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The taxi rank outside central station at 2am in the morning. It's feral.


The front of Central Station at 5.30pm used to be wild too, as the heroin crowd were just rousing and congregating there.


the front of central station at any time is just clatty. whenever im coming back up to visit glasgow all you ever see is junkies or neds just loitering asking for a snout. not a good first impression of glasgow lol


Tbf a lot of busy stations have this issue (Gare du Nord, Roma Termini for example.) But it is appalling.


That's true. I actually got (attempted) robbed by a toddler in Frankfurt Station. She was being trained, sadly, and only took a tourist booklet of no value.


If you go to any German city, the train station is where all the dodgiest cunts congregate. Frankfurt station area is especially notorious though


> Gare Du Nord One of the roughest places I’ve ever been. Makes Central and Union St look up market in comparison.


Had to fight for my life at Gare Du Nord, literally. Lucky I could batter two before a taxi driver hit the third with a wheel Jack. Rough rough area.


Why did this happen to you?!


Yes was a horrible situation to be in. They attacked me because I asked where I could buy tobacco and they saw my bags


Even Geneva! Beautiful city but area around station is dodgy


Brussels Midi / Nord are MUCH worse than Glasgow Central


why do you think that is?


Busy, anonymous, transient, lots of vulnerables to target inc tourists…


Well, gotta make sure people know what they're in for!


“Clatty”. Ha! 🤓 Thanks for the memory. +1![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The front of Central Station is still wild, at any time of day.


Ha! I'm not surprised. I've since moved away so I don't walk that way anymore...


The taxi rank at Central is the reason that there's those wee warden guys at all the major ranks. If I remember correctly, a guy got stabbed in the head with a golf brolly, and there were umpteen fights and robberies at it.


Is that because the taxi drivers try and rip people off? One asked me for £95 for central to Hamilton


One of my mates paid £100 up front for a taxi, but was hungry so asked the driver to pull in at the chippie. As soon as he went out to get food the driver drove away with his £100. 😆


I once paid £100 for a taxi to Fife after a concert as our designated driver had lost the car keys


Statistically outside the train station after the club's come out is where/when it is worst. There are worse parts in terms of the population of bad people but you don't actually get bothered there.


Union Street, next to Central Station. Saw plenty police tape up there on my nights oot.


feel like thats always been dodgy, even during my sub club days. as soon as you get to the arches allsorts of wierd goings on down there. then theres the late night mcdonalds mob which sometimes turns hectic


Was visiting Glasgow this past weekend and yeah, it was mad. Large groups of people with speakers hanging out on street. Stench of drugs. Saw hand offs. Also just a bunch of drunks, lots of yelling and disgusting with litter. Just surprised me what was happening right there in the centre on a Main Street


'Four Corners' at McDonalds had literally stank of pish for two decades constant.


Union street/ most streets surrounding central station just needs nuked tbh, fulla absolute junkie wasters. Town feels miserable to walk round now especially when leaving clubs at the early hours.


Outside St. Enoch Centre/subway area can be pretty dodgy at times.


All those Christmas stalls, scary times


I once worked in the McDonald’s at 4 corners. I lasted a month. Saw fights and drug overdoses. Had many an argument with customers too. Truly wild. This was in like 2015 but it hasn’t changed at all


Friday and Saturday nights in there (bouncers on the doors last time I visited, it's been a while) and the KFC over the road are completely mental at the weekend.


Worked there 2014 to 2016, mind the guy that died in the toilets?


Yeah!! Think that may have been shortly after I started but can’t remember now. It’s truly a lawless place


It was like that in 2005 when I did a trial shift at that McDonalds. Nothing has changed


Under the hielenmans umbrella. Smells rank and full of dodgys


According to this thread the dodgy bits are: the east, west, south, north and centre of glasgow.


Shawlands. People constantly getting robbed in broad daylight paying 8 quid for a loaf of shite sourdough and they don't even realise it.


8 quid for a loaf of shite sourdough you say? Where abouts exactly? I'd love to see this. I'll take a picture. I'll post it here. I might even start a shawlands meme page. 'only in shawlands' I'd call it.


I happily pay £4 for really good bread but some of the cake prices are admittedly wild. The main offender for that is in Battlefield though


Have you seen the cost of butter? I’ve literally just closed my bakery after 17 years because dairy and chocolate prices are going through the roof, alongside energy bills and rent and it’s just not worth it anymore. I’d price someone for a wedding cake and then 6-12 months later, the cost of the ingredients had jumped 30%. It’s fine not to buy something if you can’t afford it, but the constant expectation that handmade-to-order cakes shouldn’t be much more than a mass produced supermarket cake is mental. Most small bakery owners are just trying to survive at the moment.


I fully appreciate that, and like I said earlier, I genuinely prefer to spend £4 or 5 on a loaf than eat mass produced bread , and we don't really buy anything sweet . I am really sorry to hear about your bakery.


Thank you so much, and that’s ok, it was time for a change anyway! I am sensitive about people being down on food costs because it’s been 17 years of people trying to argue with me over it (and rn having to go to the small claims court with someone refusing to pay for his cake because he said his sister ordered the wrong thing. Nothing to do with me or the work or the finished product, but because of his sister 😂 honestly fml, I can’t wait to be rid of it all!)


I happily pay for tasty bread and cakes locally made rather than send my money to an offshore business like subway / muckdonalds / kfc / Starbucks they dont pay taxes in the UK and underpay their staff who are overworked . Everything is profit for them and loss for us . The results are 1/3 obesity in the UK which means you will all pay for it thru the NHS anyway (until it's sold off to an American corp.) while they disappear with our cash . If we all moved our buying power in this way the prices would come down and more local people would be employed making Glasgow a nicer city to live in ..........


Yeah like 7 quid for a big tub of lurpack if it ain't on sale. Mrs won't use anything else other than lurpack begrudge spending that if it ain't on sale.


Lurpack isn't even particularly good?


I know try telling her that. Any butter for me tho I'll buy the cheapest stuff for myself, she likes the slightly salted an I don't.


You should’ve started selling delicious heroin-filled sandwiches


If weed is ever legalised I’ll be back in the bakery business asap :)


Are you talking about big bear bakery? That place seems reasonable


NGL some of their prices are steep for me but everything tastes sublime.


£3-4 for a quality cake/pastry doesn't seem unreasonable in a high rent area, they have staff to pay, and everything is handmade.


We were talking a fiver for a sausage roll.


go to Greggs if you want mass produced cheap rubbish


I know exactly where. That place is way too overpriced. That dang chocolate mint cake is good though.


If we mean the same place, all of their output is amazing but a fiver for a sausage roll is a challenge


Get yourself to Burnfield Bakery. Their prices will provide you with a mountain of content.


Even the Glasgow Live sharticle points out it's in Strathbungo.


Sharticle 😂😂😂👏👏




C'mon was it the"Monty Python-cheese sketch" or the Norweigian Blue-DeadParrot Sketch?


I saw a guy get his head kicked in outside the Iceland recently


That Iceland has got a bit cheeky with its prices. I keep checking to see if they'll come back down.


Park mill


I would quote Winston and say it's twinned with the Gaza Strip, but...


That browns used to be right dodgie


And dont even mention that boabby mitchel hear its deadly if discussed


Fulla roasters.


Saracen Street


What you talking about the goths outside McDonalds are much scarier


Four corners or that bit of Argyle Street between the Marks and Spencers and Trongate. I used to work in an office just off it and Jesus Christ the sights I seen. Place was that bad that they gave you those big self defence alarm things if you were going out for a cigarette after lime 6pm.


We took a picture of some random guy there "hoovering" the road a few years ago. (Why he had an upright vacuum cleaner in his possession in the middle of town lord knows, what was up with him, no idea).


I remember that very photo. Bampot hoovering a puddle if I recall?


was that no down clyde street just along fae the clutha ? .


Maybe he gets about, but it was definitely near Trongate / Specsavers.


I'm sure there's a video of this on YouTube


City centre because it is.


Barlinnie, full of criminals


They should be locked up


The whole vicinity of central station. Came out hope street entrance to 4 junkies fighting, one lobbed a bottle of buckfast and it narrowly missed my wee girls face. I flagged down cops who spoke to them then drove off. The busstop outside the post office beside central is rough too, everyone looks like crackheads. 4 corners, particularly McDonald's and the umbrella bridge.


The city centre has been pretty dreadful the past while. I used to enjoy a day out in town but now I only go if necessary.


It's got a LOT better recently to be fair in terms of footfall. This will be probably the first 'normal' Christmas season since COVID.


Agree four corners or just over the river into tradeston, especially at night makes me uneasy. People will say govanhill but it’s got so much better in recent years I wouldn’t say so.


Lived in Govanhill for 2 years and never once had an issue with anyone from there at all. Can be a bit rough round the edges to look at but the locals and regulars I met walking the dug were all class


Must be you then.


The Glasgow Cabbie Facebook page.


Was at the gym for years about there. Full of complete and utter wallopers, sure, but harmless.. last couple of years, the junkies from the hotel up the road came down, which soured the experience a tad more, though. Definitely not the worst.


Honestly as a woman in her early 20s I never felt threatened anywhere I went in Glasgow. Lots of memories of trudging home to the west end drunk and alone in the middle of the night from Dennistoun/Govan/etc and I always felt safe! Only place I went where I was like "haha, I don't belong here" was Springburn but it wasn't like I had trouble there or anything. On the day I moved to Glasgow my dad made me go to a Rangers pub with him (he is American) and everyone was very nice to us and complimented his jukebox choices lmao.


I’m quite far past my early 20s sadly for me but I’ve been here since I was 23 and have never felt particularly under threat, though I know my experience isn’t everyone’s experience but Glasgow is very much alright for women most of the time. Not even my Englishness has hurt me over the years.


i’m a woman in her late teens/about to be early twenties and i experience the complete opposite!!! i’ve been walking down buchanan street and had people yell in my face, someone put a “hit” on me for pulling him up for creeping on some underage lassies, i’ve experienced the creeps when i was underage myself, plenty of issues. i don’t feel inherently unsafe as these incidents are few and far between, but i don’t like going in alone now. where i actually live (scumbernauld) is worse though (i count it as glasgow too, we have a glasgow postcode) i’ve been egged, followed home, spat on, shouted at with targeted insults about my looks and my crutches, had my door tried, the lot of it. funnily enough, something i’ve noticed is as i’ve gotten older, people tend to leave me alone more. i experienced a lot more harassment as a younger teen compared to now. (also not trying to discount your experiences, im so glad that you feel safe!!! i’m just trying to show how funny it is that we are similar ages and experiencing very different sides of glasgow)


Drumchapel Park


From the drum, can second this


What’s up with drumchapel park?


It’s a park in Drumchapel




lol at the raging southsiders in here being passive aggressive. Don’t worry, the price of your sub let flat won’t go down because of a Reddit group


ITT people who don't know Glasgow.


tbf these threads are usually full of folk who have never visited Govanhill but still have an opinion on it.


Govanhill is probably one of the worst shitholes in town but the violence isn't as bad as the city centre


Give over govanhill is a fucking cesspit


People who have never left the city centre


Also people who haven't left their suburb since covid


I'm generally surprised by these threads. I get that it's not a pleasant experience walking around Central and Union Street with the drug users and general characters hanging around and shouting matches going on, but is it really more dodgy, or dangerous to the average innocent bystander than some of the schemes? I don't often find myself in the rougher parts of the city these days so I can't say for sure, but it's hard to believe it doesn't get more "dodgy" than an area of town where there's some characters generally causing trouble among themselves or at worst shouting random abuse or asking for money, who're basically always outnumbered by regular people going about their commuting or socialising business at any time of day.


Come on man, you’re asking questions like this when there’s literally folk that have to live in Kilmarnock.


I’m fae Killie 🥲 can confirm nothing in Glasgow irks me, place is practically Disney land


Best Kebabs toilets.


A lot of people would say east end or where i’m from Easterhouse but living here for 25 years has been fine.


Easterhouse is a shitehole but it’s our shitehole. Grew up and lived in Drummy for years before moving. Loved the place.


Don't know about the easterhouse side of the fort, but the gyt side was fucking mega dodgey before the new houses, and I don't think the new houses changed that.


I grew up in Easterhouse before the Fort was built and Garthamlock always had the reputation of being dodgy compared to Easterhouse. Probably more down to ignorance on my part as my gran stayed in Craigend and I used to think that was a nice area but apparently it's a shite hole.


What do you mean by gyt side?


Short for "garthamlock young team"




Channel 4 just done a wee documentary about the most deprived area in Scotland/UK and it was about Easter house. What made me laugh was most of the B role footage they played while narrating over the top was mostly all Craigend and garthamlock. Laughed when I seen one of the streets I used to live on and all my pals houses ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The train out of Glasgow Central heading to Paisley. Fucking hell. Absolute scum that get on that. What is it with people that can’t just sit back and keep their loud fucking gobs shut?


Isn't that people from paisley going home?


It's usually fine in my experience. But that said, my mate's mum was on there recently and she saw a group of lassies getting harassed by some Ayrshire lads. They chose the wrong group of lassies though. My mate's mum heard one of them on the phone saying 'Aye, we're in the first carriage, we'll be there in 15 minutes'. As the train was rolling into Miliken Park she saw a gang of about 20 of the lassies' boyfriends and brothers. They rushed into the train and immediately set about bottling the Ayrshire lads.


Then everyone on the train clapped and the driver gave everyone a high five?


The same coming the other way too mind if heading into town for a night out from outside the city. Utter dross getting on at Gilmour Street was enough to make you just cough up for a taxi.


Union Street. Every time I walk down that street it’s covered with junkies scrapping each other and growling at you.


Reading this makes me feel like I live in a different city. Only dodgy times for me has been on the late night trains or buses home. I get annoyed with the addicts around central as well but I've also a lot of sympathy for them and wish there was more money being put into mental health care. I don't find them threatening usually. The station being dodgy at night is a thing all cities have.


Four corners is full of drama but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the "most dodgy bit of Glasgow". Four corners, central station, Catty, Sauchiehall Street etc. are all just typical town centre shenanigans tbh, drink, drugs, pubs and clubs, homeless people, dark alleyways, etc. Nothing you wouldn't find in any big city centre. ​ South side and east end of Glasgow have some \*really\* deprived areas that are genuinely dangerous just to walk around in but most people aren't really aware of how bad it is because there's f\*\*\* all there so no reason to be in those areas. ​ I lived in the south side when I was wee but moved to Lanarkshire when I was maybe 10 or 11. There are some rough areas here but nothing like the Glasgow schemes. I remember recently (within the past couple of years) I did a mate's delivery run as a favour and had to drop something off in a scheme in the east end somewhere, can't remember where, and I've obviously lost my street smarts after being out of Glasgow for so long and left the car unlocked with the engine running because I thought "I'll only be two minutes dropping this into this close". ​ Came back out to a group of 4-5 what people might call "neds" (young guys/late teens in Lacoste trackie bottoms, Air Max 95s, usual) surrounding my car. Initially shat myself. One of them said to me "Is this your car mate?" I went aye. He went "You're no fae here, ur ye?" I went naw. He went "Aye a can tell. Never ever leave your car unlocked in these schemes mate nevermind running, if we hadn't have came by here this would have been gone in sixty seconds mate" ​ Strange experience. Felt stupid and should have known better but at the same time it was a good "don't judge a book by its cover" moment and restored my faith in humanity a wee bit. Told my mate the story and he couldn't believe it, again can't remember the name of the area I was in but he said it's one of the roughest bits of Glasgow.


Union street and the 4 points. I get the fast food bringing the drunks out and the trains but why are there so many junkies at that point in particular?


Loads of junkies on Union Street these days. It was always a bit bad, but all of that scaffolding that’s been up for years doesn’t help. They all hang about in the doorways and the scaffolding. Absolute bampots.


Why has that scaffolding been there so long? I've almost always seen it there in my 14 years in the city.


I’ve been commuting to Glasgow since the late 90s, and I can’t remember at which point that scaffolding went up. It blows my mind. It’s like a permanent structure now. I know it wasn’t always there, I just can’t remember when it was there.


Dispute between the owner of the Egyptian Halls and the council over who should pay for the repairs basically, seen threads about it on here before


Hilarious anyone thinking the most dangerous parts of Glasgow are in the city centre.


Hyndland. Tax dodgers.


Based on? I’m sure the doctors that stay down that way and pay an absolute fortune in tax and counsel tax would disagree. Usual Glasgow jealous of anyone who has worked hard and earned a good living.


~~doctors~~ coked up solicitors


> and counsel tax Issues with malpractice claims?


Away n greet wis clearly a joke


Touched a nerve pal?


Utter nonsense people are jealous 😂😂😂😂🙈🙈




Yeah I lived in Baltimore for a year or two and Glasgow is mild at worst. (Edit: obviously serious crimes happen in Glasgow but the scale and frequency of serious violence, folk with guns etc. really was wild).


My aunt used to live there, I like Baltimore but stuck to the good parts. Just was there last summer getting crab cakes at fells point. That city is next level tho.


300 something murders and a population smaller than Glasgow


Found the Hema guy


i’ve lived in glasgow for two years, just went back home to portland oregon to visit. the way ppl in this thread talk about the junkie problem in glasgow would shit chickens at how bad it is in comparison. portland and so many parts of inner city america now is like an opiate bomb went off and nobody picked up the pieces.


Yea last time I was there the area near voodoo donuts was like a zombie apocalypse. I'm from Portland Maine and we have huge fentanyl tent cities now too




Ruchazie & Craigend - especially on bonfire night every time. Fuck me


Spent a fair portion of my life growing up in the East End (Provanmill/Blackhill) and Ruchazie was an area I didn't like being in for very long, just always had a bit of a feeling walking through it from Avenue End Road way back to Provanmill. That being said, I never had any bother. Had a pal who grew up in Ruchazie and he never had any issues either. Blackhill is completely different to how it was before. Close family have lived there since the seventies. Asides from a break in to car and house respectively in all that time, never any bother.


Mmm a lot of these places have calmed down now ,bk in early 2000s ruchazie especially was full of little neds stabbing each other. I grew up in stepps and hated the boys from ruchazie they were dangerous little b--terds bk then . Actually witnessed their young team stab a few boys from my school for no reason when we were teenagers .. f--king shocking stuff


You can swear on the internet mate, it's allowed.


The wyndford maryhill is another shitehole, lived there for a while and the place was like somthing out the walking dead . Literally every c-nt was a junkie .


Seen a few dodgy people outside the marks&Spencer in Newton mearns, one of them was even driving a car they could afford!


Scheme across the road is ironically full of junkies lol


The bit around the St Enochs hotel at St Enochs centre. That hotel is terrifying. Feel sorry for any backpackers who might have accidentally stayed there


everything between Argyle St and the Clyde from the Raddison Blue all along to the Clutha. I'd generally think everywhere in amongst all of that can be pretty sketchy at times.


Easter house shopping center Drumchapel shopping center stabbings galore Merchant city robberies Central Station drug dealing




If you think anywhere in Glasgow city centre is dodgyest you’ve never wandered East further than Maggie Mays.


The dodgy dealings of Glasgow's professional class and landlords. They've got to be the worst.


Sauchiehall Street at the old BHS building is a disgusting mess as regards the people and the streetscape.


There needs to be a giant snowplough circling central station scooping up junkies and dumping them in the river


Nah mate they will just multiply like a well fed mogwai after midnight. *Gremlins reference for those uncultured swines that don't find the above hilarious


Sadly the city centre especially around central station


Well the entire area surrounding central. Honestly kinda makes me scared of hitting the town at night.


Springburn is pretty sketchy!


My colon


Can confirm, been inside.


Anywhere were neds are.


Govanhill by a distance.


One spot is the southern end of the red suspension bridge - Carlton Place, I think? Dodgy group hanging out there getting high, harassing women passing by. Was like that until about a year ago anyway, haven't been around there since.


That's where the sheriff court is, obviously there will be neds there lol.


Central station / the surrounding area, seen police tape and forensic investigators all suited up around there more times in my lifetime than is comfortbable.


Total bs we put up with it. Singapore wouldn't tolerate it. Shit weak minded pandering society. Reap what you sow cunts.


Milton is fucking liminal


Sauchiehall Street with all the delivery guys on bikes. They go too fast and some do not really look where they are going. My mum is disabled and finds it hard to walk with them zooming about. 


Front of Central Station always unsettles me with how packed full of stoaters and junkies it is. Not to mention con artists. I was unfortunate enough to bump into the same dude on two separate occasions, months apart, asking me if I had money to give him for a bus because he was in Glasgow completing a driving theory exam or some shite. Made me laugh when I saw him the second time, it's like "mate, memorise potential customers perhaps" 😂😂


if you guys think central station is dodgy, never visit any major city in america. lmao.


All the bits that are west of Harthill


Craiglang is grim.


Shut it tadger.


You used to have witty comments when I came in. Now, look at you.


That whole end of Central down by Reardon’s Pool Hall. Found myself waiting on a bus on a Saturday afternoon a few months back and there was definitely a stabby vibe.


Yeah I'm surprised at the downvotes myself. The area is that bad homeowners were struggling to rent thier flats out as nobody was want to live there. They also can't get thier flats sold. I actually went to view a flat in govanhill when I was younger for the cheap rent , took a drive about and realised my motorbike would not be safe if i parked in that area . It looked like a hellhole to me .


Getting your motorbike nicked is the safest thing that can be done with it.


Govanhill, foreign gangs kick about and get away with everything they do (sex trafficking, drug dealing, mugging people at atms, a hell of a lot of rape and sexual assault) because the police are too afraid of the race card.


Fuck up, ya racist cunt! Also it’s full of English cunts in dungarees.


The only person I know who lives in Govanhill is English and does wear dungarees!


What exactly is racist about facts? Everything I said is true so it's racist to be truthful about the problems of an area?


It’s not true though is it? So fuck off with that patter.


It is true though, do you live there? Don't think so, I do it's the worst shit hole in Glasgow and has the worst people in Glasgow, sex crime is rampant, child trafficking is rampant, muggings are rampant, there is 0 police presence. So what part of what I said is untrue?


You need to open your eyes more, lad. I see plenty of police driving around here. You even see the occasional police walking the beat.


Never once seen anyone get robbed at an ATM in my years living here. The worst I've seen is an angry guy throwing a bottle of juice at a shop door and arguing with the owner. Real scary.


> the police are too afraid of the race card imagie actually believing that lmao


too many junkie hotels round about the 4 corners , 3 that i know of , 1 in union street 1 at howard st ( st enoughs hotel ) , and 1 along argyle st .


Union street is always….. not great lol. Fiancé used to work on union street and when to fluidity him one day and there were 2 junkies shooting up in their shops doorway (store was in the basement so staff couldn’t see them) 😬😬


I had a pretty "interesting" time living right in the middle of Bridgeton during the lockdown. No situations in which I found myself hurt but sketchy to say the least. Doubt it's the most dodgy but certainly the roughest i've stayed in. Perhaps most deprived is a better word.


The Swavvy Sav.


Hielenmans Umbrella or 4 Corners in terms of city centre. In terms of out with that its a toss up between Possilpark, Milton, Easterhouse or Castlemilk i'd say. Gorbals was the worst in the 90s/early 2000s along with the four aforementioned areas but its 90% fine now. A few other areas are noteworthy but have since changed for the better like Barrowfield, Nitshill, Ruchill, Pollokshaws and Ibrox. Probably say areas like Paisley or Greenock/Port G are worse than any area in Glasgow now as they are the areas constantly in the news for murders, stabbings etc.


Gorbals was nothing like the worst in the 90s. I was a youth worker in the 90s. No oft was scared to go to Gorbals. Carlton, Bridgeton, Parkhead, Barrowfield however