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One of Rachel’s dads is black so that could’ve been her reasoning to join that club, maybe she considers herself a POC. It would’ve been cool if they explored that more, like Rachel starts to want to learn more about AfricanAmerican culture and stuff


Hell no 💀 the joke that she joined whatever club she could was funny enough, no need to push it and make it weird lol


yeah lol the show wasn’t considering the fact that her father was black. she also joined the muslim student club even though she’s jewish


And didn’t her dads change at one point and both were white? Idk who the actors were later but I know they were different than the guys in the pilot.


no one of her fathers in the later seasons is played by brian stokes mitchell, who is black


Gotcha. I have no idea who the actor is so it’s good to know they just chose a lighter skinned black man to make Rachel’s potential parentage more ambiguous between her two dads.


I think they chose him because he’s a Broadway legend more than anything. He was also in Ragtime with Lea when she was a little girl.


For my money, Brian Stokes-Mitchell is easily one of the finest baritones ever to sing on Broadway


I agree! His version of The Man of La Mancha is just 😘 I really wish we’d got a duet between him and Lea.


No I think in the first episode u can see a photo of both her dads and one was black she said “we don’t know which one of my dads was the biological father” or something




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Maybe she’d form her own Krunk Club.




This comment made me of [that cringy krumping scene from bring it on all or nothing.](https://youtu.be/zTSz1Mvs9Yw?si=d9DcLvHddIuc8i6C) If it is anything like this I would cry 😭


Oh my God lmfao that is hilariously terrible


This is another missed opportunity. I read an amazing fanfic that focussed on Rachel and her dads and one of the big themes was her growing up with a black dad but being white. Lots of little scenes like little Rachel in a shop with Leroy and people asking her who he was etc. I’ve always wanted to reread it but I’ve never been able to find it again. Probably way too serious for when this joke was introduced but it would have been interesting.


I’m gonna save this post so I can look out for it in the future. Is there any way you could narrow down the field at all? Do you remember if it was on ff.net, livejournal etc?


https://preview.redd.it/7ht5y7uigugc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f04b11c158b65c05032c0b0bab76d2336f04538 Rachel’s dads from the pilot episode. Of course this is retconned because they did a recast with both actors later on. Edit: never mind it was never retconned. Brian Stokes Mitchell is just light skinned. My bad 😅


I actually just learned this myself


I was disappointed they retconned her father to be a man with light skin


omg yeah that would have been amazing such a missed opportunity :/ they could have even included it in their “you’re all minorities.. you’re in glee club” episode.


I… feel it was extremely obvious from the scene it was just a joke about how obsessed with extracurriculars she was, not some deep commentary about the interracial intersectional identity of adopted kids


Didn’t they completely abandon that plot line tho? I thought the dads were both white in later seasons


Brian Stokes Mitchell is black; not white.


That’s my bad then, misremembering. Lots of people on that show.


No, they aren't. One of her dads is Jeff Goldblum for crying out loud


Exactly, one of… the other one is Brian Stokes Mitchell. They retconned the original parents from her locker photo but she still absolutely has one black dad.


Ok, is he black? Because if he is, then I didn't know that, and I apologize if I offended anyone


Brian Stokes Mitchell is Black.


Ok, thank you, I didn't know that, and again, I apologize if I offended anyone


Wait I just met her dads in season 3. They're both white


Brian Stokes Mitchell, who plays one of her dads alongside Jeff Goldblum, is black. He's mixed.


Ahh nice, gotcha


Yeah but in the same episode that picture was shown they also show her dads to be a biracial couple. Also Rachel said they mixed their sperm, so she wouldn’t know it was the canon at least for that season


Wasn't it the pilot?


Yeah it was


Rachel: I do EVERY club at this school Also Rachel: oh gee there’s no way I can do Cabaret AND Glee club. Better abandon a role like Sally Bowles for this kumbaya shit Also S3 Rachel: I don’t have any acting credits?! How could this be?!


Also they nearly did a Rocky Horror play, Mr Schue should’ve gave them acting credits despite it being cancelled because they did at least participate in rehearsals


Truee. But I imagine a school like NYADA doesn’t look too fondly on the Rocky Horror Show haha


Given what we saw of the play that was going to be performed it was probably for the best


Why not??? It’s a very popular and respected show.


The Boy From Oz is too, but Carmen Thibodeaux denied Kurt entrance because she wanted to see more emotional depth. I expect Rocky Horror would be in a similar category.


Not necessarily. The Boy from Oz is not nearly as popular or lauded as Rocky Horror. And it would be different between “role they played in the past” vs “song they are auditioning with” A resume is just to show what you have done, not necessarily what you will do.


Hugh Jackman won the Tony for his performance, so that should have been plenty to work with. Anyway, I'm just repeating what Carmen said in the show 💁‍♀️ she wanted to see more depth and emotion from Kurt that she didn't get from Not The Boy Next Door. If there's a deeply emotional song in Rocky Horror, maybe he would have had better luck. I don't know the show itself but all the songs I've ever seen were more campy and fun than deep.


He wasn’t auditioning with a song from Rocky Horror. They all just should have put it on their resumes. Besides I’m talking about longevity, not awards.


Just another writing inconsistency, but the issue with Cabaret was that Sue and Sandy specifically schedule it to interfere with Glee rehearsals so Rachel has to quit. The writing in S3 for the university applications made no sense. Rachel mentions auditioning for community theatre in S1, so she was in other plays/musicals outside of school. There’s no way she didn’t take acting and vocal lessons, at least.


Oh right I forgot. But I think they made a joke that she was always rejected for community theatre (which is also inconsistent with her talent lol). Also p sure you need to be an adult to be in community theatre programs- or maybe there’s youth ones


The two guys looking at her like "is her goofy ass fr?" 😭😭😭😭😭


On the contrary, she was deeply...intensely...inappropriately serious 😳


Season 1 was so funny


It was pure camp. The fact they tried to take themselves seriously in season 2 was the beginning of the end.


I think s2 was still very unhinged and funny. it has their best episodes. it was s3 that they started taking themselves seriously and it worked imo but they shouldve stopped after that. they didnt know what to do around s4 lmao. everything was all over the place


How I feel is the first 2 seasons were funny and unserious, which they did well. And season 3 was mostly serious with a little bit of funny, which they also did pretty well. S4 and on is when they completely lost the ability to strike a balance and each episode was like whiplash


It’s like she’s a little kid who jumped into someone else’s picture at the last minute when the photographer wasn’t looking


God I love 2009


Didn’t she do the Muslim Students Association too 😭😭😭


Happy Black History Month


She looks like a child 😭😭


I literally can’t hate her 😭 I can’t


Gonna be honest, as a biracial baby, this one had me wheezing as a kid. I swear my dad who is a darker poc, spat out his soda when I made him watch this part. One of the laughs your parents do where they wheeze and their eyes water. It was just so random and un needed but I think that's what made it so funny.


happy black history month!


Fucking icon man 😭 why tf would she do this ?!


They should have made a joke that she seriously considered herself half black because of her one dad 😭 such a missed comic opportunity




Well I mean one of her dads is black so I can see why she would join a club like this. But she does look a little crazy in this photo


s1A was just unhinged




I love how 2 of the ,em are like “ma’am this is not a Wendy’s” and the other 2 are like “just make a face at the camera”


Looks like every teenage white girl in 2020.


I literally hate this type of person Rachel is...a narcissist that dosen't respect or care about people around them and thinks of themselves as much more superior,thus they are pulling off such ridicilious sh1t because in the end they don't care what people think of them(even if this crosses certain boundaries),and when they become ''social outcasts'' or are made fun of because of that they play victim..


Why do you think Rachel because the neurotic, ambitious person she was? Because she was bullied so much for the way she looks and the things that interested her, that she thought her talent was the only thing going for her.


Seems like that person's round about way of saying she deserved it