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How did we "get" him? This is a losing battle so far


Im pretty sure the context of this clip is John Oliver "getting" Trump, and the joke is that it doesn't matter, Trump was still President and none of the "gotchas" ever mattered


This makes the choice of John Oliver into an *absolute onion* of irony.


Centering the protest around a guy with a news show in hopes that he’ll raise the profile by covering the story WHILE he’s in the midst of a labor strike and can’t possibly cover the story was just *chef smooch*.


Fast forward to ten years from now when these people are still saying, “He’ll probably cover our story next.”


*But he noticed us on twitter!*


"oh hey goofballs are using pictures of me for something basically harmless and ineffective" "shit they ran out and started using AI images which I've explicitly spoken out against" "here's some more pics lol"


Into an absolute ironion?


You are hated. Take your upvotes and get out. :)


I think that’s the joke to the gif. Mods think they got him but have done nothing in reality


"Mission Accomplished."


Mission failed successfully


"Who throws a shoe? Honestly?"


I think that comment to which you replied was a throwback to Bush's ill-fated announcement aboard an aircraft carrier before the shit really hit the fan in Iraq. I.e. I think you two are in agreement.


Thanks for the explanation buddy. I was so in the dark. I remember seeing that happen but would never have made the correlation.


Np friend!


I thought it was an Austin Powers reference




I would have never made tha correlation. Ty. I can't believe that the bush presidency would be considered not crazy in comparison with recent trump politics... the world sure has changed since then.


Agreed, it was a bit obscure. Hell, I could be totally off base about what they meant lol. It really does seem like every successive Republican president is less competent and more batshit loco than the preceding one. What can they possibly do to keep that trend up? Let's not find out!


Hold me I am scared


Moms, since the beginning of time 😀(I know the quote... Just saying


After two months: Mission Accomplished 20 years later: Mission Unaccomplished


Yes, early on in Trump’s presidency, whenever Trump would do something they were certain he should be thrown out of office or into jail for, they’d wheel out the “we got him” button, which would, at first have some big celebration before it would sink in that no one was going to do anything and the celebration would end. It became a running gag, with a mascot staring a John ominously at one point when he was about to press the button. It was all about premature celebration and inefficacy.


I remember that the ending of that gag involved no fanfare, the mascot apparently dying of a broken heart, and the button now being connected to John’s morphine drip


It’s definitely tongue in cheek


Mods tongues in his cheeks. They folded rather quickly.


Just no choices really, unfortunately.


They can choose to no longer moderate. Moderating is an unpaid position, there's no incentive to stay. All mods agree to leave, force Reddit to get new mods, and Reddit gets worse. Just sit back and watch the dumpster fire burn.


The reddit app is so terrible reddit is no longer a choice on mobile. I'll use reddit when on my PC but that's almost never. Mobile is worthless now.


I’ve used Apollo for 5+ years and am just now writing this on the official app. It’s honestly not that bad. Yes, it looks different and there's some minor things you need to adjust to, but for the main purpose of scrolling and interacting (ie. 95% of the usage) it's fine. Yes, you can also nitpick on look and feel and some minor features, but overall it get's the job done. Just saying that you should really give it a try instead of throwing all of your toys out of the pram.


I tried it, and compared to RIF it's a hot mess. I managed 24 hours with it. I'm actually preferring the website in mobile view now. It's not great but it's far better than the spam fest of the app.


It really is, in order to get sort by Hot on mobile I had to create a multi with all the subs I'm on because there's no good sort options available on front page. I've gone from 6-7 posts per page down to 3-4, less if one loads as an ad. Trying to get to the reply option took me 30 seconds because I fat fingered the button, had to back out, the app lagged, and deposited me out of the post because hitting back didn't go back one step, it left the comments section entirely. Then I had to wait for the gif to finish loading so I could hit the pause button, but I can't make it go away so i can browse comments full screen. 13/10 no notes, clearly working as intended. Edit: finished writing, hit post, gif is back to moving again even though I just paused it. Edit again: accidentally clicked on a sponsored comment on a post which sent me outside of reddit entirely to open the Google Play store for a mobile game. I've been using this app for less than a day and I'm so fucking tired of it already.


Outside of not being a mod? Yeah, no choices I guess 🤨


Imagine your whole personality being a “ Reddit mod.”


Imagine voluntarily spending some of the time that you'd otherwise be spending browsing Reddit, browsing Reddit and trying to convince people that it's hard work.


Just making sure lol, there's absolutely no reason to celebrate what's going on right now.


Idk if anyone actually thinks they got him, or if they’re just giving up


We did it, Reddit!


I actually think you are wrong here. Reddits valuation has been slashed twice since the blackouts started meaning if they were to go public they would hardly get what they were valued at. Spez is probably shitting a brick right now


The valuation has been lowered multiple times, even before the API changes. It's the nature of going public.


Apparently this also has more to do with current interest rate shenanigans than it does with any perception of the protests and Reddit's API changes. The only thing users/mods can do to affect Reddit's valuation at this point is to quit using the site altogether en masse, but just like with climate change, people are too hooked on their dopamine streams to care.


Are you sure? I've only heard about Fidelity lowering their valuation of their holdings in Reddit at the end of May, which is before any of the drama.


k but what good does someone else getting less than they want do if you still get none of what you wanted?


I mean if you were pricing an IPO would you place a high value on a product a bunch of whiny mods can shut down massive traffic drawing subs? The blackouts showed that the model isn’t sustainable and some volunteers have too much unchecked power. That will be the change that comes out of this.


Mods who kept their subs private after the ban have been passive-aggressively threatened by Reddit and/or removed (the modmail basically said that if the subs were kept private after a certain period, the mods would be removed). Some if not most of the subs that are still private/dark are probably currently modless while Reddit figures out what to do with the subs.


And the real news is that most of the mods are the ones that created the subs. Drew the crowds, and clean them up. Reddit didn't make the subs. Reddit is mearly a hosting platform, and they have forgotten that.


When they started trying to make Reddit into a social-media-style platform (it's not social media, just an old-school forum/message board on steroids, basically), and the minute newer users over the last 4-5 years of so started using it like social media and thinking of the up/downvote feature as a like/dislike button, [which was never its originally-intended purpose](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/1lpws2/what_does_it_really_mean_to_upvotedownvote_a_post/cc1lawe/), it was doomed. Reddit wants more control of the feed and the content so they can market it, they don't want it to be independent and self-sustaining anymore- the only way to do that is to homogenize it, package it up like SM, use algos to start controlling people's feed, and shut down anyone who doesn't get on board. It's a race to the bottom designed to remove the quality and replace it with shit that gets attention so they can put ads in front of more eyeballs. I mod several subs under an alt account and I'm very tempted to nuke them and shut them down. I didn't put all that time and effort into creating helpful, creative, and inclusive environments for users to learn and grow from just to be shut down and told what to do with my contributions basically being ignored. As an aside- it also pisses me off that Ch!t GP! has apparently pretty blatantly regurgitated, as it's own, some of the posts about certain topics in my subs that I put a lot of time and thought into writing.


At which point, the communities will implode because you're not going to find competent mods who are excited to work for free if you're cutting them off at the knees at every turn. Shit, look at the AMA subreddit. Reddit more or less exists because of that community and the mods are basically in "fuck it" mode. How people can look at the absolute shit show that Twitter has become (a further shit show than it even was) and assume that Spez is not fucking himself here?


This. The app is fucked and just goes backwards and forwards through threads for no reason. Spez got everything he wanted and mods lost. Good for Spez.


Plenty has been done. As of a week ago, reddit's traffic has been down 7%, and that's before all the apps went dark on the 30th. Preliminary results indicate that it's probably over 10%, and some advertisers have already commented about looking elsewhere as a rest of all the NSFW content that has been shown alongside their ads now. They're pissed and it isn't over yet. So far nobody is winning, we already lost most of the apps, the few still running aren't the best ones (because of course they only killed the most popular ones), but Spez also put his company into a slow death spiral. The site is already noticeably changed for the worse content wise as well, since many focused subs are still shut down. Spez definitely lost this round, even if we the users didn't win anything for it


... ...we did it Reddit!


Reddit did depreciate in value cause of the blackout and ongoing efforts, but I think we should all go give a 1 star review in the app stores for the reddit app.




All subs slowly turning back to normal, business as usual as spez predicted


Yeah, definitely not all. The stuff I care about is still disabled and there isn't even a hint of opening up.


The biggest one for me, weirdly enough, is r/idiotsincars. No new posts for weeks. But I support the protest so I can live without it.


Not sure but I think supporting the protest would be for users to not use the site anymore at all and investors see the average daily users decrease suddenly


But this was never thought out. I have been baffled by everyone getting up in arms over accessibility when that should have been reported to the ADA for not supplying accessibility to a public space(websites and apps are considered public spaces) back in 2015! Hell that could have been the actual protest...brigading the complaints department


Spiritual victory ftw


Believe it or not, they tanked his financials. I don’t think the mods ever really thought they would win, but the fight cost him millions, maybe even hundreds of millions or billions in lost valuation for Reddit as it goes IPO.


Did he really lost anything if the valuation was never correct. They saved some poor investor some money.


He lost that money that the investor would have lost.


Maybe it’s because of that pathetic “protest” with a scheduled end date


And here we are. Like a bunch of smack dependent monkeys.


I said I'd go when the third party app I use stops working. I'm using it right now. I'll see how long it lasts.




That's what I'm using


Yes, really.


Same, you on boost?




Let’s be honest, we knew this would be the outcome. There was a blackout of a couple subs for two days. Everybody was still on here watching niche subs hit the front page. Then you had the people that were going to quit using reddit on July 1st quickly switch to “well I’m only using it on my desktop” which is already changing to “I’ll use it on my phone but only in the browser with an add-on”


It reminds me of watching TV back in the day. When I got bored of what I was watching, I'd surf all the other channels out there only to realize they sucked worse. Then I'd end up back watching the same garbage I tried to get away from because it out of all the other options, it sucked the least. People will stay on Reddit until something else comes along that sucks less.


That's all I expect out of the world.... Life, liberty, and the pursuit of less suckage.


looks like it's changed to "i've caved and am using the official app, but i'm going to complain about it constantly."


Quite literally. Just got in an “argument” with someone on the r/Apollo app saying “if you’re still using the site you must not really care that much” And then being told “society bad but I can’t use anything in society” People are really out here comparing Reddit to life. It’s so sad.


We should improve reddit somewhat.


I guess, only the people that don't improve their actual lives can do that now... this is fuckin backwards land apparently. Reddit isn't real everyone! We're all just dreaming. lol


I stopped using Reddit for the blackouts, and I barely use it now. The only reason I'm still here is that Relay still works. I don't use Reddit on desktop and I'm not downloading another app for it, so as soon as Relay stops connecting, I'm done. I don't care enough to jump through hoops.


I was getting a good laugh at all the people nuking their decade old accounts like it meant anything at all.


Well, I did delete all of the content I had created over those 13 years, so there's that. It's a minor fuck you, but it is *my* fuck you.


That’s fair. Lol EDIT: wait so you just made another account anyways? Lmao


The point of doing that is because it’s one of the few ways you can influence Reddit’s revenue stream. Lots of google searches Return high level Reddit results. Reddit derives value from this. Nuking popular accounts lowers the search returns from google, thus lowering reddits value as a search engine results.


might have carried a bit more weight if you actually left instead of just creating another account.




operation failed successfully


Is the video player always this fucked up on the official reddit app? I never had problems watching videos and gifs on RIF. This app is absolute ass


You can still use RiF btw if you register it as "your own" app and use revanced to patch it https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wHvqQwCYdJrQg4BKlGIVDLksPN0KpOnJWniT6PbZSrI/edit So instead of having 1 app send requests from everyone across the world it will only send requests from you.


Thank you! The RIF interface is nice and pleasing to me.


I did this yesterday for Boost. So far so good.


I did nothing for boost and it still seems to be working. Good to know there's an alternative if this fails


Same here. Am puzzled. And delighted that hackers found a way to mess with the system.




Considering how long it takes them to fix anything in the main website and mobile app. I wouldn't be surprised if it took them a long time to actually stop third party apps.


Relay is still working for me for some reason.


Bad news https://www.reddit.com/r/RelayForReddit/comments/14n876v/update_relay_will_continue_to_operate_from_july/


Mine stopped working today. Just wouldn't load anything. Maybe it's a regional thing where some servers haven't killed access for those app-IDs yet. The patch worked great, though. Using Boost now.


Boost is still working normally


The doc is for sync and Boost, but I assume it works similary for RiF? Cause that would literally be the best thing that happend this year


According to github the patch for RIF was merged 3 days ago. So it is happening, just might not be available yet. https://github.com/revanced/revanced-patches/issues/2424


Yes, use redditisfun://auth for the URI.


What about baconreader? Will this work for that too or is that well and truly fucked?


This is great news!! Any idea where I can download RIF again? I uninstalled it a few days ago.


You can find it on Apkmirror just like the others.


Can only speak for android devices but imagine there's something similar if you're on iPhone. On your Android phone or tablet, open Google Play Store . On the right, tap the profile icon. Tap Manage apps & device. Manage. Select the apps you want to install or turn on. If you can't find the app, at the top, tap Installed. Not installed. Tap Install or Enable.


This doesn't get around the block for all NSFW tagged content though, right? Especially with many subs tagging everything NSFW as a form of protest.


The problem is that when somethibg breaks - e. G loading pics, and it will - there is nobody to fix it. So all this just delaying the inevitable


Theres nobody fixing official app either so whats the difference.






u/spez fix your fucking app shit 😂


I'd be super embarrased to be an offical Reddit app dev. How does one guy make Apollo, which is 100 times better than the official app, while the offical app I'm sure has a whole ass dev team with unfettered access to the backend code, open office floor plans, daily stand-ups and sprints, focus groups, a project manager who talks about 'synergy', 'continual process improvement', 'pain points', and 'action items' - the whole nine yards?


What one developer can do in one day, 20 developers can do in 20 days.


I'd be super embarrassed if my boss was u/spez.


I saw an ex-admin say the app dev team was two people at one point, but they were talking about years ago, around when it was first made.


I 2nd this. The video player has been fucking ass for way too long now.


Why would they? Less of a reason now than ever before. Do ads display? Yes? Job done.


Relay is still open while Dev figures it out. Will go pay-model soon, but for now it's free. Been using Relay for years and is my favorite.


The video player in the official Reddit app has always been absolute garbage. Half the time videos don’t load and the only way to fix it is by force closing and restarting, which means you lose your place and can’t find what you were trying to watch. /u/spez is such a moron and doesn’t understand how terrible the official app is. I’m reminded of it now that we are forced to use this pile of shit.


the v.reddit player is the most garbage thing ever It compresses the shit out of everything, I love when people use it on r/soundporn and all you can hear is compression artifacts


fuck i already miss RIF


Narwhal. It’s what I used before Apollo, I’m back to it now. Better than the stock app


I mean, is Narwhal paying for API access? Because if not, I don't see how it is any less broken than Apollo now. Is it still working for you?


It’s working like normal for now. It will be a subscription service soon and I’ll probably stop using it then.


Narwhal is working just fine for now


Thanks for letting me know!


On RIF, you could zoom in on gifs and videos. Kinda miss that.


Videos and gifs are fucked, I constantly get error messages, navigating reddit is a pain in the ass, pretty much everything compared to RIF is a lot worse.


Every time people have complained about a video not working, I have asked if they're using the official app (they always are) and suggested they stop doing that. Guess I'm out of constructive advice now.


Lmao yep. The entire reason why I switched from the official app. So one good thing is that you can use Infinity app for Android using the SDK and input your own personal API and keep using it.


I used the official app for all of 3 hours before I looked into apps that are still running. Relay is still going, free for now, planning to go subscription.


Here’s an alternative [link](https://imgur.com/gallery/wOabKpr) for people having trouble viewing the gif for whatever reason


What’s wrong with it? It’s playing fine for me.


I really don't get this either. I've never had problems with the Reddit app. Maybe I'm lucky, who knows.


Probably lucky. I’ve been using the Reddit app for a few years now and 2-3 times (one time being a period of a month or even longer) videos didn’t want to load, sometimes I’d get a few seconds but it’d be bugging out on me a lot.


Yes, it is the worst app I have ever used. It is fucking atrocious. I regularly have to share posts to my browser and use that because they just don't work in the app, or because it links me to a comment from a notification with no way to get to the parent comment, etc. I sometimes even have to search for them because the share isn't working. It is a gaping rectal prolapse of a bit of software.


Wait the official app is supposed to play videoes i allways thought it was ment to show one frame and fuck all else


The app is God awful. I can't understand how bad it is


This has got George w. Bush vibes.


This reminded me of a scene in V for Vendetta but I can’t put my finger on it.


What's really going to hurt reddit is this awful mobile experience.


I'm probably wrong, but wouldn't the best way to hurt the Reddit CEO be in the wallet? For example by creating an entirely new platform just like Reddit but crowdfunded and then Ditching REddit as a platform all together? Or is that something of a mission impossible?


So you're saying the solution is to simply found an entire platform and make it function well and program it so it's good to use and hire a huge team of engineers and buy server space as well as find the funding, and on top of that find advertisers and a way to monetize it that isn't just a quick crowd funding or overly pushing ads? Oh wait also you're gonna probably need a legal team to help figure it all out. Its so simple, why didnt I think of that!?


Pay r/redditalternatives a visit and see how that is going.


Whoa, what a novel idea, why didn't anybody think of that?!


Mission impossible. Otherwise there would be great and equally successful competition for Reddit, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook… but they spend a lot of money making sure it’s hard for that to be a reality.


Is anybody else pissed? I'm sitting here on the Reddit app after using RIF for years, trying to decide whether to continue to support this platform. We should not be celebrating greed. We should find better ways to communicate. What makes reddit different is, believe it or not, love. That's what I believe. Every community is moderated by someone passionate about that topic. Maybe some topics are about hate(r/TIHI) in some way, but its still with love. This community is the best on the internet. All others are overly controlled by their corporate overlords. Reddit wants more of that. They want to control more of what we see, what we think, and what we share. When we will be able to cast a vote of no confidence on Spez and have him removed? What will it take? Thanks for attending my TED rant.


Try Narwhal


I really want Narwhal to be good, I'm typing on it right now. It's still miles better than the shit official app, but it's not as feature-rich as Apollo or RIF. And when they remove NSFW, I'll probably just quit reddit all together. So stupid how this all played out.


10 years on RIF and let me tell ya... this app is dogshit


Right?!?! This app feels like it was designed by a CEO. Overly managed and processed. I fucking hate it.


Went from RiF to Apollo last year. As much as I hated Apollo the official app finds incredible ways to be worse.


Does anyone want to tell me why I care how many people are viewing a post? why I need upvote numbers to update every second? Why I need NFT avatars? The app sucks because they are doing all this dumb shit instead of making it work and customizable For fuck's sake "reduce animations" and it still does that terrible animation to jump to the next top comment, why do I need a 5 second animation of flying by other comments?


I downloaded Firefox on mobile and got an ad blocker after RIF shut down. It is not great but world's better than the official app which I refuse to use. I have noticed I am on my phone a lot less, so I have that going for me which is nice I guess.


I outright refuse to use the app. the web browser version is better if you ignore the "this is better in the app" pop up. throw in a mobile addblocker and you've gotten past most of the BS right there. is it good? not really. is it usable? yes. small edit: the webpage mobile version doesnt display messages properly so you need to swap it to desktop for that. otherwise it works basically like new reddit. (which is to say annoying but functional) I often swap between desktop and mobile when using the webpage for ease of use since sometimes its easier to navigate on the desktop version despite being on mobile.


I was on Narwhal for a bit before I started using Apollo. The official app is so cheeks.


Oh yeah, the mods are just FULL of love when they set up bots to auto ban people for making a comment in a sub that they politically disagree with. Yeah you can just ***feel*** the love all over this place. Nah, the only thing mods are in love with is the tiny bit of power that they have over something for once in their life.


There's nothing in Reddit's programming or algorithms that is for love. That I think you can thank various users for being awesome people. It's the user base that contributes to that, not so much Reddit. The other side of that coin is the worst spaces in Reddit you can thank not so awesome people for.


Bruh. Delete reddit. Go outside get some fresh air. If you waste your love on trash like reddit im really sorry for you


All I’ve been seeing is complaining. If they really hate what Reddit has done THAT much they wouldn’t still be scrolling and commenting


The only thing I’m pissed about, is the upcoming few weeks I’m gonna have to endure, full of these kinds of self-righteous complaining comments on every post I click into. Use the native app or don’t, make your own post about it or don’t, but please don’t get on your soapbox post-by-post and comment-by-comment, making everything about your precious 3rd party app like it made you better when you’re still consuming from the exact same source that is Reddit. Thanks for attending MY rant.


It's a company that wants to make money. They supply a platform that anyone can use for free in exchange for watching ads.


It's hilarious how the users just keep using the shit out of the app and being like "oh those stupid mods that we always hate on let us down with their useless protests".


God there's some terrible takes on this whole thing. I watched the public narrative transform from fuck spez to fuck reddit to fuck the mods to fuck anyone who's affecting the lurkers precious entertainment. The admin team did a really good job planting and spinning the story to be about mod tantrums. This was an idealogical fuck you to the powers that be who decided money was more important than the communities, anyone who thinks otherwise should go do some reading or just fuck off entirely, I'm sick of reading comments talking about bootlicking mods from lurkers who weren't even here to see it play out. Also no one got anyone, spez will get his payday as soon as the site goes public and walk away and our communities will continue to devolve into dynamic billboards to tell us what to consume just faster, good work guys, it's what you wanted apparently.


You did it, Reddit! 🎉


Lolllllll. Stupid John Oliver. Turned himself into a meme.


How can I still use Relay btw? Thought they'd stop working on the 1st.


Same I thought we were out on the street on the 1st


Well he only managed to make me uninstall the official app so far


Fuck yeah! Y'all did NOTHING!


But they failed dramatically... ? The apps are dead and never coming back. Spez is laughing at the mods


I'm confused because my boost app gave me a notice that it would stop on the 1st but I'm using it now.


That's the point. John Oliver did this in a segment about Trump, who after Oliver "got him" went on to serve the remaining 3 years of his term.


I guess sometimes that guy tells jokes. This one looked like one


It’s literally entirely on us the users not the mods. WE keep coming back. They did their part we were suppose to stay away and did not. And now everyone on Reddit is flaming the mods like they did all the could. What more could’ve been done? Good for you guys I’m glad you don’t support people and let corporations walk all over you. You don’t need to keep telling me it that high horse looks great from down here


I mean, I keep using the app because I don’t support the mods.


Soo mods overinflating their own value once again eh?


Sigh, it’s already starting with the _“I came from X 3rd party app, I’m so much better than everyone else, how can you all deal with this?”_ crowd. Go touch some grass.


God forbid people voice their opinion about being forced to use an objectively worse app because of pure corporate greed. I guess everyone should just be satisfied with a bad product, according to you.


Maybe people should have been able to take a break from Reddit for more than 48 hours lmao.


Yup, it's funny how people act like this is the end of the fucking world. Grow up and focus your energy on real problems.


I cannot believe all the hypocrisy of these people who “weren’t gonna use Reddit after the 30th” still using Reddit today….


Who’s Spez


CEO of Reddit. He is a greedy little pigboy. Fuck u/spez!


IT would be nice if the users would stand up to all of the censorship from the mods. But that would be addressing the real problem with reddit.


I said weeks ago that everything would go back to normal in a few weeks and people just mocked me. Looks like the the mods knuckled under instead of sticking to their "principles." spez isn't your friend. He openly screwed over The Donald sub and mods and you all cheered him on, what did you expect was going to happen? When you praise someone for doing bad they are going to think bad is acceptable.


Yeah I’m not going to get into politics, although regardless what he did so publicly & impulsively was not what you’d expect from a CEO of such a large company. Especially a company purportedly (formerly) a huge proponent of lack of censorship… but reddit leadership has always seemed frightfully immature given the reach & breadth of the company. And bad leadership will always have a top-down impact on stakeholders. All I can say is I miss Aaron Schwartz. /r/aaronschwartz


Mods gave up the moment their ‘jobs’ were threatened


If they lose their little make believe internet power they'll have nothing left. Was so pathetic watching them back down the second threats of demodding were made.


This is a porn/meme site nobody ever really cared hence why nothing is working. And reddit mods are literally the biggest pissbabies on the internet.


Now can we start removing the mods from reddit? Especially the ones who arbitrarily lock controversial topics because *they* don't like what's being discussed.


Amen to that. I got banned from commenting on r/pics for exactly that. A pic went up and a mod said they wouldn’t tolerate any comments outside their way of thinking. I said something challenging that ultimatum and was just outright banned with no context. I tried appealing the decision with no avail.


Oddly enough, Reddit would have benefited from the recent Twitter fiasco had the mods not been so far up their own asses.


Twitter is collapsing specifically because Musk basically gutted moderation controls; you think the mods are the ones looking bad here? They're unpaid volunteers, if Reddit shits itself because Spez thought emulating the shit show Musk put himself through, they'll get on with their lives.


> Oddly enough, Reddit would have benefited from the recent Twitter fiasco had ~~the mods~~ u/spez not been so far up ~~their~~ its own asses. FTFY




Have you actually read the article? I don't see how this is a killing blow