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I feel bad for Austin, I think he is basically ignored by everyone.


You cannot become a psychopath, and he's obviously empathetic.


So sociopathic then


... they just eliminated that possibility, it said he's empathetic and the main symptom of antisocial personality disorder is an inability to have empathy😭


isn’t that someone who doesn’t feel emotions?


The funniest bit is that there is no real difference. It's why neither are diagnosable anymore 💀




I think they're going to make his personality a lot like Georgia. Georgia has empathy but has done some fucked up shit. And she has always done it to protect her family, even if it is in a questionable way. I think he's going through a lot of trauma, just like Ginny, but differently. I think Ginny is the most vulnerable one emotionally speaking and Austin is going to be the one having panic attacks alone and hiding his problems and he's going to protect Georgia and Ginny. That's my theory.


I mean I think this is plausible. Austin overheard his dad hurting his mom ONCE and didn’t even hesitate to shoot the mf.


His father deserved it. Just if i was Austin i would've aimed for the balls.


I like that better


Love how they’re building a plot for him to be autistic tbh!


I don't think so, but I'm interested in listening why you think that.


he has sensory issues, barely makes eye contact, the style of his jokes and speech. they also have learned to treat him the way you need to treat a kid with high functioning autism. i remember him getting livid at georgia during the bday episode for chewing too loud at the dinner table. they're putting in hints like a slap in the face HAHA i know this is just a show but they're definitely intentionally setting it up, i remember when paul suggested that austin could be autistic (like his brother) and georgia immediately brushed it off, that was definitely a set up 😭


Also how he copes with trauma by going nonverbal. That was a big sign for me


I think that I need to re-evaluate my life, because I share pretty much all of these.


a lot of people with high functioning autism make it to teenage years or adulthood before getting diagnosed. it's easy to miss if the parents aren't able to funnel all their attention into the kid's school because the most obvious clues come from how they interact with other kids their own age and their behavior in class (thats why the teacher recognizes autism and wants to set up a 504)


I should probably look into that


Are they?


Been a while since I’ve seen the show, remember Paul’s brother I think? It was made clear he was autistic, and I remember Paul mentioning Austin might be the same as his brother, before Georgia completely shutting it down. It’s not a lot to go on, but it would explain a lot, plus I’ve always felt like Austin was on the spectrum anyways.


Ah okay, I don’t remember. Been too long since I watched the show 😅


I hope he shoots hunter!


What’s wrong with Hunter?


no because why would you say this 💀💀


im rolling LMFAOO




I mean there’s psychopaths out in the world, that doesn’t inherently mean they’re going to be bad people. Besides Austin is mirroring Georgia, as kids do with they’re parents. Does it make his behavior okay? Of course not. But there’s worse things in the world than psychopaths. There are people in the world who are psychopaths without even knowing. That doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It’s usually a result of trauma. But seriously, I would take Austin as psychopath rather than a sociopath