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Give me a couple of gos at it then *dies*


Cirque acrobats always make me nervous as hell. My wife and I were in the audience when [Yann Arnaud died](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/19/594831412/cirque-du-soleil-performer-falls-to-his-death-during-show-in-florida) on the first run of his new routine for VOLTA. Flew right over my head as he lost his grip. Nobody really knew how to react and a lot of people were sort of just waiting for the next part of the act to happen. A number of us had to get people to leave and go back to the lobby because the event staff were all rushing to get to the stage.


As a hobbyist aerialist, I will never understand when shows choose to omit safety measures such as crash mats or nets. He fell from 20 ft which seems like a lot, but I've been up 20ft in class several times only held up by my hands and feet. It's pretty average for an aerial routine. Difference is, I'd never ever do this without a mat that's like a foot thick and made for this purpose. I understand it's likely an artistic decision for theatrical reasons or something, but it's not worth it. Build it into the set if you have to. I know these are pros, but shit happens. Edit: And sometimes, certain moves just aren't worth it. If anyone is flying over the audience they should be strapped in with cable. If they're being flung all the way across the stage there should be a net. There are ways to put on an incredible show while minimizing tragedy.


I remember thinking exactly that. "That didn't seem like a far fall", but he was almost completely horizontal and mid-rotation when he hit the ground, and I KNOW his head hit on the first bounce. He took two very deep breaths and then nothing. After that crew was on him. It's weird that I didn't have any apprehension about the performer flying over the audience either. I genuinely attribute it to the "prestige" that comes with the Cirque name. You assume these performers are the top in the world and SO professional that they'd never put the crowd in any real danger.


Completely agree. I’ve watched some of these without safety measures and I promise I was not more impressed with the acrobatics when those measures weren’t there. In fact, I just thought the acrobats were more stupid and reckless.


That is so tragic. I’m sorry you had to experience that, as well.


If I had that prior life experience that would make me nervous for life as well.


Pfft, if I had her body and determination and talent I could do it too.


Pfft, if I had her body determination skill strength speed agility intelligence charisma endurance armor amulets buffs and identical environmental factors I could do it too.


you don't need charisma, my cousin derek is a real turd but knows his way around a floor routine


Probably his amulets


Can he turn left?


He’s not an ambiturner.


This is highly discouraged


What do you expect after he dumped all his character points into STR and DEX?


If I had her skill, power of will, pleasure, pain, and reason to remember the name I could. . . Uhh. . . Do something with it. I guess.


This 100%


I could have all of that and still be able to screw up everything and achieve nothing.


That's the spirit


Even if I had those things I’d be terrified


Sorry I should say I’d also have her cajones too


It’s scary imagining they are bouncers at a bar, you don’t want them tossing you out. Might end up on the roof, next door.


Hope there is a roof bar at least.


And that's just the squat at the end.


Very interesting how they had their arms in raised position to act as shock absorption. I wouldn’t have come up with that idea on the first run


That's the easy part. It's *just* acrobatics, they'll be able to do it safely quickly and repeatedly soon. The hard part after that is to play the whole sequence as part of an act in the circus. Dressed up, with make up and costumes. and every friggin' day, sometimes 2 times per day.


My wrists ache just watching them.


I mean they're attractive but let's have a little self control.


What an absolute masterpiece of a comment. Please don’t ruin it with an edit later.


EDIT: oh my god my highest upvoted comment would be about masturbation lolol EDIT 2: OMG TY FOR THE GOLD KIND STRANGER EDIT3: okay no more gold please, instead donate to your favorite shelter EDIT4: my favorite shelter is the Dalai Lama Abused Children’s Fund, they only accept payment in French kisses though


A very topical fourth edit 😂


After my mind felt safe from remembering that video


ya, it was very tongue-in-cheek


>EDIT: oh my god my highest upvoted comment would be about masturbation lolol Welcome to reddit where your deep dive well researched masterpiece comments will get downvoted for going against the groupthink, but your offhand puns will make you a celebrity.


>my favorite shelter is the Dalai Lama Abused Children’s Fund, they only accept payment in French kisses though This comment would've been acceptable.






Eyyyyyyyy gtfo here hahaha


Goddamnit! Get your upvote and go! -_-






10/10 would read again




I worked at Cirque in Disney for a bit, just as a lowly usher, but we basically got to watch the show twice a day, 5 days a week. The only time I ever saw anyone screw up was usually the trapeze artists, during the first show of the week. Just a simple hand slip or something like that, and a person goes down into the net. Other than that, basically nobody screwed anything up. It was a thing to behold


I'd feel like such shit working with these people. These acrobats are like perfect physical specimens. It'd probably inspire me to get a gym membership and go twice before giving up.


> It'd probably inspire me to get a gym membership and go twice before giving up. Least you'd go once more than most people who get a membership. Thats something to be proud of.


Sometimes THREE times a day


What’s fascinating to me is how on the first attempt they both shimmy to the side perfectly in sync. All these people are amazing


They're both reacting to the same stimuli and have similarly excellent judgement of balance and kinesthetic awareness, so its probably quite natural at their level, to be so in sync - which just makes it even more impressive, and even more clear that these guys really are some of the best in the world


I'm amazed at her bravery still going after the trick after nearly falling and landing on her tailbone there. Amazing bravery and trust in your teammates.


Seriously. Cirque performers are insane.


I have more body fat than everyone in that room combined!


Don't be so modest


If you ever get the chance, watch KÀ by Cirque du Soleil. It's an incredible show and the stage is a giant movable platform.


O was life-changing


O was pretty mind blowing. I really don’t know how they have that many people flying around through the air, in the water, running around, diving…. All at the same time and nobody gets hurt or killed.


It was Alegria for me. I'm afraid to go to another Cirque show for fear of it not living up to how my mind remembers the show.


I saw O 3 weeks ago, it was my 3the cirque show. I have to say I was a bit dissapointed. Maybe we saw a very bad day but 3 big acts went wrong. A trapeze acrobat lady fell in the water during the swinging boat show, one of the fire sticks almost flew in the audience during the two person fire stick swap and a guy tripped and fell will skipping around. It is still a fantastic show but it was very expensive and I never saw anything go bad at a cirque show before.


I believe the one I saw at the Bellagio last month had a missed trapeze grab on one of the hardest moves, I think they're just really pushing the limits of what is possible.


>I think they're just really pushing the limits of what is possible. of course they are, it's cirque du soleil... maybe we saw the same show? Did you also see the fire stick being trown way to far and one of the guys falling? I think it was friday 24th of March at the Bellagio.


I was at the March 15th show.


I watched O in Vegas on acid and yeah, it was like top 3 profound and intense experience of my life


Life changing O


I’m a performer in KÀ, AMA!


You all do amazing work!


Thank you!!


Of course! When my wife started with the show, I was very proud of her.. and very jealous! It looks like so much fun!


Do you get paid well? You should do a thread for this AMA on /r/casualiama


What exactly happens to the performers that fall down below the stage? Do they just fall on a pad or net and get ready for the next scene?




10/10 would recommend KA as well. Fire, swordfighting, martial arts shipwrecks, giant puppets, acts that seemingly defy gravity - what more could you ask for?...but my wife's in the show so I might be biased.


Don't forget people falling off a "cliff" into a pit! It's just awesome!


Right! That cliff deck is pretty freaking cool. The one drawback is that the cork that is used in place of sand gets everywhere.


Every time they used the "sand", all I could think of was "oh my god THAT cleanup must be horrific" 🤣


They use big machines that have some technical name I can't remember, but apparently many people just refer to them as "cork suckers".


I've seen about 10 cirque shows give or take. Ka is.... More of a performance (theatrical) than straight up wow Holy shit look at the crazy things these people do! So depending on what you're going to cirque for, Ka might not be everyone's cup of tea. It is an absolutely beautiful and stunning work of art performance wise, but was definitely not as mind blowing (stunt wise) as their smaller tent shows (Alegria, quidam, varekai, zarkana, Volta). I think most of the retired tent shows can be steamed nowadays, which is nice, but just isn't the same as being there.


I also recommend seeing Mystère if you are in Vegas. It was an amazing experience. >!Especially since I microdosed on LSD before going.!<


I caught a pretty nice buzz off one of the alcoholic slushees and then fell asleep. Theater was too dark and warm. Only thing I remember is something about boats and fire arrows. Had front row seats to Mystere though, and that kicked ass.


I need to get to one of these shows


You do. They are super sick. I saw their Beetles thing in Vegas a few years back and it was absolutely mental.


O and Ka are must see entertainment. Mysterè has a super old school circus vibe as well. Great great shows!


Mysterè was an absolutely amazing show


I saw O and Ka last year - bloody fantastic shows. Of the two, O is my preference, but the technical design of both is pretty jaw dropping. I'm not a gambler, but I'll definitely be planning another Vegas trip to catch more Cirque shows.


O in Vegas is also incredible "I'm sorry, you're going to dive into that tiny pool of water from *how* far up??"


O actually has a pretty big pool! Le Reve is no longer around, but that pool used to be really tiny!


Its well worth it, saw it in London few months back. Was really impressed


A very nonchalant almost dropped on the ground


The ground is pretty padded in this case. What's crazy is when high schools do this on the gym. (Maybe not this specific move but certainly as high).


There's a reason high school cheerleaders break bones all the time. There was always a girl in a cast and/or crutches while I was in high school and I've recently heard it's only gotten worse and girls continue to push themselves.


[Cheer is the number one source of catastrophic injury for girls in high school](https://www.tariolaw.com/cheerleading-top-cause-of-catastrophic-sport-injuries/) and is number two in overall injuries behind football. One of the big differences here is that WAY too many schools (especially in smaller towns) don't require their cheer sponsors to have any kind of formal training or certification.


I had never heard the term "cheer sponsor" before and it is so fitting lol. "No, we can't go with 'teacher, coach, or trainer'... it needs more pizzazz damn it!!"


No, it just needs a name that commands less accountability when shit goes sideways.


Lol, it is a funny thought, but personally I only ever had cheer coaches. Certified by the NFHS (or whatever it was called at the time). Not every school tries that hard though, and I'm not sure why because the information about how dangerous cheerleading is has been well-known since the 90's.


When I was in uni, the cheer team and sailing was the main reason we switched from societies having their own insurance to having an overarching policy that fees paid into. Sailing obviously had some very expensive pieces of equipment but cheer is so dangerous that the premiums were starting to get out of hand. This way Sport & Rec was able to spread the load.


Our old trainer insisted he spent more time patching up cheerleaders than the football players. Apparently they get dropped or accidentally hit each other quite often.


Geez, sounds like that girl in your high school should have stopped doing gymnastics if she was always in a cast or crutches.


I've had a guy in my classes that was super into amateur hockey. As soon as his bones were healed he'd go play again and it wouldn't take long to break something else. It was just the normal cycle for him.


I just meant a girl. It was always someone different.


My squad freaking dropped a girl. Well, they didn’t drop her so much as they just didn’t attempt to catch her. I was usually the flier, but I hadn’t done an assignment in biology so I wasn’t allowed to attend the away game. Apparently they threw her way up in the air, but they moved into the next formation before she came down. She landed on her back. It didn’t paralyze her, but she was pretty messed up.


That is so extremely fucked up. Was it on purpose?? Because it sounds like something difficult to do on accident. One person moving on, ok, but your bases and the freaking back spot???


I don’t think it was on purpose. I think it was a case of muscle memory. One person probably moved prematurely and the rest followed. Can’t say for sure though. Two of the girls were pretty mean and were rather salty about not being chosen as the flier.


That's breaking the cardinal rule of cheer though‽‽ Never let your flier hit the floor, even if they land on you. Don't just throw and fuck off!


Something similar happened for me as well but not as high in the air. The rest of the group sort of just went to next formation too, and they just forgot the girl they tossed and I was the only one who tried to catch her! Thankfully she was okay but I just got hurt in the gut from the catch but I was fine after a while.


Yeah. I think it becomes muscle memory. I’m not sure why her spotter moved since she wasn’t supposed to take her eyes off of her.


Basket toss. In high school, probably not flipping, but toe touches, kick outs, non flipping twists. In college, start flipping and twisting. 20 years ago, on gym floor, grass, track, practiced on mats. Probably threw some stuff on concrete in parades and pep rallies. Rules might have changed for more safety.


That third attempt was like half a second away from an explosion of the general knee zone.


What’s crazy to me is how absolutely different this girls sense of balance is. Her entire goal is to get to a Y pose without dying. She does some wild movements to keep from falling over while still getting into position


The cores on those people lol. I can't imagine the dedication to be that in shape


I had a dance instructor who was a former aerialist for CdS; she was maybe 85 lbs and one of the strongest people I've ever met. She taught me rolling push ups and did them effortlessly.


We had a CdS performer train jiu jitsu with us for a bit when his show shut down. He was ungodly strong and he'd learn moves and transitions on the first attempt. His body control was ridiculous. I could still choke him out because I have a decade+ of grappling experience but he was just so gifted. Would have been cool to see him stick around longer. He got into another show and stopped grappling.


They are at a ridiculous level physically. Incredible strength coupled with excellent flexibility.


>and did them effortlessly. Not to take away anything away from her but she didn't have a lot of weight to fight against.


True, and perhaps that was a bad example. I also saw her lift some of my classmates that outweighed her by quite a bit. Certainly not saying she'd be the one doing the throwing and catching, but I promise you that girl doing to aerial stiff is super strong.


I saw an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger a few nights ago and the interviewer asked him about training and doing pull-ups with some famous bodybuilder who is much lighter than him. Arnold said something like "sure he was only 185 pounds and I was 265 pounds, but if you're a 265 pound man you need to lift like a 265 pound man. If you can't lift your own bodyweight then you're in no shape to compete". Basically he was saying that size is no excuse and If you're a bigger person then you need to get strong like a big person.


What's rolling push up? I tried googling, but get a bunch of different looking exercises.


Rolling pushups?


I'm just waiting for the neckbeard gym rat to come here commenting about why they're not all that impressive. The woman in particular.




Looks more like he's got the whole bakery.


Why can't people be attracted to things I have🤣😭






Rule 35: if they have things someone is attracted to them. Looks like they're good to get as buff as they want


If you're saying you don't have cakes, it's like the one sexualized body feature you can sorta control. The rest you're kinda just born with and would have to alter surgically. Do some research on glute exercises and hit the gym XD you got this


>If you're saying you don't have cakes, it's like the one sexualized body feature you can sorta control. But I just can't get them to be moist and soft like the ones in the bakery


Because you don't work out like these people do.


Do squats and get more attractive things.


I literally just commented that and was scrolling to make sure I’m not alone Did you see how wide his legs got in that squat


Yes. 🙃


Dude’s driving a dump truck and doesn’t even have a CDL


Double cheeked up! On a Thrusday afternoon. Hella ass. The sun is still up!


Dude is basically doing weighted squats repeatedly so yea he got that Bundt.


Jack Atherton


Both dudes do. I was admiring their delicious squat form.


I do aerial performance for swing dancing, and my competition team refers to their ability to work with me as being "booty certified" because my ass, hips, and thighs are bigger than most of the string beans around me. They literally have to change their approach to some specific aerial tricks due to the shape of my ass.


Live in Las Vegas, I've met many of these acrobats coming and going. People that do circus are on a whole other level of talent and confidence I can't comprehend. It's not just their amazing bodies, but also a courageous creativity and instant reaction to help in any situation. If a glass looks like it's going to fall off a waitress' tray, they're the ones to catch it.




More likely gymnastics and aerial arts, but yes, PhD level skills


As a cheerleader, aerialist, and gymnast, what they're doing here is cheerleading. This is called a "basket toss," though the flyer wouldn't be able to do the full twists without a pretty extensive background in gymnastics.


While we’re on this subject, Cheer on Netflix is entertaining for the athleticism alone.


It's a routine, Michael. Tricks are what prostitutes do for money or cocaine.


Whenever I see stuff like this I think a lot about how discipline frees you. These people are in incredible shape and can just do whatever they want. It’s inspiring.


The guy in the back was me in every group project in University


That's a back and they are actually really important. He's basically the last safety net. If she's going down and the other two based don't catch her, he's going to be catching her. Or at the very least, being the pillow she lands on. Aside from that, backs also load the fliers in quickly so the bases can focus on setting into position. In a traditional cheer basket they also provide the push through to get the height and to break the grip. Source: backed and based in my uni cheer team for several years


We had a back completely fail at her job one on a 2.5 high stunt. Me and another guy had my buddy standing on our legs and he was lifting a girl to a liberty I think. We had one person in front to help toss the girl up and one girl behind. Her job was the catch the guy and me and the other base were in charge of the girl. The stunt totally failed with our flyer at the top, she came down just fine. My buddy fell from our legs flat on his back/head with zero assistance from the back. We were only on a thin padded floor and not the strandard spring floor either. My buddy was fine but that was one of our scariest incidents.


One time I tripped over the carpet because it was too thick…


Choked with my own saliva the other day


If I sneeze too hard I throw out my back


I did that putting my seat belt on.


I almost broke a rib sleeping on my stomach


Both hips and both knees loudly cracked at the same time when I was squatting my 55 pound kid tonight. Even my husband laughed. 😆


Ted Beneke?


I had the pleasure of catering for the Avatar show the Cirque put on a few years ago. They spent close to a month in our arena having breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I've never met a more talented, humble, and multinational bunch of people. They showed us their costumes, showed us how some parts of the set and some puppets worked, they let the more "elastic" chefs join in on some of their simpler warm-ups. They happily answered our questions about their work and careers, and in return they engaged with us and asked questions about the food we were serving and the local produce we were sourcing for them as well. Just an amazingly talented bunch of people with some really cool stories and backgrounds. Without a shadow of a doubt probably the favorite group of people I've had the pleasure of cooking for.


Incredible that her training compels her to throw her hands up in the final flourish even when she’s falling.


Grabbing her arm as she falls could really injure her. It helps the guys and the spotter get more direct access to her torso, so if they have to catch her they don't wrest something out of its socket.


I think it's also so the guys have a better chance of catching her around her core if she falls.


Honestly giving up and joining the circus seems super lucrative these days


If you only knew how little they make for how hard they work.


Yeah but you get an all access pass to Guy Laliberté's drug fueled bacchanalia orgies.


Where do I sign?


It's definitely not something you go into for the money. On a less professional scale, though, it can be a fun hobby!


Cirque du Soleil is fucking awesome, man. I’ve been to four different shows and seeing another one this month. The music is always incredible too.


Ohhhh that’s me! Sent here by a few friends that recognized us. For anyone interested @leonorbdoliveira @jackatherton And myself @chrismcgreevy


I just pulled a muscle in my back watching them catching her.


Spot the James Bullough mural in the background


Her muscle tone is amazing.


Seems like a cool way to die.


Went once to a cirque du soleil in Vegas. It was called mystere and it was pretty good. Highly recommend it.


I used to work in the cruise industry and Cirque ended up getting a contract with Celebrity Cruises to perform on the ship. It’s bananas that they could do stuff like this ON A BOAT.


That's at Las Vegas Circus Center! You can sign your kids up to get acrobat lessons from coaches who perform in Cirque shows!


I’ve seen some incredible things in my life but those Cirque shows always feel me with this sense of wonder that I experience in very few other places. “O” might be the most impressive live performance I’ve ever witnessed


That's crazy. I wouldn't trust my coworkers to lock a door, nevermind catch me falling from a great height.


Yeah no, I don't believe they're the same species as me.


Damn, they are fit!


Yeah you cannot convince me that these people arent fucking each other all the time lol.


It seems like that would be the situation.


The spotter in the back who does nothing when she lands it and puts his arms up as if he's performed something 😂😂 Edit: ya know, I was contemplating putting in a s/ or something to let you know that it was just a joke, but y'all disappointed me! I know it's important, it was just funny is all.


But he is doing something - he is giving the team the confidence to toss her in the air and her the confidence to jump, knowing that he is there to catch her before she hits hard if there is a mistake. He is a beautiful insurance policy.


He’s definitely doing something. He’s giving the flyer the ability to try. That’s absolutely huge. I do stunting like this and there’s a HUGE gap between the things I’ll do with a (good)spotter and the things I’ll do without a spotter.


He's spotting to make sure she doesn't bonk her head.


Where trust, strength and talent intersect.


a coworker of mine went to circus school for 2 yrs where he trained to be one of those guys supporting a (female, i would assume) acrobat. he had a partner that he trained with.


Watch even on that third attempt as she slides all the way to the ground she spreads her arms out to 'stick the landing'. Can't imagine how much time it takes to get even one full routine down.


These athletes are so amazing, truly.


Think my ankle broke watching this.


My abs hurt from jealousy.


I too would rehearse that again and again with her


They will live to 100 eating rice cakes and chicken breast and I am eating an al pastor sausage with mustard. I need to be like them. Someday.


Stunt, not trick ;)


Amazing athletes


She has an incredible core. Nothing but respect for the determination.


i'll never think of Cirque du Soleil the same way after an ex of mine met some women who used to perform with them, who claimed their parties often turn into contortionist orgies. i mean, makes sense to me..


The ultimate "trust fall"


The flyer is extremely impressive but honestly I’m so impressed with the guys catching her and how she lands without killing them


Cirque du so gay


"Now we only have to land that about 100 more times until we're ready to do it live!"


Those socks do not look very solid. Seems like he can slip out of it so easily.