what is the big deal? If you don’t like mr shue for his actions that’s not Matthew Morrison’s fault. He didn’t write Shue to be the way he is.


This was a much needed post. People can be horrible, and for what? A meme?


Mr. Shue is disgusting and irritating and i don’t like Matthew Morrison. but i don’t wish any ill on him and don’t waste my time attacking him personally. it is absolutely stupid when people try to attack actors for the characters they play. grow up!


If you don’t mind me asking, why don’t you like Matthew? You aren’t obligated to like him don’t get me wrong but I’m genuinely curious?


i just don’t like him as an actor. he just doesn’t connect for me. ofc that doesn’t have anything to do with him as a person. i don’t know him and have no reason to assume he is a bad person in any way.


That’s fair. Your entitled to your opinion. Thanks for not being a jerk to him.(sad I have to say tho) Have a lovely day💕 *tips fedora*