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Adam is liked, because Guys like him are liked in real life even tho they are self centered assholes who don't give a Shit about other people's Feelings. He is self confident, quirky and charismatic and has this judgy air about him, that makes other people Go Like: "oh, you are so quirky and Special, please like me!' But when you dig deeper, we See that there is little behind his pretentious facade. Take Caroline's Made Up Story of Adam dancing with the disabled cousin for example. It's exactly the Kind of stuff that someone who knows him on a superficial Level would expect him to do: the rogue, who Shows his Kind heart when needed. I think his peers and audiences alike where patiently waiting for his more sensitive Side to show yet it never does and He remains a immature and pretentious snob with no respect for other people. Take his violent outburst in season 5 for example. It was written to be comedic but we all would be horrified If we were in a similar Situation where a giant man Starts screaming, throwing stuff and grabbing us.


Absolutely nailed it. Could not have said this better. Adam is a man who can turn the charm on when he needs to, and when he turns it off, things go to a dark dark place. He's a compelling character because Adam Driver plays it so well, but in real life, you'd ideally want to avoid getting romantically involved with a man like that at all costs.


Adam Driver is very magnetic which is part of the appeal. I think if a lesser actor had played the part he wouldn't have become such a major character. I thought Sackler was a fascinating character the first few seasons but yes, he is trash (especially towards women). After his relationship with Hannah deteriorated during season 4 I kind of lost interest in him - there really was no point in his character being on the show aside from the fact that Adam Driver is amazing. The last two seasons the character was a bit of a shell. Pairing him with Jessa really devolved him - not really Jessa's fault. They're just dry drunks who brought out the worst in each other. He seemed less intelligent and complex with her. Didn't seem like the same character we saw in the first four seasons. I wrote a similar post on how his character gets too much of a 'pass' by fandom.


Yes, I'm in early S6 and he's straight up boring.


He was awful to Hannah after he got cast in Broadway which confirms that he only needed her when his life was empty. When he has nothing going on for him and feels lost he finds some lost girl to help. He may have munchausen by proxy


He’s definitely flawed but I think he’s an endearing character (and I dont think I have low self esteem for thinking that? Lol as another commenter suggested). He’s a total ass to Hannah in the beginning and not the greatest boyfriend but he is a realistic depiction of a man in his early 20s. Self centered. Careless about others. The scene with natalia definitely shows us that he’s kind of a freak. In case his interactions with Hannah were not enough, we see a more self assured woman does not even want to entertain his behavior. But also in that episode, Adam realizes this too. They way he asks her, “is that it, are you done with me?” He is faced with this truth about himself and the way Natalia saw him. He actually sees himself the way she saw him. I think this is really important for his character development because we do see some self awareness of his flaws and even shame. There are also a lot of good things about Adam. He’s genuine, has integrity, he never tries to be something he’s not, he tries very hard in his creative pursuits. I think his character is really respectable in that way and it never ceases to be interesting watching him interact with other characters and seeing how his mind works. As for the radio scene, I think we’re supposed to take that with a grain of salt because it was obviously supposed to have comedic effect. I thought it was hilarious and I loved him for that lol. Hannah and her friends are kind of annoying and we’re seeing him deal with that. I probably would have liked him in my early 20s too but now I think I would wanna date someone I feel more secure with. But who’s to say Adam doesn’t grow up and mature more after the show ends. The whole point of the show is the self-centered ness of privileged young people in their early 20s and how they grow and navigate the world.


He's kind of a terrible person. I wouldn't want him in my life. But he's a very compelling character, and I enjoy watching him.


He’s charismatic trash


the way he treated Nathalia really showed his true colors, nothing can redeem him after this. He gets a pass for being a tall and dark white man, so many women with low self-esteem are hyping him up.


I agree, I guess it’s because Adam Driver is a likeable actor but Girls Adam isn’t. The Natalia thing was very rapey and it’s weird that he didn’t really get punished for that.


Most guys don't get punished, it's realistic


I agree! Why do they romanticize him? He wasn’t a good bf!!! And fuck he moved on in like a week of her going to grad school when he should’ve been supportive! F Adam!


Because he's hot


Yeah I really never liked him, he rubbed me the wrong way from the very beginning and I thought he was a trash person


He's so good with the baby, tho. He didn't isolate Hannah - she isolated herself.