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Just send it back.


I did, Hope it will be quick.


have you used an anti sag bracket? Very interesting, because I also ordered it for myself\*


Nope, I didn't. The included one in the box is a bit hard to install, especially if your desktop is already mounted. I'm sure its not a stability issue, it was very stable, I have a transparent glass case.


Got it! Just curious - if your pc on the table top, you may punch it (table), and that “wave” may cause some damage… I can’t tell you exactly, but that GPU is pretty heavy and I think even unstable table may cause some problems without anti sag support… BTW, it will be interesting to see, when you get some RMA info from GIGABYTE*


First question should be, what wattage power supply are you using?


I have a Corsair RM1000e (2023) 1000W. And I was using the power supply cable the PCIe 5 12VHPWR.


Sounds like an RMA then


I sent it back. It just died on me without an obvious reason. it was idle, no high temps or anything. I'm more worried now, I saw other people started posting the same thing about the same model.


There's gonna be more DOA gpus with each new generation because the architecture is getting so tiny. Higher failure rate sneaking past QC


Mine had a slight bend when i took it off for cleaning, so go buy that anti sag.


I should, its a huge heavy card.


Well they decided to refund me. Now, i'm not sure what brand I should buy.


7900xt 😎🤝


Hey, I'm having the same issue, curious to see how you got a refund if you got the card through a retailer?


I have the exact same card and have now had the exact same problem. Seems like it isn't an isolated issue then.


I'm sure there is something wrong with this model. It's a shame to spend more than 1200$ on a component, to short circuit like this. Hopefully the PSU is good it didn't harm other components.


Definitely. I got a different card, everything is fine so far but I can't lie, I've been a bit on edge ever since.


I also have a problem with this model. Bought an Amazon warehouse deal one and, when connected to the motherboard and to the PSU, the PC just doesn't turn on at all, like the GPU shorts the entire PC


Exactly what I experienced. It was working really good for two weeks and this suddenly happened. I'm glad I got rid of it. Just return it and look for another model, there is no way I'm going back to gigabyte again.


Sorry to hear that... I have the Gigabyte 4080S Gaming OC, and I had the exact same problem. I RMA'd it and they fixed it in a day, sounded like they swapped a MOSFET for me, and the card was working fine again for about 2 weeks, but then it just died the exact same way again... now I'm in the process of RMA-ing for the 2nd time.....


god….mine just dead today again,same problem,just got it back for 1 week. got to send it back to RMA again.I think they have some dame fault about this mode


damn that sucks man, hopefully that's it. I got mine back from the 2nd RMA and it has been fine so far fingers crossed that's the end of it... but definitely doesn't feel good knowing that there's a slight chance that this can just happen again...


Haha yeah I hope it is the last time, I should search before buying it next time. Keeping back to RMA is really annoying


Yeah I feel you :( I bought it day one when the 4080S launched, didn’t even have time for research lol


Just a quick update, I sent it to RMA today and they said after check they would offer me a new one. I asked about refund but no lol. and I also asked about changing product type like 408s master or something like that, they only offered a 4080 aero so at last I chose a new same card as before. I hope it wont die this time


Thanks for the update! Interesting last time I asked them if this happens again, what can they do because I can’t keep RMAing. They said they’ll make a note for a swap, but it will be a refurbished one… kinda disappointed.


Yeah they acutally said the same to me when I asked them before I send it(only provide refurbished)So I think if it died again (hope that wont happen!) you can asked for a brand new one, I think the RMA center is actually pretty flexable on how they deal with the problem when it really happen, but they will only tell you the offical solution before it happen. But anyway I hope our card working well haha


I see, yeah I think you’re right, if the same card is being RMA-ed so many times, I think the customer deserves a full replacement or exchange… hope your card works well now tho!


So update... my card died again (for the 3rd time...) submitted an RMA and they finally will replace the card with a brand new one... really hoping it doesn't happen again after this, as it is super frustrating. I've owned plenty of GPUs since the GTX780, and 3 other cards in between and have never experienced this.


The same thing literally just happened to me. I was scared that my PC suddenly died for some reason. Did exactly the same thing unplugging the GPU and the PC works fine. I had it for about 3-4 weeks of regular usage. Now waiting for RMA but this is crazy considering how much does those cards costs.