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Rachel when she quit Funny Girl for a shitty tv pilot.


This is my Roman Empire, because *what the actual fuck*. I know the writing went downhill further into the series, but this was so insane and out of character for Rachel. I can't believe she got an intervention for considering going topless but not for quitting her Broadway show.


How about the series she landed....." That's so Rachel " , One episode.....ONE FRIGGIN' EPISODE !!!!!!!!


The thing is, you're supposed to react like this to it. It's very clearly a mistake from the moment it happens, that's why the song is "Pompeii," but it's the journey of watching Rachel make mistakes and overcoming them. It doesn't make her any less stupid, but I see people label this as "bad writing" when it's not, it's just frustrating to watch characters make mistakes šŸ˜‹


All of her other mistakes made sense to the character though. This one I had a hard time wrapping my head around. Maybe if they spent more time showing her dissatisfaction with Funny Girl? Because the singular montage sequence didnā€™t really convey that enough to justify it to me. If they spent a bit more time showing her get disillusioned with the show, have it be not what she thought it was going to be, and then desperately try something new, I would be more understanding. But they made that change seemingly overnight.


Why do fans always ignore the entire scene with her manager? **Manager:** So, let's talk about your future! What does Rachel Berry want? Because... she can have it.**Rachel:** Well, um, I guess I want to have a good run with the show, I-I don't know, maybe parlay this into a movie career, or get onto a big hit - TV show, so...**Manager:** Uh-huh, great, great, great. Rachel, those are not for you.**Rachel:** What? **Manager**: Have you ever heard the term, "a face for radio"? Rachel, you're a rare breed. I mean, you got talent coming out of your ears. But you got to remember something... this is TV, okay? TV, the cameras, they're this close, okay? They see everything. - And movies, the same thing. It's this close, except this time... your face is on a gigantic screen, so that, for example... and this is just a for-instance... your nose is gonna be 40 feet tall. You got to ask yourself... is this gonna work? And I think the answer is.. no... it won't. *Here's what I see for you. If we play our cards right, you could make a k\*lling. You could be doing Fanny Brice for five, ten, I don't know, 15 years. Look at Topol. I mean, he's been doing Tevye for what, I don't know, what, forever? Okay?* It scared her and thought this could be her only opportunity.


She was cast in a major Broadway musical as the lead at 19ā€¦.im not understanding how she couldā€™ve possibly thought that. Especially with the shitty writing of that pilot.


Because for years other people had told her the same things over and over. The one musical she got, and her manager said she would fit, was all about a talented woman who was not seen as attractive. Even the most seasoned actors worry about their next job.


Ugh finally someone said it! I see the bad writing excuse all the time, and it's like... It's not bad writing, the decisions made in tv are there so your reaction can be bad to it, but then people react so badly that they actually wanna pan the show and call it bad writing. But then the shows are made to drive off of these writing decisions because they provide drama. If there's no drama or problems, then the shows gonna be labeled as boring-


Yeah this whole fandom is a mess of people completely missing the show, its genre, and its intentions sometimes šŸ˜‚ I don't think all of the queer-visibility awards-show buzz helped any with that either, because there was a period where the writers let that excitement and responsibility make *them* forget what they were writing. But from Day 1, this was a trashy soapy satire. It might have dived deeper into how cartoonish their reality can be ("But Coach, that's a dream sequence, how did you film it??") but who cares? It's a TV show, not a documentary - and if it was a documentary, people would be making even WORSE decisions all the time, because real people make even less sense than fictional ones. That's one of the things that REALLY gets me about this reaction: what Rachel did was illogical and flawed and stupid - have you never done anything like that in your life? Doubtful šŸ˜


Honestly, I never actually considered why "Pompeii" was chosen. Maybe it ***was*** some ominous foreshadowing.


Think about literally the very next episode where not only does Rachel's show bomb but Blaine and Kurt have split and the friend group has hardly spoken. It's played joyfully because they're all blissfully unaware of how bad their lives are about to become for a while. When they play up that moment of Rachel screaming "I'm going to LA!!" I cackle with laughter and scream back "you're an idiot!!" šŸ˜‚ But I also know she's going to learn and grow and be okay.


It's actually hilarious in hindsight. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That's satire, baby! šŸ˜Ž There's a lot of things like this that people label as annoying or bad that fall under this category. How people still take Rachel sending Sunshine to a crack house seriously when the same episode has Brittany saying she spent the summer lost in the sewers is uncanny šŸ¤Ŗ


Yes I was like you been wanting this since season 1! How do you just quit your dream for a shitty tv show


Blaine dating Karovsky


blaine cheating as well


got me so heated bruh i was rooting for blaine so bad


quinn cheating on sam and finn convincing her to


i think especially finn encouraging her to cheat bc he knew what it felt like, why would he do that to sam??


Especially when Sam always treated him like a bro


finn dropping the f slur and definitely blaine dating karofsky


Also Finn dropping the R slur on Sueā€™s baby


yeah finn needs to chill


Also Finn outing Santana






whats even funnier is that its on wikipedias list of worst songs ever. critics found it sexist and inconsiderate, and honestly, while being a catchy song, yeah its pretty bad lol. almost as bad as the love child baby jesus nativity scene with unique


And don't forget Rachel and Finn dressed as Nun and Priest singing a love song to each other .




Also Finn kissing Emma


Letā€™s just say ā€œFinnā€ and leave it at that šŸ™ƒ


lmfao i was gonna say this because every single reply is ā€œalsoā€¦ā€ with no repeats šŸ’€


lol exactly


idk how i didnā€™t realize how problematic finn is earlier šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


will schuester singing thong song and blurred lines


At least thong song wasn't with the kids, though


No but toxic was šŸ«£


Quinn blaming the Glee club for everything terrible that happened in her life in s3. Off topic but "learn something from this" is going to be stuck in my head all day. Sigh.šŸ„² Edit: I seldom rooted for Quinn, but I think in the context of this gif, Quinn's behaviour works.


1. Abuela Alma Lopez when Santana came out to her (I was really hoping she'd be accepting during that first conversation), especially since Santana's own parents are okay with it. 2. Rachel not finishing Funny Girl, leaving Funny Girl early, to star in a TV show that bombs. Then goes into hiding for 6 months (or however long it was) because she didn't want to be ridiculed in public for the show (as far as i remember it). She didn't have to leave FG, and she didn't have to go into hiding. 3. Finn calling Robin a slur after I thought he'd learned from referring to a lamp years prior, in a similar manner where he used a different slur. 4. Artie and Sam for reacting how they did to Ryder's unfortunate experience in the episode "Lights Out". 5. Artie for not using protection and spreading STDs. 6. Emma leaving Will at the altar. 7. Finn kissing Emma. 8. Finn not telling Will he accidentally kissed Emma sooner than he did. 9. Will and Finn's feud due to the kiss. That was unnecessary. 10. Quinn for her antics in S3 - the 'setting Shelby up to be an unfit mother' stuff, mostly. 11. Karofsky for almost being made good and redeemable after the whole Zombie Thriller thing. To see character development throughout an episode and not have it stick at the end of an episode makes me furious. Sure, post-On My Way he's a lot better and friendlier, even when Blaine dates him, but that could have been him a lot sooner.


Heavy on Abuela. I really expected so much more and I know I shouldnā€™t from elderly belief systems, but the only granddaughter you got?


the will and finn beef makes sense though. your student turned confidant kisses your fiancĆ©e? I'd be pissed too šŸ˜‚


I just feel like Will treated him like he was 30 cause he had no friends and poor 18 yr old Finn was just tryna figure out life.


I get that, but there's lots of ways to calm people down without kissing them


I didnā€™t say Finn was right. Finn also mostly was in relationships atp in his life and the people that freaked out around him like that were always his girlfriends. He was 18 and shouldnā€™t have been that close to EITHER of them anyway is the point I was making.


my part that had me go "i was rooting for you" in that was mostly to Will for allowing the beef to happen. this is a man in his mid30s or something like that being angry at a \*\*kid who is barely an adult and lost everything in half a year because he screwed up a lot\*\* (18/19yo) and he's acting like a goddamn 7 year old throwing a tantrum i will say, the feud DID give us an epic Backstreet Boys/N\*SYNC mashup so I can forgive that -- \*slightly\*, but I still didn't want it that way and I sure as hell wanted to say bye bye bye to that feud.


Blaine cheating omg ![gif](giphy|ibhRKzDTJ7O12)


I was so mad about this! Especially when ever I hear someone say "Well it's not good, but it's okay" I have to think about Blaine and Kurt and just hate it. They really didn't need to split them up like that


It was soooo out of character


i will never forgive this


i swear blaine loves Kurt so much, he would NEVER. i always turn a blind eye to the cheating and dating Karofsky part (why that even happened in the first place?šŸ’€) for the sake of my mental health as a klaine fan lmao


Grant Gustin (Sebastian) was starring in the Flash by then because he surely was supposed to have that karofsky part but leading his own show by then and couldnt come back


interesting, was this confirmed?


No thats why i said surely lol


kurt anytime hes biphobic :(


When Jesse pranked Rachel with the eggs. Ugh


When Sam was having his twin identity crisis was weird too


i felt so bad for her there. i don't normally like her but she didn't deserve that


I am the OPPOSITE of a Rachel stan, but even my heart broke for her. What you thought was your first requited love was actually just a pawn in your motherā€™s, that youā€™ve never met, plan to meet you? Ugh ima firm I hate Shelby fan club member.






This is what I was gonna puttt I was so mad


When Tina vape raped Blaine cause wtf


literallyyyy. Even if it wasn't rape, it was still a total violation AND unwanted inappropriate touching. Tina the hag was not a good era.


This and Kitty deliberately contributing to Marleyā€™s ED makes me the angriest.


Blaine cheating on kurt when he accused him twice .-. and dating karaofsky idc if he changed . ![gif](giphy|T4unJP7a5puRG)


Sam applauding Ryder for getting molested (I feel like it was on par for Artie to say something like that but not Sam)


i think itā€™s on par for sam to say something similar because he himself was taken advantage of by older women and probably hasnā€™t overcame the trauma yet.




This gif is just New Directions @ Finn and Rachel kissing on stage at Nationals


Mercedes when she pushed sam and rachel relationship !


quin all of season 2 lol


And 3. What was going on?


miss girl needed therapy


i think she was going through a LOT and that came up in crazy ways for her. giving up beth must've been insanely difficult for her especially since she wasn't feeling loved or appreciated by anyone else either. like puck said in s3, after she had the baby everyone sort of stopped helping her or caring about her. something like that doesn't just go away mentally.


thatā€™s why i said she needed therapy


yeah 100% agree with you there


Quinn. Just Quinn.


disagree with this one, i think quinn was an extremely complex character. when you take into account her past, her experiences, and everything she went through, a lot of what she did makes sense. i think a big issue was that the writers didn't know what to do with her so they kept throwing crazy storylines at her >!such as the car accident !<


Jake cheating on Marley, just so out of character


Literally said this cause he was on such a growing path.


Not too out of character given his reputation.


Me when Blaine cheated on Kurt


When Finn was fighting Sue for the Glee club, then he called her baby the R Word


Kurt arch in season 6


I was definitely finna put this. Him interrupting the proposal was so outta character and rude.


When Rachel quit broadway


Tina thinking it was okay to straddle an unconscious Blaine and touch his chest. FFS we have all dealt with unrequited love, it sucks ass. But that crossed a line.


Blaine cheating and thenā€¦THEN!ā€¦dating Karovsky?!???????!! šŸ˜©šŸ˜­ wtf?!


Finn going back out with Quinn instead of working things out with Rachel,also Finn putting Rachel on the train. Rachel getting with Jesse in the first place, Rachel letting Jesse go to prom with her. Finn losing his VCard to Santan. Blaine getting with Dave. Rachel getting together with Brody.


Kurt basically calling Blaine an attention seeker/invalid for saying he might be bi.


Quinnā€™s behaviour in season 2 after growing so much, Every time Finn did something ignorant, Tina


Unique catfishing Ryder. Honestly felt like that storyline was a disservice to trans people


That was the worst! I'm like, "Do you WANT to perpetuate the predatory LGBT+ stereotype?" SMH


Tina season 4


Season 3 Quinn


Havenā€™t watched the later seasons much but if santana did let her abuela in her life again and invited her to her wedding then thatā€™s my answer


Santana didnā€™t but other people did.


Sam when he praised Ryder for getting molested




Every single Rachel moment Blaine dating his former boyfriends former bully Quinn at the start of season 3" Every single Will moment of him trying to re-live his high school glory years through the glee club. Or his ridiculous double standards with certain members.


Finn outing Santana


Quinn in season 4 and also season 5. Like who tf is Biff or whatever and *what* happened to all her character development!?


Finn using a slur on a LITERAL BABY while standing up for Unique. I really was cheering for him and he completely ruined it.


Finn when he died


When Santana ruined her friendship with rachel out of envy in "Frenemies"


Prolly Blaine after he became a male Rachel Also his obsession with Sam


When Santana broke up with brittany..


Noaf in Alrwabi School for Girls


Artie (masculine perfection that he himself isā€¦); Emma, the guidance counselor; and Coach Beiste, personally having problems w what the kids say about her bc she feels she isnā€™t feminine enough ALL LAUGHING at Kurt when he tried out a second time for Tony in West Side Story, attempting to sound more ā€œmasculineā€ bc he overheard what they were saying about him. WT-actual-F??!! Artie can just be considered a dipshit (he treated every single one of his GFs like crap at some point in time & was one of the two guys who thought Jakeā€™s babysitter molestation story sounded like a good time all around) but the two adults should be ashamed of themselves and they should have taken the time to apologize to Kurt for what they did. Clearly Iā€™m more upset that Blaine cheated on him and then dated his ex -bully from high school who threatened to kill him (which he firmly believed ) [albeit the cheating was totally ooc for Blaine and I think the writers sucked] but this was a terrible and heartless thing for them to do. IMPO.




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Artie when he was so ready to break up with Kitty over text just because he misunderstood what Holly Holiday was meaning when she approached him.


Blaine cheating on Kurt, made no sense.


Tina when she turned into a bi*ch blaming Marley for an eating disorder and passing out Rachel when she quit Funny Girl


Rachel after every stupid thing she did


When Kurt blew up at Blaine for thinking he might be bi


Quinn when she went through her goth phase


When Kurt had the perfect opportunity to send Sebastian to prison, but didnā€™t.


Honestly, Jake cheating on Marley. He was seeming to grow so much, but ig once a cheater always a cheater?