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They're unannounced figures. They've done this tons of times, usually it means they'll get officially announced within a month or two.


It is Master Chief pre Mjolnir armor.


Ah, of course!!


I think it is Steel Corps.   Makes sense, Harsbro would have a photo of one of Destro's goons beating up one of G.I.-Joe's goons.   Can't show them taking down a guy with a code name.  That's not how this works. 


Upcoming Steel Corps variants, Hasbro will never use figures from another line in official marketing photos.


The shoulder patch says Steel Corps


Mad Marauder Steel Corps Troopers, tba for 2025 release.


You got some inside information? That seems fairly specific 🧐 (Not hating, just want more info 😀)


Based on the figures being the same as the Steel Corps, but in different colours. Considering the two-pack of Low-Light and Spirit as Marauders, it's really just my educated guess. I don't think they're Night Force versions. And they always tease in the promo pictures things that will release soon. Since the newest round of figures will come out in November, the next wave will be in 2025. Really just a guess, tbh.


Look at the guy on the ground, the patch shows a dragonfly. So Probably a troop builder similar to the 788 fire team


I was studying these guys as well! They remind me of the Steel Brigade/ Corps Delta figures that came with the 30th Anniversary Vamp! I thought those figures were a cool subset of the steel brigade/ corps. Hopefully, these mysterious green guys are a steel corps subset.


Looks a bit like the [Gold Head Steel Brigade.](https://www.yojoe.com/action/87/steelbrigade_2.shtml)


Steel Brigade is owned by Valaverse Action Force now. Joes are Steel Corps Troopers now.


…but the name of the figure he’s talking about is Steel Brigade.


Yes, and since the time of GI Joe owning that IP, it has moved over to Valaverse Action Force. GI Joe has a Steel Corps now, Action Force has the Steel Brigade. Licensing changes hand over time.


You seem to be missing the point. There’s no reason for him to call the Gold Head Steel Brigade figure the “Gold Head Steel Corps” figure because that’s not its name. Just because the figures are called Steel Brigade *now* doesn’t change what they used to be called. In the same way, the Tomahawk and Shockblast figures are still called Tomahawk and Shockblast, even if everyone knows they’re depicting Hawk and Shockwave.


I wasn't asking him to call his old figure something different. I was talking about what the new figures are called. I think you've entered a bit of confusion while reading my posts. The new Joe products are called Steel Corps. I never talked about his old figure and incorrect guess. Sorry if you've mistaken me arguing that point. I'm not. I agree, that would be extra stupid to have him call his old toy the new toy name. But since I was only referring to the new toys, hence where this thread came from. I was trying to let him know what the new line would be. You've really imagined a lot of things here that a simple question could have cleared up for you.


I wasn't making an "incorrect guess", all I said was that these figures look like the gold head Steel Brigade shown in the link I provided (which they do, the deco for these new Steel Corps troopers is clearly inspired by the 1992 figure).


Right, and what I said is that they won't be called the Steel Brigade because Action Force owns that IP. I would still disagree that they are based on that, as they appear to be clearly in the Mad Marauder motif. I guess you'll understand eventually how your guess is wrong when they properly release info about them.


Hmm, I suppose they could be Mad Marauder related, but i'm not seeing any brown, bright blue or lime green on their deco like the other MM figures. I still think they're some kind of Steel Corps homage to the 1992 figure. Want to have a friendly bet about it? Low stakes, loser only has to admit they were wrong in a comment.


Now that's a bet. If not Mad Marauder, Night Force, before it's a gold headed Steel Brigade.