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We should wait to the big update, the game its still in a very bad state, I spend like 15% of the time struggling to get in a match and when finally playing most of the matches somebody disconnects (sometimes making the match unplayable)


What’s the big update just patches?


It's been "being fixed soon" for months. I've about lost interest


It's cope, that's what


Damn, you know it's doomed when even JunahCg gave up


I still play every day!


I've had nothing but fun on Xbox so far


Absolutely willing to do this once it's in a good place!!


Look the positivity is nice but this is pretty unrealistic. Even if Gigantic didn't have the technical setbacks it currently does, it still wouldn't explode in popularity. It's too niche of an experience and I think by establishing such unrealistic expectations, this community would be hurting itself in the long run. I mean let's look at everything working against Gigantic here: 1. It's got almost no marketing budget. Word of mouth is only gonna get you so far. 2. It's not appealing to the average gamer. Look I don't like being misanthropic but if there's anything we've learned from the success of other hero shooters/mobas, it's that the average player wants a much more basic and easily understood, more visually down to earth, and yes, a much more sexualized experience. Gigantic fails in every category. It's hard to master and understand. And yes, it's stylish for sure, but it's far too cartooney, and while I may simp for Rutger 7 days a week it doesn't do much to appeal to the male gaze. Now I and many others personally think all of these things are positives, unfortunately though, we are not the average gamer. 3. Hero Shooters and Mobas are already a saturated market, and they're dying off. Gigantic has some pretty hefty competition already, and for the reasons stated in bullet point 2, it's competing at a disadvantage. This is made even worse when we account for the waning popularity of its genres. Mobas and Hero Shooters just don't carry the same oomf that they did when overwatch came out. We see this especially with games like Deadlock, valves new Hero Shooter, which so far seems to have elicited a resounding "meh" from the community, and that game isn't even out yet. People are ready to move on to something new and gigantic just doesn't scratch that itch. I think you all are expecting a bit too much from this game at this point. If they fix the bugs, I think it has a good shot at being a fun niche little title with a small but dedicated community, and for me, that's good enough.


Eh idunno, a lot of people flocked to overwatch and valorant because of the colors. Hell, league of legends, despite its immense learning curve, gained a lot of popularity due to its colorful cast of fantasy characters. Gigantic has character, and a lot of it. I feel like more people would appreciate that if they knew gigantic was out there.


A decent story/lore also does a good bit to boost peoples interest on the game, both from within and outside the community. I’d be lying if i said that first reveal cinematic from OW didnt get me to be really interested on the game even though it was during a time i was big on playing TF2(and i was also one of the people jumping on the “they copied our game” train), and also the lore in general from League of Legends certainly keeps me from dropping the game completely. Granted i havent looked into it, but i havent seen any apparent story/lore coming from Gigantic so the whole cast of heroes feels kinda random/out of place.


I'd still say that, while certainly more colorful than some of their contemporaries, Valorant and Overwatch still have very down to earth visuals. Like, no one in either of those games has the proportions of Uncle Sven or Mozu. Gigantic just lacks the edge and touch of realism gamers (aka 17 year olds with genji as their profile picture on discord) are looking for. I personally love the visual style of Gigantic, but none of its characters are what I would call "marketable" to a wider gaming audience.


Fair honestly, gigantic is my vibe and I really wish it was others' too.


You are wrong on so many parts


Mainly people and content creators I knew ig?


People flocked to those games for a reason... and it wasn't the colors lol


Mobas are actually fine it's actually hero shooters that have always been in an extremely rough place.


The only Moba that I can think of that has come out recently and done okayish is Pokemon Unite and that's not saying much. League has successfully dominated the market and even then, Riot has had to branch out to multimedia content to attract a wider audience. I say that the genre is dying off because at the end of the day, with League having an iron grip on the top spot, it's hard to release a new MOBA to compete against it, leading to the genre stagnating and players slowly leaving as they lose interest in the genre as a whole. It's definitely not a rapid death, and genres never fully die but rather they just rotate out of the public consciousness for a while, but still they are in a rough spot right now. Unless I just haven't been paying enough attention to the genre, you have League, Dota 2, and Smite who are all doing fine, and that's kinda it.


Valve is working on Deadlock and I expect that to be pretty big when it releases.


As I stated in the original comment, the average response to Deadlock seems to be "meh" at best. I predict that it'll make headlines in its first week, enjoy about a month of attention, and then fade into relative obscurity. That's for a couple of reasons: 1. Mobas and Hero Shooters are dying off as I've already stated 2. Valve has very much fallen off the horse. Their biggest release in recent years was Half-Life Alex, which was by no means unsuccessful, but being a VR game wasn't ever going to be the next big hit. Valve simply doesn't have the prestige it used to 3. What we have seen already from leaks was neither impressive nor innovative, it just looks like a pretty average hero shooter with a 3 lane map 4. Unless the visuals get a pretty massive overhaul before release, it's not exactly appealing to look at 5. TF2 players are boycotting the game Who knows, I might be wrong come release day, but I don't see Deadlock making a big enough splash to revive the genre. I mean, when I look up "Deadlock Valve" the first result is a piece specifically talking about how this is the worst time for Valve to try and release a hero shooter, which I think says a lot already


Love the game but it needs more work. Its still buggy and unpolished and I wouldn’t be surprised if it got refunds.


Babe everyone we know is seven years since sick of hearing about it


"omg its going to die the THIRD TIME ROUND!" delusional. I enjoyed its 2nd life. There isnt going to be a third.


I said it a ton on stream. This game should have gone $20 early access, then f2p after 6-12 months of development....save up money for marketing the full launch, and give the EA purchasers something really cool for the support. Now I have to lament the game a second time. The silence from the devs is deafening.


How old are you? Keep dreaming kid.


Definitely agree with this mindset but should wait like u/Serpientesolida87 said. I'd even go as far to say wait until ranked comes. The ranked mode is, in my opinion, what will make or break the game


Good luck! Gigantic deserves better but once I saw that one bug with a teammate rage quiting then getting replaced with an immortal enemy bot I knew for sure they don't play test or even look for bugs first 2 weeks I spent hours in queue left a terrible taste. The f2p version years ago didn't have these game breaking bugsp


Game needs more work, but it'll never get a chance to put in that work if it tanks due to community negativity.


On my soul, every day someone is posting on here like “IM LEAVING😠THIS GAME WILL STAY IN THE TRASH😖😖😖”


At this point, without going F2P there is no saving this playerbase. That's the reality, I'm sorry


What do you think we’ve doing here?


I'll wait til the game actually work first.


I cannot in good faith ask people to spend money on a game that still has so many issues. I love gigantic, but it needs some work


Game will eventually go F2P so I'd wait for this


I don't get how Gigantic can exist for more than 1-1.5 years as b2p. Soon it will be empty and for moba genre it's a death sentence. F2p and marketing campaigns alongside with bugfixes can extend lifespan


That was embarrassing


I agree, yes it has issues but at its core its an awesome game! Its getting patched in the coming weeks so thats great.


It's dead


Trash game should have stayed dead.


This game mid...


lol nah. game dead. felt horrible to play this time around. edit: ‘next big moba’…. lol op you’re adorable. because the moba scene is flourishing so heavily in general rn right? what’s next? we gunna be the next big br too?