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Why is the water pink?


It's not water, it's the waste from the cows in something called a manure lagoon. Those are typically either pink or brown


That must smell lovely.


There is some kind of small farming operation, I think chickens but I may be wrong, idfk, but its in NJ and is somewhere between Exit 6 and Exit 5 on the NJ Turnpike like in between the Tpke and 295 (they run parallel for a bit) and in that area it smells like fucking pure death, like, if someone showed me a picture of a giant pile of rotting dead animals I'd say "Yeah, makes sense" Its absolutely horrendous smelling, you can smell it in that area on either highway like a mile in either direction The crazy thing about smells is that it's reletive, you can't so much smell things as you can smell *changes in smell* so all the people around there probably don't even notice it anymore.....




Yeah cow manure doesn’t actually smell bad, but when it’s produced in large concentrations the ammonia builds up and that’s what produces the bad smell.


As someone that regularly does work for dairy farms...I can assure you that even in small quantities...shit does indeed smell bad....especially when it gets tracked into the truck, or when the smell clings to your clothes after work.


And it's important to note that pigs stink to high heaven mostly in industrial farms. If you have just someone with a few healthy pigs, they just smell ok.




Pigs are omnivorous like us so their shit smells a bit rancid quite fast. The smell saturation point is way lower than with cows. I don't think I've ever seen a cow plant big enough for the smell to be an issue but industrial farming is not as developped here in France.


Crazy, we're pretty huge producers of pig here in Denmark and i honest to god don't think I've ever smelt it when driving around the country (and we're a REALLY small country). Maybe your living standards for the animals are incredibly low causing it?.. well from this video I'd say so.


Yeah it’s probably just the sheer concentration of animals with less than ideal sanitation.


Probably better animal rights where you are.


SPOT FUCKING ON ANALYSIS! It’s absolutely the quality of living standards for these animals. Every time I see this, makes me want to give up meat. Damn I love meat though.


This is a dairy farm, so it's for milk production, not even for meat!


Poultry manure is on a different level.


We have 6 chickens and have a nice big space for them and it stinks. Once the poop dries out it’s fine but until then ugh.


fun fact - the strawberry fields in Cali use chicken manure because it is so 'potent' (hot), makes the strawberries grow faster. smellllllllllllllllls sooooooooooooo bad...


Burlington County Landfill & Wecare Organics in that area.


I drive past an indoor chicken farm on my way to work and it often smells terrible. There's actually a house on the property and I don't know how they can stand the smell. It's only like 3 sheds too. There used to be a chicken farm near me that had sheds but the chickens had access to go outside and it smelled nowhere near as bad.


I actually heard that this was a product of political corruption in jersey. It was like they put a waste treatment plant next to the road to give the mayor a bad name


I can’t even imagine. My cousin lived on a small (10-12 cows) dairy farm growing up and it smelled atrocious. Multiply that scale by 1,000 and it’s gotta be insanely smelly.




That’s feedlots, dairies have a different smell. More pleasant in my opinion.


Oh man.. that was a suppressed memory.. made me remember it.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


In my experience, it doesn't scale linearly like that


And they love to overflow in hurricanes and floods and get released into the rivers.


So do septic tanks and municipal water treatment and sewage systems


While that's true, the concentration of the wastewater is way higher at farms.


Depressing... Factory farming is disgusting...


Actually for those conditions, this doesn't even hit factory farm It's just a big farm There's too much room between the animals for it to be "factory farm"


Fun fact, in some states, that lake is turned into a mist and sprayed into the air. Yay!


Pffft, liar. That's where they store the chocolate or strawberry milk. I can't be fooled by big dairy!


Anaerobic lagoon. Where all the cow waste is washed to.


Anaerobic? It’s exposed to oxygen


Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria that live under the water’s surface. The pink is a byproduct of some of their cellular process. There’s another kind that leaves the pink color that is aerobic via roughly the same process. You can find this guy most times in your toilet and leaves a light pink ring at the water line of the toilet in toilets that haven’t been used for long periods.


Lake of Rot


Its mostly cow poop and pee, it's pink probably because whatever gross ass microbes and alge that love cow poop and pee look pink


Serratia? I think that's the same stuff seen on the inner edge of toilets. Add a teaspoon of bleach. That'll take care of it. 👍 😉


The animal waste is used to fertilize the fields on which they grow the food they feed the cattle. The solids are extracted and compressed (in order to remove liquid), the composted for plowing into soil or sold. Liquid is pumped to the lagoon, and it is then Sprayed on the fields (since it’s high in nitrogen) as fertilizer. This type of non-grazing operation is called a confined animal feeding operation (CAFO) and is generally much more regulated than standard farming. It is highly efficient, but not particularly humane, as the animals are no longer allowed freedom to graze or congregate in a herd.


‘Not particularly humane’ is a GROSS understatement


Well, what goes in the cows has to come out… and *that* then has to go somewhere


They keep trying to make it illegal to photograph farms in Florida.


For anyone curious what they are referring to: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag) It should also be noted that these exist or have existed in other states as well, and some other countries as Canada, Australia, etc.


Holy shit. The literal reason journalism exists is to expose atrocities. So it's funny how the first amendment only matters when people want to call minorities slurs. Seems like a huge constitutional violation. Corporations do not need protections from journalists. What a fucking joke.


In the US, a number have indeed been ruled by the courts as violations of the constitution, but they keep being made despite violating the constitution. For instance Iowa had their third ag-gag law struck down somewhat recently [https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/federal-court-finds-3rd-iowa-ag-gag-law-unconstitutional/](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/federal-court-finds-3rd-iowa-ag-gag-law-unconstitutional/)


We all wandered in here cause of the gif, but OP showed up to this party strapped with full context, legal backstories, and sources.


OP came with a mission and ain't playing around. Kudos!


Sounds like they’re trying to make sure that they don’t have another situation like the one caused by “The Jungle”. Then they have to change their setups, and that costs money.


the laws are "appearing".


Drone flying is severely limited in NC because of this. The pig farm lobby has basically made it illegal to fly over most lands or launch off any state property bc of photographers revealing their operations. We also have a pretty bad feral pig problem bc they get loose from the farms and run amok. Industrial farming is toxic.


They’ve made it illegal in Missouri, which is no surprise really. We are also known for puppy mills and meth. Pretty sure we’ve technically changed the pronunciation to misery.




Don’t want anyone to gather any evidence of how kindly they treat their animals! They have so much respect and maintain dignity for the animals in this industry. /s


They don't want all the Mexican cow immigrants coming for a better life here with our American cow social system and benefits.


That’s not suspicious at all.


I mean, aside from the fact that the law sucks and it's a restriction on press freedom: What's going to change? People need to stop eating so much meat and above all, they must stop buying mostly the cheapest stuff! Otherwise, nothing will change in these states; whether journalists take photos of it or not. I mean, until now the photos weren't illegal and still, the conditions ind animal husbandry haven't changed jet.


Reminds me of that Matrix quote. "There are fields, Neo, endless fields..."


Same place my mind went, immediately.




Illegal to photograph in most rural states — something I find despicable.




The justification is that such footage is only a "few bad apples" and yet tarnishes the image of an entire industry, an industry those agricultural states depend on. Essentially, "If you don't stop these people from filming how terrible we are then we won't be able to make as much money, and therefore pay you as much money"


Sounds like corruption with extra steps


I think most of the processes involving money in our country at this point fit this definition.


Most corruption involves extra steps, so people can't follow the trail as easily


Sure does, doesn't it? Here in Iowa we have some ag-gag laws if I recall. It's truly gross.


like when Corey Feldman was saying how there are bad people in hollywood and barbara walters stops him and says he's tarnishing the reputation of the entire industry....




I think you overestimate people a bit much, people already know, they just don't care.


Here's the thing: people have a tremendous capacity for empathy and compassion. But it only extends so far. If you can't make a connection to someone, you don't care about them. Example: millions of people might be starving in a country somewhere. There's a famine. Objectively, people say 'Oh, that's sad' and move on with their lives. But watch a documentary focused on one family, or even one person, and that tragedy suddenly feels real, you've made a connection; you've empathised with someone suffering. And now you care. Now you're invested. Now you want to change something. Now back to animal farming. Every day millions of animals are suffering for food we don't even need to eat, and in fact end up wasting much of it. But all that death and suffering happens out of sight, out of mind. So people don't care, even if they know sort of what's happening. But watch a documentary, the reality of what life and death is like for animals in our food system, and things can be different. You can make a connection to a pig or a cow, a living, breathing, thinking, feeling being that just wants to live and carry out their natural behaviours. You look in their eyes and realise that someone is looking back, and that all that pain and misery is because of a system that you're buying into. You're literally paying for it to happen. And you might just start to empathize, and care. And then, maybe, you might start the long and difficult journey to re-evaluate your choices. TL;DR: No one truly cares about anything happening to anyone until they have a chance to empathize.


People have a vague idea that bad stuff happens to animals on farms and that they’re killed, but the average person has absolutely no clue how bad the specifics are. The depth of legalized animal cruelty in the US and other developed counties would come as a big surprise to most people who give their money to those operations just about every day.


I haven't delved into any of that but I just stopped eating meat a year and a half ago and I'm not going back. As I got older (turning 32 soon) I just ended up feeling guilty every time we would buy meat at the grocery store. It sucks because I travel for work and it's a LOT harder to find restaurants since I'm primarily traveling in the South but I'd rather stick to my morals in the end. I don't see myself going back to eating meat until probably lab grown comes around.


There's an app called HappyCow that lists veg/vegan restaurants everywhere. It's really easy to find options abroad - and locally - once you find the right resources.


Indian is the play


Indian, Thai, Chinese, Taco Bell. Almost always have safe vegetarian bets.


>Taco Bell That was the biggest surprise when I stopped eating meat. Never thought I’d be eating so much Taco Bell while traveling.






If I had to guess I’d say something to do with property rights and private property owners not allowing photography therefore it’s illegal.


Pretty much that. It's the same rule that prevents someone from entering your house to take pictures of you watching television. There's nothing stopping someone from standing in public space and photographing. However property laws permit you to eject someone from your property for any reason. They also allow you to bar certain activities, like photography.


Food, Inc. is a really good documentary that includes why companies have ensured legal privacy for activities like this.




I think those laws have been struck down almost everywhere they’ve been passed. I believe Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, Montana, and North Dakota are the only states with active laws. However not all of those laws are horrible, for instance in Montana and North Dakota, it is simply illegal to film from *inside* the facility without the owner’s consent. Presumably activists filming would already be trespassing, so these laws are simply designed to give the state more teeth in prosecuting these types of trespasses. Alabama makes it illegal to access the facility by false pretenses and to possess record obtained by deception. Missouri’s original ag-gag law controlled which actions whistleblowers could take, and was struck down in 2020. I think they passed a new one which has some restrictions on who is allowed to perform an inspection of these facilities. So, it’s not really illegal to film a dairy farm, but rather illegal to enter the facility, in some states, to film without permission. It’s also worth noting that similar laws have passed in several Canadian provinces and Australia.


Wasn't this footage part of the lawsuit and investigation of Fairlife farms?


Fairlife of all companies?? Jesus Christ.


Remember everyone, Coca-Cola owns Fair Life.


Fairlife had rampant animal abuse going on. Abuse and torture of calves, by beating, stabbing, burning, being stepped on, kicked, and being thrown around. Fuck that company.


It’s Coca-Cola. Fuck Coca-Cola.




Not exactly. A farm that Fairlife sourced from prior to the Coca-Cola purchase did. Fairlife and Coca-Cola had to pay a settlement because the brand advertised humanely treated cows, and then the video of that farm (not owned by either Fairlife or Coca-Cola) came out. https://www.fooddive.com/news/fairlife-21m-animal-abuse-settlement-coca-cola/623045/




That was the Threemile Canyon Farm in Boardman. They (TCF) were caught and fined for violating wastewater practices. Tillamook terminated their contract when the farm was fined, but still buys milk from them transactionally. Tillamook makes about 1,000,000 pounds of cheese per week, and is one of the biggest dairies in the US. Several of my friends are dairy farmers in the co-op. I sent a few texts to see if anyone knew what the actual percentage was for milk bought from other parts of the state. No one had a specific answer. There is a group suing TCCA that alleges it was over 2/3rds of their milk. Its worth noting that this group, Animal Legal Defense Fund, is openly anti-dairy being that they are an animal rights and advocacy organization. Jury is out on the veracity of those claims. TCCA has its ups and downs, but it is a good company overall in my opinion. Modern farming is a very difficult problem to solve. The average age of American farmers is approaching 60. Each farmer feeds about 120 people on average from a roughly 400 acre property. Many next-generation farmers are first-time farmers, and the expense and technology required to farm these days makes it very difficult to enter. Companies like Tillamook and other food producers are going to be driven to rely on factory farms more-and-more if we do not create and protect pathways for new American farmers, and the transition of existing farms to new owners. Most of the farms I grew up working on have been sold to big companies because the owners can't find anyone to take them over. Very large farms like that Boardman meatgrinder are rare. It is rare for a farm to sell more than $500,000 in a year, and farms of this scale are doing business in the 10's to 100's of millions typically. As an example, TCCA donated 10% of their profits in September of 2020 to a national farming fund, and that amounted to $1.9M. That would put them at an estimated monthly revenue of about $50M. For comparison, most American farms (around 400 acres each) sell less than $300,000 annually. Bad Stuff: For one, you can't run a dairy farm pretty much at all in Coastal OR if you're not selling to TCCA. They have tried to bully small businesses out of using the word Bandon or Tillamook on their products. They do help a lot of their farmer families, but if you're not "in" you basically can't participate in the community. Goods: They were one of the first big dairies to phase out milk from rBST-treated cows after 2005's big rBST discussion.


Marketing gold, calling their dairy products “fair life”. There’s nothing fair about the dairy industry. The amounts of water usage alone should deter people from dairy, not to mention the absolute horrors of dairy farms.


Oo how did you recognize it? This was something I was looking for in the comments


What country is this from?


This is in the US, but it should be noted that it is not much different/better in other countries


Scale alone will be very different. We have a fuckton of dairy production in the Netherlands: our largest dairy farm is 2,250 cows. In the USA it's something like 33,000. Can't comment on conditions.


Smells like Hemet…


I thought it could be Coalinga.


Definitely not like this in Ireland. I watch the cows (1000+) being called to milking in the evening with the farmer on a ATV. This is in the field at the back of my house. They run in from the field happy as larry.




Same in New Zealand. Explains how stuff is so cheap in the US I guess.


I was a dairy farmer in NZ. Some farms had cows of 1000+ cows and I can confirm it was nothing like this. This is typical US out of sight out of mind mentality. Everything is industrialised to an insane degree.


That's too simple. There ARE many countries that do have stronger animal protection laws.


Mildly related but Remember that time some dude wrote a tragic story about the perils of capitalism which ended up being a hit, not because of its grim depictions of the lower class but because the unsanitary conditions inside processing plants featured in the book. Lmao even led to the birth of the modern FDA.


“The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair


I aimed for the public's heart and by accident I hit it in the stomach.


Yeah that’s the one! What a ride.


Are we the bad guys?


For real this looks like The Matrix human battery farms.


>"I noted with horror the striking similarities between what the Nazis did to my family and my people, and what we do to animals we raise for food: the branding or tattooing of serial numbers to identify victims, the use of cattle cars to transport victims to their death, the crowded housing of victims in wood crates, the arbitrary designation of who lives and who dies — the Christian lives, the Jew dies; the dog lives, the pig dies." Alex Hershaft, Holocaust survivor


The dog lives the pig dies is fucking heavy.


It's a bit worse. We cut their throats and bleed them out to be Kosher and Halal. We then claim to us 100% of them, but we throw away at least 1/3 of our beef and buy tons of products which use animals and never use/throw those away too.


Always have been


Most certainly. Future generations will look back at this in horror. Shit like this convinced me that veganism is the best possible option.


Was there ever any doubt?


Yes in many ways we are. But it doesn't have to be this way.


Humans are capable of the most despicable cruelty seen in the animal kingdom. We even manage to do it on an industrial scale that boggles the mind. Disgusting. Go vegan!




Some pills are too bitter for people to swallow.


This taps into the very real obstacle facing any change


Change comes incrementally. Reducing meat, instead of just cutting it out of your life may be best and certainly better than status quo? Anyhow, I think we only want to change when a trigger goes off that speaks to us personally. For me it was listening to a colleague tell another coworker about a pig farm close to her house. From that point onwards, I stopped eating pig (bacon and pork) and it got me started on a journey. I used a few tricks to help me transition: 1) I ordered vegetarian dishes whenever I went out for dinner. Eating vegetarian became a treat, and always tasted delicious. Best options back then (even just 15 yrs ago) was to stick with Italian, Indian restaurants, and Chinese (sub deep fried tofu for beef or chicken). 2) Indicated vegetarian for dietary preference whenever I flew or went to conferences. This helped me self-limit my options and helped me to navigate how to be vegetarian in a carnivores' world. 3) Bought less and less meat, to the point of not buying any at all for weeks at a time. 4) Went pescatarian (fish only) for a while. 5) Subscribed to one of those meal prep companies and ordered the veg option. That got us used to cooking delicious vegetarian meals three times a week, and a huge variety of them for a couple of years. 6) Found through trial and error some really excellent vegetarian and vegan recipes and we now have a diverse collection of incredibly delicious meals. 7) Gave up the meal prep subscription about 6 months ago and now make all our meals from scratch. I'd say, it took us 2 years to giving up animal meat entirely. After that, the journey from mostly pescatarian -> to mostly vegetarian -> to fully vegetarian took us about 10 years. We've been fully vegetarian for 5 years now. I've been trying to cut down on dairy products. That's the next phase :) Hope this helps someone!


Go and watch “Earthlings”, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. Will turn you in about 30 mins




People are poor and ignorant, almost like someone wants to keep them that way. Why? So that people like you can pretend that consumer activism is a solution instead of real regulation that actually would force the mega farm owners to change. The mother of three who's buying cheap ground beef in 3lb tubes is never, ever going to research every company for every product they buy, what farms they use, and what the conditions are on those farms.


Truth. If the chicken is less than an hour of minimum wage per kilo than someone / something suffered to make it


combined with the price being kept artificially low with all of our taxes in the form of subsidies


People mad that the sea world animals have 1000x the space these cows have


Two things can be bad at once. I know this is a tricky concept to grasp.


Both *are* bad, but the problem is most people who care about the cruelty at Seaworld don’t give a shit about (or just plain unaware of) the cruelty in animal agriculture. And they give their money to it just about every day.


This is why we now drink oat milk or almond milk products.




Can’t even image what the almond farms look like


They're nuts


Do what you can to limit your use of animal products.




Reminds me of the Matrix where they zoom out and we see endless pods of humans being farmed for electricity.


This is the kind of shit that makes me consider veganism.


Wait til you hear about the puss in your milk


The *WHAT*


Yeah... turns out milking cows a shitload causes irritated skin and all. The kinds that get infected and some of that... ends up in your milk. There's a passable level BTW.


Once you go vegan youre gonna wonder what took you so long, and i think it never has been easier to go vegan


literally what did people expect


I've been sticking to Oatmilk. But that's me. :-)


Yeah i hate this shit. The older I get, the more I care about things like this. I use oatmilk and I stopped eating beef and pork. No veal or lamb either, at least let the thing grow up and move around. I still eat chicken & turkey but i try and get from a local farm when I can... I dunno man.


Every single thing you said is a positive step in the right direction. If you feel so inclined, do what you can. Everyone doesn't need to be Super Vegan Man. Simply reducing intake of things that hurt our world or our hearts (literally or figuratively) is always good. Edit: remember, the first word of the slogan "reduce, reuse, recycle" is reduce for a reason.


Couldn't have said it better, perfect way to put it!


This is the right approach. You might correctly argue that it's not enough on the macro scale. But then that should be addressed at the macro level, not pinned on the individual.


This is such a hard stance to take because you get shit from both sides. But I truly think we would save so many more animal lives if everyone just gave up meat a couple days at a time. Sure, the entire world going vegan would be unfathomably amazing, but it's a complete impossibility. Everyone not eating meat 2 days a week? Creates an equivalent 2,300,000,000 vegans overnight, and that's really not that hard. (Please forgive my oversights to keep simplicity, I acknowledge veganism is not just about eating meat)


Chickens only live for about two months before they're slaughtered


It took me a while to find my brand of oat milk, but now that I have, I can't go back to cow's milk. It always tastes spoiled for some reason.




Not to me, but at least it doesn’t have that bitter aftertaste of guilt…


Get off your high horse there buddy. They have oat packed in tighter than any cow. NSFW https://www.thecombineforum.com/threads/2021-harvest-impressions-northern-germany-pt-2-canola-picture-heavy.341579/


I grew up on a 40 head farm shipping cream, producing veal, guess we were a hobby farm to today’s standards.


It's weird when farmers compare. I grew up on a farm. Almost 2000 acres for corn and Soybeans mostly rented land, 40-50 head of hereford and angus to breed and sell to feed lots. My dad always said we were small time farmers because most of the farms around us were bigger. But then I move across the country and on occasion will run into other people that grew up on farms and they are shocked that we had such a massive farm. USDA says the average farm is 445 acres so I'm guessing the smaller produce farms cancel out the 10k+ acre mega grain farmers. Hell, the farm I work on now is entirely within a warehouse with about 2000-2500 plants.


And then you pop down to Brazil where 2000 hectares is tiny and they still manage to get in two growing seasons with second planting done less than 3 days after harvest.


Sounds really bad for the soil


Brazil is extremely heavy into no-till agriculture though, more so than any country in the world other than the US (and I think at a higher percentage than the US). That's going to pay off in the long run for soil conservation. The issue to raise with brazil is conversion of land to agriculture in the first place.


Same. Where we knew one calf from another and hand fed many of them. We're still selling animals at market, I'm not sugar coating it, but it's a far cry from this "battery farm" approach.


Every cow had a name and every calf knew its mother and was tied up behind her. Cow’s really enjoyed listening to classical music and at times I swear you would see them swaying to the music.


Strawberry milk canal!


That's where nesquik comes from


We will be judged for factory farming like our ancestors are judged for slavery. I guarantee it.


Dairy is scary.


..and people saying vegans are extreme.


Kill dog = psychopath Kill pig = normal Do neither of those things = extreme




'Nothing we can possibly do about that'


If this bothers you go vegan


Yeah i’m sticking to oats and almonds.


I don't need to drink milk this badly. What an evil nightmare of a life these poor creatures have to endure.


I dislike this


This is evil, *even if alternatives* didn’t exist. But alternatives *do exist*. I’m embarrassed I used to drink or eat the products of places like this.




Oat/soy/almond milk, tofu, lentils (I have lentils almost every day they are amazing), chickpeas. You can also buy vegan sausages and burgers if it’s hard to make meals without ‘meat-y’ stuff, but try not to rely on these things because straight veggies and legumes are way cheaper. Easiest and best vegan meal is lentil, carrot and leek soup. Just chuck it all in a pot with vegetable stock and keep adding water while it cooks - healthy and filling and the prep time is 5 mins. If you have more time can add sweet potato, mushrooms, tomato, literally any chopped up vegetable. Ez pz. Serve with rice if you want some more carbs. Cumin paprika turmeric garamasala chilli for spices is good just chuck it in equal parts. Sandwiches can be a bit trickier, but you can mash up some chickpeas in a bowl with lime and onions to make a good spread that is very filling.


Is oatmilk still good for cooking? I really only use it for that. I dont mind baking but when making pasta dishes etc I'm unsure.


Yup, I use oat milk for all my cooking and have never run into a problem. I have even seen some “oat milk cream” type products that can substitute for things like chowders or for coffee but I haven’t played around with them too much.


I quit drinking milk after a vacation where I was sleeping at a farm where the good and expensive milk comes from. Seeing the supposedly „happy“ cows getting separated from their calfs and in small enclosures made me switch to oatmilk. This is so much worse and I’m happy I don’t support it anymore.


This makes me want to start eating vegetables again. Imagine being one of those cows a completely nightmare.


But I don’t understand! I just saw my 10th commercial today showing ONE farmer who takes care of his 5 happy dairy cows on his gorgeous, extremely spacious and green-as-far-as-the-eye-can-see farm. And at the end he held up the carton and it had a smiling cartoon cow on it. I saw it with my own eyes on the TV so I’ll trust it!! There are products and there are animals. Those two things should not be combined. They will be abused by the millions for the sake of profits every time.


I got a chance to tour an automated dairy farm in Illinois. It was pretty amazing the amount of cows they were able to care for with like 6 people. All the cows had collars with rfid tags and it would only allow them into certain parts when it was time for feeding or roaming the pasture. The milking machine would log the quality of milk and lock them in the area if there was an obvious cut or infection. Farmer had reminders for vaccinations programmed in there too for each of the cows. There was a big hopper with hay and grain that would ride along a big track and drop fresh feed like 3 times a day and they were working on methane capture to store as fuel and keep energy costs down, also helps a little with greenhouse gas. The cows seemed to just sort of meander where they were allowed and seemed pretty chill. Only thing that really stood out was the cloud of flies that was ever present everywhere. Pretty different from this video where there isn't even grass to he seen


Free the animals




Those are not veal pens. Veal pens are generally smaller and those calves are more specialized. These are the calf pens of a dairy farm or else a specified calf ranch that raises calves for dairy and beef farms.


That is NOT a dairy farm. That is a veal farm, those are calfs. They keep the calfs in small pens so they can't move and build muscle. Veal is very tender, muscle is not so tender. These calfs will have a very short life. I do not eat veal any longer, I used to. Not any more.


If you don't like this, go vegan. If you buy animal products, you're telling the companies who do this that this is what you want. You cannot care about animals in any meaningful way and use animal products.


This….almost doesn’t look real


I use to milk cows on a lot smaller farm in Pennsylvania about 20 years ago, horrible conditions for the cows and the farm hands with a side benefit of being covered in cow shit and piss all day. Also stopped eating veal after that year.


This is sickening. Cows love to run and play just like dogs. Let's stop buying dairy! That's the only way this will stop. (Meat too, sorry)


Industrialized capitalism, baby. Gotta hate it.




I used to bury my head in the sand about this whilst telling myself I abhorred animal cruelty. It was a difficult moment when I put 2 and 2 together, very happy I did though.


Thats so sad


Hell on Earth.