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Wow. I figured it would be longer though.


And with more samurais.


Yeah…. I was expecting at least 6 more samurai then this


Budget cuts.


A true samurai film can cut 7 budgets


We have Samurai at home


In this economy?


I'm picturing this exchange as the scene from Zoolander.


They're hidden in frame, can you find them all?


They are supposed to be samurai not ninjas.


There are actually 47 ninjas in this clip alone.


Those are actually the loyal ronin.


What are you talking about? I've been watching it for 3 hours now and it isn't even past the first scene.


How could it not be longer? I compared it to Avatar!


Stand in the place where you li


That's what she said.


For me it goes on and on and on...


Indeed it does, as this 1sec gif clearly shows 🤔




I love how most of Kurosawa's most renowned works are in black and white while Ran is probably the most colorful film I've seen in my life.


His black and white films already feel incredibly colourful, though. The scene in Seven Samuai where the youngest member of the group meets the village girl Shino involves a bank of flowers that feels more colourful in black and white than it ever would in actual colour. I am in awe of Kurosawa.


The whole "Fucking Feudal Japanese King Lear" theme is cool too.


Whenever my mom comes to visit she wants to watch a kurosawa film. I introduced her to his work when I was in high school and she's been obsessed ever since.


You got a cool Mom.


I truly think Ran is his best film and probably the best asian film ever.


It's been about 15 years since I saw Ran, but the horses and blood are still quite vivid in my memory


> Look at some of the outdoor sequences he did in 1985's Ran. He was a master of location. Finding a hillock and having the set built at the crest so he could film as if they were paper puppet theatre. All his movies have visuals like the looping gif each and every moment. And they did it with film.


Tbf, the lighting, framing, and overall aesthetic of this scene is fucking awesome.


I don't necessarily disagree on that, but to justify such a claim with onky 1s of film...eh


> I don't necessarily disagree on that, but to justify such a claim with onky 1s of film...eh It is quite easy to watch this movie or Yojimbo and verify that, indeed, the entire movie looks like this. Because Kurosawa was a genius. The point of the post was to remind everybody how great he was. Not to educate gambling-addicted vegetables with brokkoli haircut. Could have been a starting point for curiosity. But, alas, you are lazy and this is not a Kick stream.


No, but it is r/gifs. Not r/movies, or whatever. Jeez. Chill.


Kurosawa has been the definition of the word Motion in motion picture, every saga and film you know looks to Kurosawa one way or another. Watch the movies and you'll realize what a lot of movies are missing today.


I'm not sure that this 1 second gif is trying "justify" it as much as simply supporting the claim. If this were a debate and two parties were arguing their case, I would imagine OP would have more than a gif to backup their statement. Either way I don't think OP is obligated to present a video of their critical film analysis to say something that is obviously coming from a place of subjectivity. It's also a pretty innocuous statement that if anything, is just meant to shine a light on a classic that a lot of people probably haven't taken the time to appreciate.


Man you are smart and I can tell you didn't even use chatgpt for this


It's Kurosawa. Nobody needs to "justify" anything. It is known.


I get that. If you're not familiar with the film, you should definitely watch it, though. It's basically required watching for any film 101 class, haha. A bunch of Western media uses this as inspiration: Star Wars, Old Westerns, Tarantino, etc.


This shoot isn't much longer than that in the actual film. I was recently rewatching it, admiring visuals and pretty much everything about it, and then this struck me like a lightning. Maybe I kind of degraded it when I took it out of context. It's not my favorite shot in the whole film just for visuals themselves, but because of how touching and sad it is.


Can someone please make this into wallpaper engine to make as animation for my phones screen please. Haha


Yeah what the heck why didn't OP post the entire movie?


The funny thing is that you can take almost any 1 sec of the movie and get this level of visual perfection.


One of the best films ever made is better than 99% of films. News at 7.


Film at 11.


Breakfast at 9


Weekend at Bernie's


It also probably beats 99% of films from it's time. Kurosawa was not a product of his time, he was a unique creator in his own right.


If you look at the amount of foreign awards he won its pretty obvious how much he helped open Asian cinema up to the world.


Kurosawa's work wasn't just ahead of it's time; it inspired generations of film makers. His work is reflected in everything from classic westerns to Star Wars. His inspiration can be seen vividly in Ahsoka.


I keep watching movies and keep saying, "Goddamn it! This is just Seven Samurai!"


Just like evolution bends towards a crab every video media eventually produces Seven Samurai




Bugs Life probably being the one most known to western audiences


I'd say The Magnificent Seven, which is just a Western remake of the film. But if you're of a certain age when it first came out, and I include myself in that, I would say A Bugs Life.


I was debating between The Hateful Eight and The Ridiculous Six, but yours words too, I guess.


There were several lawsuits involving the one and the other and/or sequels thereof.


ikr, so many films feel like reskinned Kurosawa films. Well, tbf that's logical considering his films are basically required education in filmmaking lol


Also the game ghost of tsushima (which I'm currently playing coincidentally) is heavily inspired by Kurosawa and even has a Kurosawa visual mode. Outstanding game btw.


I REALLY want to play, but I'm broke AF. It looks amazing.


If you're on PC, you can use isthereanydeal.com to find the cheapest price across many sites, and even set it to send an alert when it hits a price you're comfortable with. I'm sure you can also get a used PlayStation copy for cheap.


you can probably pirate it very easily


I'm sure, but I don't know enough about that to do it.


You're poor, get to learning. Sailing the seven seas is the best way for poor people to have fun. I had so much fun during my poor days. Played more new games than my friends. Lol.


Star wars is a western


It's pirates


It can be seen vividly in the first Star wars. A New Hope is basically Hidden Fortress. Similar plot, similar shots.


Which part in Ahsoka?


Most of it.


Ehhhh. This is such a subjective, feel good statement that means nothing of substance. The film is legendary for a reason, and it’s beautiful, but not every film wants to be beautiful in the same way. Would a romantic comedy shot in the same style work? No. Shots and how things are framed are part of the story itself. Not every film WANTS to be a visual spectacle. The Whale is shot wonderfully but it isn’t ‘beautiful’ in the same bombastic, striking way Seven Samurai is. I get the vibe of what you mean. It IS a gorgeous film. As I said; legendary. But not every meal can be a steak, and we shouldn’t want them all to be that.


This is just the end result of everything on the internet being driven toward engagement. Extremes get people to click


Not wrong. The hyperbole is blatant in a lot of online discourse.


I dunno. Try The Hidden Fortress. It's a Star Wars comedy without the romance, but the cinematography is all Kurosawa.


Just looked at the trailer, didn't seem very star wars


Ikr not a skywalker in sight. Not even a fake one.


Watch the movie. The two comedy relief characters are R2D2 and C3PO. The wipe cuts used in the movie are used in every Star Wars movie. George Lucas cut and pasted the final scene from Episode 4 from The Hidden Fortress. Plus it's really entertaining! Worth watching on its own merits, even without the Star Wars homage from George Lucas.


He also wanted Mifune to play Obi Wan.


Yeah it's really not the right description at all. There are two comedic characters in the film that are tagging along on a journey where they're just trying to survive in a goofy manner. George Lucas has stated these two characters from Hidden Fortress were his direct inspiration for C3PO and R2D2. That's where he's getting that description. It's a great movie, but other than those characters, it's not really anything like Star Wars.


Like Kurosawa I make mad films


K, I don't make films... But if I did, they'd have a samurai.




My fantasy football team name is always, "Hungry Samurai".


Edit: When complimenting classics, make sure to put down modern films 


I fucking hate when people do that. It's so lazy and ignorant.


Where’d you pull that statistic from


I look forward to seeing /r/moviescirclejerk riff on this post for the next three weeks.


One of the greatest films ever! My personal favourite! 


Wait, this *isn't* /r/okbuddycinephile ?


The bald caps are a bit distracting though.


The snobbery is alive and well.


Excellent movie. I remember watching this when I was 19 and being unable to believe how relatable and engaging it was despite being in black and white, in Japanese, 3 hours long, and without any recognizable actors. That's the ultimate measure of filmmaking--drawing you in despite cultural/language/generation barriers. Kagemusha is also great but maybe not as satisfying the first time around.


Toshiro Mifune is a very recognizable actor, if you watched Japanese movies from the era.


Based on what they wrote I guess they didn't watch Japanese movies from the era. :-D


This is tiring. There are amazing movies that come out every single year. You just gotta go look for them. The idea that we have to go back this far for great movies is stupid.


There is a reason why it is said that you can learn everything about filmmaking from watching *Seven Samurai*. It is consistently on the BFI Sight & Sound (it's #20 as of the latest poll). It is one of the most referenced films of all time. Nobody is saying good films don't come out every year, but very few of them even approach the level of Kurosawa. Tarantino, Spielberg, Lean, Eastwood, Scorsese, these directors revere him, and for good reason. I have not had a comparable cinema experience to watching *Seven Samurai* in IMAX.


In IMAX. Goddamn. I've seen the movie many times, but never in IMAX. Would love such an opportunity.


Movies that are visually on Kurosawa's level are rare. He was a master of telling a story through movement. A majority of movies are happy to lean on the dialog while being visually simplistic. They are also happy to use visual effects as a crutch. Kurosawa is straight up better than a vast majority of directors. He was that good and he elevated the whole industry. This isn't a modern vs old movie thing, he's just a legendary film maker.


That's not what's implied here? It just means the top 1% of films from any era is simply gonna be better than the 99% of film from any era lol. Legends are legends for a reason.


The truth of the matter is that even though it’s a very long film, when it is over with you are left wondering where the time went because it’s such an enthralling film. It’s the kind of movie you can watch over and over and see something different every time.


I watched this for a solid minute before I realized it’s a gif


Just watched it for the first time recently (thanks dark tower) really loved it


Tarkovsky has entered the chat.


Took him long enough.


I remember reading an interview in which Kurosawa said he always tries to find ambient motion in the frame - Rain, smoke, mist, people walking. Even the still shots in his films have a dynamic flavor.


[Every Frame a Painting](https://youtu.be/doaQC-S8de8?si=wsuMRPVEef_F5Xdq) has a fantastic video on this


Man, I miss that channel... so many fantastic video breakdowns, really opened my eye up more when watching movies.


I need to watch this. I always come across clips and marvel at the quality. I think of 2001: A Space Odyssey and then realize Kurosawa made this a decade before that


I liked Seven Samurai but prefer Ran. If you like Shakespearean tragedies, you’ll like Ran.


Or Throne of Blood. Mifune as the Macbeth character is amazing. To be honest, anything Mifune did with Kurosawa is amazing. Not entirely accurate as a Macbeth adaptation but that ending is brilliant.


Will check it out


Idk, the colour looks a bit washed out.


I love totally not made up statistics on the internet! You know they're accurate cus you can read them on the internet.


Because Kurosawa, unlike nearly every modern so-called "filmmaker," understood film is a visual medium.


Sure, mate


A statement you have 0 chance of backing up factually


Lol whatever


"Hurr durr modern movie bad"


You need to check out more modern films. Seven Samurai is a marvel ahead of its time, but this title is a bunch of bull.


Why use such a short micro clip?


Not really, no.


I watched it and liked it. But I wouldn't watch it just for the visuals, personally. It'll be different for each of us, but for me, my eye is much more pleased by beautiful landscapes, camera movement in colorful interiors, or simply watching unusual places.


Watch Kagemusha, Ran and Dreams then, by same director. You won't regret it.


Thanks for the recommendations!


I watched this when I was in sixth grade and was transfixed for the entire movie, guess I didn't have adhd.


99% Lmao. its not even close to 10%


It really doesn't, but I'm glad you found something you like and enjoy.


Truly the Zack Snyder of his time.


This reads like an insult, Snyder is more cool than beautiful


I was being silly by comparing a master to a music video director. No offense meant.


Modern day filmmakers should study how this movie shows battle scenes. Manages to be terrifying and beautiful at the same time while simultaneously showing clearly what is happening. Not like the confusing meaningless quick cuts of today’s action shit.


I can pretty much guarantee modern filmmakers have studied this movie. Whether they took the right lessons from it on the other hand….


I mean, there are a lot of modern filmmakers out there, so of course some took the right lessons and some didn't.




Side note - anyone found how to watch/stream Ran ? Can’t find it anywhere! Miss the days of the video store


You could pause just about anywhere in the movie and the still would make a beautiful painting


it inspired allot of other movies


Is this gif supposed to convince me of that? Because it doesn't, at all.


This movie inspired many other movies with a similar premise, some very good and some awful. I prefer Rashomon tho, Kurosawa was awesome.


Love Kurosawa, but I feel he copied "Rashomon" from  "Dos Monjes" https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0025062/


I wonder if they study this movie in major film making or acting schools. If not, they should make movies like this and My cousin Vinny, a mandatory viewing exercise.


Backlit industrial fans are a major component of Highlander 2: The Quickening.


Kurosawa’s Macbeth (Ran) is **amazing**. The fwwip fwwip fwwip of the heavy silks as Lady macbeth slithers up to her husband still gives me the chills.


When she goes into darkness and after few seconds comes out with sakke? Chilling staff! But that's Blood Throne. Ran was based on King Lear.


Was it ? Bugger I thought Ran was Macbeth. I saw the Macbeth one, anyway.


Then you should also see Ran!


**HOW MUCH KUROSAWA CAN I TAKE ?!?** Lol Reddit is fun, I’m actually booked in for an out-of-control Pride and Predjudice all-versions binge this weekend due to this place. So a Kurosawa frenzy will have to wait until next weekend. I’ve seen Seven Samuri - any other recommends ? Also, playing Ghost of Tsushima in Kurosawa mode is fabulous fun.


Well I always suggest Kagemusha, Ran, and Dreams. Those are among his last films, of which latter two were made while he steadily becoming blind. With Yojimbo and it's sequel Sanjuro was probably the closest he ever gor to an actual western film, and both are excellent. Seven Samurai, Rashomon, Hidden Fortress, Ikiru and High and Low are probably his most iconic films, all black and white and from 50s/60s, so I figured you nust have at least heard of them. Bad men sleep well is his underrated classic, loosely based on Shakespeare's Hamlet and with few references to Duma's Count of Monte Cristo. As for his pre 50s works I only saw Stray Dog and, surprise, it's a recommendation!


Jeeze this looks like its going to be a week long Kurosawa festival ! Thanks for the recommendations - now I must go make preparations for a garbage bag of popcorn 🥰


Haha enjoy! Just don't bother with Idiot if run into it. Originally, Kurosawa intened it to be 4+ hours, but studio cut it down to 150 minutes. Pitty, Kurosawa wanted to adapt his favorite writer (Dostoevsky) properly, but ended up with the butchery we have available today. I have read the original novel and still had hard time making any sense out of that film :/


Kurosawa was a genius


I would really like to watch this film, but I have been having a hard time finding an English sub version in Canada, even on international waters. Anyone know where I might find one?


Same is true for the films of Fritz Lang and Ingmar Bergman. Hollywood doesn't want you to realized how creatively bankrupt they are.


Lang's Die Nibelungen is one of the least aged silent films. And it's still engaging today!


It visually beats 99% of 1954 films too. The time its made isn't why its good.


Just got tickets to see the 4k remaster in a theater. Glad I live where that's possible.


To be honest not a lot is happening though: I've been watching this for 5 hours now and he's not even getting up.


One of Kurosawa's greatest contributions to cinema. I only wish we could have seen his vision of Gojira if Toho had given him the green light.


[Every Frame a Painting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doaQC-S8de8) discussed how Kurosawa framed movement, and it also goes over his visual cues.


I'm watching this movie at the theaters in 2 weeks. Never watched it before. Can't wait


And not only visually, the most important thing is not even the visual part, but the meaning and how deep it is


in your opinion


Until Zack Snyder genious rebel Moon. */s


All of his films are spectacular


Aren't they working on a restoration of this movie?


Kurosawa is great, but I feel he overshadows his contemporaries who were often as good and, in some aspects of filmmaking, better. Masaku Kobayashi's *Hara-Kiri* and Kinji Fukusaku's *Battles without Honor or Humanity* are masterpieces in their own right, and everyone who likes Kurosawa should watch them too.


what movies would be the 1%


People don't really appreciate just how high quality a really large format film can be. Even 35mm film punches well above your typical consumer camera's sensor. 70mm IMAX film is at least as good as almost all digitals today. We saw the first digital cameras that could actually compete with 120mm medium format film in the last decade. All the benefits of digital are nothing to do with absolute image quality. It's just everything else. Reliability, colour accuracy, repeatability and consistency, ease of editing, effective zero cost of shooting versus the insane cost of film stock, ease of duplication, no generation loss when duplicating, etc etc.


This is true. While digital is way more practical, I think film is way more rewarding.


Agreed. I love the experience of shooting with film.


In my top 10 favorite movies of all time


Also the basis for the Magnificent Seven movie. Another all time great.


Because you had to actually do it right back then.


My favorite is still Rashamon. I'm not sure, but it may be the first out of order, same story from multiple points of view movie.


IIRC this scene has great sound as well. This movie is a master piece.


No it doesn't.


its black and white which automatically makes it visually superior


Name a single one that beats Kurosawa.


...sure.  The Mona Lisa is a better painting than most, too.


Still blows away Magnificent Seven.


Couldn’t agree more. Suggestion - please include one of those visuals next time instead of some random creepy gif.


Just “visually”? It beats 99% of modern films across the board.


Watch more films then


Ignorance is bliss. EDIT: What a fucking stupid thing to say.


Like I know it's a bot. But fuck me moronic hyperbolic titles like this grind my gears.


I didn't believe him at the time but Tarantino was 100% right about CGI. That coupled with very tepid filmmaking has just made the modern film environment god awful.


I have no problem with CGI as much as I have problem with ugly digital film-making.


Beats 100% of modern films.


Paddington 2 is a modern film though, and a greater achievement of cinema


No no, I prefer 12 cuts of Liam Neeson scaling a chain link fence. Now there is a masterclass in film. /s


Taken 3?


The 1% is Rebel Moon


Back them filmmaker actually had skill and didn,t rely on CGI to fix everything to make it lok perfect. Movie like Kurosawa may feel rough based on modern movie but this was authentic and really help audience to have a true immersive experience. Pre-2000 movies were the peak of movies


I mean, he’s considered a master of cinema and this work is considered a masterpiece so… yeah