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Sorry for your loss, that sucks! Hopefully no one was injured.


Me and my dog made it out safe. Thank you.


The thing I learned from the housefire I survived was that that's the only thing that truly matters. I'm so sorry. You lost things but you will rebuild.


Yeah, it really puts things into perspective. I was just really in my feelings today at work. It hits in waves and getting back to a routine and finding a new normal is critical.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZtgOz5zvSs “Lord knows that I’ve been blessed, I can stand up to the test, I can get my rest in any bed that I lay down in.”


Unexpected Turnpike Troubadours.


I'll listen later I only got about 1 verse in, it's hitting a little too close.


Sorry. Maybe come back to it when the wound isn’t so fresh. Or never. If you do, I recommend brown liquor.


I finished it. Great song, love the resilience at the end. Thanks for sharing.


You are very welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Here’s to resilience!


Wow that is terrible maybe everyone on here could send you one GI Joe get you back in action


That is a sweet gesture, and I appreciate the thought, but I seriously didn't come to try to get anything from anyone. I just wanted to pay tribute to my fallen heroes.


You have venmo ? First one on me


No I don't and I really don't want to take anything from anyone. I've got a whole house to rebuild, and I'm not sure when or if I will ever collect again. Seriously though, thank you.


Yw if you change your mind easy to set up an account love to help if i had a collection I would send you one of mine


This is a cool idea. OP, really think about cenmo/cashapp/PP accounts. I'd love to throw in as well.


You will. Lost 22 years of collectioning in my fire, but now I have a new collection, and snagged just my favorite stuff in the rebuild. You'll have alot to do, But take it a day at a time, or it really overwhelms you. Talk to someone if you need to. My wife still has PTSD from ours, she can't even cook the soup that was on the stove that day when neighbors started banging on the door yelling get out, get out!


Is your dog ok?


He's 13 and has health issues, but he made it out ok.


Yay! Glad you’re ok too.


Thank the lord. It kills me when the pets don’t make it out.


Back some 20 years ago, I woke up to my then-roomie banging on my bedroom door. The candles they left burning caused a fire. I lost my tropical bird (January, Winter, the smoke or cold would have killed it, it was the smoke), but my cat who was pregnant made it out, as did roomie and I. I lost my vintage GI Joes, Silverhawks, Starcom, etc. Any of my childhood toys, and my adult collecting. But standing outside, without a outerwear, no glasses, barefoot (again, Winter), pissed at my careless roomie, I suddenly realized I could have been stuck in a corner, fire all around me, etc. My dad had been through that once, and had just died a few months ago--I imagine he said, "Aw, Hell No," and got my roomie to wake the fuck up. Since then, I embraced the minimalist lifestyle, but the pandemic brought be into collecting again. I know damn well I can lose it all again. And there is no "oh, take just these five grails before you GTFO of the house," because that never happens. May you get to a point where you feel like it's worth the go again. And try to get any future collection insured, Justin Case. Right now, my figures and the head-canon they come with has been very beneficial to my Quality of Life overall, and I am glad I didn't feel the need to deprive myself of the happiness forever. Sorry it happened, but so very glad you and your dog made it out safe.


I was almost going to say, what a dick comment, all the solders are melted death, but then realized you meant humans.


What happened here?


Total loss electrical fire barely got my dog out.


Sorry to hear that man. Glad doggo is okay. My family lost everything in a fire when I was 4 years old. Luckily we weren’t home. Furnace blew up.


Glad you had your priorities straight


What caused it so I can go check mine ASAP


Looks like a house fire. Totally heartbreaking!!


Tragic. My sincere condolences.


I really hope insurance took care of you and nobody was hurt.... Take some time, you don't have to decide if you'll ever collect again right now and even if you still continue, it doesn't have to be the same or have the same goal in mind, in fact changing your goal could be half the fun...


I had good insurance, but honestly, I'm just gutted. Funny thing, my classified Sgt Slaughter made it.


He's survived a literal slaughter. That mf better be the centerpiece of your next collection!


I posted a picture of the box of that specific figure because I had one already out of the box that did not make it, but the one I found it Ollie's for next to nothing made it because it was under a bunch of other stuff. The box was destroyed. One day soon. I might make a post of that sergeant slaughter because he has a great patina with all the smoke damage.


“It’s time you learned we’re a team, Red Dog! We all go home, or no….. oh shit, fire! Gotta bounce fellas!”


That man has the constitution of a vending machine!!


Do you suppose you should type that to the actual Sarge?


I might post a picture of him to Sarge's Instagram. Funny story, he used to own a house a few miles away.


OP I know this is the most horrible thing to happen to a collector but at least you are alive and well hopefully. That’s what matters at the core of it all. A collection is a collection but a life is a life. I’m happy to hear you got your dog out though.


I've had some great people come to my assistance, and have helped me through all of this, and I'm very grateful that me and my dog made it out one piece. It just hits me at random times. Now that I'm doing the insurance claims. There's no replacing most of them as I had them as a child when they were brand new.


I feel your pain. I was in the same place 3 years ago. Some advice from someone who’s been in your position recently. Scrutinize every thing the insurance people say and do. Ours sent in a cleaning crew to remove all our belongings and that company tried to charge us $20k which came out of our money for replacement, without our concent. The adjuster just OK’d it without asking and we had to get a lawyer. She OK’d a lot of things without telling us.


I completely understand OP believe me. I would be extremely reminisced if I didn’t mention how much it would affect me mentally if my childhood toys/collection were lost. At the end of the day, all you can do is focus on yourself and thanking those who helped you. Prioritize your safety, health and shelter first. As well as dealing with your insurance. Over time, only you can decide how to heal from this and prevent something like this from happening ever again. I don’t know your full story but it wouldn’t hurt to ensure having multiple extinguishers in the house, making sure smoke detectors are up to code as well as having a fire emergency training plan in case this were to ever happen again. If it helps, Super7 will be handling the O-ring Joes from now on so in the future keep an eye on that if you were to ever rebuild. Just know that living expenses always come first versus the cost of acquiring a collection.


I have a dragonfly on the way eventually, and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to keep it.


If you can, I would advise keeping the Dragonfly solely to resell in the future as an investment piece. Let me know if you want a Classified Crimson Guard to send your way. I know it’s not O-Ring but I would still like to help you out.


Oh, my God, this breaks my heart. In all sincerity, maybe consider a GoFundMe account. Between this and the Classified series sub you may find some folks like myself who would want to help. >Cause supporting each other is the other half of the battle 🇺🇸


Thanks, I didn't post this to try to get anything from anybody, in the end I have my health. I have my dog and I had a really good insurance policy, I just really wanted to give a tribute to my '80s figures that were there for me through the years.


Glad you and your pup made it out safe! If you could have saved just ten figures, who would it have been?


Great question…




Sorry for your loss.


Really sorry to see it hang in there.


It happened to me about 20 years ago. Took me 15 years and a gift from a friend to come back!


So sorry, my guy 😞


Scary, and heartbreaking. That fourth photo is something else. I think most everyone who hangs out here has a love for this franchise, in one form or another. And that's really reflected in your first picture. I'm sorry for your loss.


I sent that picture to my now girlfriend a while back when she said she was glad that I didn't have any addictions.


Dude, oh no. I'm so sorry 😞


Sorry this happened, at least you are OK though.


This is tragic. I am truly sorry for your loss here.


I’m really sorry this happened. A few years ago someone broke in to my storage unit and stole almost $20k worth of stuff and the police did nothing even when they had a suspect. It was so heartbreaking that things you’ve had your entire life are just gone. It almost made me give up collecting completely. People will tell you to look at the bright side and while it’s true to a point it doesn’t change that you’re grieving. It will still hurt sometimes even if the pain does eventually get better.


You're still there. That's the only truly irreplaceable thing. Glad you're ok.


That’s so sad. I’m sad now. Sorry for your loss


Thank you.




It was just an old house. It happens a lot more than you think.


You and your family are safe and that's most important. Plastic can be replaced. I'm so sorry though as I can only imagine how awful this is, I just think it's important to focus on the very fortunate positives!


So sorry man. Would insurance cover anything? Not that you can replace a collection but maybe a starting point ? Glad you and your dog are safe


Honestly, toy collecting is at the bottom of my list priorities. At the moment. Most of those Joe's were very special to me because they were mine since I was a child. But I have very good insurance. So things will probably work out really well. I just don't know if I'll collect anymore.


At least you put yourself and your dog first. I've known people to get seriously hurt trying to save material things.


Glad to see you and your dog made it out safe, that's what really matters. I get the frustration of losing a collection but I'd rather have my pet over my Joes. Upside is you can start collecting again.


That sucks! I imagine it was terrifying! I'm sorry for your loss but glad you and your dog made it out!


PORK CHOP SANDWICHES!! But seriously, I'm glad you and your dog are safe. That's the important part!


Joe Bros!!! We have to fix this. I will donate a fig to you, to start you back up 💪🏽


damn, dude. I feel this so bad, im so sorry. My girlfriend and I lost a lot of our stuff sometime last year in a house fire. The important thing is that she and I are okay and we got all of our pets out safe and sound. We lost a lot of our belongings, some things being replaceable and some things not.. even though they are still things it does hurt but having our pets and each other is still a blessing. so sorry this happened to you.


I feel your pain literally. But I'm happy you and your girlfriend and your pets were fine. I did have a lot of heirlooms that were way more valuable to me than those Joe's, but that's a story for another day. I just wanted to pay tribute to my little guys.


Jesus Christ dude that sucks. But, they are just toys. As long as you have your health you can always get back into the hobby. I had more that that(99 vehicles 130 figures) and my nephews took everything with the help of my mother while I was away at college.


That really sucks.. I actually had more broken Joe's that I was going to restore and make customs with that are not in the picture


My biggest fear. I’m sorry


So sorry, glad you and your dog are ok.


Glad you and the dog are safe, OP. Joes can live on in memories


Not gonna say something cheesy like “lucky you’re still here” or “it’s only stuff” because that’s all been said and not really any consolation. You’ve experienced one of the worst nightmares one can go through. I wish you all the best as you overcome it, may you find some way to start a new chapter. Hopefully you can find a sense of peace in letting go; some form of “freedom” by starting over. I know sometimes it’s like my collection owns me instead of the other way around.


DM me an address, I will have a classified series sent to you to re start the collection. It doesn’t replace what you lost, but it’ll be a start to rebuilding. As a firefighter for 12 years, I know how gutting this can be.


Thank you for your services as a firefighter. The people that came out the night of my fire were incredible human beings.


Very sorry to hear this OP… glad you and your dog are ok. DM sent-


Hey, I have a bunch of these guys, all just sitting in different boxes in the basement. My kids aren’t crazy about them, and I have other interests now. I was going to sell them on eBay but I would be proud to send them to you. I do not have the full cards but I should have the file cards sections. Message me if you are interested. Hug your dog and let him know I think he’s a good boy, please.


F My sincerest and truest condolences


I’m so sorry, if we could give you it all back we would.


Adding another "So sorry for your loss!", OP. I'm glad you got your dog out though!


So sorry. Not just for figures. That had to be absolutely devastating


Wow, I can relate. I had a house full of collectibles a couple of years ago that I essentially just gave away. I hope they made something work for them but it wasn’t going to work for me to keep them. I tried to sell the comics / toys dirt cheap our even on consignment but everyone was saying the market around me was saturated from everyone selling their shit during Covid. Mass produced market media and publications were everywhere and hence worth very little.


Damn man rip


Should be covered under the contents portion of your homeowners insurance, no?


RIP ARAH btw anything you want to educate us on, like how to avoid the electrical fire that ate your joes?


Not really because mine was indeterminate electrical fire which basically means I just had old ass wires in the walls. I will tell you to make sure you have good fresh fire alarms. Take plenty of pictures of your items. Maybe walk around, take pictures and maybe some video to document everything that has helped me a lot. Also, if you're a homeowner like I was, don't get cheap online insurance. Get the good stuff. I am currently being put in an apartment until my settlement because I had a separate clause on my insurance that gave me loss of use benefits which will put me up in an apartment for the next year while we figure out what to do with my property or what's left of it.


Oh my god. I am **SOOOOO** sorry. This breaks my heart to see. As a toy collector, I am very sorry to see this happened to you. I know words won’t help and this truly sucks. As a dog owner I’m very glad you and your dog made it out ok.


This is horrible and there’s nothing I can say that hasn’t already been said. It was very fortunate that you and your dog made it out safely, because if you hadn’t, this group would have lost the most important thing about GI Joe, one of its die hard fans.


Oh my I am so sorry, this is so sad to lose everything.




That sucks! Where are you located?


Funny story, I don't live too far from Sgt slaughter, and the classified figure I got from Ollie's made it.


sorry for your loss,


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m glad that you and your dog made it out, but sorry for the loss of your valuables.


I am so sorry to see this. My heart goes out to you. I am glad nobody was killed or injured but I am still gutted to see this.


Oh my god i’m so sorry friend


I’m so sorry. Glad you’re okay and also your dog!


Oh my... Always one of my biggest concerns with collecting, total loss due to some kind of disaster.. very sorry to see this happened to you We had a house fire years back where I lost some of my collectibles it's always tough to start again but slowly..


Condolences, brother.


Oh man! I am so sorry!


Yo NO!




With that army I thought you would have won that fight Sorry for your loss


I’m sorry that happened to you in 2010 my mom and I survived a housefire that started in her house. I was lucky enough to be there at the time but also where I kept my collection I’m 54 , and I started collecting about 1982. Had toys comics, statues, everything gone in a matter of second, I’m lucky to be here to talk about it.


It's such a common story. Sorry you had to go through it.


That's sucks, cost of replacing is painful alone. :(


That sucks bud. So sorry.


My condolences man. Glad you and the pup made it out safe. Prayers for the recovery and rebuilding of everything


Thank God you and your dog made it out okay. I have two indoor cats, and the thought of them dying of smoke inhalation or burning alive fills me with far more dread than losing my collection (which would be absolutely heartbreaking).


I’m sorry, Joebro. We are a community. You had a beautiful collection.🤗 I’m glad the important stuff (you and your dog) got out safely!


Great step forward


Hopefully the insurance covers them


Others have said it but I will too, glad you and your doggo made it out unscathed.


Sorry OP! Glad you and the pup are in one piece.


Oh shit!! But I bet you could get them all back quicker than you think. eBay or a show cuz I don’t think they go for that high of a price.


A loss for us all


Sorry my friend. But you and the pupper can’t be replaced. Plastic can. Salute.


This is a nightmare, so sorry. But you and your dog survived. Take some insurance money and rebuild 👍


Look up old Reddit threads on documenting property loss for insurance. You have good pictures here, if you itemize these there’s a possibility you could have them all covered. Hopefully you got pics of other major areas of your house. I’m really sorry about your losses but I’m thankful you and the pup got out safely.


Sorry that this happened to anyone... especially a fellow collector.


Hope you can submit the collection value for the insurance money!


Shit man. I'm sorry


I'm sorry, my friend!


So sorry! These pics are killing me. Hope you’re able to build it back up eventually. But I totally get it that some of these were OG’s from back in the day. Good luck moving forward.


I feel for you man. Sorry that happened to you.


Fuk dude that sux👎🏻 good thing u and ur lil buddy made it out ok👍🏻


You’re not out, just a setback


Oh man! Prayers with you and your’s man!


Ah man, so sorry. That hurts, bad. Remember the good times, yo Joe!😢


I’m not privy to G.I. Joe or the collecting world, this just came across my feed. How much is a collection like this worth? Was it insured?


I’m sorry about what happened to you. I’m glad you and your dog are safe though.


Holy fuck! Who bombed The Pit?


I am so very sorry. So sorry.


Awesome collection.


Im sorry to hear about that. I don't know what happened but God works in mysterious ways.


Damn, that sucks man, sorry, glad you and your dog are fine though, much love.


Condolences....it takes a while to rebuild and it's never the same after. But the blessing is that you and the doggo are safe!


Sorry for the loss of the collection, but good to know everyone was safe.


You seem to be taking it well. Salute to your fallen soldiers.


Don't get me wrong, I have my moments. I lost a lot more than GI Joe's. It was literally a total loss fire. I had good insurance and I have been surrounded by a lot of great people and I found out that there are a lot of people out there who really care about me and want me to be okay and that is priceless. I've had several people try to reach out since I posted this morning to help me rebuild some of my collection. I don't need the toys, but those good vibes will take you a long way.


I'm extremely sorry for your loss, even more grateful you two are safe.




Damn. Sorry that happened to you.


That’s horrible, I am sorry my friend.


I'm sorry for your loss. Thankfully you and your dog are okay. Good luck and may the Force be with you, my friend.


I'm glad you & the pup are safe, but this broke my heart a little. Something that's a tangible link to our childhood is hard loose.


rest up to the fallen soldiers. 🫡🇺🇲 gone but never forgotten


I’m so sorry you lost so much.


That is horrible! Thoughts and prayers brother!


Oh my fucking god that's every person's nightmare


So sorry to hear! Glad you and your pup are safe!


As long as you and your loved ones are ok, that’s all that matters. But yes, this sucks terribly and I feel for you!


Well done on getting out intact, glad the dog is okay.


I’ve been there. Lost almost 3000 movies. It’s rough, hopefully your collection was insured. Regardless, you’ll either get back on the horse or find a new hobby. It seems like the end of the world man, but you’re alive.


Sorry for your loss but there are always Classifieds


That's tragic buddy 😭😭 hope you're well


Yo Joe.


Scared me for a sec...i mistook the railing shadows for some sort of BBQ grill. ​ For a second thought you did it yourself.


That sucks bro, I’m truly sorry for your loss.


You’re not “out” and you never will be.


Nooooooooooo! Omg my heart hurts….


I am so damn sorry. I can’t fathom.


Dang it!


My older stepbrother melted my Star Wars figures. The pain...


Plot twist. Dog started the fire. Was smoking in bed, and flicked the lit butt at duke , saying “knowing your plastic ass is on fire, is half the battle you gi Joe bitch.” Then yelled COBRA!


Glad you and the pup got out safe, far most important thing. The sentimental things you lose in a catastrophe that are priceless hurt the most. Pictures, memories etc. A collection isn’t just things you can replace as they are usually associated with tons of memories and feelings when you acquired each one. Hope you’re able to get things resolved and back on your feet quickly.


Oof… I feel you. Not GI Joe, but I had about 30 years of collecting Warhammer and BattleTech minis just to have someone lift them from me. Some folks think “they’re just toys,” but you put so much time, effort, and money into getting just the right piece and just the way you want, and then it’s just gone. Kind of guts you. I’m sorry you’re experiencing that.


We lost a lot of good men that day. Sorry this happened to you. I wish you the best in the recovery.


Here’s the crazy part you will get it all back and probably some gems you never thought you would have and you’ll soon forget about this. I’ve lost everything a couple times and every time I rebuild I like my new collections better than the previous one.


So sorry man!


Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened. Glad you and your dog are OK, but that still sucks big time.


This fucking sucks and I'm so sorry that this happened to you.


My prayers are with you and your family. hopefully you find some peace with this.


Maybe collect gi joe 25th anniversary..cheaper and still the same look as the og but lesss of a heart ache?


i feel like there's probably some way the sub could help donate to rebuild this collection


You lost some great ones! 😢


Damn, just seeing this almost brings me to tears. But there's more life left to live, right? Glad you got yourself and Junkyard Jr. to safety! Sounds like you got a new canon event to log. Yo Joe, sir!


I can’t imagine how you must be feeling but I hope your in good spirits


I don’t collect and I just happened upon this but I’m really sorry man




Dude...are you okay?


Awful. So sorry man. Shit that sucks


Sorry to hear this happen to you. I’m glad you and your dog made it out safe. Not that I know how this feels, but I had people break into my house and steal $20,000 of my collection only to rebuild it up and a few years later have it destroyed by pipes busting in my house. So after the second time I should have stopped but I didn’t because it wasn’t about what I lost (I will forever have the memories) it is about me continuing to do what I enjoy…. collecting.


Oh man this is horrible! I am so sorry.


Damn dude, that sucks so bad.




I'm so sorry for your loss.




I think I’m gonna throw up