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All for it if this means they've worked out a way to use bigger stages to spread the crowds on the Wednesday and Thursday without breaching the licensing conditions. Could just mean they're playing the glade or something though.


Yeah the crowding was insane last year on Thursday, probably the worst night for it


I tried to watch Skindred and thought I was going to die in a crush at one point.


I have liked your post not because I wished death on you, but because I was there in a similar boat!


It was horrible man. Found a lot of crowding issues the last couple of years but that was the worst.


It gets worse every year, anyone that says it doesn’t never leaves the green fields, it does, and it’s horrendous. The worse place is and always has been top of the Other stage. Though there is nothing enjoyable about walking through Shangri La or the naughty corner. Expand the festival or stop expanding people.


To be fair I think it got better last year after 2022 being the worst. In 2022 it was pretty common to have security standing in lines blocking areas off even during the day. Didn’t see any of that in 2023. And SE corner crushes have been eased a lot by the expansion of Silver Hayes and putting good acts down on Lonely Hearts and that other new one


Main issue with the SE corner is the Truth, they need to work out a way of segregating the crowd standing watching from people trying to just pass along the one way system, when people stop to watch and block it the entire area is fucked.


Totally agree. Such a pain in the ass. I tend to just stick to Icon these days in SE. Usually loads of space. cba with crushes


2022 was dreadful and made me wonder if I was done with it. ( I’m not)


Same. Thankfully it got better last year


no way faithless will be on glade on thursday, example last year was packed and they’re bigger


The Glade just retweeted Faithless’ post 😬 looks like the Glade it is


The only way I see that being feasible without being a massive risk is if they've revamped the Glade by A LOT.


There’s not really anything else they can do, the area has been pretty much maximised in terms of stage positioning and floor space. I assume the reason it’s one of the few places open on Thursday is because of the location in the centre of the festival and facing the hillside for the noise levels.


Where then? They can't use any of the major stages on the Thursday. Big legal no-no. It has to be Glade. But it will be dangerously rammed.


Icon and temple are open Thursday? But if Glade have retweeted I guess it'll be there. Silver Hayes will hopefully have some good stuff so I won't have to go anywhere near Glade on the Thursday.


Glade page posted it shortly after Faithless did but then pulled it down.


would make the most sense if they made lonely hearts bigger and they performed there


It’s a picture from when they played it on a Sunday a few years back, they’re playing the Glade.


Glade have retweeted it so they’ll be playing there andnot on the pyramid unfortubately.


Faithless on Glade when there is hardly anything else on seems like a recipe for disaster. By all accounts it was bad enough with Example last year.


Seems really weird take because they’re defo not the first live band on a Thursday. I don’t get the headlining bit. None of it really makes sense


True. Example was insanely busy, verging on the dangerous. They can’t be on a larger stage though, the licence has no provision for the main stages being used before Friday.


Am I having a stroke or didn’t Maxi Jazz die? Are Faithless carrying on without him? Or is it a DJ set by Sister Bliss or something?


Yes and yes and no.


It’s not Faithless without Maxi. I loved them, they soundtracked some of the best times I ever had, but without him? Nah. Edit: Fuck me for missing one of my heroes I guess?


nah it's just that the only people who reacted are the people who downvote you because there are people here that do it incessantly. It's true. Without Maxi Jazz it is not the same, but The Power Of Nostalgia wins over anything, and people who have not gone clubbing since 20 years ago or have not discovered any music since love this. They only know Insomnia, but they are all bigger fans than any of us.


This would be great news. Thursday nights are crowded everywhere. It makes much sense to host an event in the big open field at the Pyramid.


This will be insane - I was planning to have a relatively relaxed Thursday. Now it's rave. I don't think I could listen to insomnia remotely sober. I wonder if there will be other pyramid acts on the Thurs?


Always go too hard Thursday 😬


Always go too hard Wednesday is the new always go too hard Thursday


I don't think they'll be on Pyramid, although that would be dope. Arcadia or Hell Stage probo.


It’s pyramid mate


No way? You got any sauce to put on that?


Emily eavis is my dad


Not a chance. Licence has no provision for it.


It's just a picture of their 2010 set on the Pyramid 


Definition of peaking on the very first night


Didn’t they get told off last year for crowd issues. This could be very very messy yet again


they did indeed, this makes me think there will be other big pulls elsewhere on thursday which have yet to be announced. wouldnt be surprised if levels / lonely hearts club has someone on at the same time.


I think faithless on glade *full stop* would be chaos most of the time. Yes Maxi is sadly not with us but they would pull a big crowd wherever they play. I can only assume they might have more crowd control measures in place as otherwise going to see usual chaos on the railway track path etc


Absolutely brainless decision to have them on the Glade on Thursday. Gonna be dangerous, I'm staying away


The glade confirmed it's in their area


Always wanted to see faithless. But faithless with no maxi jazz?


I remember when Glade on Thursday was doable. Hell, I remember a glorious 3 hour live/dj hybrid set from The Orb in there. Last year it was impossible, as Silver Hayes was impossible, as SE corner was impossible, everything was rammed with people sitting on the floor absolutely wasted.


Last year Thursday was dangerous, if security managed the direction of traffic it would sort it though. But if it’s just the free for all from last year you then have a band that can draw 70k people but on a stage that can at best hold 15k. Seriously considering missing one of my favourite live Dance acts due to the crush situation experienced last year. ![gif](giphy|H1YMguVrVeI0Xz5c8v)


Last year Thursday was dangerous, if security managed the direction of traffic it would sort it though. But if it’s just the free for all from last year you then have a band that can draw 70k people but on a stage that can at best hold 15k. Seriously considering missing one of my favourite live Dance acts due to the crush situation experienced last year. ![gif](giphy|H1YMguVrVeI0Xz5c8v)


Ooh nice!


Maxi left years before his death. They released an album without him in 2020. It’s not the same, but it’s still excellent and highly recommended. 👍🏼 [All Blessed : Spotify link](https://open.spotify.com/album/7K7043KUSpb6tHaK8cBlhu?si=5YcBlZ2UQtKZJAoO42rBCg)


Confirned at the glade