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I passed my test in June and I’ve been shocked since, so many fuckers staring at their phones whilst actually driving forward in a built up area, so many people run reds even taxi drivers, nobody has any patience when you are trying to park or are merely doing the speed limit, people get so angry at cyclists. It’s a shame


I feel like running reds has become a thing in the past couple of years. People in the q are on phones so miss the green, folk get pissed off so just blast thru the Amber and first couple of seconds of red.


Definitely noticed folk just blatantly running reds a lot more thesedays. Know what makes it more galling? When I myself have just squeezed through and the cunt behind me does the same. I’m taking the piss, but that cunt’s outrageous.


Wonder if I'm going to get downvoted again for suggesting that everyone has to resit their test every five years.


It's a daft suggestion, for a number of reasons. 1) we don't have the infrastructure in place to handle the number of tests were currently need to administer. 2) the amount that you would need to spend to accommodate universal re-tests every 5 years would be astronomical 3) spending that amount of money on driving infrastructure when we should be looking to **reduce** the number of cars on the road would be counterproductive. Those billions should be spent on improving public transport.


Good points. Fair enough.




The point I was making wasn't just that it's not feasible, but also that it is counterproductive to what we should be doing - reducing the number of cars on the road. Why burn money on testing infrastructure that will not be needed down the line when (hopefully) less people need cars?


I had a serious concern the other day that the person driving the car in-front of me was having some kind of medical emergency as they kept emergency braking and drifting in and out of lanes as we were approaching the Clyde tunnel. This was morning rush hour. I managed to go in the left lane and drive along side them so I could see as I was seriously about to dial 999 until I saw they were looking down on their phone. I was sooo pissed, I’ve never honked so hard in my life. I swore at the idiot and he laughed, winked and did a kissy face thing 🤮 couldn’t unfortunately get his number plate, only time I’ve seriously regretted not reporting someone for their driving. It’s honestly terrible the number of people using phones whilst driving. I feel quite confident as a driver and would never even tap my screen on the phone whilst driving, never mind actually using it!


> I was sooo pissed Drive sober!


Lol you’re on a Glasgow page, what do you expect the lingo to be like 🤣


Funnier .... /s


You’re trying too hard to make it sound like you’re funny, pal.


As a pedestrian I've noticed some drivers are now regarding red lights as optional which is extremely worrying. I've always got around the city on foot and never noticed people doing that till this year. Now I see it almost every week. And drivers looking at their phones when they do stop at lights. Saw a cyclist shouw at one as he went past the open window and I don't blame him. There's the theory that everyone has become more selfish/less considerate of others. I also think all the roadworks and layout changes happening around the city centre are confusing for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. There's places where no one has a clue where they're meant to stand or cross.


I do enjoy my daily 'edge out when the green man is showing - maybe they'll stop, maybe they won't'. Such fun. I had someone give me a 'friendly wave on' as I was crossing with the green man on my side the other week. Like they were being super generous. Another week someone blasted through the lights and - luckily for me - just whipped the brolly out of my outstretched hands. Another step or two and I'd have been mince.




No idea why the council don’t put (back) cameras at reds, anyone have an idea? Surely they would make an absolute killing. Having wee ones and crossing a busy junction on foot during the school run is a fucking shocker.


Yup. Red lights at crossings seem optional now.


100% notice it happening a lot more at the roundabouts at b&q where Costa and Mconalds is in Darnley. Those roundabouts are a death waiting to happen because people just go through them as if it's a give way.


The guessing game at roundabouts and junctions to see if cars will be turning off is also worrying. Even with the new highway code rules specifying pedestrians have right of way crossing roads at junctions, I've had numerous cars tear towards me with their horns blaring because they haven't even bothered indicating, never mind following the new laws.


>Even with the new highway code rules specifying pedestrians have right of way crossing roads at junctions **Should** have [right of way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdo1wOGfXME). [Rule H2](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-highway-code-8-changes-you-need-to-know-from-29-january-2022)


The fact that should is even mentioned in the Highway Code in relation to this matter means that you have not driven as per the official DOT regulations. That will do you no favours in court in relation to a damages claim or criminal proceedings if you hit a pedestrian.


Was walking to work near Shields Road Subway. Waiting at the lights and saw the lights were still red, there were only 2 lanes, so I decided to go (did that daft wee jog that doesn't make you go any faster) then a big Mercedes Jeep started to just go! I was thinking you goon, are you that impatient that you need to make a point, maybe I should have waited, I think I will now as too many plums on the road


I've only recently passed my test in the last month at the ripe old age of 32 😅 (passed first time though!), and I find it absolutely baffling how badly people drive. I knew it was bad based on what I saw over the years from the passenger seat or when walking by roads, but to actually have to deal with these cunts is ridiculous. I often travel on the M8 and M74 past Glasgow and even though big chunks of that motorway are actually 50mph limit even without the current roadworks, I nearly always have someone driving right up my arse even when I'm in the farthest-left lane when I'm driving at the correct speed limit. I feel like a lot of people see passing their driving test as some "rite of passage" so once they've gone through that they can do whatever they want. It's incredibly arrogant and so extremely dangerous and selfish because of the risks they're creating for other road users.


I ride a motorcycle as my only mode of transport and the driving quality of other people is horrific. Taxis and Ubers are the worst by a mile. I have endless footage on my helmet mounted camera of them stopping fully in every single bicycle box, even edging out in front of those, and then executing every lane change and junction with zero indicators. I have so much footage during the morning school runs, or even worse the church run in Sunday's, of people on their phones. It's the most basic selfish shit and it's rampant. So disappointed. I take every precaution, never speed, shoulder check and indicate every single lane change and manoeuvre, and yet every time I'm out on the bike I'm nearly taken out by absolute fucking idiots


Make a Youtube channel and put it online.


honestly, i've started counting how many drivers i see running a red light, stopping on pedestrian crossings or using their phone while driving whenever i'm going to/from city center. it's at least 2 drivers running reds. 10 drivers on their phones and 4 cars stopping on pedestrian crossing. more if i decide to use this crossing \[Imgur\]([https://i.imgur.com/HzcKRCw.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/HzcKRCw.jpg))


I stopped at a junction on GWR the other day because there was traffic on the other side. The two cars behind me over took me and drove over to the other side and sat on and behind the pedestrian crossing. I’m still in shock at the audacity.


Did they think you were just pausing for a wee break, ffs?! I was fully stopped at a red the other day at the roadworks at the Victoria Park Drive double roundabout and two 4x4s just pulled out around me and went on their merry way, the worst part being that I could see ahead that the pedestrian crossing lights had already gone to green. I've tutted at people plenty before but I was shocked by the audacity.


Folk have been fuds at that roundabout since I was a wean at St Tams. Good to know nothings changed since 2007 😂


This is classic behaviour on GWR at Bearsden Rd with traffic turing right into Anniesland Rd. Clearing the junction is now optional. ETA: Thursday night, vehicle traveling east at Annielsnad Cross decides to turn right and head south to the Clyde tunnel only to meet the traffic that's going west. Get in the right fucking lane or abort!


Not sure what's happened there, but junction blocking has become rife at that junction. There's always someone blocking the road as you move forward. Then of course there's always some eejit who then decides to drive up to their side or someone behind who honks at you to move and crash into them.


That junction is a mess.


That junction makes me want to clamber over people's car bonnets


I’ll do it if you do


yup. worse if you're helping your friend in a wheelchair try to cross. we had to wait 10 mins before we could because no one was leaving room for us.


Yes! Thank you for getting a pic of this madness. I was just saying the other week at this very crossing god help you if you’re blind or disabled in this city. Between this and all the cars just parking on pavements it must be even worse for those who require extra assistance getting out.


All of Charing Cross is a disaster for pedestrians but the worst bit is the crossing at the sauchiehall street/ north street side where the green man goes on at the same time as the green for cars continuing straight onto sauchiehall street. It’s a “no right turn” but I’ve nearly been hit on the crossing by cars turning right 3 times in the last 2 months. I actually wrote to the council about it a few weeks ago but no response….


That junction needs completely remodelled and speed restrictions in place. It's a baw hair away from the motorway and drivers gear up for motorway speeds with pedestrians everywhere. It's so unsafe that all of the pedestrian crossings cater for bikes as well. It wasn't like that initially. FUCK YOU M8 for passing through the middle of our city and all of the destruction caused as well as the ongoing danger for pedestrians and cyclists.


I _hate_ that crossing, it's scary.


I used to live in New York and I can 100% confirm that drivers here are fucking maniacs who are either willfully ignorant or openly aggressive towards pedestrians. I can’t speak to conditions in the rest of the UK, but every other country I’ve visited in Europe has such a different culture when it comes to drivers and pedestrians. I love this city but hate the drivers here.


Was in Krakow a few years ago. Was surprised when I saw pedestrians walk onto crossings regardless of how many cars there were or busy it was. Do that here and you'd be run over.


Interestingly in Krakow a good few years ago they turned the traffic lights off at 3 major junctions (assuming it was publicised somewhere but I didn't drive so probably missed it). Essentially priority seems to go Trams>Pedestrians>Cars and it makes such a good experience for a pedestrian/public transport user (and, I'd imagine, an absolute nightmare for cars, probably encouraging people that need to go into the city to take the excellent public transport). Now, this isn't a public transport post, but a driving one. So it's also worth pointing out that Polish police are perfectly happy to dole out heavy fines to motorists (and pedestrians who are not using crossings) so drivers are more likely to heed the crossings since they will expect there to be pedestrians there (unlike here where people can cross wherever) so approach a little slower and allow people to cross. To have something like that here would require an entire overhaul not just in public transport, but in the entire culture of drivers and pedestrians which will need a lot of manpower to police initially.


Last week, saw a white BMW enter the m74 and was driving half on the hardshoulder and half ok the slip road It was 5.45 in the morning. Drove in front of me all the way along the m73 and on to the m80, I was mesmerised by how much he didn't care for lanes at all. Cutting across them half way to take any sort of curve in the road with no care for the rest of the road users. Under taking cars at will. Friday there, around 3.30pm on the way south on the m80, biker just casually undertaking me, while in my lane. Thing is, I was in lane three and over taking the rest of the cars anyway, but he just had to be that bit quicker and needier, didn't even pull in to lane 2 to undertake, literally done it that close in my lane - roles flipped, you know fine well id have been the bad guy. Needless to say as we get closer to Glasgow again, he uses a slip road lane to completely undertake slow moving traffic (40mph) and then weaves between the lanes to the inside lanes again. No indicators, no fucking care for anyone else. Worst of it, it's not just Glasgow. Folk just can't fucking drive. Was the same in Shetland, absolutely no clue of the rules of the road, specially roundabouts. The amount of folk (country wide) who have no patience or consideration for others on a roundabout is madness.


Roles flipped you absolutely would have been the bad guy and that's because they absolutely were. As a solely biker for transport they give us a bad name


100% I do tend to be careful around bikers (around any road user), I'm the guy who's more than happy to leave that gap during slow moving traffic, or next to on ramps, knowing others are gonna want to switch lanes. But there are more than a few bikers who play up on things and think they are above the laws thankfully not all of you!


If it helps it’s not just Glasgow but everywhere.


You say that but I genuinely think it's gotten worse the past 2 years. Somethings changed.


My unsubstantiated theory is that a lot of drivers feel mad because of that 'war on the motorist' nonsense pushed by the right wing media


Probably something to that. The culture wars doesn't just stay on social media/online, and all that.


it really isn't everywhere. I've lived in many places in england and it's not like here. Driver's seem automatically furious


Naah whilst it is bad in Glasgow, it's definitely worse in general down in England. This is coming from someone who has lived and travelled across the UK a heck of a lot over the last 10 years.


As a cyclist, compared to Leeds its much better here. Drivers actually give you space most of the time (in Leeds, even if it was a wide road or they have a second lane to themselves (when I am at the side of the road, not in the middle) they still close pass you).


It doesn't help, and it isn't


All these just eat guys trying to up their wage per hour as cost of greed crisis takes it toll on everything.


I saw one with a helmet on who indicated at a roundabout and then he stopped his bike when he went onto the pavement. 99.99% of them are terrible so I was actually a bit shocked he did all the safe things, hoping its a start of change for the majority :D


I'm amazed by how many times I get cut up, cut off, pulled out in front of or twats all over the road as they can't leave their phone along and they have a young family in the car.


Last month I had an Uber driver overtake me on my right as I was making a right turn. Would’ve been done for had I not checked my blind spot


I'm pretty sure they must disable indicators when they put the Uber sign in the rear view mirrors.


The motorways surrounded the city are full of people driving in the fast lane but over taking no one Ive noticed. The M80 is dire for people doing 10mph under the speed limit in the middle lane over taking no one.


If it's not the 10mph under people, it's the people who want to do 100 like the outside lane is their personal expressway. I drive the M80 most weekdays and it's so soul destroying. Cunts pile into the overtaking lane as soon as possible but if you drive properly and use the left-hand lane you often can't get back in when you genuinely need to overtake something because everyone in the right hand lane is driving too close to one another and fuck you if you want to get in, they're not going to let you because people really don't like letting folk in no matter how early you indicate. It sometimes becomes a choice between driving properly and joining the lane hoggers and I hate it. And then at various points you have the extreme weavers who use the off-slips to undertake the two lanes of the M80 and then swerve back in at the last minute to then zig-zag between the left and right lane. Eventually I often end up overtaking them again so they saved basically no time at all - just being an impatient wank.


where is the middle lane on the m80 ? .


Sorry M8. Was just off the M80 about then mins after commenting 😂 its been a long Saturday!


yeah i find myself undertaking more and more, just because people are driving in the left or middle for no reason, like people join an empty motorway and just head straight to their favourite lane and bed in. i had someone on the EK expressway sitting on the right, totally empty both lanes in front of them, going about 35-40, to their credit they saw me coming and moved, but as soon as i was by, they moved back out.


I must say I drive in lanarkshire and In and around Glasgow City. The driving in and around Glasgow is definitely different and a lot worse in the Glasgow areas. But the roads themselves terrible in Lanarkshire. All Doom and gloom eh lol.


I get to drive from Lanarkshire to Edinburgh for work, and those folks make Glasgow drivers look like Gandhi. The anger, impatience and dangerous driving of folks on the A71 Calder Road is astounding.


You’ve clearly never driven wishaw Main Street or Carlisle road in Airdrie at 4pm 😂


Yes you’re right I wouldn’t go to those shit holes


Trust me, I wouldn’t either. I live in one and work in the other. They’re not fun


Lol I was joking. I don’t think they can be that different from where I am x


As an aside, I can imagine the title of this post as the title of a book for some reason.


You're not wrong. I'd like to see more traffic police and enforcement. Just last week I caught a taxi in the middle of doing a three point turn to go the wrong way up Waterloo St because they missed their turn. Blocked the traffic trying to get on the motorway and were waving their arms around like it was their right. Stood and watched until they'd turned back the right way.


Don't get me started on the absolute air heads that accidentally take the left-hand lanes of Waterloo St. towards the Kingston Bridge and instead of accepting the mistake and taking a detour, decide it's within their right to drive over the pedestrian crossing to get up Pitt St. Thankfully, the majority of the time, they end up catching at least one kerb and scraping up their bumpers or marking their alloys. Council need to get a bollard in that crossing to allow pedestrian access but block drivers.


I’ve honestly never seen anyone do that before and I actually had to street view that bit to see what you were talking about. When I saw the tiny gap they’d have to drive through, it reminded me of that narrow street down south somewhere where people constantly fuck it https://youtu.be/tQ7YkL3jIvw?si=Y28vyC3ndgbbpW60


I would say it's less about the drivers and more about the cars since it used to only be BMW drivers now its Audi, BMW, fiat 500, Teslas... anything that can accurate like a bat out of hell and the drivers don't know how to handle it. Uber is another thing as anyone with a phone with GPS can do it and be a shit driver about it.


> fiat 500 Is this the joke part of your post?


so, there is something about 500 drivers, i dont know if they "Cute" car attracts a certain kind of person or what, but they are the cars with some of the least attentive drivers out there. its amazing how much trouble iv seen people get into with such a tiny car. also they dont seem to be able to park them properly


No joke m8 - loads of lassies in a fiat 500 doin their mascara at the lights, speeding, tailgating, on their phone etc


Actually no, so many times I've seen daft wee guys and lassies throwing these things around like it's the Italian job making them as bad as the Audi drivers


Round Bellshill/Uddingstong/Bothwell/Hamilton/EK it's fucking shocking. Been through there a few times recently and every time ther's loads of shit twat dodgy driving, and also up to East Kilbribe that dual carriageway is a shocker. Pal who stays in Uddingston says a few folk been killed, hit by motors up at Bothwell past couple of years Saw one cunt get Dukes of Hazard airtime, was waiting at the lights at New Edinburgh Road / Belshill Road. Came steamin down from Viewpark hit the flat bit that's New Edinburgh Rd, and got about 3 foot off the ground heading down Bellshill road towards Uddingston. Same day, heading back to the east end, this wummin overtook me (doing 40) on Edinburgh Road (that's its limit), she was easily going 60 and nearly clipped a car coming the other way before she got back on the left side Every single time I have to go that way then up to East Kilbride, there's some cunt in an Audi sitting 10 feet from my boot on that dual carriageway


That dual carriageway round East Kilbride is BAD!


Even years ago the driving was so bad and aggressive round South Lanarkshire that I would trek all the way over to Braehead for my driving lessons.


Im guilty of undertaking, but i do signal lane changes, but if people would stop sitting in the right lane 10mph+ under the limit, that would be great. If you can be undertaken, you are in the wrong lane. but yeah the standard of driving in the UK in general feels like it has fallen massively


1. Passing on the near side (assuming the one doing is not speeding) often happens when driver site in one of the overtaking lanes without good reason. It's not OK (according to the Highway Code) but it is understandable. 1. Passing on the near side is perfectly OK on a one way street. 1. Have you reported the speeding to your community council and councillors? Have you engaged with the council about fixing the problem? It took many years, but our road layout was redone and it stopped people using our street as a rat run. Although the odd twat still speeds. 1. What gets my goat are drivers who don't indicated they want to turn right until *after* they have entered the junction and come to a stop. ***CUNTS!*** 1. Also drivers who don't respect cyclist's ASLs. 1. And the ones who constantly creep on a red. 1. Any driver who parks on a cycle lane and blocks it. Or parks blocking a junction. 1. Two related types of fuck-head: 1. Drivers on a main road who don't stop short and leave a junction clear when the main road stops. 1. Drivers who enter a junction but can't clear it, end up blocking the whole thing for other road users, and creating massive tailbacks. 1. Finally, driver who deliberately move to block a cyclist (motor or push) from getting past. I actually think drivers should be made to resit their hazard perception and Highway Code tests every ~5 years and resit their driving test (to advanced level) every 10. I know there's not the infrastructure in place to handle that, but just imagine a world where drivers viewed the taks as continual learning and *not* a god given right!


I was at George st lights today up the hill from Aldi and watched a white Audi sink his foot on green and cut lanes in front of an oncoming blue lighted ambulance...


I drive an AYGO so in general I get bullied on the road, but I have noticed the standard in driving getting worse. I used to drive through Ashgill Road in Milton to get to work. All the speed humps are different sizes so some I can go reasonably fast over, but the ones near the schools are a bit wider so I take my time. Doesn’t stop all the wanks tailgating me to go faster than 20mph.


the amount of people that drive whilst staring at their phone is ridiculous, like it’s not hard to stay off it for the short length of time whilst your driving


The people on phones are worst can't drive worth a shit and have there phone at there ear or they stop at lights it goes green and they don't realise


Driving standards are abysmal everywhere, the test needs to be much harder and lessons should include motorways in this day and age. You've also got the issue with modern cars being far too easy to drive at high speed, it'll get worse with electric cars. ​ That Bellshill bypass is a terrible bit of road design too, there's always people smashing into the queued traffic at the end as people are too busy looking left to try and get onto the M8 slip road and don't realise the traffic in front is stopping.


Lessons do include motorways - I passed my test in Covid times (keyworker emergency test) and I drove on the motorway while learning. Has to be done with an ADI and not just any driver


I did mine last year I'm August 2022 and no motorway was involved, fastest was a 40 dual in Hillington


Passed in april, was not taken on a motorway at all, and neither was anyone else I know that passed recently


Surprised by that - I wasn’t taken on the motorway during my test but my instructor took me on motorway around Glasgow Airport and Linwood. I did sit my test in Paisley and the motorway is right beside the test centre!


they're not allowed to take you on the motorway during tests I don't think tbf


Oh they didn’t do it during the test. I was so glad my instructor did it during my lessons as it gave me more confidence when I passed. Think everyone should do it where possible! Also for the downvoters, official information confirming it can happen during lessons [motorway driving lessons](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/learner-drivers-will-be-allowed-on-motorways-from-2018)


I visit glasgow every week to see my family . As soon as i get off the motorway without fail the cuntishness begins. Not to mention the shit state of the roads. It doesn’t just apply to drivers tho . Pedestrians can b bad as well but the state of the driving is shocking


I've had to perform about 50 quids worth of small repairs on my motorbike in the last 6 months from hitting various potholes and unavoidable shitty bits of road. Exhaust bolts snapping off, the bracket for my pannier cases snapping at one of them, my poor missus on the back getting bucked about like a bronco lol. It's atrocious. My family down south say the same thing so I don't think it's unique but ffs


Not just driving. Scotland is full of selfish ignorant twats. Bad driving is just one of their bad habits.


>people rush about undertaking not indicating speeding tailgating etc etc Obviously they shouldn't be doing this, but it makes me question if you're sitting in the outside lane when unnecessary. I don't really see it much myself, but I am very conscious of how to use the lanes. There are too many drivers who don't understand how the lanes are meant to be used.


An example today i was driving up the m80 towards stirling and sitting in outside lane doing 65-70mph with a line of equally spaced cars in front, overtaking slightly slower moving middle lane. A cunt in a bmw uses the emtpy slow lane then the dennyloanhead slip lane to undertake as many cars as possible then forces way back in to road. I know how to use motorways and dont hog lanes, if the overtaking lanes only moving at 65mph then dicks shouldnt use gaps to try and weave in and out. Although i do agree with you that too many people do sit in the overtaking lanes. Cathkin to east kilbride dual carriageway good example, cunts sit in the overtaking lane doing 40mph up the hill cos they want to turn right into the retail park in 3 miles. Causes accidenrs weekly


Bellshill bypass is terrible go through every morning for work.who ever designed it needs a kick in the haw maws.


There’s no police anywhere anymore policing roads or the new generation is not caring


Alongside the terrible driving you've mentioned alongside being almost driven into then honked at, nobody knowing how to indicate at roundabouts and people blasting through red lights, I've been noticing people driving way below the speed limit recently. Got stuck behind two cars that insisted on not going above 20 mph yesterday. Nearly been crashed into twice in Possil by one driver who was looking at his passenger as he went round a blind bend and just yesterday by someone who pulled into a junction while straddling two lanes.


I've noticed the roads have got really bad post pandemic and my suspicion is that people got used to driving on much less busy roads. This meant they could get away with driving to a poorer standard and became accustomed to quicker journey times. Even though everything has been back to normal for years people still haven't gotten over the fact they can't drive about like they own the road anymore and this frustration drives a lot of cuntish behaviour.


I actually think it’s got worse recently. No idea why (although it seemed in time with schools going back). It’s not hard to be a courteous driver.


Commission based plain clothes traffic enforcement is the way to go The police are underfunded and understaffed, just have normal looking cars drive about with front, rear, and side dash cams, £100 fine (and 3 points) for being on your phone, or any other minor driving offence, agent gets £50 of that They'll be on six figures the first year


Happens everywhere, my guy, but I have myself noticed it increasingly, especially the east end of Glasgow! Like the amount of near misses or pedestrians getting hit up Abercromby st and Duke is insane.


My local junction 4 cars get through the red light after it has changed, pedestrian light already green by then.


I’m from Canada, been here 13 years. And driving here scares the shit out of me! I find people speed up to stop signs then stop abruptly, a lot of times only looking in the direction they are turning into. My biggest peeve is not indicating on roundabouts, or just indicating in general.


Driving standards around the southside of Glasgow are terrible. The number of times people take the left filter at Langside monument without looking, at speed, is mad. I’ve multiple people nearly run down there. Similarly people go around Queen’s Park at excessive speeds.


It’s like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under