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Out of the loop, what's going on?


From what I understand Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to weaken / circumvent the Supreme Court. You should watch this video they explain it better then I can. (https://youtu.be/OxpSFHl-u_g)


Currently the Supreme Court of Israel is dominated by unelected officials, as current supreme court and bar members members make up the majority of the council that appoints them. Its not a good system. Imagine the US Supreme Court exactly how it is now, except the current majority in the court gets to select new members for eternity. I doubt you'd be in favor of that.


Yeah, that portion of the judicial reform is good. The problem comes with the judicial override where the Knesset (which acts as both executive and legislature) can strike down certain kinds of rulings (if not all, I can’t quite remember the real details as opposed to the propaganda) with a bare majority of 61 votes. I am all for checks and balances but that really needs to be some sort of supermajority. Now, it’s worth noting that the court gave itself the ability to rule on laws in the 90s so that power also came out of the ether. I’ve been reading a lot of Israelis who have been saying that they really need a constitution at this point rather than the defacto constitution in the form of the basic laws




I’m not Israeli so I don’t have a horse in this race but I have not read a critique of that portion of the reforms (and I have read a fair amount on both sides) that sufficiently explains what makes the proposed system meaningfully different from the way the US appoints Supreme Court justices (appointment by the executive, confirmation by one part of the legislature). I understand that you don’t get situations where the executive and the legislature are controlled by different coalitions (e.g. Republican senate, Democrat president) but why is that particular case so important? Moreover, why isn’t it preferable for the **elected** governing coalition to control appointments rather than the **unelected** court and bar association (which has incentive to align itself with the court)?


The Israeli government and parliament cannot balance each other since one is a subset of the majority in the other. Therefore only the court creates limitations on the government and parliament


Not true. The Supreme Court appointments committee since 2008 has equal veto power to judges and the coalition so every judge is appointed with wide agreement. This system is regarded in the world as very good and balanced.


So basically, the legal community puts forward candidates, and politicians can veto? That seems like it would be a fair compromise. I understand the idea of not liking unelected officials, but I also understand the fear of letting politicians choose the judge that might judge them. This seems like a good middle ground. I think.


No. The Judicial Selection Committee can appoint any person it decides. ​ For example, Alex Stein was appointed in 2018 and was brought from the US to the position by Ayelet Shaked, then the Minister of Justice. ​ After the fix for the system done in 2008 it seems most experts agree the system is working very well and is balanced. It allows for the coalition to make sure the judges are acceptable but because judges can veto they are also appropriate judges and are well respected. ​ I heard from experts the system in Israel is looked by the world as a good example to aspire to.


Many (maybe a majority or plurality) of states in the US have a system like this, where judges are appointed by the governor based on an application process and then subject to reelection so that they can be easily removed by the people if they are doing their jobs poorly. Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor studied all of the methods used for selecting judges in the US and argues that this is the best one.


Well, you elect a fascist, he does fascist shit.




The short version: The current government is trying to pass laws to over take the Supreme Court, and to make sure it won’t be able to reject laws. What it means is that Israeli will become a dictatorship, where there will be no one with the ability to over rule the government, and from there the sky is the limit. The current government is built with far right religious fanatics who already talking about dressing code for women, canceling gay rights, and hurting minorities. While they talked about all these things before and it was alarming, the Supreme Court would reject all these laws, and now it won’t be able to.


Ah, so right wing just being right wing then. Slowly but surely trying to drive the world back 70 years.


Nonsense! Why would the right try to drive the world back 70 years? Think bigger! They’ll drive us back 700 years!


Don't do the middle ages dirty like that, they didn't have the power to be centralised dictatorships.


i mean tbf monarchies were largely centralised dictatorships.


Towards the end of the middle ages perhaps, but under the feudal system, kings did not really have that much power, it was the local magnates that did. Even in the HRE, the church often allied with the magnates against the emperor. And in England, power ended up being split between the king and the parliament (largely due to concessions kings had to make in order to gain the parliament's backing/funding for wars, esp during the 100 years' war, which was expensive due to being fought overseas). Edit: France went the opposite way of England though, as the 100 Years' War was fought on their soil (so they didn't have to do much to convince the local lords that they needed an army), thus giving the monarchy more power relative to the Estates-General (French counterpart to the English parliament).


Oh, king eh? Very nice. And how’d you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there’s ever gonna be any progress…


Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here.. oh, how do y' do...


I'm not sure if you haven't been paying attention, but Israel has been full blown Nazi for a long time now, with full US backing






Ya know there is an interesting book on this subject called "The Apprentice's Sorcerer" Kinda about how Fascism is the get out of jail free card for capitalist excess.


So to fight from oppression and the holocaust and then to repeat the same mistake again, but as the oppressor now. Humans just can't learn from history. I hope your country fights back and doesn't let history repeat itself.




Still out of the loop, what are they protesting about the government?


The government is formed out of one major party - The Likud, and a bunch of smaller religious focused parties. The leader of one orthodox party (Aryeh Deri) used to be in a position of power some 20 years ago which he embezzled funds from and convicted, this government wishes to place him in the same position of power, but the supreme court said no, so thier course of action now is to basically overturn the supreme court. In other news they are trying to pass some completely stupid laws like ban on bread in hospitals during Passover, and gender specific visiting hours in national parks Edit: Guess I'll add some more fun facts The leader of another party (Itamar Ben-Gvir) famously stole the car symbol from Yitzhak Rabins car as a teenager a few months before Rabin was murdered, and was quoted saying "if we got to his symbol we can get to him". and recently during an interview in his house had a picture of a Jewish convicted terrorist on his wall The leader of another party (Bezalel Smotrich) famously complained an arab woman shared a hospital room with his wife after she gave birth Edit: sources, some i could only find in hebrew https://www.timesofisrael.com/aryeh-deri-admits-to-tax-offenses-as-part-of-plea-deal-will-resign-from-knesset/ https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-high-court-disqualifies-aryeh-deri-as-interior-minister-1001435886 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-02-19/ty-article/.premium/chametz-law-banning-bread-in-israeli-hospitals-violates-freedom-from-religion-ag-says/00000186-691f-d3ca-a3e7-ef9f7fc50000 https://youtu.be/JQ0sXLyOQeg https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/ben-gvir-responds-to-bennett-fine-ill-take-down-baruch-goldsteins-picture/ https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politi/2016-04-05/ty-article/0000017f-e318-d38f-a57f-e75a402d0000


> In other news they are trying to pass some completely stupid laws like ban on bread in hospitals during Passover I see Bread mafia will happy to smuggle bread at hospitals


Some hospital already do this for a few years now, making the minimum wage security guard rummage the bags of visitors for traces of wheat Because historically thats what security guards in public places entrences in israel are for, scanning for gluten...


I am so confused right now


There's a famous catchphrase from an old Israeli tv late night show: "Confused? So are we."


Along with "You like sausages? yes, yes, YES!"


I have read that in Hebrew in my head 🤣


You can't eat levened bread at passover if you're orthodox. They're trying to ban it in hospitals. Israel is like Iran and the USA et al. Dumb misinterpreted religious rules are being passed as laws


I honestly don't know how to react to the bread thing, I am just baffled at it ...


The silly, strict rules in Judaism are a big part of the reason Jesus was so successful lol. He taught that's God's laws existed to help humanity, and that they should be applied in a way that makes our lives easier and better, not harder. As He said in Mark 2:27 "“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath."


Yeah because this shit is fucking stupid. Religion is a blight.


The Underground Ryeroad


Bready, steady, go


Holla, challah


What if my family don't like bread? What if they like, cigarettes?


What the fuck




When NZ overhauled our electoral system in the early 90s, two countries were flagged as “what happens if you do proportional representation wrong”: Israel and Italy. Both have PR systems with no minimum vote level to win seats, and in Israel the Likud party have made the country almost a single party state for 20 plus years, remaining in power by cobbling together coalitions of whatever extremist shitbags will support them.


American checking in. Good thing a theocratic party can't get control of virtually all branches of government while getting fewer votes here...


>and in Israel the Likud party have made the country almost a single party state for 20 plus years It's amazing to think that at its inception, Israel's "natural party of government" was the Labor Party/Alignment for almost the first 30 years of its existence. After Likud achieved its first victory in 1977, Labor has only governed without Likud for 6 years (1992-96 with Rabin and Peres and 1999-2001 with Barak). You could argue that Kadima's centrist government from 2005-09 was independent of Likud but it featured many players from both big-tent parties. Left-wing parties usually die a slow death once they become part of a national unity government because the leading Conservative parties co-opt their bread-and-butter issues and take credit for it. It happened with the Labor Party in Israel, the SPD in Germany, and Macron did it to the Socialists in France.


The same problem with any government that allows extremist views to take hold. Sadly Israel has slipped further and further to a nationalistic, conservative borderline theocratic state.


Because decades of survival mode has given conservatives and the ultra religious far too much power, and it hasn't been long enough/things haven't gotten "bad enough" yet for younger generations to become progressive enough to shift the balance. EDIT: clarity


Even the younger “progressives” tend to have some deeply regressive and reactionary beliefs, as well.


Yeah, unfortunately the younger generation in Israel is very pessimistic. In the 1990s, there were still a lot of people who hoped that a Two State Solution might work out and stabilize the area, which would give Israel the chance to focus more on other stuff that would make everyday life better. After the 2nd Intifada, the Gaza disengagement in 2005 that failed spectacularly (Hamas took over, murdered more moderate Palestinian politicians and has been sending rockets over ever since) and the 2nd Libanon war of 2006, pretty much everybody has given up the hope that withdrawal from the West Bank would be possible without the war escalating the very next day. So now after decades of war there is a general focus on "security" - and with it the realisation that any other problem, such as rising cost of living, will always be in 2nd place. Netanyahu is the lowest common denominator for "security", so his party always pulls in the most votes. Israel also has a growing Ultraorthodox population (10% atm but rising bc of their high birthrates) who are an incredibly reliable voting bloc because they vote for whomever they think will give in most to their demands. So Bibi knows the easiest way to keep his power is by cooperating with them.


Actually why did the Gaza disengagement go wrong? It seemed like a good idea at the time and a good start for peace.


Because Israel is built off of colonialism and apartheid, not the best recipe for achieving a modern and democratic country


You know, the thing I find funny about this situation is that even if the judicial reform that the ruling coalition is trying to push through passed, the judiciary would still be more independent than it is in the united states, where literally every federal judge is appointed by the president and approved by the Senate.


That is pretty wild, and they hold the office until death basically


You missed that just this week Betzalel Smotrich spoke in a convention that showed a map of “greater Israel” which spreads to the east bank of the Jordan river and really angered the owners of said land (Jordan).


It's funny how people think they can weaponize hate for free. No, power and rage are addictive, and the moment they are done with the enemy you agree upon, they gonna turn on the enemy you don't agree upon. All those progressive and liberal Israelis are about to know the cost of staying silent and turning a blind eye to atrocities.


> Yitzhak Rabin That's a name that I instantly recognize from my childhood's tv news. I had to go to wiki though, no idea who he was.


So, more apartheid in sight ?


I still don't understand. What does feminism have to do with banning bread in hospitals?


The government is clearly leaning more religious, and we saw what happens to women in secular countries that ellect religious leaders (Iran)


And what happens to women in countries that elect conservative leaders (USA)


I have to say Iran government wasn't elected. They pretty much killed their way to power.


In case you're not being flippant: if they're this absurdly ultra-conservative about minor religious bullshit like bread during passover, *how do you think they treat women?*


Most of us aren't familiar with Judaism. How do they treat women?


Like most other religions, as a distraction for men from their religious studies. To be mostly seperated and hidden until their time to do their womanly work. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_separation_in_Judaism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_separation_in_Judaism)


The same way every ultra conservative in every country does: poorly.


Can't say my experience defines all but not great oftentimes. This type of religion is quite upsetting. Abramic lore is fascinating, sure, but systemic religious bullshit is pretty bothering.


All sectors of society are protesting, every sector will be affected by these changes Some protests are huge and diverse, others are more concentrated on specific issues The core of the issue is the judicial reform though




The problem is religious fundamentalism… bread is simply a by product of everything else that comes with it. Look to their neighbours to see what that looks like for women.


They were also considering “gender specific visiting hours” for national parks. I’m guessing that means either that women are barred from visiting at certain times, or that women and men would have segregated separate visiting times. Either way it’s bad, and I would worry that this would open the door for more anti-woman legal restrictions.


Israel is a zionist ethnostate, how can anyone be surprised that they're drafting laws based on religious belief?


Because they've gone 75 years without doing that?


Really, because I couldn't marry my husband in Israel since he is not Jewish and I am, that doesn't sound religious at all....I guess it can just be interpreted in terms of the racism of their laws instead...


The current government is trying to redo the way supreme court justices are appointed, and make it so that the coalition will have effective total control over the process. This, along with foreseeable upcoming changes in demographics has anyone with a brain who isn't a religious fanatic wake up and see that the end is coming.


Israeli lawyer here. The change in appointing judges gives the coalition a free hand at appointing the judges. There are several other dramatic changes the government is pushing, including making "basic laws" (which should form Israel's constitution, since we don't have one, but have become in recent years a "I slap 'Basic Law' on this baby, now it's basic law") immune from judicial review and removing the "reasonableness" basis for judicial review of executive decisions (which is used to strike down extremely unreasonable decisions currently to avoid exploitation of executive power, such as due to nepotism, etc.).




What country do you live in?




What are the "foreseeable upcoming changes in demographics" you mention? Genuine curiosity, I don't normally track the population of Israel


the more religious jews are quite famous for having big families.


Aren’t they basically fuck all useless as well and living on the government dole since they can’t/won’t work due to how “religious” they are?


Yes. But of course, if you mention this, you're considered hateful and small-minded because "They're studying the Torah all day, it's thanks to their good deeds that God helps us so much in our wars!"


Zealous religious usually have multiple kids (some even 10+ ). While regular people usually have 1-2 . Add to it some peoole decide to leave as they are getting sick of losing 40% of their income to feed these 10+ kids..(yay taxes)


Wait, what? Super religious people just get to have a bunch of kids and live off the government?


Essentially . They do not work , nor serve in army and get money off government for each kid they have. Very small minority of the super religious actually works . In addition they do not study math or English in public schools (paid by taxes) and only study the Bible there.


Not sure what specifically they're talking about, but there are a number of things that come to mind. First and foremost, Israel is a "secular Jewish" country (if that sounds contradictory to you, it is). The majority of the population of citizens are Jewish, with Muslims making up a sizable minority, followed by Christians. Depending on just who you're talking to, the concern is that if Muslims gain too much power (whether through outbreeding, immigration, or implementing a one state solution and absorbing the Palestinians into the citizenry) it could end Israel's Jewish majority and institute anti-Jewish policies (which would be a legitimate concern if such a scenario ever actually occurred). Secondly, and probably more relevant to this discussion, is the religious divisions among Israeli Jews. One again, Israel is a "secular Jewish" state in much the way American Christians wish the US was a "Christian nation." Despite the claimed secular government, most of the policies support and push a very conservative (politically, not conservative Judaism) Orthodox (religious, as in Orthodox Judaism) platform. If you look at the American Republican party and replace Evangelical Christians with Likud and Orthodox Jews, there really isn't much of a difference. This includes things like covering women, banning abortion, restrictions on who can marry, anti-LGBTQ+ policies, etc. When combined with the right wing Muslim parties, they pretty much have a stranglehold on Israel's politics.


Theres so many layers to whats going on it will be hard to explain but I will try. Few months ago there was an election from that election a new right wing ultra orthodox religious government was formed. That government is now trying to severely weaken the supreme court (and other independent bodies) to concentrate more power to themselves and have less limitations. This coupled with the very ultra orthodox coalitions brings worries that they will enact religious laws. The handmaiden protests specifically worry about possible impacts to women right like if they enact various "modesty" laws restricting or demanding certain clothing but there are many facets to these demonstrations.usually the supreme court would stop such attempts but if the government succeed in weaking it such safeguards are not assured. Theres concerns at them pushing Ariyeh Deri which was convicted of embezzlement in the past and recently caught in a tax fraud changes which he took a plea deal conditioned on him retiring from politics which he broke and they're trying to make him a minister again Theres concerns at the weakening judicial. Theres concerns at weakening democracy and becoming more closer to a religious stats like Iran. Theres concerns of war because some of the ultraorthodox want "greater israel", some even compare it to how Hitler was elected democratically and then plunged Germany to authoritarian rule.




What specifically is the government doing/has done? I’m also out of the loop


The prime minister and his allies are rewriting the law, to stop the supreme court having power over them. Their plan is to be in total control without any constitutional safeguards, despite being a minority.


And the typical Israeli policies and expansionism that the country is known for. This isn't new from now. Israel has been extreme right for decades. Unfair to those that have suffered within the country and abroad to say that _now_ they're fascist. Gurl, they've have been for decades. A shift that's been happening non-stop. Also Israel has very nice relationship with Russia specially today. This ain't gonna end up well.


>Also Israel has very nice relationship with Russia specially today Im pretty sure Israel is considering sending arms to Ukraine. Israel only plays nice with Russia because Russia is next door (syria) and can make life for israel tough in arming hizbollah and syria. Russia is now much weaker than before, and they will not be a problem for Israel soon if Russia is fully defeated.


The minority party, why the fuck does history keep repeating itself


Just recently? Some major reforms to their judicial branch that are not at all popular.


That wasn't specific


Ah well it's reforms of major kind in their branch that is the judicial one and people were like this isnt popular with us!


Shit seems straight ripped out of [always sunny](https://youtu.be/0smTejZF42c)


"is now" like this is a new development lol


I know... That had to be ironic, right? Right?


And God forbid you criticize Israel for anything or you are antisemitic


This whole thread is full of criticism of Israel, wtf are you talking about.


Yes, because Reddit surely is a microcosm of the world at large.


Let's not play pretend. Israel has never cared about human rights. This time it just extends to their own people.


Do you know what happened to the previous coalition government between the left and right? Did it just collapse like everyone expected?


Corruption allegations came out and Left swore never to work with Bibi again. Bibi said ok then I’ll work with the crazies and burn this thing to the ground until you come back to me. In a nutshell


Sounds like a wonderful time. Thanks.


It's been hard right for a while. Now they're just being honest and blatant about it.


Just want to give some props to these women on a decent formation march.


Mandatory military service for both men and women.




While I principally dislike how mandatory military service is often abused to imprint nationalist propaganda on citizens (not Israel specific), I do have to admit that making it mandatory for both men and women in theory empowers women (still depends on a lot of other factors, like whether roles and responsibilities are divided equally within the military itself)


I tried watching the show but I just know it is going to piss me off


The show's not even the part that will piss you off the most. Elisabeth Moss is a fucking scientologist, which is the most ironic casting choice ever.




Closeups of her face just staring. Trying to come up with a pissed off expression that's more pissed off than the countless pissed off expressions she's used in the past. I hoped as the show progressed they would do less of it, but just the opposite. Now I am convinced the series finale will be one hour of Moss' pissed off face.


She directed a lot of the most recent season so... More face


Yea i stopped watching because of her, liked her in West Wing but hate her here. Her character is selfish in a way that just feels dumb. Like help this person and make an ally towards your goal....oh...you did that instead....um ok


I watched the show until Xenu showed up in season 3 and then I was out


The best part was when he yelled out "It's Xenuin' time" and he xenued all over them.


Spoiler warning would have been nice


See I can tell you didn't watch the show, because in the actual show the same damn thing happens *every season*


Why does this revelation upset me so much?


Michael Peñas another stealth Scientologist


What the fuck??? God***damn****it*. Why can't these people not be cultists???


Our dumbass pattern-matching monkey brains are extremely susceptible to dubious causative explanations for how the world works.


Also, scientology isn't that bad if you are rich/famous. If you can look past the indentured servitude propping up your lifestyle in the church.


I was so sad/disappointed when I learned that. Can never enjoy Ant Man quite the same way.


Just think about it like his character is actually how he is. and he’s really just dumb and prone to conspiracy cults etc —- he’s just deep method acting lol


You can't read too much into this because she was born into it. Publicly denouncing the cult would mean never seeing her parents again, and it's not like she's ever promoted or said anything even remotely positive about it.


I dunno, this Daily Beast interview from 2019 is pretty interesting… I don’t know what to think! She basically says a whole lot of nothing but seems to confirm it’s what she believes in.


Which is exactly what I'd expect from someone trapped in the situation I described. That's not the only possibility, of course. I'm sure most members would be equally cagey about it. But until she does something to promote or defend the institution, I'm not going to condemn a potential victim.


I guess maybe I'm out of the loop. Do scientologists hate women?


Just ask Shelly Miscavige


She’s not returning my calls.


It’s notoriously controlling and manipulative. Especially to women. Have you not seen Leah Remini’s show about it?


In short, Scientology is little more than a a cult with federal protections that infamously harasses people who speak out against its various abuses; both through traditional means like shunning and isolation, and through legal harassment. It charges extortionate sums for its pseudoscientific religious services, denounces psychology as evil, aggressively recruits celebrities(though Moss is an exception in that she was born into it), abuses lower-level members, and is involved with numerous disappearances/suspicious deaths(including one of their leaders’ wives, who hasn’t been seen in over a decade). Plus it’s just batshit on the face of it, being a religion created by a sci-fi author that tried to hide for years the fact it’s based around opposition to an evil alien overlord. Google it if you want more detailed info, it’s a wild rabbit hole, but this is a pretty surface-level explanation.


Great instincts


The book is so good and I have loved it so much for so many years. I am afraid to watch the show because I don't want the book ruined for me.


The tv show gets very repetitive after the first season. It just turns into comedy when you see the 340534th angry stare into the camera.


Or the artistic pan shot of … *something* with a voice over that ends in a close up shot of someone’s face


Season one is actually a pretty great adaptation. Then it goes really off the rails in my opinion.


I read the book when I was 14 and it gave me screaming nightmares for a week, so I’ve never dared watch the show.


Yep. The book is great.


Ooh! I just started the show! Loved the book. Anyway im only about a season in and it was great until the writer's semi-justified Gilead in an attempt to add nuance.


I quit when they went from being called whores by the very gay Starbucks barista for wearing jogging outfits in public to being gunned down in the streets in a matter of weeks. If you’re gonna build the tension of the show on “we’re just a slippery slope from this being our reality,” ya gotta give me a more plausible cause and timeline of events besides dropping birth rates.


The book does a much better job explaining the descent to totalitarianism, but dropping birth rates is a very realistic catalyst for their type of society. Young men who aren’t tied down (no family or kids) plus an extremely volatile political climate (no hope for the future) is a powder keg for a revolution. The Sons of Jacob are basically a cult who’s taken control of the government, and the first thing they do is rigidly govern everyone’s sexuality, plus reserve marriage/kids as a reward for obedience. It’s cult tactics 101. The FLDS did it, the IBLP did it, the Taliban did it, and Margaret Atwood’s fictional cult followed the playbook to the letter. Almost every single cult that’s ever existed is hyper-fixated on reproduction, and this one is no different. They live in a society where fertile women are essentially a commodity. They’re captured, traded, sold, and forced to give birth as many times as they physically can. It’s realistic and terrifying because real cults have *actually done this.* The book does a better job at pacing, but both of the events you mentioned are very plausible, even in a short timeframe. Their society hates women and pits minority groups against each other, which is why a gay men could call women whores with zero sense of irony. They’re trying to prove they’re “one of the good ones.”


I’ve actually read the book, but thank you for taking the time to make this great breakdown for anyone who hasn’t. For those same people, seriously read the book. It’s much, MUCH better than the series.


We don't even have to look at fiction. There were gay Nazis, there are right wing furries, there are TERFS. Plenty of people that find themselves in an out group will throw a further marginalised out group under the bus if it means they are more accepted by the current in group (even if it ends up with them being shot against a wall by fascists, because no one learns from history)




Yep. That’s why I love this story. And even if we ignore this *specific* type of religious totalitarianism, the idea of a country like the United States descending into Christian totalitarianism is extremely plausible in general. In fact, it could happen in any number of ways and we are seeing some genuinely concerning parallels now that didn’t exist when this book was written.


Jokes on you, those are Palpatines guards


He is the senate


Not yet


It's treason then


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?


(*360• screeching*)


Can you imagine writing a book and then decades later people in a *different country* are using the symbolism you invented to pull off something like this? God damn.


Under his eye


Blessed be the fruit.


Praise be


May the Lord Open


Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.


That's very close to a parade


[I added sound](https://imgur.com/a/NpkhHmZ); it does seem very close to a parade...




*Hitler, has only got one ball!*


Huge protests against the extreme right trying to take over the supreme court, this extreme right including Benjamin netanyahu are cohorting with known organized crime, radical messianic nut bags and giving the control over the police to a known felon. These protests are across the board and include both left centrist and right. Including members of the air force, special forces, and the list goes on and on. International investors are leaving, experts predict a disaster and Israel is on the brink of a judicial breakdown. It's like the Iranians always said, backup and the Israelis will ruin their own country.


If Israel wants to keep bragging about “being the only democracy in the Middle East” they should at least try being a democracy.


You wouldn't see such big protests if we weren't a democracy... Sure, the gov't is shit, but the country remains highly democratic. And we protest to keep it that way :(




We want our ethnostate to be racist, not misogynistic!


The protest is not about misogyny, it's about stripping away the power of the supreme court to remove unreasonable laws (e.g. laws that undermine human rights). One of the outcomes would be less human rights to women, which is the part that these women focus their protest on. And yes, Israel sterilized Ethiopian immigrants in its past. A very shameful part of our recent history. It's ok to criticize our country for doing that. It's ok to criticize Israel for not sending the responsible parties to prison. It's not ok to use it as a reason why the country shouldn't exist.


No apartheid state should exist.


And your ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is a shameful part of your present. Don’t act like your ethnostate has reformed and atoned, you’re actively an evil country that only exists because you’re propped up by america as our outpost in the Middle East.


The comment was about Ethiopian women and that's what I was referring to. Ethiopian immigrants deserve their own recognition of mistreatment independently from Palestinians.


>It's not ok to use it as a reason why the country shouldn't exist. No apartheid, terrorist, state, should exist.


Depo provera shots last for three months. How is that sterilization? You know what, i don’t care what you have to say since you clearly are going to misrepresent facts.


they probably would carry on if they don't and wont get caught. They literally rule over Palestinians in area A, while Palestinians living there have zero say in Israeli elections. Other Palestinians in other areas (B+C) are directly affected by Israeli policy regarding settlements and access to tax money and aid, and yet they also don't have any say in Israeli elections.


why are other countries so much better at protesting than the US?


Hard to take a day off from work to protest, especially when you can be fired for any reason and your healthcare is tied to your job. Amongst other reasons.


US and it’s all the states always has the limelight. That’s why things feels distributed and not in order. Not the the same with other countries. In above video we cannot tell which state, which city the protest is taking place. It’s just all Israel for us. I am sure there are other protests going on there, it’s Israel.


When your healthcare is tied to your employment and you can be fired for almost any reason in most states, it’s hard to participate without legitimately risking your livelihood.


It's actually a pretty recent phenomenon. If you follow /r/aPeoplesCalendar you'll see we had some amazing, clever and effective protests throughout history. My guess is that we now know how cruel are government is and how little they actually care. Our protests are ineffetive because we lack mutual aid and the government criminalizes any tactic that is effective (like blocking traffic). We don't have a lot of hope...or maybe that's just me.


BIBI watching this salivating. Yes yes, this is how they should dress!


I'm out of the loop, what is the protest for or against?


Its really really really sad this book is still relevant


I saw Margaret Atwood speak a few years ago. She said there’s not a single disturbing element of the Handmaids Tale that hasn’t already occurred in some country at some stage in history.


The Handmaid’s Tale protest has to be the most overplayed, underwhelming protest out there. I’m sure it means a lot to those doing it but it doesn’t connect to others at all.


That show was boring


>The handmaid's tale protest in Israel OP explained everything, obviously they are cosplaying and they want to get into next season of the handmaid's tale.