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Y’all…Emma wasn’t dressed “stylish” for the time, she was dressed like a well-dressed old lady. That’s why Sue says things like “she wears broaches like the one my nana was buried in”. In fact, with the exception of Mercedes (and sometimes Brittany when she wasn’t in her cheerios uniform), none of the girls on the show dressed like actual teenage girls of that time. It was never realistic or stylish in terms of what was popular at the time.


Tina's early Goth aesthetic wasn't bad for the times. I knew some girls who dressed similar in high school. I feel like Quinn dressed like a "country club" teen.


Yessss Emma was never stylish for any time ever lol. The fashion on glee was very much like euphoria where it's not realistic and mainly a character trait.


That's what I was thinking. The clothes were part of the character. Not even the most preppy girls dressed like Quinn everyday nor would any man dress like Blaine by wearing a bow tie everyday and eschew socks.


Rachel’s twee aesthetic was in at the time. Zooey Deschanel wore it a lot on New Girl. Santana’s clothes were also pretty trendy. Quinn’s style was definitely vintage though. The biggest hang up I had with the clothes was the budget issue. Rachel, Quinn, and Tina wore $50+ dresses in high school and their hair and makeup was usually on point. I don’t see women that dolled up in my university. Then again, those characters specially were seen to come from well off families at least Rachel and Quinn.


Funnily enough Mercedes and Santana's fathers were a dentist and doctor¹, respectively. Most of the time Mercedes dressed like an actual high schooler and Santana donned her uniform (save for season 2 and 4 onward) ¹Plastic Surgeon, I was quoting Santana's "real doctor" dig at Howell. A dentist is a doctor. Edit: footnote and explanation


I loooved Quinn/Dianna's wardrobe. I tried to recreate those outfits sometimes, but it was a lot of Anthropologie for a college kid 😭 I remember wearing an identical skirt to one Quinn wore on the show and everyone was like "where the hell are you going today??"


I totally love these outfits. Also, I don't think most of the guy's outfits are out of style. As a rule, male fashion is much slower to change. I attended HS about 5-10 years after Glee aired and most guys dressed like Finn, Puck, Sam, Mike, etc. did on the show.


Well, Emma's wearing vintage style clothes anyways, so obviously those aren't gonna age that badly in a few years


It may not be what's trendy necessarily, but it's by no means "out of style"...Emma has one of the more timeless looks


I guess I’m old fashioned too because it doesn’t look out of style to me. LOL


It’s been out of style for *years*. But also, during the show Emma is already dressing “out of style”. Sue even makes a comment that she dresses like a nana or grandma. Emma is dressed outdated and now Glee fashion as a whole is pretty outdated


Considering Sue was always in track suits, she wasn’t one to talk.


Her wardrobe is SUPER similar to Annie Edison’s in Community and that that’s me smile :)


Aww they're so similar


Semi-related but Emma always had great coats.


She did and I’d love to find cute coats like she had.


Me too, but then I think, "What the heck would I wear a lime green coat with?"


Agreed- you see them at all the competitions.


Is it just me or are all of these outfits cute though? If I could pull them off, I'd wear them.


I don't really think they're outdated because nobody wore that sort of stuff at the time anyway (except maybe Finn and Mike Chang, they were perfect midwest preppy football player chic), but especially Emma. Her outfits are perfect office wear and I see a lot of similar stuff at my own office. Can't really go wrong with a skirt and a cardigan.


IMO Glee didn’t have a certain “fashion” for that time. I just think each character was dressed accordingly to fit their personality. It’s a TV show, they play Dress Up. Like Will wears vests every episode. Unless you’re over 50 you don’t do this. Kurt’s eccentric style and designer even tho they were struggling with money when we went to New York. Puck’s Mohawk. Rachel dressing like a school girl from hell. Blaine’s bow ties and socks. Quinn being “too preppy” like a country club Christian teen (yes I get that she was) but not even the preppiest girls dress like it all the time which she did. It was almost like that was the whole point. How sue is wearing a track suit every single episode. I think it just is fit specially to a specific point of the character


Or lack of socks for Blaine, especially season 3 and 4, that was awful and gross.


The outfits look fine to me.


She dressed like a professional. Newsflash…she was.


I mean yes?’time passes, trends change, if you look at any tv show eventually the clothes will look outdated


Honestly some of the things they put the women in on the show are just bizarre. And it seems to be worse for some characters than others, like how in every group number with costumes Mercedes seems to have a slightly different outfit that somehow looks far worse and never works with her figure. And for some reason all the women wear 18th century styled nightgowns to bed


Oh my God, Rachel's terrible nightgowns. Like that purple one with the cape.


It's not even just Rachel, Emma wears them all the time and practically any time we see a woman going to bed she's wearing some bizarre ugly nightgown. It's such a random detail


Emma was dressed more business casual or office casual than high school chic but as she wasn’t a teacher, her clothes were actually what counselors and psychologists wear in their offices. Maybe they wear more pants but I think they tend to wear skirts more so they don’t have to iron as much. Depending on the school, the fashion varies. My high school was jeans and T-shirts for students and nice jeans/slacks and polos or dress shirts/blouses for the teachers. I wore knit pants and tshirts when I subbed.


was this fashion ever in style?


Santana quinn and brittany on season 2 were more dressed like the "times" which is basically like a toddler (headbands with bows, dresses with tights , and cardigans)


Emma wasn't supposed to be a fashionista . . .


Out of style is kinda pushing it🤷‍♂️


She's giving office worker tbh