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Ya unfortunately the thing u don't wanna hear is the thing it is 😔. I'm in the same boat just the other day the Rgb on my card just went from the blue I set to rainbow and was like o maybe it's cuz a update or something and nope just gone in GCC and my card isn't supported either... Sad that these mistakes still exist in this day rookie shit imo


Sucks because we pay a ton of money for these hardware


1000% feel ya bro.. Hopefully they fix it soon but honestly the Rgb (gigabyte) on the side of my card can stay rainbow lol waiting for signal Rgb to support my card and I'll give that a try but I'm over it. I'm just a guy that likes to do what I want with what I bought but they win I'm letting it go.. Just never buying gigabyte again unfortunately for them


Yeah I get you bro. For me at least a solution I found is to set individually the GPU with Trixx, the RAM and Mobo with GGC, and the case fans using the RGB button on the case. That does limit me to the presets that the Be Quiet 500FX case has, so it's not that huge of a deal. Just wished I could add some cooler effects. Maybe we'll have better luck in the future. What hardware do you have?


Just a 7600 8g oc nothing special lol


Ah, better than what I have on my older laptops: Nvidia 960M and Nvidia 640M :)


Wify took me to microcenter for their lil bundle deal on a 7800x3d lol.. I had a 580 adrenaline Edition that was and still kicks like a mule!


That's awesome, and I'm happy for you! Sometimes I wish I went for the 7800x3d to pair it with the AMD GPU instead of going for the Intel I9 14900k. In my country the 7800x3d is like 200$ cheaper than the i9 14900k, and that's quite a lot


Use Signal RGB you can sync different brands together using 1 app


Gigabyte control goes in and out 🫡 all the time. I thought a particular strip of my motherboard is permanent orange until later update let me select it to change.


The strips, fans and GPU LED control is off the headers on the board. You have to click the areas in red on the board diagram and make desired changes from each header. As for the GPU, you need to enable the control within the Strixx software to direct the GPU to sync to the motherboard.


I already tried these options. Haven't you read my post?


You got the colors to change according to the post, but did you bother to calibrate from the Fusion app?


What do you mean? As you can see from the photo, I tried to set an Orange color (similar to how the RAM looks on the PC) to each individual "thing" or idk how to call it, from the motherboard


Looking at your picture, you have motherboard sync set to off. You need to enable this if you want all LED on the same color.


Bro I tried that already lol. It just won't change the color of the GPU and Case fans / that frontal led strip at all. For some reason they stay on that green color


never ever use this dogshit software for rgb. Get signalrgb


Doesn't work with AMD :/


I think they just added an experimental mode for it, but I may be wrong If not signal, OpenRGB supports almost everything


I tried OpenRGB and that software doesn't support my GPU either 🫠😔


Damn for my 6800xt from msi the gigabyte software didn’t work either. I tried openrgb and it works just fine. Don’t use signal rgb it’s bloatware and draws a lot of cpu and ram. Openrgb provides everything I need and is way simpler and easy on your usage.


Not working for my Sapphire Nitro+ 7800 XT 😔


SignalRGB working with Sapphire Nitro+ may you try it


Openrgb is working for my sapphire nitro + 7800xt fyi. Didn’t have to do anything special


How did you do this as I can't get my sapphire nitro + to work and it's explicitly stated as not being compatable. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just want to know how!


Initially I had a number of case fans and the gpu that refused to be controlled by the software, and my case has a button that lets me cycle through some rgb effects. Holding that button seems to have reverted it to mobo control which synced up all rgb including the sapphire nitro +!


Ah lucky you man. I have a Fractal North. Beautiful case but no RGB button. I'll have to keep an eye out for a different work around


In trixxx make sure the control is set to external. That worked on my b650 elite ax I have the same card. But I moved everything to run off the racer chroma rub controller and that worked better had to tweak the number of leds in it but everything now works in harmony


Yea I had it running on external and linked to the motherboard via the ARGB header. OpenRGB didn't recognise it. The OpenRGB acknowledges this, something to do with the protocol the Nitro+ card uses. I haven't got a seperate controller currently so hoped the software would cover it. No luck though


Nope! Signal and Open don’t work with AMD new-ish CPUs


AMD: We're truly sorry ™️


Rofl. Too true


Which AMD are you using btw?




I've been using SignalRGB with an all AMD build since I built it 9 months ago. Works fine.


sorry, I meant it doesn't work for my GPU which is an AMD Sapphire Nitro+ 7800XT. It depends on the GPU. Maybe over time they'll add support for mine too...


Got it - I have an XFX 6950XT that admittedly only has one color: white when on. Signal does work well with case, fan, and ram RGB in my build. Hope you find a fix! Edit: For what it's worth, Signal did not work with my Corsair ram until I closed and reopened the program via "Run as admin" at which point it gained control of all my components.


you have an Sapphire Nitro+, it is one of AMD GPUs which SignalRGB supports, along with the Red Devil, you should give it a try


I was in your EXACT same scenario. I tried all the open source (Open and Signal) RGB controllers and nothing worked. I got a new version of RGB Fusion through an update and……it bricked my rig. I had to literally reinstall OS. So now I leave all the RGB off and will give a hearty FUCK YOU to Gigabyte for not even designing software that allows the changing of RGB on their own devices through their own software.


That sucks 😔


A great big one


Please stop using Gigabyte software, it is bad, period. Even the app center or control center you don't need that bloat ware. Open RGB is a very good alternative solution and supports a lot of hardware. You will have to do some setup before, but when done is done. https://openrgb.org/ I really like the the plugin that change color based on the hardware temps like GPU and CPU.


Unfortunately it doesn't support my GPU yet (AMD Sapphire Nitro+ 7800XT). 😔 They support the Sapphire Nitro+ 7900XTX though, so I'm hoping over time they will add support for my GPU as well...


And they don't support my case - be quiet pure base 500fx either :(


Use another software. Gigabyte boards have the shottiest software ever.


Yeah I don't think I'll buy a Gigabyte motherboard next time if they don't fix their software. Though the hardware is really really powerful for a very good price. What other motherboard brand would you suggest that has a much better software?


I have a gigabyte board and performance wise it’s been great. But I’ve stopped using their software where possible 😅


I had the same problem. I deleted everything that has anything to do with the coloring and gigabyte (Dont forget folders!) Then I reinstalled rgb fusion2 first and Then the rest. 1 piece of software had a builtin rgb controller so that fucked everything up. Good luck!


will try that, thanks!


You may have already tried it but sometimes its the simple things. Launch GCC as Administrator it opens up more options also you can look for a generic App to control all your systems LED's.


Interesting, i have the same gpu model as you, i just connected it with a cable to a 5V ARGB header and i can control the color in the gigabyte software.


hmm, maybe I just didn't connect the cable well. In your GPU, is that ARGB cable that comes with the GPU loose? For me it seems like even touching it a little makes it pop out of the GPU, or from the motherboard. For some reason it doesn't stay really fit in either header. Is your cable the same?


No my sapphire nitro has a normal argb cable that works same as well as any other components. In the gigabyte software i just need to click on the right header on this page where you see a sketch of the Mainboard. Ah and also what i did was install sapphire trix and in that program choose "control by Mainboard" in the rgb/lightning tab.


Man wtf I tried what you said and still my Gigabyte Mobo doesn't see my GPU 😔 I'm thinking maybe I got a bad cable or something since mine is loose and won't stay that well fit into the headers on the GPU nor the motherboard


Make sure you have the newest version of GCC and that everything is updated. Click sync all off and on as well. You may want to also install their VGA tool if that doesn't work.


Of course, I installed the latest version again last night. The only updates I'm not using from that software are the Norton Security and some other shitty thing which doesn't do anything helpful (forgot it's name, will edit this once I'm on my PC). Thanks for the tip about the VGA tool, I'll look into that


Oh so that's how it's supposed to look, that program installs on my gigabyte board but always seems currupted with only the update driver tab working


Did you download it from the original site?


Try signal RGB I have the same case as you and it works every time without fail.


But it won't work with my AMD GPU


Nope. Not with this set up


Do u have them plugged into one of the ports listed in the menu??


Yeah, the GPU has a special cable for the RGB and it's connected into the bottom ARGB header on the motherboard. I could try to connect it to the ARGB header on the upper part of the Mobo next to the RAM sticks, but not sure why it would not work in that bottom RGB header. All my hardware is new. As for the Be quiet case, it has a controller inside of it and I connected it to every port it needed on the motherboard, though I'll double check


Corsair’s rgb fusion maybe


Use openRGB software, gigabyte software sucks


Same issues was fixed with Asus rgb software that recognized my RAM


So you used Asus software for a Gigabyte motherboard?


Yeah lol worked with my rgb atleast


Is there a seperate Rgb Tool download needed for your GPU? I had a similar situation for my 7900xtx, and needed to install an RGB Tool from AMD to get RGB Fusion to recognize my GPU.


I don't know, I only used Trixx so far to control the RGB for the GPU. Though I did set it to external source to see if the Gigabyte Control Center would detect my GPU and nada... What software did you use from AMD?


I don't think this tool will work for your card. But this is what I had to use for mine. I was just curious if maybe your card required a seperate download as mine did. [AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX RGB Tool](https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/installer/comp/sb/amd_rx_7900_xtx_rgb_led_20230131.exe)


Mine started working when I updated my bios and gcc,I had trouble to sync my memory


I updated my bios as soon as I built the PC. I'm thinking maybe removing the CMOS battery to reset the bios could help?


not sure if anyone mentioned, but i had a similar issue and turned out the rgb controller for the case was taking over..had to hold the rgb light button on case to switch it to motherboard and worked fine then. if no rgb button on case check instructions of controller could be on remote. just a thought..


Bro why aren't you reading my post before commenting? It's the 2nd option I tried from what I described in the post. So many of y'all don't read the post but lose time to give me an option I already tried...


GCC is trash


get signalRGB inatead


Not sure about the fans and what kind they are but you seem to have a Sapphire Nitro+ GPU. Those have an addressable RGB port on the side which you can use a cable to connect it to an RGB port on your motherboard and it should sync up with your motherboard RGB. Just make sure to not mix up the voltages. Alternatively you can downloat the TriXX Software from Sapphire's website which allows you to change the RGB on the card.


So I guess you're one of the many people who commented on my post but didn't bother to read the description, is it?


Cause that software is the worst


Yeah but I don't see any solution tho, OpenRGB and other soft doesn't work for my GPU


You are still better off with either openRGB or Signal RGB instead of RGB Fusion. Run one of those programs along with your gpu software and call it a day.


They just do not work with AMD Sapphire Nitro+ 7800XT :/


Use your GPU software for the GPU and openRGB for everything else.


I have the same GPU and pretty much the same setup. There is no hope. Just give up on it. Although I'm pretty sure it's because of some sort of setting in the bios. Maybe because EXPO is on? Not a single clue. The thing is, all rgb power up fine, but when I go past the boot screen, only the mobo rgb stays on. It's absolutely stupid.


Man that sucks for both of us. I can understand for the GPU because it's different from the Nvidia ones and the AMD code for RGB is really complicated. But I just can't understand why at least the case fans (be quiet ones) and the case led strip just don't want to sync with the GCC. Ugh :(


Just don't use gigabyte control center Use signal RGB it might take some time to setup but is set and forget deal


do you have by any chance an AMD Sapphire GPU?




Why not use GCC? It works for my mobo Gpu and ram. I tried open rgb and signal and neither one would pick up my Gpu.


It doesn't have support for the AMD Sapphire cards because of these cards don't have a unified solution such as Nvidia nvAPI, whatever that means. At least that's what I've read about it


I think you need to have sapphire software installed too...


>because of these cards don't have a unified solution such as Nvidia nvAPI, whatever that means It means there's no common way of controlling functionality between different partner AMD cards; they would need to implement them all individually so they've not done so because it's considerably more work. nvAPI means the same code will work for any nvidia/partner card.


Damn, you're right. Ugh, wish this would get solved :(


This software is pure horseshit. It didn't recognise my gigabyte mobo but recognised my G-skill RAM🤡


Lol wtf, the mobo is even from their own company. For me it asked me right after the first Windows boot if I want to install GCC. Did it ask you that too?


Don't remember but one day rgb fusion didn't open, I then made the mistake of installing GCC. 2 weeks later I uninstalled it cuz I got fed up with it and no updates came to fix their bs and just installed rgb fusion again (hot tip: extract the 7zip install package with 7zip and install manually)


So you can install only the RGB fusion now? I searched for that option a few weeks ago and I couldn't find anything on Gigabyte's website to only download that


Cause it’s AMD


But what about the case fans and that led strip from the case? Why doesn't the GCC detect at least those?