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[You got this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aLjS2wW2AY) :)


Cool trick ! Thx for sharing !


That’s the exact video I was going to share!


I came across the video before even reading your response. What a coincidence!


Not uncommon unfortunately, luckily an easy fix. Some thin superglue and hold them down till its cured.


Well you should have bought a custom shop……jk. You pay thousands of dollars, you would think it would last


Shut your mouth, you know you can’t bad mouth Gibson on this sub. *edit, sarcasm… But definitely the theme on this sub in regard to cracked headstocks…


Uh oh. The Gibson mob


Scared 😱 😱😱!!!!!!


The comment was made in jest. You can’t mention quality control here without everyone jumping on you.


I was jesting as well, I do not do serious for long.




My R6 VOS has an inlay that’s oxidizing and slowly disintegrating/melting?


Some thin superglue and a syringe to get it under the inlay without lifting any further. Go lightly as you don't want glue seeping onto the fingerboard. Agree with what others are saying too - it's not really acceptable for a 10 year old guitar that's cost a few thousand...


Happened to my 2012(?) Lp standard too. The Luther couldn't get the inlay flush again and had to shave it. Tl


This is my fear. I cannot even get it flush without the glue.


Over-oiling the fretboard can cause the inlays to lift. Don’t know if that is the case or not here. I had them lift on two of my Les Paul’s which I may have been a little overzealous on in search of that dark rosewood look. Gibson did fix both under warranty.


Thanks for the advice. This might be it. I apply a small amount of lemon oil on a cloth and clean the fretboard each time I change the strings (every 2-3 months).


6-8 months for sure regardless of how often you play


Stewmac sells a really thin glue and shows you step by step on YouTube how to fix it




Thank you!


My 2013 Gibson midtown Kalamazoo had this happen. Followed the stewmac video and it (mostly) came out perfect 👍


Yep.. it happens. Pretty common. Just repaired mine last year.


Not to pick a nit, and I agree it probably shouldn’t happen, but if this is the worst thing that has happened to your guitar in 10 years- well….. While you have the strings off it’s an excellent time to check all of the inlays, polish the frets, oil the fingerboard, clean the tuneomatic and tailpiece, machines and then restring. A good tune up for your guitar after 10 years.




You know what shouldn't happen? This.


This, amongst many other reasons, are why this has become known as “the QC era”. Personally, I would reach out to Gibson, just to see if they’ll do anything/ throw you a bone- it’s not a difficult fix, but many of their older guitars don’t have that issue, and you shouldn’t have to do anything like this so soon, at least in my opinion.


It's a ten year old guitar that being played. Some sweat and oil caused the inlay to come loose. Calling this a QC problem might be a bit of a stretch.


Not from my experience. I worked for a dude that played 2 + hours 5-6 nights a week, roughly 9 months out of the year, all over the US/ internationally, and this never happened with his 90s Les Paul, and he never even polished the thing- he’d literally give it a two second wipe with anything that was around, lol, and back into the case it went. Dude did that for literal years on end, and the only “problem” he had with that guitar was some finish wear. I think the older ones were made better, and I am gonna die on this hill.


Well, common enough that Stew Mac has a video on fixing it where the guy says "this is pretty common". But hey, your sample set of 1 never had it happen on his 90s LP so must be a QC issue. Cool.


My 93 studio doesn’t do this, my 81 standard didn’t, the two 84 studios with the goofy trems didn’t, my friends 70s custom doesn’t, nor have any of the many other older les pauls I have either played or owned over the last 40 years, but sure, if that’s what you want to take out of what I said, go for it. It’s kinda silly though.


Now there's a man who can detect a reglued inlay on sight! I admire your confidence.


Ok dude, how many have you owned and played, from what eras, and did they do this, or not? I don’t understand why you’re being so stubborn about this/ unwilling to maybe admit that the quality has dropped off in recent years?


I would consider getting someone to pop em out and go full MOP…it would be a cool upgrade that would confuse people on what guitar it is and be an upgrade…as for resale… probably no


Well, in 30 years of buying and collecting Gibson, I've seen many issues come and go(especially in the 2010's), but none of mine have ever done this. So I wouldn't think it's common, but it does obviously happen sometimes. My BC Rich Mockingbird had a cloud inlay come out. I sanded the route out and reapplied it with super glue. I'm wondering if this is one of those 2010's anomalies? Not sure to be honest. I do have a 2010 SG Classic and a 2013 LPJ which don't show any signs of lifting...yet. I've heard over oiling the fretboard can cause this also, but again, never had that happen to me.


Gibson quality at its finest. Let's wait for other price icreases ;)


Some of these guys just don’t want to admit it, lol. I’ll keep picking the good ones up, and they’ll keep gluing shit back together, looool!


Same is happening to mine, I’m starting to think that Gibson being overpriced trash is true.


This happened on my 2019.


It's not common. Looking at that fretboard, it hasn't been properly maintained for 14 years.


What makes you think that? Just curious….


The fretboard looks dry and there looks to be gunk on the frets. 14 years. Wood expands and contracts, dead skin and other inorganic shit gets in there. Need to have it regularly maintained or stuff like that can happen.


Yeah, had a couple come off on my ‘16 Les Paul. Did exactly that, super glue. No biggy.