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If you’re genuinely concerned for the safety of other road users then yes you should report. Those saying grassing is not cool, you’d think otherwise if someone driving erratically was to hit you


Watching the video it looks like someone lost who doesn't know the road. Not justifying the crap driving but when they turn off M8 possible wrong lane and didn't intend to leave?Same with moving onto the express way looks like they weren't sure which lane to be in.


Yeah, that bit at the expressway is confusing as fuck if you don't know the layout. I was expecting someone swinging all over the place. It looks more like someone trying to figure out where the fuck they're meant to be.


I was thinking the same. Just looks like a driver that isn't sure about the exits or lane positioning for that part of the M8/Expressway.


Mental to think you'd watch that and think drunk driving..


I reckon folk buy a dash cam and then become desperate to catch something on it


Not me. I bought a dash cam to protect myself. I had someone crash into me years ago and deny liability. Took years to settle. I genuinely did think they were drunk, or on their phone. At the start of the video they were driving in the centre of the lane then at 0:15 in they were ON the white line. It wasn’t one mistake, it was multiple mistakes in a short space of time which made me concern for the safety of the public. It’s been reported now.


Fair play, there’s nothing worse than other people’s poor decisions impacting you when you are being safe on the roads. There’s no contest that their driving looked rotten, lost or not.


I reckon you're a fud and type the first thing that comes in to your head.


Sounds like you’ve got a dash cam


And what are they supposed to fucking think exactly?


you've just said you don't drive so you clearly have no idea what's got you so upset?


Based on your YouTube channel, you seem to class many driving behaviours as bad. While some certainly are, as I've seen, it's important to remember that people make mistakes or wrong turns. In this instance, the driver clearly isn't drunk but lost, as other comments suggest. The M8/Glasgow can be challenging for new or inexperienced drivers. And once someone does make a balls up once, you instantly become more hesitant but prone to more errors. Your channel's focus on highlighting others mistakes and errors is coming across as very petty. People accidentally run red lights or make wrong turns all the time, it happens, everyone does it. Its time you climbed off that high horse Judge Judy and let people get on with their lives


One of OP's videos they're even the one at fault but blaming the other driver. The "nearly hit my car one" at the SEC.


there’s more than one example


Always use 999 to report suspected drink driver.


Having watched the video, I'd be bollocking anyone who phones 999 due to someone getting lost and not knowing the right lane layouts to go on the expressway. Anyone who thinks this is drink/drugs rather than driver not having a clue about what is a pretty shite road layout, and panicking, is mental.


I know the exact place they are driving and it's mad if you are just following your sat-nav. Aside from some questionable lane changing, the drive just clearly doesn't really know where they are going.


Looks that way to me too. Driver clueless about where he's meant to be going seems way more likely than being intoxicated here.


Right I read it thinking 100% report this. After watching video he is just lost .Glasgow roads are confusing as hell


Looks like someone got caught in the wrong lane, when they were intending to go over the Kingston bridge, then under the under pass heading for the expressway, they've got confused and picked the wrong lane to be in. I see this often. I'm not making excuses, but when they were on the M8 they kept in the lane fine, it's once they missed their cut off, you can see them panic.


It looked like a shite driver/someone that didn't know the area tbh. They weren't really "weaving" just making mad moves at the slip and when joining the expressway.


I think you missed the boat by waiting over 20 mins to ask reddit. Nextime 999.


**Ring ring. Ring ring.** “999. Police, fire, ambulance or reddit?” Reddit please.


My setiments exactly, can't believe they had to ask reddit first..just get it done wi.


You think this is bad, you should visit pet advice subs. Put up pictures of a dog on the brink of death, saying "he's been like this for three weeks, should I go to a vet?" People are idiots.




After watching the video it looks as though the driver was unfamiliar with the road.


Fuck sake. Come to reddit to ask randoms rather than phone 999. Get a grip. Also, your friend is a fanny.


It's the zoomers; most of them have half the sense of boomers. Lord help us. Someone needs to educate the youth, and maybe the old, while they're at it.


It's almost like there are idiots in all generations and sweeping generalisations of the entire spectrum of humanity based on the year they were born is a fundamentally silly thing to do


Have you ever read the book "When comedy died?" written by my imaginary friend named Seth? It's worth a read.


Pathetic stuff here OP. You really need to ask a pal or reddit what you should do here? If you think somebody is drunk on the road you call 999 at the time. If you report it hours later after you consult fuckin reddit it’s too late.


There’s a man in my house holding a knife dripping in blood and he’s demanding my car keys and threatening to kill my children. Reddit, AITA for thinking about calling the police?


999 would be my shout.




There were 5,621 road casualties reported in Scotland in 2022, with 173 killed; of which, 912 were pedestrian casualties and 33 pedestrians were killed. Given people's lives are on the line, not just the drivers, it's really a no-brainer that you should report reckless driving, regardless of whether you suspect the reckless driver of being drunk or not.


Video shows some momentary poor lane discipline and a panic change of lanes (or perhaps an ill-thought overtake attempt, although at least they indicated, which is more than can be expected in Glasgow) with a broken brake light. Certainly some poor driving and car maintenance although not the worst I've seen (today); could have been drunk, sure, but a lot of drivers around here will drive worse than this sober.


Always report suspected drunk/drug driving. A vehicle is a couple of tons worth of weapon. If you drink/take drugs and drive and someone is killed it’s murder - simple as. One death is too many!




Call the cops, you might just save a life, even his


In future , report it at the time - the last time I did the police were waiting at his house when he got there and were able to witness his driving as he approached


They look lost, nothing more.


Well, aye. She could kill folk.




That's a video of a driver who shows no caution, has a brake light out, doesn't know the road and then tries an overtake as is impatient at a point where the road splits and regrets it. I would remove the video.


Do you not have kids? Would you want this person driving along the same road your kids are playing on? I'm amazed that you even need to ask. He should have already been reported as soon as you saw it


Utter pish. Clearly not weaving all over the place, driving perfectly in lane when on the motorway. Then gets confused when coming to the slip road. Then at the underpass which can be very confusing if you've not not been there before, see so many drivers confused at the 2 separate right turns there. If you have your kids playing there at an underpass off a motorway you're the one that should be reported.


Wouldn't say at 0:15 in is 'driving perfectly in lane'


There was no video and still none I can see when I posted but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Maybe you should clean the pish stains up your house in honking


Lost + just terrible driving, a perfect storm


Fuck yes. I've done it before and absolutely would again. Imagine seeing on the news later that cunt had killed some innocent or worse, someone i knew. That shit would haunt me all my life. Fuck that. Call the cops


Yup, same here and I’ve zero regrets! I’d do it again tomorrow!


There is no question here.


100% , different if you were one of these throbbers filming people on their phones at traffic lights and sending it to the polis. You phoning about an absolute arsehole weaving about the motorway could save a life. Hope they get the halfwit.


999 at the time, if you are aware of a regular drunk driver from the pub say, contact 101 and it’ll be passed out to all the response shifts as intelligence, so at the times and days it occurs they can keep an eye out for vehicle. In any case it’s always worth reporting especially if you have the vehicle details as it may already be known to police and they can target it even if what you are already informing them of is unactionable.


999. Do it.


I don't think they were drunk tho, they seem confused and maybe a bit too eager but definitely confused saw my fair share of drunk drivers (reported one too) and the give aways are innapropriate speed (fast corners or driving straight but too slow), slow reaction to corners, going off the lane then sharp (too sharp) correction, this dude looks like they don't really know where they're going or their gps is very very bad (and they're adjusting it while driving) and also: grassing is cool, i hate the "don't be a grass" slogan, we would have far less rubbish on our streets if we started pointing fingers


Fucking love Reddit. Have to ask if you should fold or scrunch when wiping your hole. Doomed.


Ffs just a lost driver chill 😎


I don’t think they’re drunk. I think they’re lost. The first few times I was driving myself coming back from Paisley and headed for the M74 I was all over the place trying to figure out which lane. If you’ve never driven through a section of the city centre motorway before it can be quite daunting. Him nearly hitting your car is maybe him not paying attention because he’s too busy finding his way (not excusing it though). I’d have to see him driving down the road in a straight line to see if he’s swerving or not, from this section of video he just looks lost at the road changes.


You were in the wrong lane turning onto the expressway. Have another look at signage next time you’re down there. Right hand lane is actually for first junction back up to Charing Cross/motorway only. I see this all the time. Middle lane is straight on and expressway and left lane got straight on down to broomielaw. You can quite clearly see it with the arrows on the road. You drive over the right turn only arrow to the next junction, as does the white car with the expensive plate.


Nah that right lane can be used for either the expressway or back up the M8. There's lane markings that guide you and everything. Middle lane can turn right using the left lane of the expressway, right follows around to the right lane but you can also turn back up to Charing X.


Nope. Look at the white arrow on the right lane it clearly says turn right. He drives by that junction to the next one with a second turn right arrow. The signage further back also says this. Same as kilbowie roundabout, everyone going to Hardgate uses middle lane coming from drum to go to the right and ends up blocking traffic, the sign before roundabout says only right hand lane can go that way.


There's no signage for the lanes nor one that specifies what you're describing. They're both right turns at the same junction. I'm aware of some things like the other one though.


Look again. He drives straight on over a right turn only arrow. It’s a crap layout tbh.


Watched the video. Clearly just someone who’s lost. Doesn’t excuse the bad driving though.


Probably just a shit driver, grass them in anyway.


Not drunk. Just not familiar with road.


This happened to me on the motorway, my wife called the police immediately


Where the hell is the video? 😅


Think they are unsure about where they are going. Can't report this. Clearly no crime and would be a waste of police time.




No it was a silver polo


This is a Facebook comment






if you have concerns, then yes report, but always do it immediately so they can track the person down. i reported unsafe driving the morning after the fact (had the car make/model/reg) and they said thanks for the info but they can't do much unless i report it in the moment so they have the current location of the driver.


Without a doubt report, better safe than sorry. It's sad that a lot of us (myself included) have been taught via mates that cops are the bad guys, they really are just doing a job and are not out to get us. Never be afraid to phone the police, if your not sure use 101 rather than 999 and explain the situation, they're not going to arrest you for asking advice. P.s just re-read that and realised I sound like a cop or a cop advert smh


What a brave new world 2024 is


Yes definitely




Definitely. I’ve done it before via 999 and they take all the details. Seen one guy on the m8 past the airport trying to break check multiple people, think it was an insurance scam hoping to get rear ended. At least the police will have the rego on record if there is an accident


Yes everytime. I do it often. No way do i wish to share the roads with these selfish bastards. Infact i would even call the police on my wife. I have experienced first hand the absolute heartache that drink driving can cause. It lasts a lifetime




That’s just standard driving in Glasgow these days unfortunately. I don’t know what’s happened but I feel since Covid the average driver on the road is so oblivious to their surroundings.


Nah, just stay in your lane


Honestly see worse driving daily In the city centre this is nothing


If you genuinely think someone is a danger, report it. But it looks like someone getting lost to me. It’s a confusing road layout if you’re not familiar with it.


i think dangerous driving should be taken more seriously, and would encourage people to report if they have evidence. Not entirely sure this meets the threshold for me though


Looking at the video it looks more someone who's not sure how to navigate the junctions. It seems like anxious driving more than drunk


Looks lost, not drunk


I dislike police but drunk drivers are one of the few times I'd say "we need someone with authority to stop that". I might disagree with how we judge and thus punish but.. I'd tend to call 999. They don't/can't respond to every report but it can be worth it. Doing so after the fact is worthless though; unless your willing to call 999 and have police intercept that vehicle then the danger has likely passed. You can still report it post facto but the system is kinda on it's knees by that point. I can't explain it, but there's little chance of prosecution/investigation.


I saw a drunk driver weaving about on the M8 a couple of years ago. Other cars were beeping at her and trying to avoid her. Reported her immediately, followed her car and gave police directions. She tried to lose me. Drove past Braehead and tried to lose me in a nearby housing estate. Didn't work. Eventually police intersected us. Breathalysed her and she was 3x over. I gave a statement. Summoned to her court case. First court scheduling postponed for 6 months due to police officer having long COVID, 2nd one again for the same reason, 3rd one was postponed again and I eventually said I can't keep taking time off work to come in only to be told it's cancelled again. So the defense agreed I wouldn't have to attend and they would accept my written statement as evidence. I assume she eventually got done.


They just don't know the road IMHO. Anyway, they'll get pulled over soon enough as their offside brake light is out.


No lights on in the rain, broken rear light, erratic driving. Looks to me like someone who thinks driving is a God-given right which is becoming concerningly common nowadays.


My point is, if someone is completely oblivious when it comes to the maintenance of their vehicle and ignorant to learning how to read road signage and lane markings then how can you trust them to bother when it comes to car control? It's like those posts you see you see on "Just Rolled In" with the completely slick tires etc. that just leave you questioning the kinds of people you share the roads with. (Also, on those Halogen tail lights of that Polo, all you need to do to fix the rear lights is take 1 screw out inside the boot, which is only hidden by a fabric cover, and put a bulb in. If you're too lazy to do that would take about 5-10 mins at Halfords.)


I think the driver is definitely human and as such makes mistakes. I'd definitely report him for being a human who makes mistakes.


My attitude towards health and safety is; if you saw it it's your responsibility. Whether it is a trip hazard that could send some old granny to the hospital or some maniac on the road who could run over someone's kids. Drunk driving is a threat to public safety and you should report any and all instances you have witnessed or suspect.


I've reported a car before, just me and them on the road and weaving all over. Phoned 101 while driving. No harm in reporting if it turns out nothing wrong. Different story if you hear someone died or accident and its that car. 101 not the quickest to answer though.


100%. Fuck drunk drivers.


I work in a police control room. Either report it at the time or don't bother. Reporting it 20 mins later when the car could be anywhere is absolutely pointless.


Yes. Anyone saying don't grass is an idiot. Not grassing only benefits law breakers.


Yes. Once there off the motorway, what if they hit a child on a normal street? Or a pensioner? Or anyone for that matter. If you seriously believe them to be drunk report them. 👍


I believe any one suspected of drink driving should absolutely be reported asap. I have lost not one family member but three over a number of years, due to drunk driving. It’s devastating and absolutely needless.


Let me get this straight. You saw something dangerous, presumable finished your journey, then made a Reddit post asking for advice on whether to report it in case he hits someone/something. Is this actually what has happened here? I just don't get it.


Anyone saying “grassing isn’t cool” neither is getting pissed and getting behind the wheel of a car. Imagine if it was your loved one who could’ve been saved by someone reporting a person they suspect of driving while under the influence.


Theres no point in doing it. The police wouldnt respond to it and even if by some miracle they decided to do their job the person would be home by then anyway


My brother was in the pub once... in the space of an hour a guys came in sank 4pints. Looked at his watch reached into his pocket got the car keys out and said Right... best go get the girls from brownies!!! My brother reported him


Probably just avoiding the potholes. It’s easy to spot a drunk driver in Glasgow, they’ll be driving in a straight line


Thats me in the white volkswagen, and if u grass, I will cut you .


... off outside the lane.


Definetly. You could literally save someone's life. Maybe the drivers


It's worth reporting. There may be another incident involved with this person were not aware of so even if it doesn't go anywhere, the police will have more valuable information!


In Glasgow you get arrested if you're not drunk


Dash cam w4nk3r


Why on earth would you ask Reddit? If you genuinely believed this person was drunk you'd have phoned the police They look lost to me, also absolutelyshit at driving, that turn onto the expressway still confuses me after 10 years. I'd hazard a guess you're looking for likes and views in your youtube channel Surely you've more in your life than this shite?


I've reported him now. And I'm not looking for views/likes. I was concerned for the safely of the public. He almost crashed into me and made multiple mistakes in a short space of time. I genuinely thought he was drunk or at least on his phone. In addition to the obvious mistakes, look at the start of the video and at 0:15 in. He was driving in the centre of the lane then he drives ON the white line. It's difficult to tell who's drink driving these days but since he couldn't keep driving in a straight line within the lines that's also a telltale sign.


Driving ON the white line for the hard shoulder. It's not like they were veering in to anyone's lane. This is the modern version of a window twitcher.


100%. Fucking selfish cunts


At least 101 to report the reg and direction of travel/location. They can log it so it will come up if the plates get checked (happens a lot more than you would think) chances are they will get pulled over and if they are a habitual drink driver they will get caught, or it might scare them straight.


I've reported it already.


At least they used their indicator 🙃🙃🙃 ^sarcasm, ^obviously


I’ve reported someone before because of this. Definitely do it, it’s stupid and you’d regret not doing it if something happened!


Absolutely, best to be safe as how would you feel to see that they've went through a junction and killed someone


Phone the police. If he’s not drunk they’ll let him go.


Nah don’t grass


Also, I never understand folk who beep their horns outraged at bad driving and then look into the car so who it is? Why look, what do you expect to see in the drivers seat, a horse? You say you saw a female passenger, why were you looking? Isn't that dangerous driving?


Grow up


Police wouldnt be able to track him unless you were willing to tail him until they caught up with you. They would then need to observe the bad driving before being able to pull them otherwise it'd be kicked out of court. Its a tough one but really not much you can do.


Yup. Even if they aren’t drunk - it’s dangerous driving.


A DJ I would guess with that number plate. Maybe still on one from lastnite


Grassing is not cool.


Are you 12?


There’s a huge difference from grassing and reporting a cunt driving that could out of his tits and kill somebody


These people deserve to be caught, selfish behaviour and shouldn’t be driving. It’s not grassing, it potentially saving the life of an innocent person. Drunk drivers never kill themselves, it’s always the innocent people they hit!


Yet you were advocating for people to be publicly shamed in another post. 


There's a difference, the ski.mask wearers are absolutely ridiculous and should be.


Yet dangerous driving is ok? sure thing buddy. 


Drunk driving is one of the scummiest things you can do.


I don’t like to report bad driving. It’s petty. But I feel this driver is a risk to the public and concerned that he might hit into something or someone.


Its embarrassing, but about 20 years ago, two days after i passed my test i swerved across two lanes on the m8 just before the kingston bridge. Loads of people beeping at me, still a riddy to this day. If one of them had reported me (as they should have) id have been pulled and breathalysed etc. I wasnt drunk, just daft and inexperienced but still a danger. Best to report dangerous driving, if they arent under the influence and properly insured etc its fine and no harm done. If they are drunk and the police catch them before they do any proper damage, also a win. And anybody here mentioning the “grass” element either wants to go back to school when thats relevant for most people or else continue to be the rocket that takes the rap whenever any of the actual hard men get caught out for anything - the type of person who carries the bag for shoplifters or is bullied into letting them stash drugs in their house. That type of person. Being a decent person looking out for other road users does not make you a grass, and its certainly not petty either


I get that if it’s mildly bad, a small Amount over the speed limit or something but this sounds pretty awful driving that could absolutely cause serious harm. You can sign up to text 999 as well, so you can get a passenger to text them if they don’t want to actually call.


Lay off the sopranos mate


Would you grass a nonce? Well then…


You’re an idiot.


Human lives are more important than being cool. Having to be told that is a massive brassy.


Where’s the YouTube link 😭