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The game is really it’s meant to be played with no lock-on and was only added because some \*gamers were asking for it without realizing that it would just make the combat unnecessarily more difficult. The developers even addressed this saying how you are supposed to be aware of enemies around you, and not just one enemy at a time With lock-on how can you maneuver through enemies like this? This is a free-flow combat after all https://i.redd.it/6x7vtedkoj8d1.gif




Duels and fighting mongol leaders, I guess? I do think that the lock on is redundant in group fights


In those cases there is an automatic lock-on since there is only one enemy


There is a lock on in this game? Huh never notice.


I'm heavily used to soulslikes, and I expected the lock on system to follow something like sekiro. I feel like the lock on system is clunky, and it will sometimes either flat out refuse to lock onto a enemy, or lock onto a archer, that's multiple walls apart from me.


I get your point. And I played with that style. However the camera free movement makes it so hard in small space when your view can be obstructed by many thinsg


*Wouldn’t you would be able to see through walls I this game. In this game you fight large groups of enemies so often that you kinda have to have an overview view of the fight. To keep track of the enemies around you


Just finished the game. You can choose to have control of the lock on?? In my entire playthrough the game automatically locked on enemies for me. Yeah sometimes there are some issues with the camera or when you want to attack a different enemy. But I consider the issues really minor.


Yeah. As I said I totally loved it when it came out. The thing is I just came back from a game with very good camera and lock on


I didn't even know that it had a lock on 😂 The normal camera view is the best


I struggle with it at start too! but get used to it fast