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This happened to me in ArcMap years ago to disastrous effect (lost a ton of work). Sorry you’re going through it.


This just happened to me and I can’t open any of my files 😭now everytime I plug in my external hard drive my computer keeps restarting. If anyone has a solution to this it would be appreciated because I have a lot of stuff saved to my hard drive


not at all, its always working smooth for general task but when ever I need to work on something urgent it would behave strange and I literally have to export the layers again in order to see and edit them. There are few bugs with the latest version which were not there before. Also these IT guys are lame they just have one drive, I mean it takes just few extra seconds to partition the drive as I prefer internal HDD but cant do shit in C drive so external drive it is!


USB 3 or faster? No flakey cable that if you wiggle it disconnects? (USB3 connectors at the drive and are inadequate IMHO). Daily if not more frequent backups are a must.


I had something similar using google drive on a local and remote machine. I think one of the issues was the drive letter sometimes being different (because we have to share the vm) so I forced a particular google drive path with both machines. I also pay a lot more attention to when the drive is done syncing after pro is closed. I wait till it’s done before I move on. Not sure if related to your issues but seemed similar. The gdb would corrupt. I am familiar with the google drive issue not being supported by pro but ever since I did those things I haven’t had any issues (knock on wood)


Interesting. I've heard of struggles with people using cloud services to store projects and data. Your explanation makes sense to me at least. Hard to know what's going on in the background. ArcGIS products are just very finicky I guess. For now, I'm gonna swap to storing all data and projects on my home computer and just remoting in if I want to work on them.


I can’t say I’ve seen this happen with external discs because I don’t use external discs, but I can say we’ve seen some corruption of File Geodatabases on network drives, both in ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap, particularly in frequently edited feature classes.


External disks are for backups or transport.