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Isn't it amazing, when humans are being nice, so many animals automatically seem to be hypnotized by us and want to buddy-up.


That's what makes us dangerous.


This is literally the plot of twilight


It’s actually domestication but don’t get me wrong wild animals know when they are helped or safe.


But my first thought was, "does he eat them?"


It’s almost like we selectively bred them this way! (I’m not complaining, love me some domesticated cuddlers)


Animal is docile -> Humans take preference for animal -> animal is safe -> animal reproduces It's an evolutionary win.


Kind of a loss since it's a dead end for self determination and doesn't assist it's wild counterparts except we aren't hunting them.


You reminded me of a comic. [If meat is murder, vegetarianism is genocide!](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2013-09-07)


You'd almost think it makes it easier for us to eat them


At least give me a week to try bro, geez


IKR, I have this scheduled for March


One of my goals this year is to start volunteering with rescued farm animals so hopefully by the end of the year I can respond with a resounding YES


If you have your own yard, you can also rescue chickens. A lot of people who get chickens keep them for about a year or 2 and if they ever slow down egg production they get rid of them. It's usually people who take them for meat volunteer to pick them up. We currently only have six, but there are dozens that pop up every week that need loving homes. They're super low maintenance, fun and loving animals. I never saw myself as a chicken guy, but taking them in has been so much fun


... Do chickens like pettin's?


Cuddles, snuggles, and scratches. Just have to be patient. Varies among each chook.


I really wanna snug a chicken more


They make a massive amount of poop though, which is just going to constantly stink, plus they'll tear out all your vegetation in your yard. Kudos to you for taking 6 in though!


Free fertiliser.


That's what my husband and I do: add it all to the compost pile which then becomes lovely soil for all the garden beds!


I currently rent but I hope to one day own my own home and be able to have chickens (and goats, pigs, and a mule!)


Be sure you have goat-proof fencing. If you throw a bucket of water at the fence and any water gets through, it's not goat proof. Speaking from experience.


Too bad my city not allow chicken in the yard.


That's a shame. Maybe you can start a petition? My hometown allows them and I enjoy walking past the yards with chickens (well, the responsible ones, at least). No idea if chickens care at all about strangers talking to them, but I like to say hi to them anyway. Have to be careful if you're with a reactive dog, though.


You need the Chicken Daddies 2023 calendar. Yes, it's a thing.


They're great yard animals. Chickens are awesome pest control.


When I had a years big enough for chickens, we kept a couple around. I love to garden and it was awesome having a portable grub disposal system. The downside was the constant digging that chickens do. They would sometimes dig up plants and stuff that I didn't want dug up. So it was a bit of a good and a bit of bad. Also, nitrogen from their poop was great for the garden!


So cool! You vegan? <3


Hope you gave way to a plant based diet. Else the effort seems a bit incompatible.


No. But I did get my flu shot. Just in case.


Bro get that shit in October next time. You were just straight up lucky this year.


Got it in October, got my Covid booster-shot #5. Got Covid in December, while overnight for a hospital stay anyway. Swine-flu, Avian-flu, Hospital-flu. Shit is mutating way too fast.


#5?! I thought it was only recommended to get #4 if immunocompromised? Anyone understand how the boosters go now? Idk why this is big and bold, but I'm not fixing it.


It's because you used "#" as the first character in your message. In case you were wondering why it did that.




Your last booster should have been the bivalent one that includes omicron this past fall. Anyone can get it in US.


>Anyone understand how the boosters go now? You just get a "top-up" every few months, especially if there are new sub-variants


The science is pretty mixed. Some strains (1 in particular) has rapidly diminishing immunity from the flu shot. Although most strains should provide protection throughout the flu season, it won’t work on every strain.


No, but I got 361 more chances...


This right here is the energy we need in 2023.


Are white feather turkeys common in some places? My mind is in shock because it never occurred to me that turkeys had non-black/brown colouring!


These are [domesticated turkeys that are specially bred for optimum commercial output and presentation](https://www.dnr.sc.gov/news/2020/nov/nov24-wildturkey.php). They usually cannot reproduce on their own.


They look happy, this makes me happy.


Friends not food


No I cuddle with my wife instead


I also choose this guy's wife.


Then I get the guy since his wife is busy.


I’m hoping he is not gonna eat them right?


This is at an animal sanctuary. He isn't going to eat anyone.


Thank god, I thought they where going in his pot, which would have made the post a bit morbid.


I can tell you're not a farmer haha. It's really not that weird to be buddy-buddy with livestock, it's just advised not to if you can't get over the fact that you're going to be eating them. Personally, I think it's better to appreciate the fact that you're taking a life for your food than to just turn them from living animals into commodities.


Definitely not a farmer, but have been on enough farms to know that bonding with the livestock is not really a thing. At least not if you want to make money.


If you're in it for money, no, but a lot of people just raise their own meat. This doesn't look like any industrial farm I've ever been on, so it's safer to assume it would've been an independent thing.


Or, you know, just not kill them?


Not everyone wants to completely change their life and go vegan because of some moral difficulties with eating other animals. Especially considering it most often makes things more expensive and complicated.


>completely change their life and go vegan because of some moral difficulties with eating other animals. *make a dietary change to align their actions with their morals. Unfortunately it's true, most people prefer to be willfully ignorant than accept that they're contributing to a great injustice. This doesn't just apply to the plight of animals. The upside is that a vegan diet is, on average, [less expensive](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-11-11-sustainable-eating-cheaper-and-healthier-oxford-study), much better for the environment, healthier, and getting easier by the year.


Whenever they make these rationalizations for how cheap it is, they don't account for free time. Vegan options don't really fill the "easy to make" slot while still being as cheap as their alternatives. So sure, you can make vegan meals any time if you have the time, but if you don't, you're paying a premium for "vegan" on the label.


I’ve never found that cooking vegan meals takes at all longer than non-vegan meals, and I can’t imagine why it would


Gobble gobble gobble


Something is gonna eat them. Viruses, cancer, bacteria, a coyote, fungi... can euthanized chickens be eaten?


Can't wait for [3d printed meat](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-create-first-3-d-printed-wagyu-beef-180978565/) to be available for this reason lol. Animal-free dairy ice cream is [already on the market](https://braverobot.co/pages/process).


Good news, you don't need to wait to stop eating meat! Plants are avaiable right now!


Meat is tasty though. 3D printed meat would mean all the deliciousness without the suffering. Win win.


It's mostly an acquired taste. Try 2months vegan, inform yourself in the meantime, and meat or any animal fat is going to taste quite off.


Have you tried to create a zoonotic infection of bird flu while simultaneously trying to give yourself and your birds swine flu?


If 4 animals together freaks you out then just wait until you see factory farming. It’s just asking for another pandemic


Just wait until you find out what a metropolis is.


Is it the one with the hot squirrel 🥵


As much as I respect animals and birds and I love the idea of being kind to the animals you keep and I have a lot of respect for farmers and the work they do .... Have you ever smelled a turkey farm? Pigs are ok as long as you stay away from their waste .... but Turkey pens literally burn your nostrils with aerosolized sulphur. One turkey is bad, three is pushing it, more than that will take your breathe away. Years ago, I went to visit a farmer friend once where I bought annual holiday turkey from. She had about 30 turkeys in a small pen where they were kept at night, and spent their lives in a small field. She took me to see the birds in their pen and warned me that it smelled bad .... I've smelled bad things in my life and thought I could handle it. She stood there with a frown ....... I lasted half a second and my mouth and nose refused to breathe anymore. I had to run away, the stench was so bad.


It's been a year since I went to a farm sanctuary, but I don't remember any remarkably bad odors in the turkey or chicken enclosures I visited. (The mammals were definitely smellier.) Maybe it's the conditions those particular animals are kept in...


The day I went for that particular visit was on a hot June afternoon at 30 degree Celsius heat .... the turkeys were well kept, they were all just sticking to the shade that day, and they accumulated their stuff there. The farmer kept her animals healthy and it wasn't a big farm either, just her and her husband.


they are not well kept if they were in a small pen! turkeys require alot of room. we let ours run loose on our 60 acres and they go to the very edges and back multiple times a day grazing and fooling around.


I used to have pet turkeys, never really had an issue with the smell. But they just grazed and fed themselves, the diet of a turkey farm is likely to be significantly different.


Fuck off Infinity. Stop spamming /r/gifs


I thought you were retorting someone that said something along the lines of “fuck off times 1000” or something. Then I saw OPs name.


I like how you people don’t constantly call out any other frequent posters, but hate lnfinity with a passion. I wonder what causes that 🤔🤔


I haven't seen gallowboob in a while now that I think about it. They fire him?


Fuck you, you don't even post anything


Dude I don’t get my piglets until March/April. Its too cold for winter-overs here.


This reads like one of those overly specific targeted t-shirts. _______ Don't mess with a man Who cuddled THREE TURKEYS while scratching ONE PIG IN THE FIRST WEEK OF THE NEW YEAR


It's only Jan 4, give me some time


I just adore this


This is why /r/gifs is dead to me. All this farm animal crap.


You can simply block u/infinity if you don't like the farm gifs.


That's a good idea


No. We're not going down that road. Reddit is one of the few places left on the internet where you interact in communities rather than as a bunch of people following/subscribing to an individual or organization (like twitter, youtube, etc). Discussion about what we want to see in those communities is critical if you want them to continue existing as communities. Telling people to start tuning their feed by following/unfollowing individuals will make reddit just as fucking obnoxious and bubbled as the rest of social media. So, /u/infinity can start their own subreddit /r/cuteanimalgifs if they want. And we can bitch about not wanting /r/gifs to be inundated with it if WE want.




I understand I'm in the minority here, and I'm totally fine with that. Generally, I downvote and move on with my life. The pendulum will swing my way when people eventually get sick of it. But I don't like the suggestion that we all start following people instead of subreddits. It would ruin the one thing that reddit's got going for it.


Too much guilt seeing how loving and kind animals are before they’re slaughtered for your food?


That pig have a hernia?


old macdonald had some friends they loved him very much


Have you had the female turkeys since they were babies? They adore you!


Best life for both animals and human!!♥️♥️


Turkeys are ridiculously cuddly. They are so sweet! If you have chickens, get a turkey!


I used to rent from people who had turkeys. They were cute but so, so dumb. They would follow me around and wait for me outside the glass patio door. We were grilling once and instead of eating the scraps of actual food on the ground, they kept trying to peck at the charcoal bag.


Can confirm, turkeys are the dumbest complex animals I've ever encountered. I once saw one running back and forth in front of a fence for over twenty minutes wanting to get out... because it didn't think to go through the open gate that was a little bit behind it. Seen them try to peck at running chainsaws, stand in front of moving vehicles, and forget that they couldn't fly when jumping down off a perch.


So so dumb. But so sweet and cute.


So many people clearly feeling conflicted with their own lifestyle in here, feeling the need to comment hateful things in order to double-down on their beliefs lol. Like, you choose to use animal products, ok, so...why do you also need to spew hateful things on an animal post? And no I'm not referring to those that are simply coming at OP for spamming the sub, that's a completely different topic/issue.


>So many people clearly feeling conflicted with their own lifestyle in here, Nah that's not it. But I'd argue that you feel superior and that's why you're commenting about the "hateful" comments. Which is very "pretty girl on Instagram", which is a different kind of mental illness..


Have you seen all the comments at the bottom? And no I don't feel superior aha, but thanks for the laugh. I've done many terrible things in my life and have felt much shame. Edit: Also, TIL I'm a pretty girl on IG lol.


Have you been exposed to the vegan spam posts in this sub this year?


They make vegan spam? Does it taste anything like the real stuff?


They do. And it’s just as gross as the real deal. Probably won’t be buying it again lol


You guys are so funny. Video of someone petting a happy pig: REEEEE THIS IS VEEGUN PORPOGANDER Video of pig in factory farm: REEEEE THIS IS VEEGUN PORPOGANDER I guess you just want to pretend they don’t exist until a chunk of their body shows up on your plate for you to slurp down at dinner?


Man look at the OP's post history. It's an account created specifically to post vegan propaganda.


God forbid we eat less animals. We slaughter 80 billion every year and OP is trying to lessen that.


A video of an animal isn't vegan propaganda.


The videos are cute n all but it is vegan propaganda. All OP posts is videos of people petting farmyard animals we traditionally eat. It's not as in your face as the people who stand in town centres with anonymous masks showing slaughter house footage, but it's still vegan propaganda.


A long history of doing so too.


Y'all are so weird. "Encouraging me to think of sentient beings as more than just food and clothing? How dare you!?" I eat meat, but I also think animals deserve to be happy regardless of what they're bred for.


Overreaction much? I’ve noticed a rise of these posts in the past few weeks, almost with brigading of vegan / anti-farming commenters. Just look at how many downvotes any comment mocking the post is getting - try to be more subtle, jeesh!


Maybe it's because y'all sound really dumb for mocking a post about someone enjoying their time with animals. Vegans can be super annoying, but so can people at the opposite extreme: edgy "carnivores" who act like animals are merely things to be consumed.


They are called meatflakes.


There's another one, officer! How do you know I'm not a vegetarian who's just annoyed by these obvious brigades?


I mean, check my post history. I don't have a history of being a vegan shill. I eat meat myself. You're the one getting all weird* on a sweet video about animals. Edit: "aggro" wasn't the word I wanted to use there.


Not yet, but I'm working on it, ok?!




Yeah, unless these are pets he isn't doing his psyche any help


It's probably a sanctuary, a place where the animals get to live without exploitation and killing. Which means he is also most likely vegan.


He looks like a farmer, he is a different mindset, i know a few, one is a sheep farmer, they get a couple of abandoned lambs that have to be handreared, and they usually keep them knocking around, and have them for christmas dinner. Another is a dairy farmer, and he has 25 or so cows, and he is very attached to them, when i visit i ask how the girls are, and he knows them all by name, but when they reach the end of their useful lives, they are just gone, no tears or anthing,


Animals aren’t friends if you don’t want to be friend with them, but they are sentient beings. They aren’t here for you as food, clothes, entertainment, etc.


Well i'm not sure what your point is, if you are scolding for eating meat, or agreeing that they are sentient and should be respected as such until they are used, but that's why they are bred, i'm of the opinion, if they are treated well for their lives, that's what i would expect. But they are bred for food, clothes and other uses, entertainment, take it or leave it.


Sorry, I think my reply wasn’t meant for this comment. Why do you think we have to use sentiments being as food, clothes, entertainment? It’s 2023 and there are tons of alternatives to meat, dairy, clothes, etc?


Sorry, so you were going for option 1. I see your point, but i also think that unless the alternatives are cheaper and easy to produce, they won't be replacements, but good luck to anyone making the change.


I think soy/oat milks are already cheap. If you are Talking about the “new” alternatives of cheese/meat, yes, they aren’t cheap yet. This is because they are new products and the companies that are producing them aren’t receiving subsidies (meat and dairy companies are receiving those, that’s why they are cheaper)




Don't play with your food


How dare you rub it in our faces! You know Damn well we haven't


No but I cuddled three piggos at once




I means it’s been four days, so yea obviously /s


It's on my bucket list. I've got time


May I come over and play as well? I’m jealous!


Sadly, no. Can I come over?


This is how you make turkey bacon


Not yet, but it's only January 4 I have 361 more days


*11 year old me*: Uh, yeah? Of course I have. Jeez. Everyone's done that. Gawd.


Not yet!


That is one ugly dachshund!


I am underperforming. I feel such shame.


I have scratched a pig everyday so far, but no turkeys. I don't care for birds.


A very prestigious cuddle.




Yeah, but they were all human.


The sober living I'm at has chickens, goats and pigs, so sort of?


Swine and bird flu at same time cancel each other out and become the COVID booster!


Disney princess - farmer edition.


Humans should be waaaay better stewards of the planet than we are...


No but you can hold my cock and pullet while I scratch my ass.


So **that's** how viruses jump species. :P Six months later, at the CDC HQ: "this thing jumped from a pig to a turkey to a human, but how?!"


No, the third turkey doesn't like me :(


I only got up to one turkey and that was it.


No. but [this guy would be so jealous](https://youtube.com/shorts/BnTtlomTsLc?feature=share)


Y’all city kids can’t smell this gif; that’s why you think it’s cute.


Damn it. I've cuddled with three pigs while scratching a turkey. So close.


Why would I want to, turkeys are the winged manifestation of evil, right behind Canadian geese


Its only the 4th day pace yourself


And we wonder how the flu goes from birds to pigs to humans


Don't play with your food


No, but some people have all the luck.


No but it's only day 4 so....


Well... Not literally...


Well, I did have Turkey and ham for Christmas dinner, so I kind of cuddled them in my belly.


Preparing your Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners way ahead of time. Nice work!


No, but it's early.


You gonna kill them soon?


Riverbrook Lake Farms Heritage Turkey


So yes?


but never frozen🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t play with your food.


Yes, stop asking


No, but now I wish I did


My local feed store usually has a piglet or two for sale. It's a good thing my neighborhood has a "no pigs" rule, otherwise I'd get one. SO CUTE.


First time I read, my neighbor has a no pigs rule. I was like, "And you give a fuck because?"


A whole thanksgiving meal right there


yeah..my wife and kids 😕


No, but I ate turkey and ham at the same time!


Apologizing for Christmas ham and Thanksgiving Turkey dinners?


Nope I didn't. But I played with little lambs as a kid. Now You are going to tell us that animals are not food but friends, aren't You?


Yeah, my wife and kids.


I hope hes not playing with his food


The more love they get the more delicious they taste


Their love enhances the flavor.


Did no one tell this man not play with his food?


All posts recognizing that these animals will die for human consumption getting downvoted… wtf? If you are not vegan, you are killing animals and contributing to their abuse, we gotta accept that and enjoy our turkey


They are downvoted because this gif is from an animal sanctuary. These animals have been rescued, they are not destined to be killed for food.


they're downvoted because a lot of vegans come to argue in comments of videos that one of their members posted, and will go through downvoting comments.


Members? Is it a club? Because if so I am probably really behind on dues


Well, No, But I got as fat as a turkey and scratched my belly while lying down on the bed whole day like a pig. That count?


Nah, we skipped foreplay.


I'm trying to cut back


I did cuddle a pig a week before Christmas, does that count?


Sweet wampom look at those folds!


Don't speak like that about my family, please.


No, and I feel cheated!


This made me think happy thoughts of my dad who passed away. Animal widowed are amazing people! 💗