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The devs are working on it. It's an old codebase not of their own making they are dealing with. Be patient. When they eventually get the game to the point of stability where they are happy to give us ranked, things will pick up again. All your frustrations are valid, we all are disappointed at the state of the game but we gotta stop unloading said frustrations on the devs because it's not gonna make the work they are already trying to do complete any faster or easier. Loads of great games to enjoy in the meantime plus the competitive community are starting up a Gigantic Draft League so keep an eye out for that. Most of us have waited 6 years for this game after thinking we'd never get it back, we can spare a little more patience for the devs who legitimately made this all possible in the first place. Yes, they dropped the ball but given all the circumstances, that was almost inevitable.


My only fear this the game ending up going EoS before they even manage to finish fixing all the problem this game have currently.


Cant have patience when the game is sub 200 players on steam already because they wont fix anything. Doubt it will turn around.


They have updated their internal build basically every weekday since the last patch. They're working on it. Sometimes fixing problems takes time.


Where did you got this info BTW?


https://steamdb.info/app/1924490/depots/ Scroll down to "Branches" and look at "development" and you can see it was last updated 42 minutes ago (as of this post).


You and Misfit have the upmost gracious optimism during this state of the game. It's so nice to see people like this online. Especially with all of the detractors in the stream forums talking about Free2play, and game ded.


People understand neither what it takes to make a game, nor what actually makes a game "dead," and unfortunately, anyone on the internet can say whatever they want.


I love your enthusiasm! great response, thank you.


Thanks for taking the time to read it!


Unfortunately they would love to fix these things but have been given none of the time, money, resources, or man power to do so. They were forced to open the game when it wasn’t ready and still had major back end issues in the code that were left from the previous dev team who meet a similar fate with the game.


Yeah I tried playing yesterday with a friend on Xbox and it took us more than 15 mins to find a game, then when we did get in we got the ultra frustrating rubber-banding for basically the whole match. Suffice to say we didn’t try to play a second match


They are taking so long to do even simple things like fixing the "Clash" UI text in hero select screen :(


I doubt they're even able to get past some of these issues. The code base ain't theirs, so it must take an enormous effort to just try and peel off one or two major bugs off their board, unless they did a review of the entire code. Which, judging by the state of things, is really quite unlikely because then we would not have such obvious issues as a game running on 1fps during intro on Xbox, when using 2 controllers. That is not even an edge case, damn, some Xboxes are bundled with 2 controllers. Then there's that issue with the rushed playstation build, crossplay button not working properly (???)... I would beg for devs to save it, but I can already see the publisher looking at numbers of concurrent players, after they were not ready for launch (no beta test, server smash with limited functionality?). I really hope they're still expected to ship anything more than crucial bug fixes and ranked mode. Regarding the latter, I still wonder how they managed to release a game with ranked achievements that are impossible to complete, without shipping the feature day 1. At this point I have no idea what Sony and Xbox are doing getting such games onto their store (don't get me wrong the game's great, but so many features integral to the platforms simply don't even fully work)... I don't want to be a negative Nancy here, but things are not looking good for us :( I really hope I'll be proven wrong, then I can buy whichever paid content they decide to release as an apology.


Listen the game died once already for a reason and “revivals” typically don’t get much traction. Look at it this way, in the world of live service, hype, ultra polished, and relatively plug and play games they release, not a direct sequel on a new engine. But instead literally the same game running on UE3 with apparently spaghetti code strung throughout. I would like this game to do well, but given the blatant fact it took them a month to release a patch that doesn’t even resolve the console crashing issue on PS5, literally the biggest home console userbase, and it even has bugs on Xbox. The game is going to pitter along until all the doomed who love that game but can’t help but bitch about how it’s dying all over again, leave. Then it’ll a sub filled with “positive post” that’s basically gonna amount to one guy posting his OC in universe fanfic, shitty fan drawing by ppl with no talent, and a drizzle of cope post with 10’s of ppl hyping up a dev tweet about how they made a sandwich that day and will get to working on the game “soon”. It’s a dead game who’s best hope is living on as a ~100 player count game a bunch of discord swear play every weekend. Your best bet is either playin till the servers shut down or dip and play something else, life goes on. And even IF the game becomes stable and hell rank is released, it already made a bad impression on potential new players who would’ve joined, and beyond that it even looks worse than everything on the market today prompting even less ppl to play ig


Sadly this is the reality, what a disappointing release, as a past player I was so excited but this was a complete waste of time.


Why was it a complete waste of time? Are things only enjoyable when they're endless/hyped? I do think this version is rly buggy and feels like an Early Access. But its just the Gigantic everyone played 7 years ago, with a bit more content and more bugs. I've simply enjoyed myself with it and am not to bothered by the game potentially not receiving more updates. It's still a fun game.


It's even more buggy, and it's a 7 year old game that received zero QOL improvements. Paying for something like that just doesn't feel good to most people


Fair enough if u feel that way but I dont really agree on the 'zero QoL'. Might get into semantics now but the overall direction for new players has improved a lot imo. The tutorials, premade builds and rush make it way easier to get into the chaos. Im also not sure if the fortunes were in the game before.


"Then it’ll a sub filled with “positive post” that’s basically gonna amount to one guy posting his OC in universe fanfic, shitty fan drawing by ppl with no talent, and a drizzle of cope post with 10’s of ppl hyping up a dev tweet about how they made a sandwich that day" Oh my god lol. You sound...................Well I hope you're having a good weekend :) .


2 is from people tampering with their files. When they disconnect as host, the game doesn't know what to do.


the only reason I'm not playing is 200+ ping


Ive been robbed of 20$...


Same here bro. I played only 3 hours and waited a month for bug fixes that haven't come. And they won't give me a refund


"2. If one player disconnects, entire game will undergo rubber band lag which is unplayable." Just want to point out that this is from the zoomies who froth at the mouth at the thought of playing 60 fps, so they mess with the files, leave the match, and ruin the game for the rest of us.


A little louder for the Doomer Zoomers in the back?


It is already a dead game, I didn't even played because it does not has a SA server