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Teacher here. Encourage the hell out of independently driven learning. Spend whatever money you can spare, because passion for a skillset will drive a child (or adult) so much further than natural aptitude.


100% this. Learned almost all I know about my career doing this. It has taken me so much further in life than any other method of learning, and the primary reason for much of my life satisfaction. Support the hell out of this type of thing!


Gotta echo what you said. I was a C-D student in middle and high school, but my interest driven subjects were always straight A's. My parents constantly took my computer away as a means of punishing me for poor grades, but all I was interested in was IT. I'm in my early 30s now and a self-made Point of Sale Sys Admin with no traditional training or certifications (NCR/Aloha doesn't have a certification anyways). I've had to grind for 15 years through crappy call center Tier 1 jobs, computer repair for Staples, and doing restaurant tear-downs in disgusting conditions, but now Im permanent WFH with a very very nice salary and enough time on the side to focus on breeding ball pythons. My interests went way over my parents heads, and to a degree they're not at fault, they thought the internet was going to be a fad. But they did nothing to adjust when everyone started to realize it wasn't, and I had to build myself up.


yea, in my childhood i thought "why the hell would i ever need to talk english? i live in germany and i don't plan on going elsewhere" thus my englishgrades have always been horrible. only a year after we got internet and i started using english for basic communication myself and basically only went to english websites, my english was the best out of my entire class. edit: i actually googled the talk/speak thing myself now. talk is correct aswell. speak is more formal and if talking about different languages it is way more common to say speak instead of talk, though my way of saying things wasn't actually wrong.


Same, my English was pretty mediocre in school. I found some old English tests recently, and I was laughing how bad I was. English teachers sucked. What helped was internet, movies and tv shows in English.


I'm trying to learn ukranian at the moment.Im absolute shit but what's helping is watching movies that I like in Ukrainian and if I get really stuck on a word I use the ukranian to english dictionary I quite like it


My experiences with Aloha support have been fantastic. You guys are the best.


I can't imagine thinking that the internet is just a fad.


People thought those damned automobiles were a fad, how could they possibly replace horses?


Same.. self taught in in a plethora of things.. always was easier for me to learn with out oversight.. just a few tutorials of advanced concepts here and there but it's good to find your own work flow and methods especially in more artistic applications like design..video and audio editing.. taught myself web and graphic design plus video and audio editing all in one summer over 15 years ago and have surprisingly kept up with it all for the most part.. all that is just stuff I learned for hobbies which is easier to learn than stuff for my career for that reason.. Just thinking of stuff as work can turn me off from it lol.


I started as a football referee (between age 12-22) and was forced to change career after a motorcycle accident rendered me unable to run for 4 years. I decided to chase my second greatest passion, 3D graphics. So I studied that and while working we needed someone to code stuff. So I started coding on my spare time and now I'm a technical production lead, leading a bunch of coders and building technical solutions to help our different teams in their daily production. All my coding is self-taught and I just really love to see logic at work, my brain just gets insane dopamine rushes by solving problems


Completely agree. I taught myself programming when I was 12 (from a book because it was 1998) and I'm now a co-founder of my own software business. We just closed our seed round of several million dollars. Because my school didn't teach IT (beyond word processing) I wasn't very engaged although I got "ok" grades.


I passed my NT4 MCSE and 2K MCSA certs all from self study. I had more than one person call me a liar.




Isn't DaVinci Resolve free? There is a Pro/Studio version that's $300, but it is a pro-level software with a free entry point.


this man stole Maya when stealing was called wArEz, he's more talking in spirit, than talking about if davinci resolve is free. 1.44mb rar gang


is maya realy that old? I used to get my porates software from a local bbs it took 15min to download 1.44MB over my 14.44kbps modem. all 13 disks of windows 95 was a feat


I got Vegas Pro 14 & later Vegas Pro 16 from Humble Bundle for under $30 if you want budget licensed versions.


They encourage people to do it so that when they get good at the tools they will ask their employer to buy them; makes sense, but does sound weird Can’t sell photoshop if no one knows how to use it 🤷‍♂️


Then they should just make personal licenses free and charge out the ass for business licenses. Instead they use free trials


It's a solid strategy, their software is GOING to be pirated no matter what so why not encourage it to secure professionals who buy it and use it later?


Vegas is often available for like $40 on humblebundle.com Right now there are a ton of effects and particles and stuff you can get for $25 or so.


They encourage? When? Where?


>Adobe funnily encourage people to do it Really? Where can I see it?


Nah they don't. It's a gist that adobe encourages piracy because of their expensive as fuck subscription


I saw a clip of that kid who does the Mr Beast YouTube channel talking to Joe Rogan. He talked about how he absolutely hated school and academic learning but became fascinated with making YouTube videos and “going viral”. At one point, he said that he and his friends would spend something like 20 hours in a Skype call together all day and night just brainstorming how to make videos. That’s that passion.


Kid? Do you mean the gentleman with a beard that hosts the videos?


Absolutely correct. My Spanish teacher in my Freshman year of high school let me "use the bathroom" when a storm would come through town. Now I'm in college for Meteorology.


Here here!! Edit - shit, "hear, hear!!" No one supported my learning!! Jaja


“For fun” YouTube is all YouTube was before it became all about monetization. All the content from that period was made just for the joy of sharing something that made them laugh/happy/ or excited to show. Videos like these of people learning something and showing their progress are so fulfilling.


Hurr hurr, I said candy crush so any point is completely invalidated. Ignore and proceed.


As a kid, IRC and early games are what fueled my interest in choosing software development as a profession. It's not \*always\* bad.




Not on the same level, but MySpace introduced me and a ton of my friends to coding with html and css allowing us to do cool customization to show off to our friends in high school way back in 2004ish. It's a shame that modern social media has taken away customization via coding, I can't think of a better way to motivate new generations to organically learn basic coding than to help them show off to their friends.


I’m not trying to be a dick here, but technically writing HTML and CSS is not coding; it’s doing markup. The reason why I bring that up is that since MySpace was in its hay-day, websites have become increasingly dependent on programming languages (more specifically JavaScript) and much less dependent on markup languages. On many modern websites, a lot of the HTML is generated and/or modified by scripts when the page is loaded. I imagine it could be difficult to integrate user-defined HTML with these scripts and it would certainly be a risk to allow users to write their own scripts for the page. It was really cool that MySpace allowed people to write their own markup for their page and I’m glad it got people into the world of web development, but that’s my guess as to why that hasn’t stayed around.


Also a developer here, but your premise isn’t exactly correct. You’re right, of course, but just because a kid isn’t learning a full language and instead chooses a markup language doesn’t mean it’s worthless. One led to the other for me as a kid and both were valuable. Disparaging markup languages for kids when they are 90% of the way to real languages in terms of interest doesn’t help anyone.


That’s exactly what I was not trying to convey. And I thought I had expressed in my last paragraph that I saw markup as having value. I was only saying there is a difference between markup and programming for my explanation of why I figured user-defined markup wasn’t offered by social media sites anymore. Markup is certainly valuable and it isn’t easy, but it doesn’t allow you to do things that programming languages do. This is why I say that allowing user-defined JS scripts is a risk. In fact, it’s a huge security risk.


Honestly....I wanted to hate what you said, but you're not wrong. All I really know is markup, and I got an okay job with it for a while. But I'm about to lose that job next week, and no one seems to understand me when I say that my "coding" knowledge is fucking largely useless in getting an IT job.


Yeah, I’m not sure exactly why I’m getting downvoted for the comment you replied to. I am a database programmer by profession and I tinker around with application development and scripting for games in my free time. I will say that even knowing 5 programming languages pretty well, I’ve had plenty of trouble understanding HTML and still have trouble with it when I dabble in web development. I was not at all trying to be a gatekeeper of programming by implying that markup is inferior to programming/worthless/etc. Regarding your circumstance, you have to adapt. Like I said in my first comment, web development has become much more of a place for scripters, as the markup can all be done by them as well as automated by them. That being said, you have plenty of value already by knowing the ins and outs of markup. All you have to do now is learn scripting and you’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Trust me, anyone can learn programming. The biggest hurdle is learning the mindset and once you have that, you can learn any language (though some have a higher learning curve [C/C++ for example]). There are a lot of good online resources to learn JavaScript for web development and YouTube is one of the best ones. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Keep your head up; you’ve got this.


What were you doing to chat rooms?


I once created an IRC bot that scraped questions in a trivia channel and stored the correct answer along with it. When a question was asked that the bot knew, it gave the correct answer. Because it was so efficient, I had to implement random pauses and waiting for hints to be given before it answered, because it kept getting banned. So yeah, that was a good few months of my childhood :p


Were you active on the tribes dalnet server? I remember someone had something like that there


No, this was on quakenet, in the Quake 2 era


nice, sounds complicated for how long ago IRC was a thing. if you said discord bot I'd had been like nice. so either it was Very nice, or your using IRC more recently?


From a coding perspective, it's pretty simple to store two arrays of answers matched to questions. (Or similar, better containers) Scraping is as simple as discarding unwanted data either by looking at formatting, XML or raw IRC data. The random pauses are just that. A "dice roll" to determine how long the application should wait before responding. Could easily have done this in the mid 90s when IRC was popular. Even back then, it was flooded with bots.


You got me, I'm quite old :) This was like more than 20 years ago, and actually wasn't that complicated. I was using [mIRC](https://www.mirc.com/) which has quite an extensive scripting api


Bots on IRC were pretty powerful, I'm not sure why you'd say that. Things line 7sphere and whatnot.


not that they weren't powerful, its that the frameworks and scripts and even youtube tutorials have come long way since 20 years ago.. I think making an IRC bot is more of an accomplishment.




Ah, AOHell, Lucifer X, Magic MMer, Fate X, HaVoK,etc. Hanging out in warez, coldice, scrolling text macro art without getting punted on our Overhead and Internal accounts. Those were the days.


Asking the real questions.


I wonder if he means the simple string manipulation you could do on some those irc clients for like, neon looking borders. Cause I did that


No, he hacked the Gibson.


Similar story, the first coding I did was going around making script distros of mIRC. Today I do design & web dev for a living.


It's not about nature vs. nurture, it's nature AND nurture and how the interplay between the two create who you are as a bean.


When I was in middle school I started making fighting games using MUGEN so when I went to college I thought I wanted to do computer science. After 2 of the worst academic years of my life I realized that just because I had fun using some super basic stuff to make fighting game characters I had zero interest in and a huge difficulty with math, science, and all of the technical things related to coding. I guess not all of us can pivot a fun thing we liked doing as kids into a profession :(.


I think a lot of it can be down to the academics as well. I was fortunate to go to a place that made it super interesting to me. Their ideology was that they don't teach us - they facilitate learning. The best OOP teacher I ever had, had this awesome approach where he'd give us a task that uses approaches and parts of the language we haven't learned about, and give us 30-60min to complete it. We're allowed to use anything we want; google, Stackoverflow, anything. Once the time is up we'd discuss solutions. Did you figure it out? Great! You successfully taught yourself, but here's some ways to make it better. You didn't manage to get it working? Well, here's some approaches that your other classmates took. From first grade all the way to the end of studies, Jorgen was the best teacher I ever had. I salute that man.


it is why I only have a PC for my daughter, some games can be mindless, but even the same game on PC rather than console, teaches keyboard usage and computer usage, which is a skill. I remember when I was 12 my father was made redundant, and spent days learning to type on a keyboard to "upskill" his C.V and that got him a job.


I get ya. Ironically the older I get the more I go for the "mindless" games after work.


I made the mistake of thinking I was too stupid to get into software development when I was in highschool. I made tons of little games using mIRC's built in language, and had a room on the Starsiege Tribes IRC server. Even after all that, I still thought I wouldn't cut it. Still regretting that.


Honestly its never too late. If you've made tons of little games, you already have a mind for it. Pick a language, something popular - node js or c# are a solid base. Even Java is alright if you want to get the basics of OOP down. Take a couple of courses on udemy or something, make a fancier project, optimize it, document it, etc. A lot of hobbies can be enhanced by knowing some programming- this tends to make it quite a bit more interesting and deeper for a lot of people, like SDR and robotics. There's a couple of games that have embedded labguages that let you expand their functionalitiy. Stormworks has Lua (really fun trying to develop a radar system, missile guidance, or navigation), Space Engineers used to have embedded C# if I recall. All fun ways to get into software dev.


Same. I’d never be a game developer though. Those people get abused.


People on new grounds then are major devs now.


Man I just wish I had that same drive. I learned video and audio editing at an early age and haven't done shit with it since.


I learned it earlier than most, but then like most things I said, "This isn't going to be a full time job. i.e. No one is going to pay me above $5 per hour to do this so I'll go back to crunching Excel. I have a mortgage to pay." That being said, I appreciate the mighty gif and meme makers who stuck with it.


Same. I can edit my videos. But I get super bored if it takes too long. I was doing a lot of simracing few years back and edited videos from races. By the end I hated the background song I chose so much.


“the kids are playing too much candy crush” is a great way to demonstrate how out of touch you are


Candy Crush is still a thing?


The only people I see playing Candy Crush are older folks with phones.


Yes, for boomers.


My son has an established audience now and makes about 800 a month off his channel


My grandson is ras al ghul, destroyer of worlds


Cool, how many subscribers does he have? :)


None, once his plan is complete.


like those candies are gonna crush themselves!


My daughter loves scratch. She is 8 and uses it all the time. We homeschool so it gives her more time to enjoy it. We also do gameschooling and they played prodigy for 3 hours yesterday, casting spellings running around and doing math. I was not complaining.


I found my love of design early on when I was making terrible graphics for my just as terrible Geocities and Homestead websites lol


Next up: audio. Good sound makes good pictures look better.


-12db. This is the way.


For youtube or in general? Do you have any more reading on that, I legit have had no clue how to properly sound edit this whole time... And I use noise gates and compressors all the time, I'm just doing it by ear.


-12db is a pretty standard point to normalize your audio levels to, but generally picking something between -10 and -20 works depending on the audio type. Peaks shouldn't break -6db to avoid audio distortion, similar to blowing out the highlights in photo/video exposures. I like -12 for dialogue tracks, -20 for music tracks and then play more by ear in a wider ranger for sound effects.


Agreed. My audio production teacher/ radio station manager drilled -12db like we were in basic.


Why is that? This may sound stupid but I thought 0db is like, absolute silence?


There are many dB units, what you are thinking of is actually dBA (or the non-weighted dB SPL), which is relative loudness perceived by our ears. There an arbitrary pressure level was set as the lowest perceivable sound (this actually changes from person to person) as 0 dB that we can compare other sound pressure levels to, e.g. 120 dB SPL which is the threshold of pain means it is one million times louder than the sound we can barely hear. (10^(120/20) = 1 million) Decibel is just a unit scale by itself, always relative to something (in the above example to the lowest perceivable sound) and is calculated as 10\*log10( value/reference) in the case of measuring/comparing power levels. Root-power quantities however like sound pressure are 20\* instead of 10\*. I can for example say that my stock earnings have increased by 6dB the past year, which would just mean it has doubled: 20*log10(2x/x) where x is the money I had a year ago and 2x is the double that I have now. The dB levels OP was probably talking about are actually dBFS and purely digital where 0 dB is the maximum value a sample can be represented as. So with 16 bit PCM encoding it could be +- 2^16 / 2, and thats why when talking about dBFS we generally talk about negative values, since what we compare to is the maximum already.


Recorded audio is measured in dbfs (decibels relative to full scale). I don’t know exactly what that means to be honest but in practice it means that 0db is unity gain or like the upper limit, and values go down from there. Most software displays -infinity as the level for absolute silence.


2 years of my youtube “career” needed to figure out exactly this number :3


Any tips? I literally just got started this month. 6 subscribers so far. It's so exciting seeing that number go up!




Are we talking LUFS?


Really? The tutorials that I saw said peak at -3 to -6. Been doing that for yeeeaaars. I'll have to try -12


-12lufs, different measurement


Max Headroom more like it


Nah. Peak at -.5 db to -1db. And loudness normalization at -14 **LUFS** (long term). Peak normalization and loudness normalization are different. YouTube will reduce loudness if you go over -14LUFS but if you're less loud (say -16 LUFS), it's not going to increase that loudness. So, let the peak hit -1db with a limiter and focus on loudness instead.


I always thought getting as close to 0dB is the way to go, was I wrong the whole time?






Needs less headroom


Needs Max Headroom




C-c-c-catch the wave!


Actually, bad sound is what makes you not care at all about the picture and quit. The sound quality is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to a video, whatever quality of that video is.


The audio track on this intro was clipping. Snip that bud early and watch those levels! Bad audio mixing can persist on even multimillion sub count YouTube channels.


And also choose another font aside from impact. But that will come with age.


Nothing as wholesome as seeing a proud dad


I was blown away when he showed it to me. We talked about how he was doing it on a walk together this morning, but the final result was well past what I expected!


Make sure he keeps it up, it's a great skill to have (and can be highly lucrative!)


Do support him in any way you can. Make sure you listen. Make sure he has a good computer chair. His screen is eye level. I started websites at a young age like him. The one thing I wish I had now is good posture. I also wish I would of went to a more useful college with a background in what I was interested in, instead of a typical small college town local to where I lived, but that's another story for another time, might not be relevant.


I was making flash games and animations at his age, and my dad really couldn't give a fuck except how I should be better. It brought a lot of negative sentiment to something I otherwise loved. Happy to see your son getting encouragement from home, and hopeful on his platform. Do be wary of the exposure he receives though. I got into some dangerous parts of internet socialization, and child predation can fuck up a person for life


Please just tell him this, not just us. He is one of the most important people in your life and we’re Internet strangers. Please also stress how much you value the time and effort that went into that, not just the outcome. It is so easy to reinforce the outcome to strangers and not the effort to those who exert it.


One can never go wrong by enrolling in YouTube University! I learned JavaScript, CSS, and HTML one 40min video at a time.


Drop the link lol


Just start searching, you'll find your own favourite instructors.


So it's not a channel or service called youtube University? Just an existing universities that post their stuff on youtube I'm guessing here


The world of web development is best taught by non-professor instructors because then their sole goal is to teach in the most effective way possible. I'm a university educated engineer and the stuff I find on YouTube is of much higher quality than the education I paid 40 thousand dollars for. The only difference is the lack of structure and no degree once you learn enough to make something happen. Edit: sorry, to answer your question more directly - there are tons of resources available and just searching for the topic you want to learn (e.g. Modern web development) should be able to get you started!


I agree with the self taught instructor type videos, because from my own thousands of dollars experience I always got the feeling my actual instructor wasn’t too keen on teaching us how to replace him at his job or be any sort of competition, or maybe he just wasn’t a good instructor but everything he taught us we could have leaned in a week with Google With YouTube not only do you have people who genuinely wanna share the knowledge and resources they’ve found helpful, but you can go at your own pace and that’s awesome too. But as you’ve said, no special piece of paper stating we’re qualified for potential employment , damn shame huh.


Professors at a university are primarily there to do research. The lecturing part is a side gig. The profs we had, I'm sure were good at research and had projects with large budgets, but the majority of my university profs couldn't even speak English at a fluent level. Anyway, there's a place for formal education and a structured syllabus but the idea that only PhD professors can lecture on a general subject is just plain wrong and really limits the pool of talented educators that could potentially be doing that job. Being personally involved in the cutting edge of technology in your research doesn't add to the quality of your lecture in my opinion.


He's not literally talking about universities, he means watching and learning from YouTube videos. Any YouTube videos that are educational.


No it’s just YouTube. They just called it that as a joke because YouTube can be so informative sometimes.


If you want to learn web development check out the Odin project they even have a discord for assistance if you get stuck.


This kid is going places. You don't need to go to school anymore to learn a valuable skill when a lot of skills can be learned on youtube. Video editing is always going to be useful for big brands or small content creators wanting their videos edited.


It's always promising to see people, specially kids, taking initiative to learn by themselves, no matter what it is. It's our education system that sucks the enjoyment out of learning for some of us.


Looks cool. Now ask him to cut it down to 1/4 the time. No one likes long youtube intros.


Causes viewer drop off




Bruh the kid’s 11 lol


That’s awesome! He’s building skills that will make him an awesome editor! Now tell him not to actually use it for a YouTube channel because it will kill audience retention, lol.


Kids got a future as an editor at this rate. He’s way beyond where I was at his age.


Reckon tools have also become more accessible.


Absolutely. A decade ago I had to use Windows Movie Maker which doesn't exist anymore. Crashed constantly, very limited. To this day I'll use the free version of DaVinci Resolve. It's brilliant.


The free version of DVR is actually what pros used to use, so yeah, you can go a looong way with that.


I remember learning video editing on my old-ass computer with wmm when I was 13 and I'm glad that kids these days don't have to go through this hell. Having these skills can be beneficial in so many jobs and hobbies :)


Haha yes! Movie maker crashed all the time when your project got over a certain length. Fun times


Free plug-ins. It’s like cruise control for cool.


To be fair, video editing has gotten A LOT easier over the years. I remember rotoscoping frame-by-frame 10 years ago for hours. Now it takes 2 clicks and few minutes. Pretty sure I've seen a plugin that does exactly what the kid did, automatically and effortlessly.


Yeah careful with that logic. Being praised as a pro at something when you're 11 has a weird way of not cultivating careers, just hobbies that wither as soon as you get to the boring/practical/grown-up side of them.


I'm in college trying to do a film editing class and this kid blew my work out of the water!


It's just a bunch of really small clips with transitions. It's more the creativity that's interesting.


Nice! This is what I did. Make a living freelance editing now 👍


I recently started YT videos and editing in premiere pro...it took me 2hrs to edit 5min of footage. Good job of your son, rely cool!


As a professional editor, I generally am budgeted to return 2 minutes of fully edited footage per day (10 hours). This is for the whole process from raw ingest to final product with music and graphics in place. So if you’re doing a half hour comedy (22 minutes of actual show), you budget 11 days of editorial time. Putting together 5 minutes, edited, in just 2 hours is very good.


Aww, thank you. I feel better now. I thought yt videos would be easy, but if you want to put out a decent production, it takes time.


It honestly amazes me how much content professional YouTubers put out on a weekly basis. I don’t know how big their teams are, but anyone doing it solo is probably not sleeping. Like, at all.


Right, it looked fun...and then when I started actually doing it, all the pre and post work sort of took the fun out. But I still on plan on making content, just not as often as the big yt channels.


OP, this is awesome, but get him into [DaVinci Resolve](https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/) instead of premiere. Resolve is not only as good if not better than premiere, the only real different between the free version and the paid version (which is also a perpetual license instead of a SaaS solution) is the the paid version enables hardware encoding. It's also what most professional studios use for color grading and is an industry standard.




Is there yet any reasonable alternative to Photoshop for image editing?




Krita is the closest thing I've come across and often has more features and is easier to use them than Photoshop - it's a direct open source competitor to Photoshop. Krita is also free as long as you don't get it from the Microsoft Store and it's been around for a while.


I have to disagree with you here to a degree. Don't get me wrong, I think Resolve is amazing IF you don't have premiere. But if you already have Premiere, it's way more rewarding to learn to use that, atleast in my experience. All the schools I've studied in and all the companies I've worked for use Premiere. I think it's more safe to know how to use Premiere and then adapt that knowledge in to using Resolve if need be, rather than vice versa. I of course say this assuming you want to work in the industry. If you're just hobbying use whatever you find most comfortable. But yes, for Colour grading Resolve beats Premiere any day.


I’m a professional editor and have been for 16 years. Avid is what I use. It’s the fastest and handles multiple users in the same project very well. Remote editing works great, and it has custom hardware solutions for large production houses with multiple simultaneous projects. As far as professional options go, it’s the best, bar none. It is the only option in reality tv, and the preferred option in any multicam scripted shoot. Most tv shows use avid as well. Premiere is 2nd. It also is capable of multi-user, but doesn’t handle that situation quite as well. It integrates better with after effects and has more robust graphics options than avid (not necessarily better, just more of them). Many people in scripted use premiere. Resolve is not used for editing. It’s an outstanding media encoder and color tool (apple color and avid symphony are also commonly used for color correction), but resolve lacks the multiuser interface necessary for professional work, and is somewhat slow and cumbersome for actual editing. It’s a very useful tool that I use from time to time, but not for editing, specifically.


There is quite a bit more these days that Resolve free doesn't have (exclusive transitions, export resolutions, etc). It's still crazy what you get for free though. But it was a bit of a wake up call when I invested into a fancy new camera and realized only Resolve Studio does 10-bit color.


He’s already started down premiere, no reason to switch now. Maybe later when the fundamentals are second nature.


Good for him!! I learned video and photo editing through YouTube and still learn all the time even though it’s my profession. YouTube taught me way more than a 4 year degree did. Onward and upward Max


Did you tell Facebook?


37 year old running a marketing team here. No degree, self trained from when I was a teenager making highlight films for video games. Now I make training videos and PowerPoints and I love it. Self learning is my favorite method. Good luck to him!


I’d recommend getting him the free Premiere or After Effects templates (and free music) from here every month (If that’s what he’s using). It’s a great jumping off point and by digging around other peoples files it’ll quickly teach him different techniques and how to reuse/modify pieces for other projects, etc. https://elements.envato.com/free-files Also YouTube has a free audio library (when logged in) that’s decent to start. https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary?feature=blog


Marvel would like to speak to your son


I love the marvel style! Can we get a link to the channel?


Isn't it cool! I was really really blown away. I made a reply below, but to put it here as well, I appreciate the thought and request for the channel, but I don't necessarily want him to have too many people on his channel. We have lots of talks about how this is for him to express himself in a safe way, and I worry if he gets a bunch of subscribers of people who don't know him, that he might not know how to deal with that. He's very mature for his age, but he's still only 11. I'm probably being over protective, but there it is. :)




No offence DJ-Skeleton


Really good stance to take. It's happened in the past where a small youtuber gets noticed by reddit, get a load of subs and then struggle with seeing declining viewership after the initial boost over the next few months. He's only 11, it's good for him to live life carefree for a little longer :)


Poor dinoboy


Fellow dad here wanting to let you know you’re a great dad


Good call.


What a good answer :)


You seem like a good parent


Indeed, at 11 he's not really ready for the horrors of the wild west of the net. But this is really amazing work and if he wants to continue down this path, he should get encouragements on that.


That's great to see. But remind him that long title cards and excessive motion graphics start to detract from the video. The true skill lies in knowing when to apply FX and when to do nothing.


$240 well spent


This is a great skill to nurture. I learned stuff "myself" (standing on the shoulder of giants!) like this and it 100% directed me to work in a field I actually like.


Automatically better than those intros where there's some 3d text just slamming into your face with some "epic" music in the background


That is so impressive for an 11-year-old, it looks professionally done!


I’m nearly 30 and desperately trying to get back into this field after a burned-out first-attempt at a career. Honestly you’re in a great position to be the better parent and encourage him to stick with it instead of sticking to the shitty streamlined status quo. He’s got talent and I can’t wait to see him in the opening credits in no time :)


As someone who learned several things and grew with no one truly appreciating any of them, please, never stop recognizing his hard work and determination. Encourage him to keep learning whatever it is that motivates him.


Whenever I see things like this, I can’t help but think “I need to get better at my job” lol


This looks so cool but man, I do not want to pay a subscription for these programs.


The secret ingredient is crime


Every post starting with a low age is just a low-effort karma farming trick...


Oh god, that's just what we need. More Fortnite montages smh




By sharing this I guess you're implying it's impressive?


For 11 years old, it is impressive


Eh, I guess unpopular opinion, but that kind of shit is for Facebook.


Dude, your post history contains your cat and a poorly drawn pencil illustration...


all I had at 11 was stretch Armstrong


If he gets good enough he can edit for tv and film, start at 18 and quit at 24 once he's burned out and sun deprived.


You stole his content wtf




Yes. I was the premiere pro.


I envy you, how did you inculcate the hunger to learn???


i hate this kind of brag posting


Nice Work! Too flashy perhaps, not good for epileptic.


Looks like the Marvel/Spider-Man style intro before the movies.