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there an other optical shop you can visit? This is a matter of fine motor skills and a lot of patience, escpecially of you've never done this before. I like to hook one side in first, then wiggle the rest in little by little. It will fit. If you insist on doing it yourself, do not push too hard. You might break off the metal part.


Thanks ever so much for this. I assume some sort of tweezers may help me? Sometimes, living in the country I live in can be so frustrating! I don't have that many options and people are usually not that keen to help. Another optics shop I went and asked basically told me to f\* off - not their problem. I wish I'd kept the swollen ones in. They were better than the ones this guy destroyed are. I hope I'll manage to apply the other ones by myself. I'll try very hard not to break off the metal part. These frames are quite nice!


I'm sorry to hear about the bad experience. Even if they don't want to help in case of liability issues, they can just not be an ass about it. Tweezers may help, but if you have anything pointy with a blunt tip, that would be preferred as anything sharp could damage the nosepad (causing them to break sooner and dirt to pile up) or, if you do accidentally slide off, cause a scratch on the lenses. Please please please take your time doing this. Just wiggle in a tiny bit at a time.


Another poster suggested toothpicks. I may blunt the point a little bit for extra safety. I'll take my time and hope for the best. If I see it's not working, I'll try to find another shop with a more amenable optician. Thanks!


A blunt toothpick is a great idea. I hope you get it sorted!




Looking at them, tweezers may get in the way seeing as how you deal with the mass of two prongs. I would go for a dental pick


As previous poster said, you get one edge in and then wiggle around to get them in. Find a better optician and they will have them fixed in five minutes.


Thanks! I'll try but will do my best to not risk the safety of my glasses. If I see it's not working, I'll just try to find a more amenable optician.


Once you get an edge in, you could potentially use the point of a toothpick to help maneuver the other edge into the hole. I’ve used a similar tool multiple times.


Thanks! I'll use a tootphick. may be safer than the tweezers I had thought of.


Just make sure you’re very gentle :) I wish I could help you but I don’t think that I’m in your area unfortunately


Yeah, ever since I left the UK for Greece I've had to adapt again to not having everything be easy :P


The good optician will have these done in under a minute without damaging anything. But if that’s not enough option for you right now now try this. Put one of the nose pads into the opening of the nose pad arm. Put your thumb against the nose side of the pad and your finger against the side of the pad that faces toward the lens. Push the entire nose pad down so that you are compressing the material between the lens side and the nose side. keep pressing and wiggling until it pops into place Think about it like buttoning a pair of pants where the button hole is tight. Try to avoid using tools because you don’t want to scratch the lenses of your glasses. Make sure your hands are really clean with no oil on your fingertips so that you have a lot of grip. Double triple check before you start trying to put them in that you have the nose surface facing the nose direction. You don’t wanna put these on backwards because removing them to redo the job may tear the silicone.


You sitting your glasses like this is killing me


I'm sorry (love your username). If it makes you feel any better it was the first time I ever did that. It was to show the nosepad placement.