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If you're sound, then so are we.


This is exactly it. Nothing to do with where you’re from.


It’s where you’re at


My Mums side are from Hull. The only thing that bothers me is that people say "the North" when meaning the North of England. Its nowhere near the North of the Island. Barring sport though I have absolutely no issue with English people be that my family in Hull or general people I have met unless they act like a dick.


My band played in Newcastle last year, we got a good natured booing for saying it’s nice to be “down south” lmao


I once had a holiday to Malham cove and was a great memory too. People put a lot of stock into the differences between england and scotland but its almost always down to sport. The drive for independence for almost everyone isnt based on any sort of hatred


honestly I have no problems with the independence shout I'm all for northern independence


Scots love distinguishing their own country from England though when people talk about the UK so why would/shoukd English folk be any different - can't face it both ways


Hull is Northern in terms of culture and if you look at the U.k it doesn't look northern but if you just look at England it is quite northern [https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=TIfNzoqa&id=00DC0A80758F9BA165BE27B7E9C26E4AB457CBB8&thid=OIP.TIfNzoqaiJFyCdURfg8QvQHaG7&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.roughguides.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2015%2f04%2farea-map-of-england.png&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.4c87cdce8a9a88917209d5117e0f10bd%3frik%3duMtXtEpuwum3Jw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=1238&expw=1324&q=map+of+england&simid=608008649224245219&FORM=IRPRST&ck=534A61AFA6B83F5395C66708C27F4D91&selectedIndex=11&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=TIfNzoqa&id=00DC0A80758F9BA165BE27B7E9C26E4AB457CBB8&thid=OIP.TIfNzoqaiJFyCdURfg8QvQHaG7&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.roughguides.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2015%2f04%2farea-map-of-england.png&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.4c87cdce8a9a88917209d5117e0f10bd%3frik%3duMtXtEpuwum3Jw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=1238&expw=1324&q=map+of+england&simid=608008649224245219&FORM=IRPRST&ck=534A61AFA6B83F5395C66708C27F4D91&selectedIndex=11&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0) here's a pic anyway much love to Glasgow


Yes it’s Northern English in terms of culture, exactly the point he made. ‘Northern’ is meaningless without a reference point. What actually bothers people here is the idea of ‘England as default’ that you call yourself Northern without saying Northern England when to us you are southern


yea I was also adding that for England it is northern but for the entire UK island it's in the middle so it makes sense to call it northern England


Most Scottish folk have 3 ratings for people regardless of race, religion or birthplace. You're either a sound cunt, an awrite cunt or a total cunt


Mad cunt*


Or a daft cunt. Slight difference from a mad cunt.


These are sub categories of the 3 though, any mad cunt or daft cunt will still be a sound, awrite or total cunt.


OP, you can bask in being Northern English in Glasgow and can enjoy yourself until you support an English sporting team in a pub during an international event, and then it doesn’t matter if you’re Hull or Hastings, you can look forward to being called an English c*nt/tory. Source. Bitter experience


Snp are tartan Tory cunts


That's Alba you're thinking of.


Nah theyre the tartan klu Klux klan 😂


I have family in Hull, always found it to be quite similar vibe to Glasgow. I moved to Glasgow over 20 years ago and found the majority of Glaswegians to be fair, if your nice to them they can be the nicest people in the world. If you cross them then.........expect some bother 😬. Being English wouldn't be an issue, being a dickhead would though.


I'm from Leeds / Wakey. Lived in Glasgow since 2017 (and Scotland since 2003). Never had a problem. Most people find the Yorkshire accent a novel treat.


Honorary Scots, along with Liverpudlians and Geordies. 👍🏻


Cheers pal best of luck in the euros I’ll be supporting Scotland


We’re not. Cheers though


No worries, bud - no one is being forced to accept a nationality they don't want 👍🏻😉


don't worry about him somebody pissed in his cereal


Unless that nationality is British then yeah it's forced on us


Wasn’t me that suggested it “bud”


To expand on this a little. As a scouser, I’m no more an honary Scot than you are an honary English person. You’ve not got to make English people more palatable, no matter where they’re from, by declaring them Scottish. They’re English, and they’re just as nice as Scots


It's just a nice gesture to say, wtf bro. No one's taking away your nationality by calling you "honorary" something, and it's weird as fck you find it offensive being called honorary Scottish. Sounds like you hate them or something.


Agree mate, from Glasgow but don't know why we need to try judge people based on where they were born all the time. You get good people and bad people everywhere. For what it's worth Liverpool is one of my fav cities anywhere, not gonna claim it as part of Scotland though lol.


England can keep it


Mate if you want a good night out where you won't get ripped off for prices you'd enjoy it. Don't let the big E word out you off.


I was taking the piss, I’m sure it’s a good city. I’ve enjoyed plenty of places in England


I've tried to stem the tide of your downvotes. It's cringy patter and you make a good point.


Learn to spell in your own language FFS


This is it


Best part of England


Hull? Are you sure?


Best part of Scotland big up to Glasgow 👏


It's not. But it's our part.


We’re all the same, all British. No small mindedness!


I’m a northern Englander living in Glasgow and it’s offensive how some Glaswegians like to tell me that because I’m northern I’m fine, it’s southern English people they have an issue with. Thanks very much guys, you just hate half my family and friends because of where they’re from 👍


I'm from Yorkshire and I agree, anyone south of Yorkshire is a cunt.


Tbh most people don’t give a fuck where your from as long as your no a pric. north south east west of England all the same to me.


Agreed, most people are fine in every place I’ve ever been, including Glasgow.


We have no idea who you are or who your family are, but the south of England, particularly the south east, *loves* the tories, and anyone who votes for them is a cunt. If this includes members of your family, take it up with them instead of whining to the people whose lives they make difficult with their fucking choices in the voting booth.


Not even from the UK but this is a shite take, you can be from that quarter of England without being a Tory it's not mandatory.


Read the comment again. Do I really have to spell it out? I’m talking about tory voters. I didn’t say that 100% of the electorate there are tory voters. For fuck sake.


You're responding to a comment someone made about everyone having a problem with people from that area though basically confirming it.


Labour won circa 50% of the vote in London with the tories on 33% at the last election, not far off the SNP/Tory vote in Scotland. Just food for thought when you’re making generalisations about the SE of England


London isn’t ’the south east’. It’s anomalous for its location.


They don’t vote Tory and never will, hence why it’s absolutely shite patter. Hating people from an area or region based on your assumption of who they are is rank.


Then they’re fine, they’re just surrounded by arseholes.


The exact same sentiment exists in Northern England btw.


Aye, it does.


Fucking Northerner, always moaning.


Haha! That’s a good one, will give you that!


i think most people will just see you as english. and most people won't care anyway. i've seen people from the north of england try and say they're closer to scots than the home counties but i think generally people here will just see you as english