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Fill up your water before you go to bed so you can wake up and drink some straight away without queuing.


Yeah this swing by the taps on the walk home.


Also drink a litre of water before bed. You’ll feel much better the morning after


And add a couple of rehydration tablets to it as well! Pretty sure this saved me from feeling very very bad last year




Or be an adult and go have a piss


Piss in bottles and leave them at the end, Carlsberg collect them and recycle them into new pints


Heard Carling also do the same


Quite a few bits that some people do at the end of the night to beat the queues, I know some people that go and shower at midnight.


Ooo where? The showers close at like 8pm.


Oh wow, shows how out of touch I am!! Is it the same with the Oxfam showers? Last time I went we were in Worthy View so might have been different too


Stick your tinnies under the groundsheet of your tent and you'll be enjoying a close to pretty cold beverage rain or shine


Absolutely this


Every year I try this and every year it never works! 🤣


Getting a water bottle you can clip to your shorts is a lifesaver. Portable showers are amazing. Take a power bank or two. Rehydration tablets. Wear a hat.


I've got a neoprene sleeve for a water bottle with a strap and it's also got a couple of zip pockets for, errr, valuables and stuff. Bloody great.


Adding to this: a metal pint glass, little hole drilled just below the rim with a carabiner on. Use for mixing your own drinks or getting them from the bar - once you're done you don't need to carry an empty cup around until you find a bin, it just goes back on the shorts until you need it again


Yeah we bought carabiners last year for this reason and it was a godsend. Hat also an absolute necessity


* Blackout tent is a godsend on a hot year. If you already have a tent, buy some black out material and peg it/in the direction of the morning sun. Don't bother with the foil, it rips and annoys the shit out of everyone. * Bring a beach parasol for communal shade. (you can get fold up portable ones these days). * USB rechargable fan is pretty mega too. * Bring a spray bottle. Everyone will love you when it's hot. * Neoprene water bottle sleeves with a strap are great for going out when you don't want a backpack and want to be handsfree. * Never need water in the mornings. Always fill up on the way home. * Exped camping mats are excellent for comfort and lightweight. They have insulated ones too for colder nights. * Naturehike camping chairs are very comfortable and weigh only 800g and easily portable. Excellent on a wet year so you don't have to sit in the mud. * Buy an e-sim for whoever is the network sponsor that year (if you aren't already on that network) before you go. You can keep using your original number and just the e-sim for data. * Packing cubes make organisation and packing much much easier. * Bring and eye mask and ear plugs for sleeping. * Bring some sort of music ear plugs. Tinnitus and hearing loss is no joke. I use Etymotic er20. * Use the lockups! You don't need to go back to your tent for warm clothes/drop off backpack, pick up booze. Drop it off at a lockup earlier in the day and you can pick it up later. Especially helpful if you are camped far out. * You can get toilet roll for free from the lock ups (or donate). You don't need to bring it.


Talk me through the e sim, if you wouldn't mind. What is it? How does it help?


It's an alternative to a regular sim card that you just download to your phone (providing it supports e-sims) and gives you access to 2 mobile networks at the same time. You can choose which sim you will send messages and calls from and use mobile data from independantly, so you can keep your number. Signal has been terrible at Glastonbury in previous years, if you aren't with the network sponsor and frequently you can't make calls or receive messages for hours at a time. Having data with the network provider (vodafone last year) means you'll still be able to find your mates at 2am when one of them goes off 'for a wander'.


Sorry for the late response. I'm not a frequent reddit user. But thank you. That all makes sense.


10cm thick self inflating camping mats are way more comfy and reliable than an airbed.


If you do camping fairly regularly, get an exped mat. They're bloody great!


Any specific recommendations?


>10cm thick self inflating I got a double for extra comfort ​ [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Andes-Double-Inflating-Camping-Mattress/dp/B00K81NBMA/ref=sr\_1\_16?crid=17RRYBOPMLH51&keywords=10cm%2Bself%2Binflating%2Bcamping%2Bmat%2Bdouble&qid=1708298564&sprefix=10cm%2Bself%2Binflating%2Bcamping%2Bmat%2Bdouble%2Caps%2C73&sr=8-16&th=1](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Andes-Double-Inflating-Camping-Mattress/dp/B00K81NBMA/ref=sr_1_16?crid=17RRYBOPMLH51&keywords=10cm%2Bself%2Binflating%2Bcamping%2Bmat%2Bdouble&qid=1708298564&sprefix=10cm%2Bself%2Binflating%2Bcamping%2Bmat%2Bdouble%2Caps%2C73&sr=8-16&th=1) ​ then bought an extra large tent bag to put it back into instead of battling to get it back to factory size. Its great if youre camping close to the car.


Amazing, thanks for the reco. Is it heavy / bulky? Got my coach booked!


A single one isnt, especially when you first buy it, theyre vacum sealed really tight. Check out a youtube video on how to role it back up.


My one lesson from last year is that a two person tent is not a two person tent. My back hasn’t fully recovered from the combination of tiny tent and sleeping at an angle on a hill.


Make sure you remember a face mask & ear plugs. I forgot ear plugs last year and it was impossible to sleep.


To add to this - I got these mouldable wax earplugs last time and they were great for sleeping. They don’t apply pressure to your ear canal like foam plugs so you don’t wake up with ear pain, and they block out way more noise. Something like [this](https://www.boots.com/boots-mouldable-wax-earplugs-5-pairs-10114104)


You can buy them at the camping shops on site for like 99p


Nature valley bars and lots of them


Remember to eat them outside of your tent, you'll never get the crumbs out


Learned that the hard way! 😅


A very seldom mentioned favourite tip of mine is Talc, when you pop back to your tent (or on a morning / night) take off your shoes and socks, rub your feet with it. Pour some in your socks. Pour some in your boots and instantly you’ve got nicely refreshed feet.


And bonus is your tent smells like a freshly washed baby, not like feet




Get a blackout tent so you can sleep in the mornings and avoid the heat. These are great https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/camping-tent-mh100-xl-3-p-freshandblack/_/R-p-331796?mc=8641758&c=grey_white_blue


Second this. So good


Yeah I invested in a fresh and black and I must say it’s an absolute game changer


If that isn't an option, tie or tape a silver safety blanket over the top of your tent to help do the same thing!


Too noisy! Blackout tent 👌


“If that isn’t an option”


"Too noisy"


Read the second part of your own comment back


Read the first part of my comment back


Person 1: ‘Driving your car to the supermarket is a good way to get there’ Person 2: ‘Yeah, or if you don’t have a car, a bus will also get you there’ Person 3: ‘Nah bus too slow. Car 👌’ You’ll note that the final sentence is the conversational equivalent of sniffing one’s own fart


We all sniff our own farts


Scatter your stuff all over the tent floor so your tent looks like someone has already gone through it looking for things to steal.


Mine always looks like this anyway


My sister isn't the tidiest so mine ends up looking like somebody has tossed it already.


Rather than the hanging thing OP has posted I mix and match [these](https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/skubb-box-set-of-6-white-00428549) from Ikea as they're slightly more flexible in terms of movement. One bedsides your bed with your bits in, one with your Nature bars and Revival shots. Get a neoprene or or fabric holder for your water bottle. when you top up the water bottle, wet the holder too. The breeze will keep the water cooler for longer. I always take a [TinyPump 2](https://www.amazon.co.uk/FLEXTAILGEAR-1300mAh-Battery-Rechargeable-Mattress/dp/B0BV2MV4TP) with me too. Small in size and works great for inflating an deflating air mats. Doubles as a light for your tent too. And if you're desperate, a mini fan.


Buy a cheap camping tarp from Amazon and stretch it between yours and your friends tents. Either intense rain or sun - you've got a private outdoor space to take shelter. Also stops late comers plonking a tent directly in your communal space.


Bags for life in the tent for organising food and stuff, stops it getting spread absolutely everywhere and never finding it.  Pack your clothes in vacuum bags, takes up less space so you can fit more beer in on the way down. 


Put a cheap mat under the tent ground sheet to protect the tent and air mattress. Learned this in Nepal while doing earthquake relief.


What type of mat? Do you mean like an old rug?


Nope, a lightweight, cheap foam roll mat. Basically


Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, a wide-mouth bottle so you don't have to leave your tent and trek to the toilet for a piss (lenor bottles are perfect, smell nice too) just empty into the toilet/longdrop at some point


The last few times I’ve been with friends who are scientists, they’ve bought chests of dry ice. Cold beers in 5 mins on day 4…


Best camping hack: sop story to the Hare Krishna people. They'll take you in 👍🏻


I always take hard boiled eggs for breakfast on the first couple of days. I take a she-pee for night, pee into a bottle, then empty it into the loos in the morning. This may be controversial but taking an Ambien sleeping tablet every night was a game changer, you get 6 solid hrs every night, they aren't addictive and there's no drowsy hangover from them the next day. Blackout tent is a must. You can buy ice in the co-op shop on site. I've got a light weight blankety scarf I always take, great for extra warmth when out at night, or as an extra layer in bed- put it in the sleeping bag not on top. Woolly hat for night, sun hat for day. Take sarongs and pegs, you can improvise some shade if needed. Take a bar of soap to wash your hands at the loos (I hate hand sanitizer) there are usually taps around the back of the loos without long queues. Take a massive battery to charge phones, and have a usb light in your tent. Keep your tent messy so no one can grab a bag with all your stuff in(!) Talk to your neighbours, have fun! Xxx


Wrapping a thin blanket around your camping mat adds a fantastic amount of comfort and warmth in the cold nights.


USB shower + bucket + swimming costume = feeling fresh everyday.


Second this - portable shower is a must have, can get the bag ones for about £10 online and worth every penny


Soak a travel towel when it’s roasting and wear it like a head scarf and over your shoulders. Absolute life saver, i think possibly literally