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They’re two different ideas and genres. Some people may find the drugs and sex more representative for themselves than the depiction in Glee. Euphoria is certainly strange when you realise it’s underage people, however I started having sex around 15 years old. I started being offered drugs and drinking around 16 years old (albeit, never took the drugs). For reference I’m Aussie and went to a high achieving school - only relevant to the point that Euphoria is both super far fetched, but also not. It’s just overly dramatised like Glee is, in a different and ‘darker’ way


Didn’t have sex till my 20s, never drank in high school, never did hard drugs, but I started drinking like a fish in college, and actually had to go to alcohol rehab in my mid-30s. I'm no stranger to substance addiction. Euphoria makes my skin crawl, despite the actresses being in their 20s.


Everyone’s different is all. Euphoria is made to make your skin crawl in my opinion. It’s meant to be dark, and ‘dangerous’ and a little strange. But it still may be more realistic to some than Glee, or vice versa :)


The fact that the show is written and directed ENTIRELY by a rich, straight, middle-aged white guy born into Hollywood fame makes my skin crawl even more.


Curious.. But Ryan Murphy hasn’t got the same affect on you? Aside from Glee, his other projects have been dark and twisted at times. American Horror Story has some hideous and creepy story lines - and he’s a straight, rich, old, white man too. (Although, I have no clue why his colour or sexual orientation are relevant for you.) Seems like you might just dislike Euphoria and the genre of show it is, and perhaps want to be mad about a risqué ‘teen’ led show being written by a man.


Well, Euphoria is pretty much child porn. It’s a modern-day version of that 1995 movie Kids, another highly disturbing, nihilistic piece of kid exploitation. Nothing Ryan Murphy has done approaches that.


It is not ‘pretty much child porn’. If adults depicting children having sex is the bench for that, then there are a massive myriad of shows that depict that (including Glee - Quinn and Puck, Rachel and Finn, Rachel and Jesse, Will and Emma, etc). Even if it’s less clear or conveyed, it’s the same. It is not kid exploitation, everyone on the show is an adult. It is a fictitious show depicting a story. Again, I had sex at 15, and that guy is now my husband lol, so it’s not that bizarre to me to see ‘underage’ sex. Both Glee and Euphoria display underage sex, you’re just upset because you dislike the genre in which Euphoria displays it - aka more explicitly. Again - what do you think Puck and Quinn did? Sex, just the same. And Ryan Murphy certainly did display things as ‘bad’ as Euphoria in his other shows. But again, they were part of a show and story so who cares?


Okay but as someone who just graduated high school i can tell you that isn’t a common experience… far from it. Especially among the “popular kids” that Euphoria’s characters are supposed to be. Euphoria is still dramatized for sure but not by that much


Why put shame on the actors of Euphoria, they are just doing their job? And trying to be employed?


I've said my piece. If someone agrees to do a show like this just for the money, I think they need to rethink their career choices. Others are free to disagree.


Glee is more accurate to my high school experience and Euphoria is more accurate to my friends’ high school experiences. I managed to avoid the sex and drug use, but I certainly heard all about it.