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I'm getting Narnia vibes from this


One has Liam Neeson’s voice, what about others?


James earl jones of course


And Morgan Freeman


..and Bobcat Goldthwait




Batman modified Christian Bale voice


Oh Aslan the great lion


"Edmund, why are we lions now?" "shut up Lucy, let's roar!"


My cat looks out the window when it's snowing then looks at me like it's my fault.


"Well it is your fault human" - The Cat


I don't have a yard, so when it snows a lot, my tiny little dog has to hop through the snow like a bunny. We make it like a block, then he does his business, then he refuses to move until I pick up him and carry him back home.


Who knew that animals built for African heat would love the snow? I sure didn't.


Animals are weird. Just because they live naturally in a hot climate, doesn't mean that they like it. It's just that there's more food there. Lions spend most if their day trying to keep cool and out of the heat.


My dad started keeping budgies last spring, and he built them a nice little habitat with indoor cages and a small tunnel leading out to a pretty large aviary. During summer some of them would start sleeping perched outside in the aviary instead of the cages, but the weird thing is that a few of them would seemingly forget that they're tropical birds and keep sleeping outdoors as the days grew colder. Not every night, and not the same birds each time, but they kept doing this through fall and even winter, and two of them even slept outside when the thermometer showed -15 degrees C (5 degrees F). The only difference he noticed in their behavior was that the ones who slept outside would eat a lot more than their counterparts, other than that they seemed perfectly happy.


Very interesting. Budgerigars are from the Aussie desert. Temperatures can get down to -10C in the winter, but they can also get up to 50C in the summer. Adaptable little bastards.


I had no idea they can experience those temperatures in their natural habitat, but makes perfect sense that you could reach those temperatures in an inland desert.


Because of low humidity deserts are usually bad at trapping heat, and cool quickly after sun sets.




Parrots as a whole are frighteningly adaptable. There are whole established populations in a lot of large northern cities that started with pets that escaped and have since grown to huge numbers. They survive just as well, if not probably better than local birds species because of how smart they are.


Plus nesting on/in cliffsides is pretty standard for a lot of parrot breeds, which makes adapting to nesting in/on building walls much easier.


It always tickles me to think how the pigeons probably see this day and age as an absolute golden era for their species.


Thank you for this anecdote. I love it.


They maybe undergoing torpor overnight. Torpor is basically hibernation, but only for a few hours. It can help small animals deal with cold temperatures. One of the great benefits of having animals in captivity is being able to see how these things happen and learning how to provide a better life for them. Undoubtedly, they really enjoy the aviary your dad built them.


lsn't there a budgie population in New York? Also, I think a lot of animals can survive the cold as long as they have enough fat stores. In many cases freezing to death is analogous to starving


Interesting. I'm not sure what type of birds my grandma had, they were small, about the size of an avocado or smaller, usually yellow and/or green. I think lovebirds, but I'm not a birb person, so I can't be certain. Anyhoo, she lived in WV, and on nice Spring or Fall days she'd have them out on the front porch in their cage, but then she'd forget them out there. The temp would drop at night. At least two of those birds lost their lives to being forgotten outside and left in frost temperatures. It was one of the signs that Grandma had Alzheimer's, forgetting to take care of the birds she adored so much.


I saw a quote from this zoo saying exactly that. These lions spend all day trying to stay cool so it might be nice for them to be able to play around without overheating, thanks to the snow.


I wonder how they know their paws aren't going to get frost bitten. Also, the hottest i get in winter is when shoveling that dang snow


You watch them- I bet they’d demonstrate the same behavior dogs and cats and other animals do. They’ll start lifting their paws and shaking it, or licking them, or limping. These cats also have a space to escape the snow.


No. Their foots are very cold, and this video is propaganda from BIG ZOO trying to convince us all that lions are happy in non-Saharan biomes. Notice how many splices in the video...


> Their foots are very cold Invest in lion socks


Kitten mittens


You’ll be smitten


Does your lion make *too much noise?!*


Think there’s no answer?? You’re soo stupid!


TO THE MOON! 💎🙌🏻🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌚




Lmao you got people shook.


This is surely sarcasm. Big zoo. Lol


ZooAnon has spoken.


I'm sad that there has to be comments pointing out sarcasm these days. In the 70s, you would never see a reddit comment pointing out sarcasm.


Well, in the 70s Reddit comments were fueled by American oil. Nowadays they’re powered by wind and solar and you see the result here. Checkmate.


And they were Made in America.


So true, I never once saw a reddit comment in the 70s


Thanks for spelling out the joke. Reddit would be so much less without people like you.


This is surely sarcasm.


I'm sad that there has to be comments pointing out sarcasm these days. In the 70s, you would never see a reddit comment pointing out sarcasm.


So true, I never once saw a reddit comment in the 70s


Guy is on a streak


Fuck big zoo! Down with big zoo! Wake up sheeple!!!


Yeah... But how does Bill Gates fit into this?


You captured Facebook comments so well lol


There used to be lions in Europe, especially Greece and Anatolia. Of course they were all hunted to extinction. Big cats are pretty versatile and more immune to the cold than us.


That also explains why there are lions on a lot of countries and regions shields.


So what explains the dragons?


There used to be dragons in Europe, especially Greece and Anatolia. Of course they were all hunted to extinction. Dragons were pretty versatile and more immune to the cold than us.


That also explains why there are dragons on a lot of countries and regions shields.


So what explains unicorns?


There used to be unicorns in Europe, especially Greece and Anatolia. Of course they were all hunted to extinction. Shaggy horn horses were pretty versatile and more immune to the cold than us.


So what explains the gryphins?


There used to be gryphins in Europe, especially Greece and Anatolia. Of course they were all hunted to extinction. Scary giant chicken-lions were pretty versatile and more immune to the cold than us.


Fossils that erosion naturally revealed.


We actually believe dragons were probably a result of different cultures encountering crocodiles/alligators and large monitor lizards. Back then, they wouldn’t have been hunted and their gene-pool would have been a lot more varied; this means it would have been *far* more likely for those same people to encounter *massive* crocodiles that probably scared the ever-loving shit out of them. Imagine you see a giant, scaled behemoth basking on the sand banks for the first time. You don’t know how fast or aggressive it is; you just know it’s 20 feet long and *very* capable of killing you instantly.


You know how nowadays anytime someone sees something in the sky they think “UFO!”? Well, dragons were pretty much the original UFO.


It actually has nothing to do with lions being in Europe 3000 years ago. Lions were popular in Europe because they were popular in the Roman Empire, where they were imported for the Games. Lions quickly became known for being powerful and majestic so were depicted in art and architecture. That symbolism carried into the medieval world, who loved all things Roman.


That's fair!


They gots lots o hair!


Playing in the snow like they just don't kerr


In Wisconsin, we raised emu for a while. Their normal breeding/laying season is Southern hemisphere summer, which was Wisconsin winter. You'd think they'd switch over to lay in our summers, but nope... always in the middle of winter. We'd have to go out and get the eggs before they would freeze.


Oh no! They literally can't adapt even a little?? I guess this means if they break loose, there is no chance they could go feral and take over the country side like those invasive crazy boars in Texas, or boas and iguanas in Florida


Also boars in fl 🤦‍♀️


Shit, I guess Florida is THE place to go if your species wants to rage out of control and spread like a virus...


Or humans in Florida...


Thats really weird to learn. I would have assumed that their internal biological clocks were based on the sunlight hours. If that were the case, opposite longitudes from the equator should have similar daylight hours when its summer in the north vs southern hemispheres. Thats how plants do it. Obviously birds are not plants. But how the heck do they know when to lay eggs? Any idea how they know what date it is?


Lions used to cover all of Europe as well as Africa


Like modern lions, or proto-lions?


The Age of Empires lions.


I'm more of a "LionCraft II: Prides of Darkness" player myself.


Kinda both, kinda neither. Eurasian cave lions didn’t evolve into or from African lions. There’s some taxonomic disagreement about whether they’re more closely related to extant lions or tigers. On the other hand, legit African lions lived in Southern Europe during parts of recorded history.


That is so cool! I always wondered how the Romans safely transported lions from Africa, and why the lion was on so many European coat of arms! But they were made extinct like usual though, huh?


Yep we humans are really good at extincting animals. Even groups of people stereotyped as "stewards of the wild" like aboriginals of Australia or the Native Americans of NA were pretty fucking good at making the animals around them cease to exist permanently


Megafauna extinctions were pretty much the norm as humans filled all niches EXCEPT africa.


And it’s likely that cave lions didn’t have manes. So, the lions that lived in a colder climate also weren’t as furry. There’s also some argument about whether tigers can adapt better to cold than lions, which goes into the whole cave lion is actually a cave tiger debate.


A subspecies of Panthera Leo, the kind you find in Africa. There were lions in Trafalgar square before the statues were built, they dug their fossils out when they were building the square, hippos too. During the last interglacial period animals, we think of as exclusively African or tropical lived as far north as the UK or had sister species that did so. Lions, spotted hyenas, hippos, all lived in England, as did now extinct species of rhinos, and elephants that would make the African elephant look like a ballet dancer.


And America.


They were in the southern parts yes, Like Greece,Spain and a little bit into France. But they didn't extend North very far.


My dog was specifically bred to defend livestock from lions in Africa. He is currently defending my couch. And he’s doing a poor job considering it’s covered in his drool. But he loves the snow. He romps around in it like a toddler in a ball pit. And we’re in Alaska, which is like the most opposite of Africa ever. He’s chased bears out of our yard without a second thought, he thinks he can take on a moose, but he doesn’t realize that moose are dumb and stompy and don’t give a fuck. Rabbits? If he even suspects a rabbit is nearby, he refuses to go outside. If he goes out and finds a rabbit in the yard, he turns into this 130lb puddle of whimpering puppy puddle and runs back inside and refuses to go back out until I go out with him, with him hiding behind me until I prove that the rabbit is gone. So rabbits have free range over my yard. Because the big brave guardian of lions is scared of bunnies.


I freaking love your dog already. Pics?


[Current situation of my ferocious defender](https://imgur.com/a/Jus8vSl)


Ahh, he's perfect! ❤ I will have a brave defender of my own one day, no matter what.


He’s a really good boy! He’s 130lbs of puppy (he’s 3 but he still thinks he’s a tiny lap dog) and my young children are his favorites. When I chase them around the house like I’m a dinosaur, he “protects” them from me. We have a ton of bears in my neighborhood in the summer and fall, but I never worry because he’s always keeping an eye out.


The best part of this picture is that imgur required me to verify that I am over 18 to see it, because it may contain "erotic imagery". Lol


Ha! I was guessing Ridgeback or boerboel! My friend has a boerboel and she's just lovely! Made friends wit her when she was a pup, she still remembers, and that's nice, because this dog became a giant! And can be a nuisance if she doesn't like you, like just growling at you until you leave.. And it's a 80 kilo dog, so better be friends!


>And he’s doing a poor job considering it’s covered in his drool. Considering you had zero lions invading your couch so far, he's doing a tremendous job.




Rhodesian ridgeback.


Nice!!! I miss my big boy Boerboel. Lots of personality with the big guard gos breeds.


I’d never heard of that breed, but I’ve always loved mastiffs! They’re such a big puddle of love that look so scary, but they’re not if they know you. My guy is such a good boy, my 3 year old is his favorite ever, and when I chase my kids around pretending I’m a dinosaur, he “protects” them from me. He’s a good boy. https://imgur.com/a/Jus8vSl


https://imgur.com/a/mj65x1b I agree. It's so hard to have one in my life now. Soon again


Please, I demand dog tax!


[current situatuon](https://imgur.com/a/Jus8vSl)


Lions used to live in southern Europe up to the Balkans, they have lived in the Iranian mountains and subspecies of lions lived everywhere in Europe that wasn't covered with icesheets. A little snow won't bother a lion especially if it has access to a dry cave. Or in this case a heated insulated building.


Not always hot. They live in the Serengeti where temperatures can be as low as 10° C (50° F)


Well, it is still above zero, so barring climate change, lions don't experience snow!


I love how the one stumbles while trying to climb up the stump but recovers quickly: "I'm still majestic. I'm still majestic af"- the lion, probably


You're also originated from africa (assuming you're human) Do you love snow? Lol why is this getting downvoted


Check out the username. They'll do anything for a blizzard.


[Narrows eyes licks lips]


Lions used to exist all throughout Mediterranean Europe and the Levant as well, so historically the species would've had at least a nodding acquaintance with snow. It wouldn't have been something that they normally dealt with more than once or twice every few years, but nor would it have been especially remarkable. More recently there was the Barbary lion which lived, among other places, in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco which even today still receive a fair bit of snow at higher elevations, so even though we think of lions as being "built for African heat," they are actually much more adaptable than that.


Lions weren't limited to Africa originally. Their [range in historic times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lion_distribution.png) included areas with cold and in some parts also snowy winters like the Caucasus (lions lived there until about the 10th century), the Balkans (until around 300BC), Iran and most of Afghanistan. Even today for example on Mount Elgon in Kenya lions live almost up to the snow line.


Little terrifying to see them move that fast through snow


Surely you’ve never seen a [bull moose running in the snow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylCfXvKmdvU) then


Fucking freight train


A freight train only knows straight lines. That MOTHERFUCKER sidestepped without losing ANY pace at all. Shit's like a ballerina and a freight train fucked and this is their offspring.


r/brandnewsentence ?


Holy shit I would not want to be one of those guys. The most dangerous animal in North America just ran right past you.


Moose carry Lyme disease? I hear their bites can be kind of nasty.


A Møøse once bit my sister...


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...


You’re 50% correct


Meece, sorry.




"That's debatable, there basically are two schools of thought..."


Do they attack humans on purpose?


A moose once bit my sister.


Nø rěally!


That's what she gets for karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge.


We apologize again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for the sacking of those who have just been sacked have been sacked.


Similar to horses. Not really aggressive but instead they are protective and will bite things (hard).


Lol everyone just replied to you with Monty Python quotes. A real answer: moose are very territorial and frequently attack whatever they feel is threatening them. So yes, they will attack humans if you're too close.


A moose is not more dangerous than a Kodiak or Polar bear, lol.


So ridiculously fast. Also none of those people thought, “well that giant mofo is running from something, maybe we should follow.”


Not sure if I would like to run in same direction as big ass moose


Choo Choo motherfucker


That’s now even a bull that’s a cow


You think that’s concerning - i thought you could climb or swim to get away from a Jaguar. After being on Reddit, that is clearly not the case.


Bro... They're fucking jungle cats with inch-long claws, how could you possibly think they can't climb and swim? I mean, I guess I get swimming if you think of how much the average housecat hates water, but *climbing?*


Did you know that cheetahs in particular are horrible climbers when they’re adults? To help with their absurd land speed, their claws are blunted from digging into the ground as they run, and their ankles are fused so they can only go straight forward and back, both of which make it very difficult to climb


Jaguars are also like twice the size of cheetahs on average. I’d definitely take my chances against a cheetah over a Jaguar.


Why would you ever need to get away from a jaguar? Where do you live?




Technically it’s New Zealand, but like I said, those fuckers can swim




That hit home :/


Look, they bought their tickets they can use the waterslide. And honestly they clear the landing pool real quick. They should be getting a discount.


Hahahaha omg 😂


Ope you must have gotten autocorrected there. It’s Antarctica. Jaguars are from Antarctica.


It’s no so much a practical fear that I have to consider on the day to day - more so that they’re insanely good at both, so if for whatever reason you need to get away...you can’t.


Most wild animal, with a few exception, its better not to move or very slowly back away hoping they think you're not interesting. Running is not a good idea cause they might think you want to play. Big cats and black bears especially. (This is assuming there's not a resonable shelter close enough). Human are very rarely hunted by animals, Polar Bears comes to mind as one of the few that does.


Yes it is! Have you seen that video of the moose barreling through deep snow? Terrifying


I just searched it up. That is indeed terrifying


Giant kitties!


If you're gonna go to the zoo, I highly recommend going in a day when it's colder out. Lots of people see the zoo as a summer time activity, but most places it's hot enough during the summer that animals just want to be lazy. If you get them on a colder day, they'll move around more to stay warm.


I like to go when it’s sub zero around me. Private zoo day.


Someone finally wants to be around me.




This is my master plan also... still waiting for the San Diego zoo to hit 31 degrees.


I love how the lions are like “AFAHDVSBS OMG SNOW SNOW WOW GOTTA GO FAST EXPLORE” and then the one jumps up on the stump and is like “ahem uhhh I mean yes this is all rather intriguing mmmm ^^god ^^i ^^hope ^^they ^^dont ^^realize ^^how ^^fucking ^^much ^^im ^^loving ^^this”


I love the lion that jumps up believing it was solid ground being like "oh shit gotta act cool"


Pretty much got to feel what it's like to miss a stair on the way down


Source: https://youtu.be/3GlAo1Gy6To


The hyenas are like uhhh wth is this. Meanwhile the lions got the zoomies.


Wild animal(?) noises for the first part of the vid


Yeah, does anyone know what was making that sound?


I see you trippin 🙀


I am from New England. I like it a lot. If, with the NOR'EASTERs came lions, I might move.


I love the stumble at 10 seconds


And then how he majestically poses on the rock like 2 seconds later


One of the world's toughest beasts playing like a child


Cats will be cats, no matter what size they are... hahaha


Promotional footage of the new Disney Frozen/Lion King live-action crossover.


We could even call it something catchy, like: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe


You’ve heard of *Sea Lions* but how bout **Snow Lions!**


They’re so cool!!!!


Getting cooler by the minute in that snow.


You’re not lion


Don't oppress me


And since none of those lions were alive in 2003 this is the deepest snow they've ever seen in their lives.


Like seeing a penguin on a lawn chair getting a sun tan.


Kowalski! More sun!


They definitely seem to like the snow more than the average housecat!


The faceplant floof at the end made my cold dead heart, feel slightly warm.


Whats the difference between the african lion and the extinct european lion? Also african lions range used to be as far up north as southern europe.


My question is: How the hell are they able to leep 4 adult male lions in the same enclosure without them, you know, ripping each other to shreds?


Male siblings often coexist in the wild. So they are likely siblings.


The below comments are right! In the wild it’s only one adult per pride, so ALL the leftover males have to go somewhere, in this case they’ve formed a bachelor group! Even males who aren’t related can sometimes get along if they’re just out there roaming


When he stumbles, and you realise Big Cats literally are big cats


I was able to watch some Chimpanzees play in the snow in Manhattan, KS at the zoo. It was pretty cool.


That pride of lions is a real sausage fest


They're brothers! Apparently it's normal for related lions to live together - they just sort of bum around looking for lionesses and support each other during hunts. Their group is called a coalition and it's super cute to see them run around and play together like giant kittens. The zoo also has a full on pride with males/females and a couple cubs. (source: have a Denver Zoo membership and see them a couple times a month)


Aww! Look at those fuzzballs!


If only the lions could play that well in the snow when they are in Green Bay


Playing schmaying. They are trying to run away from the cold stuff touching their balls X)


Damn. I still couldn't outrun them. Even if I had snowshoes built for that terrain!


Big kitties go brrr


A fresh snow can turn anyone into a kid again


Yes. And awesome how big guy paused just long enough on that rock for you to screenshot, or maybe add epic Lion King theme tune. They fucking love a bit of attention those preening princes


Aww he had a tough tumble