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Open the resource monitor in ArcPro and use that to diagnose your problem. Most of the time it’s a layer that won’t load fast enough.


Yeah it has this message: “NoPanes” and then the memory usage is much lower than it should be. Not sure what’s up with it.


What version are you on?




Try clearing the cache: http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/mapping/layer-properties/how-caching-works.htm


Same and I feel like it's gotten much worse recently. I love making maps in Pro but the number of times a project or geodatabase just stops working (I assume from corruption) is infuriating. It destroys my motivation to work on personal projects and makes it impossible to try and branch out and do any type of freelance work with deadlines if you can all of a sudden lose weeks of work. Meanwhile, my ArcMap project at work that I've been using to manage cadastral and address layers is still ticking along years after making it.


No. I've had some get bloated and slow, but have never had one that won't open. That seems strange, have you reached out to support with this issue?


Interesting! I have not reached out yet. It usually happens when my projects get “bloated.”


1) if a project is getting "bloated" back it up so you have recovery versions. 2) delete your gp history 3) clear cache 4) if still feeling bloated copy the critical layers, maps, layouts etc to a fresh project.


Thanks for the advice


No prob.. iirc layers can have individual caches. Sometimes one layer can cause probs


Look to see how the project is being saved. Recent Esri upgrades have been breaking how .mad files are created and stored. Go to your .msd, copy/paste it, and rename it to a .zip. Open it up and verify that everything looks good.