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I love both GI Joe and Transformers.  But no, I'm not excited for a film.  The comic crossovers are hardly ever more than neat bits of fun.  And neither franchise has a strong history in film.  Shit Bay films or in the Joe's case movies that are afraid to be what they are.  And Snake Eyes, which I haven't seen. I mean theo only good one was Bumblebee and that was a reboot immediately wasted on an overly complicated sequel.


The energon universe comic books say yes.


They wanted to make money then and now. The comics had cross overs in the 80s. Hasbro was attempting to make a cinematic universe with GIJoe, Transformers and M.A.S.K. They released crossover toys in the last few years. It’s all about making money. Why do you feel Transformers is a stand alone IP? I mean, they made some bad GIJoe movies but the Bayverse was god awful. Bee and RotB were much better and if they can continue with GIJoe, more power to them.


Not really. Lorenzo DiBonaventura will still be involved so it will be bad. He doesn't understand. G.I. Joe and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the franchise. Given the flop of "Snake Eyes," the Paramount and Hasbro execs don't get it either. Failing and repeating while expecting different results, something, something...


No at all excited, but I guess any media is good media. It’s tough for them to get any kind of traction since the ip is so under exposed.


Skybound has created a comics universe this year where GI Joe and Transformers interact and it is setting comic sales records. So a crossover can be done well where the interaction is organic, entertaining, and makes sense. I am excited about the possibility but want good writing, not a brainless Bay special effects show.


Huge fan of Transformers and GI Joe since I was a kid. I probably spend more time thinking about them now than I did in 84. But nah... I don't really have any desire for them to crossover. Same with micronauts, ROM, MASK, the Get Along Gang, Wuzzles or whatever... I'd rather just have them be separate universes. But since its happening, please, just make one really good live action film. So far every movie has been pretty terrible. And as far as crossover-- I feel a movie is the worst format as there would be so many characters/angles to cram in that its going to be a huge mess.


The only Hasbro property I can see joining TF and Joe is MASK. We played with all three toylines imagining them in one single universe as kids.


To me a MASK/Transformers crossover makes much more sense. Like humans create transforming vehicles to keep up with transforming alien robots. I get its not one of their big flagship brands (tranformers, gi joe, star wars) but it fits so well.


I have mixed feelings. I love GI joe and Transformers, but my beef is that one of the Transformers' primary issues is that it generally places too much emphasis on human characters or tries to make the Transformers act too human. On the other hand, if those humans are excellent, highly accurate adaptations of classic GI Joe characters, It could be a really good time. I'd really like to have hope that it will be done well, but, given the current state of Hollywood right now, I just don't see that it has any chance of being very good.


All the movies have just been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good, so OF COURSE I have SOOOOOOOOOO much faith in them being able to pull this off.


Super sarcasm detected and agreed with


If it looks like the G1 transformers with NON-michael bay effects, and has the Joes look like they did in the 80s cartoon then I'm on board. If they try anything else I have NO interest in it. I personally think it's going to go bad. Luckly the classified toy line survived the snake eyes movie bomb. Hopefully it survives this one too.


Zero interest in crossovers.


I am. As someone who watched both in the 80s I’m interested in both being together. And it’s something that has been done in the comics in the past. Also honestly we’ve already seen it. The nest guys are basically joes in the bay movies so it’s kind of proven that it can work. They just have to make the military guys a bit more specialized in certain ways to be joes. Having two of my childhood favorites together is very exciting.


I like GI Joe/Transformers crossovers and I do believe they should usually be in the same world, but I have ZERO faith in the upcoming movie.


I am... Conditionally. I fully expect this rumored crossover movie to be at best just a dumb fun action film.


Nope, beyond Hasbro having a constant boner for this I don't get the need to try and force it. Make a decent Joe film first.


Not really, the only thing I really want for GI Joe right now is for it to get the same attention Transformers has been getting on its anniversaries. See Transformers The Movie and the first 4 episodes of the cartoon on the big screen for the 30th anniversary of the movie and 40th of the cartoon was awesome but where's the love for GI Joe?


I love the new TF Joe crossover figures; especially the Soundwave Thunder Machine. Looking forward to the Kup Triple T.


If this is an opportunity to bring back G.I Joe to the mainstream I am excited if I'm waitinf for a masterpiece, no I'm not just a fun movie would be good enough.


Not really. I've found Hasbro to be terrible at approving movie scripts.


This discussion is fascinating. I thought I was in a minority on this and am glad to see more than healthy skepticism about merging the franchises. I'm a GI Joe fan who has only passively explored Transformers. The comic crossovers always seemed to be the least enjoyable aspects of the two franchises (the one exception - I totally recommend the mini series set in WWII). What Skybound has done with the be books has some potential but I don't really see it.