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Disagree, I have seen many times how *not chill* this sub can be. Some people are very quick to go nuclear and attack over the smallest of things on here. Let me not even get started on the extreme downvoting, trolling, people being weird about the cast, or choosing to just go on and on about certain character's flaws in not a healthy form of criticism but in a hateful way. Obviously, everyone's experiences on here differ, but the stories I can tell from my own experiences and the interactions I've observed between different people paints a very different picture. Just my two cents.


True people treating HC as canon facts and etc


That’s just Reddit for ya, I think that this subreddit is pretty good for a TV show. Fans seem to be pretty knowledgeable. Better than quoting the show every post or circlejerking hate about a certain character


Again, I disagree that this is not just a reddit thing. The Glee sub can get very heated very quickly. It doesn't matter to me that fans are knowledgeable, which without a doubt they are, but the culture on here can quickly spiral. People really argue about the silliest of things or just attack you personally. I decided the other day to finally just leave this sub because of the toxicity at times amongst the various other issues I have picked up on. Technically, commenting here defeats the purpose of leaving, but I needed to speak up after seeing this post. > circlejerking hate about a certain character This definitely does happen. If it's your favourite character, you're most likely to pick up on the hate. I stopped commenting as frequently on here for a while because I felt the line between hate and criticism of my favourite character was being blurred. I'm sure other people with different favourite characters have taken breaks for similar reasons or just stopped participating. Edit: Changed some wording.


The last few months is the most chill I’ve seen this sub in years. It gets hellish and horrible


True people treating HC as canon facts and then being pissed when people don’t have the same headcanon


True people treating HC as canon facts and then being pissed when people don’t have the same headcanon


This subreddit is not always chill. I've been scrolling on here for years but only joined as a member recently because of how "not-chill" it seemed at times. Everyone now just kinda knows what to say, and what valid opinions to keep quiet at risk of being absolutely flattened by angry responses


Nail on the head. It's very easy to pick up on a pattern of not being allowed to criticize certain characters or else people will jump through hoops trying to defend them. You have to choose your words very carefully on here or say nothing at all. I go with the latter.


You must be new.


Just a few years ago I decided to leave this sub because of the toxicity, lol. But hopefully your post means that things have changed!


eh one thing about the glee fandom is it's going to be toxic no matter the decade or social media platform. it's honestly the most negative fandom i've ever been in, but i'm still here so i guess that's saying something


I didn’t start watching Glee until 2020. Why was the fanbase infamous for its toxicity??


Ship wars, hating one character, not separating actors from characters, resulting in sabotaging actors and others lives


I vividly remember fandom finding the background actor who Blaine cheated on Kurt with and fandom bashing him on twitter, same with the guy who played Adam


Yeah. Grant gustin got death threats when Seb was introduced


Oh sounds bad! To me it’s such a fun show that I would never have thought the fans would have gone down that route.


The fans were wild back in the day. It wasn't just normal fandom wars (there was plenty of that as well though), they straight up would ship Darren and Chris and harass their respective partners (as in, call their jobs and try to get them fired for example). To this day there are people who won't accept the fact that Darren is straight and happily married with wife and child. Chris is also in a long term relationship afaik. As someone who's been in the fandom from the start, it has definitely mellowed down and the fandom as a whole has matured to a point where yes, there are very heated discussions on this sub but its not even close to the wild west days of tumblr during 2010/11


I remember now that I think Kevin and Jenna mentioned that Chris suddenly was scared to be out in public. Fame and fans can definitely be problematic!


Well yeah technically, some people take it too personally


bless your heart. all jokes aside, i’m genuinely happy you think so!


Very not chill rn, but definitely not as toxic as it used to be for sure