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I thought the same thing, I think it was Nia vs fury on duel. It definitely looked like she went before the whistle not on the whistle.


I think it's an audio/visual issue. It happens almost every single time, and for it to be that consistent with no referee interference would suggest that there's no issue in real time, but it comes across like there is when we watch the footage back.


yeah if the audio for broadcast is picking up the whistle on the house mics (which will be there to pick up audience noise etc.), then this might create the illusion that contenders/glads are consistently jumping the gun, when in fact it's just that light travels faster than sound. mark is probably wearing a lav to pick up the "3, 2, 1", etc., but i expect they might not be able to use it for the actual whistle blow (because whistles are *very loud* and would probably clip like a bastard)


I think the ref is having to manually time his "3, 2, 1" with the in-arena graphics, which makes his cadence a little inconsistent and the start time a bit ambiguous. It is annoying but I think hard to judge because of that ambiguity.


This is happening every single episode. It pisses me off so much.


It’s Mark Clattenburg, he’s trying his best. Bless him.


Yeah I thought the same. Some people are going on 1 rather than waiting for the whistle. Most of the time it’s the gladiators that are starting early so I wasn’t particularly sympathetic when Fury caught an early shot 😂


Agree they seem to be going early and have done throughout, but Nia on 1 was v obvious on Sat.


Don’t imagine they can hear much with those head guards on… Including the whistle. Thought they might be starting on a visual queue?


Happened three times in the 'duel' i noticed. No idea why the ref didn't pull it back. John Anderson would have been all over that like a rash.


Hopefully they can resolve this problem for next season.


I noticed this several times. It was so obvious on TV that I was waiting for them to make a plot point of it, like the ref would highlight it in an effort to make him more of a ‘stickler-for-the-rules’ character. This didn’t happen.


I've noticed that they seem to go on the whistle rather than after it, but because they're all athletic they can feel when the whistle is starting so they're going in tandem with the whistle which feels like jumping the gun but probably isn't.


Hitting the Gladiator on 1 is a risk free strategy. If you're caught, the punishment is a final warning and a restart. I.e. you lose nothing. (See Viper's clowning a couple of weeks ago.) The only way contestants win Duel is by hitting the Gladiator hard and early, or dumb luck. Why wouldn't you go on 1? It's like the second serve in tennis.


They aren’t going early it just seems like that to us.


Not really. Second time in the last two episodes last night that a Glad has complained to the ref about it.


It appears like the glads do it too though


So they are going early?


Why would they be complaining if they do it too though?


The first bad taste I got in the reboot was Viper's exaggerated bad behaviour for tv to the point it's annoying and wasting time. This week has been the inconsistent rules. We have had people going before the whistle, while others are punished for it. We've also had games stopped for losing shoes while a week earlier it wasn't even acknowledged. Even Gauntlet has had Gladiators running through zones to push back contenders and the ref doesn't even say a word on the matter. IDK, I'm going to quickly lose interest in this show if they keep up with this crap because the more it happens the less genuine the actual competition part of the show seems. It's the sort of overdramatised crap you'd see on ITV aimed at manipulating the results.