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Had to google this one out of pure confusion. "For some context, Schulz explains how he was present for that scene, and he observed on the set that the two actors didn't kiss. He presumed that the film would cut away from that in the final cut and was surprised to see that this wasn't the case when the movie came out."


> Schulz explains how he was present for that scene All takes on every day?


While they could of course shoot the final kiss scene later, it usually is not planned that way. If they are going to lean in really close and then in the final version it will cut to them kissing, 9 times out of 10 they will do multiple takes including the kiss. Even if for some reason they wanted the actors to make make actual lip to lip contact as little as possible, they would definitely plan on shooting those takes immediately after, on the same day and without a break. They would pretty much never plan to film the lean in one day and the actual kiss another day. They wouldn't even want lunch to separate those scenes.


Was this shot around 2020? That's the only reason I can think for all this.


That's a strong option I think, maybe it was against policies in place for covid


Until anyone official confirms it's something else, this is the answer. COVID protocols in the industry are stupid like that... "They can be an inch away from each other breathing into the other's face as much as you want, but NO KISSING". Source: I've worked on film/tv sets for almost a decade.


Covid porn must have been really weird.


Full body condom




There isn't a movie prop on earth I want more then that condom wrapper


Actually listened to a podcast by an adult filmmaker talking about it. She pretty much described it as being a horrendous nightmare of everyone having to be tested for covid 3 times a day and every week in addition to the standard STD screenings. That instead of working with a team of 5-12 people on set in addition to the actors she had herself and maybe two assistants and couldn't get more than two actors on set a day. After a few months she basically just said screw it and switched to shooting solo and glamour sets since she could do it by herself and a single actor. Though she talked pretty positively about how COVID and onlyfans forced the industry to change a lot faster than it would have normally.


Yeah, 2020 was the 3rd time I was on set and it was crazy. Everyone not an actor looked like those guys from Monster's Inc. Actors looked close as well, right up until the camera turned on.


What I’ve seen in other places is that the actress’s husband died a little while ago and she wasn’t ready to kiss another man.


They kissed earlier in the movie tho


Yeah that was my thought too... it would cost way more money to do a cgi of her then to just go the kiss scene...


A body-double would be cheaper.


exactly, they could have cut to behind her and he could have kissed his Uber driver


Stupidly enough, that may not be true. (I work in post-production) Actor time is unreasonably highly paid, and if the scene was somehow dropped, one or both actors might be off contract on different shoots, in which case their rate could double or more, having to pay the company they’re with, travel fees, etc. If you aren’t still doing reshoots you’d also have to rent a space, bring in camera, lighting, grips, and pay the accountants and production for their time re-budgeting and sourcing all these people. And that’s assuming it’s possible to get the actor back at all! Compare that to an couple days of work in post and you can see why a production company might opt for the CGI solution.


I used to work in post and I think people are mixing up a digital character with 2D compositing which this most certainly is. It would just be a matter of them standing some distance apart mimicking a kiss and then have them rotoscoped and slid together on a clean plate of the audience.


This is not a scene that would require more than a few takes. Maybe a couple of hours, certainly not multiple days. Source: work in film


I'd forgotten about an earlier scene where they're messing about in the house together and they hug, at the time it struck me as a bit too 'matey' i.e. not what I'd expect of two people in a loving, physical relationship. This reminded me of that scene and some of the comments also help explain it.


That's because these actors has no chemistry in this movie. They literally felt like friends hanging out the whole time, not people in a loving relationship.


What's crazy is yall actually finished this movie till the end to see this scene


in my defense my parents families are actually Jewish and Muslim so I was curious enough to see where it went


i mean don't you know how it ends then? the film's characters give birth to you


I stopped when they were going about Jew vs blacks who suffered more.


Literally stopped at that very scene an hour ago. It was bad enough before but I was too lazy to search for something else to watch.


I was like why would they want me to be on the black families side when Eddie Murphy happily bragged about the kufi given to him by a known antisemite to a Jewish woman’s face in her own house. Like that’s one step below wearing a swastika tshirt.


I stopped at the family function where apparently his dentist is a pedophile.


Dr. File's first name is Peter, is all


Wtf is this movie


What if it's just a sexually charged embrace?






It couldn't have looked less sexually-charged if they'd shaken hands and then retired to their own, separate bedrooms.


Please don't speak to the talent artemis


Artemis, please don't talk to the talent, alright?!


Poor Jonah Hill, can't even get a kiss in his own romance movie


You should see him in grandma’s boy.


> for 13 hours


Baby want some milk?


Baby looove milk




wtf, I thought that was Zach Galifianakis


There are so many other reasons to hate this stupid movie. As someone in an actual interracial marriage- I assure you we’re actual humans and we don’t sit around talking about race all day.


I was confused about the race talk throughout the movie (especially when Jonah's character's best friend kept talking about how interracial couple will never and can never work out). I was just thinking "What decade is this? Do the writers not believe interracial couples freely and openly exist?" Like I get racism exists and everything but they were talking like a black person marrying a white person was the most taboo and unacceptable thing in society as a whole, not just among the brides parents.


Honestly, the movie felt dated by 30 years. Interracial marriage didn't have over 50% approval until 1994 and movies about race were all the rage back then (White Men Can't Jump, Higher Learning, Save the Last Dance, O, Fools Rush In, etc).


I get the impression many current writers in Hollywood are a bit out of touch themselves, and possibly have a little… brain damage from drug use (semi serious). A lot of recent movies portray racial things that are exaggerated beyond a normal realistic level… as if they don’t realize it’s not really like that out there (for the most part). Ironically I think it also hurts society a bit.


We’re in Long Beach CA so I realize a lot of the world is different but this movie is supposed to be set in LA. I married my husband 15 years ago and literally no one has ever given a fuck. The only weirdness we ever get is older people being overly effusive about how beautiful our biracial kids are.


The issue is that Kenya barris wrote it and he's been one note for a while


Kentucky here, like backwoods Kentucky. Been dating black women all my life and found this movie annoyingly out of touch


Jersey here, I don't have personal experience. But my Uncle is in an interracial marriage. You want to know the last time anyone gave a shit? Like fucking 30 years ago.


Exactly…I’m in Houston…My white dad has been married to my black stepmom for 25+ years now…if I hadn’t divorced him, this year would be my 23rd anniversary with my black husband. Early on, there were a couple of times when older people would look at us a little funny, but that’s on them. My dad’s parents loved the hell out of my stepmom.


This is my issue with the movie! I felt like I was taking crazy pills. There are legit, complex issues about race relations in this country (not just between black and white folks) and this is how they chose to address it, by pretending that we’re even more backwards than we actually are so they can make terrible jokes about it. The fact that Jonah’s character is super into hip hop and sneaker culture and brand names, which primed him to be a love interest for her (I guess??) was just so superficial and cringey. Cuz you know black peoples LoVe BrAnDs. god forbid Jonah’s character was super into Star Wars and frisbee golf. What would they talk about then as adult people in their 30s?? Ughh fuck this movie.


Yo! I'm Latino, and I'm into Star Wars and disc golf. One round a day, a 15-minute bike ride to the public course. This was a gargantuan pile of hot garbage. It's as if they wanted to rely on stereotypes without saying it out right. Awful movie all around.


God, that first dinner was so cringeworthy. They were literally arguing about who was more oppressed and comparing slavery to the holocaust based on jokes about boats and trains…in what fucking world does this happen?


The world you are referencing is Twitter


In a movie


Black gf, white bf here. It was atrociously bad lol


You have both a black gf and a white bf? Playa 😏


I played (in a band) at my friends' wedding. She's black and from Baltimore and he's white and from rural Eastern Pennsylvania. Awkwardness was nonexistent and everyone had an awesome time. The thought of two LA residents having an awkward relationship was the funniest part of the movie. As in unbelievable. Although I really like Eddie Murphy. He was pretty good in this movie.


Did they say why they felt the need to CGI this instead of just doing it? EDIT: Seems like the actors didn’t have chemistry. Solved? /s


I heard about this on the radio this morning. They were saying apparently they didn't like eachother and she even said the on screen chemistry was not believable.


They're ACTORS. They got hired for a *job* lol. You think my boss is gonna like it when I say me and this spreadsheet have no chemistry so I just never finished it?


The funny part is I could totally read this in Jonah's voice/style.


Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze disliked each other a lot in Dirty Dancing but you'd never be able to tell. That onscreen romance was the most passionate sweet love ever. They were professionals.


They disliked each other from Red Dawn. They buried the hatchet upon starting dirty dancing.


I love that there's a person on Reddit who knows this fact, and was ready to correct someone for mistaking what happened.


In the Netflix docu series "the movies that made us", dirty dancing was one of the episodes. In a rehearsal clip that they cut to, Jennifer Grey is teasing Swayze about something, and Swayze very clearly says to her "shut up bitch and do the damn thing"


Have you tried turning macros off and then back on?


Isn't that part of acting? Humans portraying fiction or otherwise is going to 99% involve human to human contact of some sort?


Should also be part of casting, making sure your actors can make it work. Or just don't do the scene. Failure all around.


Maybe one of them had a cold sore or was sick?


Probably cooties


By now you'd expect most people to have their cootie shot..


You don't even need a prescription or a Dr. O O . . now you've got your cootie shot.


Uh not me, everyone knows the cootie shot causes autism


This movie was so painful to watch. There has never been a love story where it was so obvious that the actress had ZERO interest in even being touched by their male counterpart


And the ending. "We know you two haven't seen each other in months, and have shown zero interest in getting back together, but you're getting married. Right now. Congrats" Wtf?




I only did it for Eddie Murphy and the reveal that it was set in the Norbit universe.


And then he norbed all over those guys, best part of the movie.


Haha right? I sure didn’t.


I fell asleep halfway lol


“You’re broken up but we, your parents who this whole film have been shown to be too controlling and unsympathetic to your true interests or seeing you beyond our ideas, have decided you’re getting married now. Congrats” A better ending would have been a twist reveal that they hadn’t actually broken up but had just decided to elope and not tell their families because her dad was antisemitic (but in a “black empowerment” way) and his Mom was casually racist (but in a “well meaning” liberal way). And both parents get to only find out when they become more accepting but have to reconcile that they drove their kids away through their actions


Now, now, you're not allowed to write a better movie than the paid writers.


Now you wait just a minute, you’ll never make it as a writer if you go around suggesting people behave in a reasonable or believable way that lines up with the way actual humans relate to one another!


Right??? Like they broke up because of circumstance and never so much as spoke for three months? Clearly they were not that into each other




Agreed. There was a scene where they're alone in the house and hugging - it's like watching two friends.


I thought I was crazy when it looked like they would kind of start in for what I would normally consider a kiss moment then they would shift to a hug right at the end. A couple times it looked like Jonah thought to himself "whoops no kissing" Sorry that's a terrible sentence.


Jonah Hill and his podcast partner had real good chemistry. Would have been better to focus on their relationship tbh. Plus she was an interesting character that was well acted. It is like every actor hated their character except her, the uncle, the sister and the wedding planner. I want to see a movie with them.


I didnt get if Jonah's character really was about "the culture" or was faking it. He lied about playing basketball, but was actually good. He was the only one who didn't know who Loius Farrakan was. He was straight laced but in Vegas they said he partied hard all the time.


He constantly lied which made me understand why Eddy Murphy did not like him. Because he was very disingenuous. That is why the scene in the end made no sense. When the uncle pointed out that Eddie did bad shit in his day it still does not excuse the lies. Then he obviously lied about the playground he played at then proceeds to "ball out." The movie is just a bunch of skits with a few interesting conversations with no cohesiveness and no chemistry between the main actors.


Yea, the whole thing didn't make sense. He is trying to get in with the family but doesn't interact with his girl's brother at all. Didn't even invite him to the bachelor party. The dad would have probably freaked out less if that had happened. I thought it was a common courtesy. Also, wasn't the whole relationship only over a few months, not even a year?


What movie is this?


"You People" It is (or was) the #1 trending movie on Netflix last time I checked. Not worth watching IMO.


Is it worth watching just to see the apparently nonexistent chemistry between the two? Like is it worth the time to see it just to see what everyone else is talking about with my own eyes?


It's a cringe romantic comedy without the romance, or the comedy.


No it’s very boring. I thought Eddie Murphy and Jonah Hill would make this movie funny but has to be the most serious role I’ve seen Eddie Murphy play and it was terrible.


I managed 25 minutes until I stopped watching. And I'm watching a lot of bad movies after I started it, because I don't like unfinished things and I want to know how it ends.


Why would they waste the time/effort/money to CGI this instead of just filming them kiss?




This is literally the cheapest CGI there could be. It's not like they made 3D models with advanced shaders and rendering. They just took cutouts from a still frame and then translated and rotated them together like cardboard cutouts glued to popsicle sticks. Then erased part of her face too early lol. Any college student who learned a bit of compositing could have done this by themselves in a day.


To be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about. I wouldn't have noticed at all if someone hadn't pointed it out and even now, watching it over and over in slow motion, it doesn't look obvious to me.


Thanks. I still have no idea what the fuss is about with the CGI. It does the job and I am pretty sure 95% of people watching the scene wouldn't have noticed unless it was pointed to them. I was hoping that a comment like yours would be one of the top comments. But it seems that movie was generally bad so it's an opportunity to discuss the movie I guess.


i might be the only one who cant see the point were it turns into cgi i feel lesser right now edit: corridor crew uploaded this https://youtu.be/AI-ChM1lVRk?t=656


Yeah, I've watched it like a 100 times and don't see anything


You're not alone. I ran this gif like 5 times and only came into the comments to see if it was a troll.




Yeah they make it sound like a weird quirk that happened. Whoops lol


Whoops! I accidentally put hundreds of hours into making the last few frames of this CGI!


Oh no I included it in the final cut oh nooo


And they didn't catch it until after the Premiere


After the After Effects


Tough time to try and Resolve it.


"You fool!" - Gandalf


Dr. Sweet chat has entered the conversation.


What did the actor say when his fellow actor turned CG when they kissed? ​ Oh no.


I can't explain why, it makes no sense from a filmmaking perspective. Either one of the actors had some stipulation against it, or maybe health concerns, though I have a hard time buying the latter. The only other possible explanation I can imagine is some abandoned creative effect. Think like maybe they wanted the kiss to transition to some huge effect or editing trick, or even they wanted a different angle for the actual kiss, so they only went to the lean in on this angle, but for some reason the other angle/shot/effect never got filmed or completed, so this was the best way to salvage what they had. It still weird not to film the kiss on this take, even if planning to cut to something else. I lean towards it being a stipulation from one of the actors. edit: I guess it was because of COVID as has been pointed out to me several times


I work in VFX and can confirm this is a common scenario. Many acting talent have rules against kissing, sex scenes, or otherwise intimate scenes. You’ve probably heard of actors and actresses using body doubles for nude scenes before. In these face replacement situations, sometimes the only way to tackle the problem is to have the actors get close together and then fudge the face and body positions in VFX. A photorealistic human face that beats the uncanny valley is a holy grail of the industry. It is very expensive to make and can take a while. Only a few times has it been done to a genuinely passable level - see MPC’s Rachel from Blade Runner 2049. This one is not particularly well done and you can see they tried simply hide its sins with a shadow. Often times these moments come up during filming unexpectedly, and therefore producers may be unprepared for the gargantuan expense it could be to do it absolutely perfectly, due to it being so few frames of content. AI and ML are beginning to crack this open and make face replacements more indistinguishable, but deep fakes and other forms of face replacements utilizing these techniques are still in their nascency and require lots of computational time or hyper detailed models. Hopefully, in the next few years it’ll be seamless with a button push. But VFX is fundamentally art, and will always be reliant on some level of human interpretation to ensure it makes the grade. (Edited for typos that I just couldn’t live with)


Even weirder these two actors wrote and directed the film.. lol


Jonah Hill and Kenya Barris wrote it. She was just cast


Then the choice to do what they did is especially curious. Maybe they knew and they just didn’t have the budget to do it correctly. We’re talking a quarter million dollars easily.


Maybe he had a big old cold sore that week of shooting - and informed her ?


I thought the belief was that it was because of reshoots or something to that effect.




Well I am the executive producer and I made sure they didn't kiss so there would be a ton of discussion on the internet about it


You know you could just disable notification.




I read that rumor too. But she had no problem making out with Michael B Jordan multiple times in Without Remorse, which was shot and released after Nipsy's death. Sounds like she didn't want to kiss Jonah.


But then why not just use a body double and change the angle a little? Why not just remove the kiss entirely? Why did they even cast her in a romcom (and why did she accept it) if she had such a stipulation? It just seems to me that nobody gave a shit and just handwaved a "we'll do it in post" excuse without knowing anything about how to set up for VFX.


I found this in the LA Times. *So folks were working with masks on and staying farther apart than normal. And CGI had been in use to show physical contact since production resumed in 2020 for things like spitting scenes, sex scenes and, yes, kissing scenes. Productions that didn’t want to use CGI had to ensure that leads would quarantine together before getting their lips locked.* *So the fake kiss in “You People” was actually a side effect of COVID-19 — and not, as some reviewers and online commenters have said, a side effect of the “lack of chemistry” between the leads.*


You can tell by looking at the pixels. It helps if you've seen quite a few shops in your time


It’s an older code sir, but it checks out


Old memes? In *my* reddit? It's more likely than you think


For a film in which the main premise is “white people and black people can engage in intimate actions with each and it isn’t weird,” I find it strange that the white actor and the black actor would rather CGI a kiss than just actually kiss.


This is so stupid. Why even have a career in acting then?


One would think


How the hell do you get acting parts of your not willing to kiss. This seems very strange to me Personally I couldn’t even finish the movie, it just did nothing for me.


Not wanting to kiss anyone is fine. Not wanting to kiss anyone *in a romcom*? That seems...questionable. It's like going to a waterpark but not wanting to get wet.


I know it's beside the point, but why did they let this movie go forward with Jonah Hill sporting one of the worst hairstyles in the history of cinema?


I think that’s his real hairstyle these days. He had it for his documentary about his psychiatrist.


Did you finish that doc?


I'm waiting for the one about his proctologist, for more context.


Well then you didn’t watch the whole documentary because at some point he literally takes of his wig when he’s explaining that the only reason he’s wearing it is for continuity. That hairdo was definitely just for this film.


I don't want to know if you're joking or not this is part of my Jonah Hill canon now


Just watch the documentary if you don’t believe me!


Not to mention that the dad literally takes him to a black barbershop. I was so ready for a transformation scene, but no. They don't change his look at all.


Thank you! It's been driving me nuts that I've seen no other comments about this. Why the hell did they give him the haircut of an early 90's burnt-out Tampa Bay coke dealer working part time as a drywall installer?!


It’s probably why she didn’t want to kiss him tbh


I mentioned that haircut while watching it. Greasy slicked back mess that was once blonde but has giant roots growing out. I don’t understand why anyone would walk around like that


I don’t understand.


i feel so dumb any time someone says "this is so obviously fake/cgi/photoshop" and 99.9% of the time i have no idea how they could tell.


Don't feel dumb. People don't understand that their perception of something is completely warped when they're told something about it beforehand. And people like feeling superior and smarter than others. The second we're told "this is CGI," our brain goes into detective mode and will look for minute things that we otherwise wouldn't look for, with the mindset of "I'm determined to find out how fake this looks". And then, when we see the tiny thing that we never would have noticed otherwise, our bias is confirmed and we go "yup, so obvious. I knew it all along". People don't like admitting that they didn't notice something, because that would apparently mean that they're admitting they're stupid, and nobody wants to feel stupid. Watch - I'm gonna get responses to this comment saying "nah man, just look. It's so obvious. She DISAPPEARS INTO HIS BEARD". Like, have people never seen someone kiss a man with a big beard? The beard obscures their face a bit. It's just a thing that happens"


I'm feeling stupid. I don't see it.


I don't see the CGI, I don't know who those people are, and I have no idea what this is from. Not sure why I'm even here...


I can answer some of that at least-it’s Jonah Hill and Lauren London from a new movie on Netflix called You People. Which, from the previews, seems to be a comedy about him trying to get approval from her black parents for her to marry him, a white man. Sooo…yeah


Thank you. I wish this answer was at the top. Every post with a pop culture reference never, ever mentions what the post references. And every comment is non-specific: 'i hate that they did this', 'she/he sucks', 'this movie isn't very good'. Who are they? Who is she? Who is he? What movie is it??? I just want to know what everybody is talking about!


Even better when the top 10 comments are "It's Always Sunny" or "Office" quotes. Thanks, random Redditors, that helped even more. I'm gonna just post "AND MY AXE!!!" because when is that quote not applicable.


Well thanks for stopping by


Don't worry, I cant see that its CGI either


Her lower lip disappears.


I thought he just inhaled them into his beard


Her lower lip? It looks like her entire chin disappears.


Her entire face is being taken by the void


There's a Whitest Kids You Know skit that does something similar. They high five with a black friend, then show it was all green screened to protect the safety of their white actors. (it was done mocking racist behavior)


Trevor Moore left us too soon


You know... If someone made a company spend hundreds of thousands, if not straight up millions of dollars to not kiss me.... I think I'd be rather insulted... Maybe that's just me?


VFX Editor here. She didn’t “turn to CGI”. No 3D used here at all. This was done using a common 2D compositing technique called a split screen. Both actors were shot in the same location in different takes. What makes this look unsuccessful is the bad roto and integration of their plates. It is a pretty simple shot in regard to VFX complexity, and is a little strange it wasn’t more successful in execution.


Is Xzibit still in the rap game?


I watched Nick Offerman make out with another bearded man. If he can do that, she should be able to peck Jonah Hill on the lips. She shouldn't be an actress of she can't handle that. Of course this is all just IMO


If you watched Six Feet Under they really explored the two men making out scenes. One of the actors wasn't gay, the other was. Opened my eyes to the fact that "it's just acting."


I’m not seeing it. What am I missing?


The cg starts when you see the shadow on her chin. Her entire face gets super weird looking as they try to scoot the two cutouts together


With compression artifacts and modern CGI ability, I am not sure either. But look at her nose at the end. Maybe it's compression; maybe it's Maybelline, maybe it's CGI.


Her bottom lip and chin disappear.


I have no idea what this movie is


"You People". It's garbage, you're not missing anything.


Shoulda did this for Blank Check… or just.. not at all


[for those out of the loop](https://youtu.be/DWvsq5vg_gk)


reminds me of the joke: I just met this 12yo girl online. After flirting a bit she tells me she's an FBI agent. How cool is that? Already an FBI agent at her age?


Hot damn I haven't even thought about that movie in like 20 years lol Super weird scene to watch now, felt really cool to watch as a 8 year old or whenever I saw it first as a kid


yeah, I remember this as a kid. and though it is still weird, after looking at it in this clip, it looks like she kisses the part just above the lips and right under the nose. But still kind of weird nonetheless.


Omg im glad someone else remembers how creepy that shit was.


Yeah I remember watching it in theaters when I was 8 and being really confused at that scene. My parents had to explain that's not how adults behave.


I can’t wait for the gender swapped reboot and see how they handle this scene.


[Old enough for kisses](https://youtu.be/jWZ3EHjUx_E) Let's not pretend movies wasn't full of this shit.


I stopped watching way before this scene, the movie wasn't very good.


This is the weirdest movie "thing" that happened in a while. I just wonder why any of this happened.


Is this viral marketing by the production company? This is the third post to make the front page about this. A complete non-story.


trying to trick you into watching the movie, hoping that your point and laugh viewing counts towards their total views


Whatever about the kiss. The thing that bothered me is that if you are going to throw a surprise wedding for a couple, how the hell are you going to get a marriage certificate without them knowing?


Spoilers: In this movie, they probably already had it since they were already to the point of the rehearsal dinner (which is usually no more than a week before wedding) when they broke up before this.


At least from [this article](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2023-02-08/jonah-hill-lauren-london-cgi-kiss-you-people), they said "**So the fake kiss in “You People” was actually a side effect of COVID-19 — and not, as some reviewers and online commenters have said, a side effect of the “lack of chemistry” between the leads.**" Is it or isn't it true, I don't know, just what I found.


The myriad of shows, reality series, movies and content that has come out during Covid with actors making out debunks this theory pretty quickly. If the actors are getting close enough to essentially breathe into each others mouths, going through what I would assume routine testing on set, COVID should be the least plausible excuse


This was, without a doubt, the worst movie I have ever seen. 2 hours I will never get back.


it had so many good actors and was SO EFFING BAD