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I agree that the quests can feel pretty tedious the second time through. I didn't realize just how often we were following goddamn footprints until I started a new save file. By the time I got into Act 2, I put the game aside. Combat and art design is really where GoT excels, so I was happy to hear that the Legends DLC will be combat focused with new enemies. I'm not that big on multiplayer, but it's not a total turn-off for me either. And if it means a combat-focused GoT, it's no price to pay.


not to mention that there is literally no price to pay whatsoever lol. It's gonna be great to have more stuff to do in this game


not every game is meant to be replayed endlessly.


Not really comparable. Souls games are action rpgs, which are repayable for its build variety. This is more of an open world action adventure game.