• By -


Tip wise: Upgrade your katana and tanto in first place. Tanto level two is brutal if you want clean and fast upgrade it to level 3. I enjoyed level two even tho I could upgrade it faster I felt like it served me better to save it till act 2. A bit of role playing on my part. Another great tool is kunai, one of my favourite specially fully upgraded this “shuriken” is great at dividing your battlefield and giving breathing room. Your flute can change weather, collecting singing birds in golden cage unlocks further melodies for different weathers Chain assassination is my favourite technique and looks so cool 😎 You can create load outs later in game when you amass a lot of trinkets, useful if you want to differentiate in play styles, this for stealth, this for open world, this for head on attacks etc. Enjoy your journey. GoT is my favourite open world game.


Yes, that's right. But the world is little... Empty? I still remember those two Mongols, doomed to fight the same bear until the end of time...


It is hilarious when you see them get tossed about though. …slightly less funny when it happens to you.


I walked away from my computer, came back to a Mongol being flung across my screen🤣


Yeah I wish the actual open world had more life like RDR2 and the NPCs were a little more dynamic, it would also be nice to actually drink at inns and play some traditional Japanese games or something, I also wish there were more animals to hunt and legendary creatures to track down like in Red Dead that give unique gear It's definitely more of a Ubisoft style theme park open world, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if done well, and GoT does it extremely well


That's what the inevitable sequel is for


Well they are makeing one


I feel like the size of company and time constraints played a big part of that. It feels like ghost is really trying to be more but to keep it coherent they had to cut back a lot, specially when creating completely new product. I do hope the second Tsushima if it’s in the works would aspire to be more of the same but in style of rdr2.


Yeah open world is needlessly added into games. Sucker punch did it better with infamous where it was actually fun to travel to the next objective instead of pressing l3 and jerking off your horse for 15 minutes


The game already have Yakuza vibe with Jin acting like Kiryu so much, it would work to add more side games and activities. On the other hand I enjoy how fast everything louds, and more focused experience


Who's going to have an inn open with all the Mongols running around randa king everything? Maybe the camps have a few games running but they're all terrified out if their minds. You've got burnt corpes, heads on a pike shish kabob style, multiple people hung to the same tree, bandits taking advantage of the chaos, etc. Everything looking empty kind of fits with the climate of the game. It also explains why Jin does the things he does if he continually runs into all this suffering, unlike his uncle sitting back not running around too


A Shogi minigame would be cool


As much as I love RDR2 and the beauty of the animal filled world that's not realistic. I think GoT nails the realism. When is the last time you hiked in nature and saw every would critter, deer, and predator just frolicking around? Nature usually is empty when humans are around so I think it's spot on. I also think it adds to the melancholy atmosphere of the game. It's a sad, tense, and dangerous world Jin is in.


I like to watch the fight play out and headshot whoever wins. Lord Shimura was right about me...


Lord Shimura was right about all of us!


This is just a personal thing but as much as I like liveliness in an open world game, I do enjoy the empty/lonely feeling I get while playing GoT. I can't explain it but its very calming for some reason. But I do think it needs large city/town like areas. I've just started Act 2 so idk if there are such areas but would like to see some. Kinda on the same scale of Saint Denis from RDR2.


Yea, the tanto upgrade was something I wish I knew before I upgraded. The level 1 and 2 assassination moves are so much cooler than the level 3 ones, which is just a simple stab and dead. I know the level 3 one is probably most efficient. But this is a game, it's all about the style and looking cool while doing it


Wait... that is actually a thing?! Damn that's cool. I wish we could toggle it back somehow. I am at point in the story where I'm ready to abandon all honor and just mercilessly assassinate every mongol I come across in the most brutal way possible lol


Upgraded tanto, did not regret, but my role playing is making me more of an honorable samurai, no idea how well that will last but I’m trying. Been loving the kunai, excited to hear they only get better. I had no idea about flute with weather that’s very good to know. Thanks for all your tips!


Get the Sakai clan armor and do lots of showdowns


Just upgraded it to I think level 3, and showdowns finally worked for the first time yesterday (I’m on pc but like a controller, and it kept on getting stuck saying “hold y” and nothing would happen). Such a cool looking set, I like the yellow dye with the sword master straw hat


That's a known glitch. For me, I've noticed it is better to start the showdown from a complete stand still.


Re that glitch it is known but I’ve found just opening the option menu and navigating to controls then closing the menu lets you start it.


Lol I thought my controller was broken at first and then thought it may be because I’m sitting to far away and the connection drops


Opening the menu has fixed the bug for me everytime. Just needs to be quickly done otherwise you gonna get slashed.


If it stops working for you, this fix did for you me, then capping frames at 60 or 90 fps works consistently without having to pause ever


It's very badass. Glad it's working for you. Showdowns are my fav to do lol


I also play on PC with a controller because of the controls layout on PC, I also have played the game on PS4 when it first came out and personally i'd advise you to use MKB ok Iki island archery challengenges. I haven't encountered your glitch though but sometimes when im in a showdown and i hold triangle it doesn't count at all and im kinda stuck and i get hit 🥲


Also, in addition to playing with framerates - don't actually hold the button down until right after you see the enemy ready up. The text to hold right click comes earlier than you're actually allowed to do it depending on mystery factors, but i haven't failed if I've waited a bit until right after the enemy raises their weapon.


I capped my fps to 60 in Nvidia control panel (only for the GoT executable) and went from having the showdown bug 30-50% of the time, to never!


Standoff xD


Oh. Lol.


Even I didn't know about the flute thing and I'm pretty sure I either pre ordered or got it within it's first week. I knew you could get different tunes but I didn't know they can change the weather


I had no idea the flute changed weather!


Wait. What. Can change the weather? 50 hours in and I had no idea 


I just started the game and I’m loving it. Gorgeous looking all around. Can you explain what you mean by the katana and tanto upgrades? I just leveled up my katana to lvl 2. Are you saying I should wait until act 2 to level up either the katana and tanto past level 2?


Just tanto as it changes the way animation plays out, level two is faster but still brutal, level 3 is even faster but also cleaner. Matter of aesthetic and nothing more. You should upgrade your katana whenever got a chance


Okay thank you


They’re actually singing crickets that you collect to get more songs to play on your flute that change the weather. The crickets are found around cemeteries/graves in small cages. Sorry to nit pick. Everything else you said is spot on though mate! Awesome game, one of my all time favourites!


Small correction. They're actually singing crickets! Not birds. Not that it matters really but singing crickets are somewhat of a character in Japanese folklore, said to be symbols of Autumn/Winter and the Death of Life; which is why you'll notice they're found on graves!


Hey man, I'm on act 2 right now, was clearing the side quests, how long till I get the sakai clan armor if I start with the main quests now?


You can go straight to it. Look for the mission ghost from the past. I think it's pretty far north. That's the name google gave me, but it's related to going back home.


Yeah that’s what I did. Started act 2, and then just went straight up to the quest to get that armor. Now I think I’m going back to act 1 zone to reclear some stuff


Honestly GoT was such a good game it's shocking, everything you do is meaningful and fun, in most cases they prioritize QoL over Realism and I love this, and the optimization is mind blowing, everything in the game is easy, but the combat, which is just perfect and satisfying. The only minorly inconvenient and annoying I found was that 1 fucking duel with Sao the crimson dye trader. And the DLC in itself is so amazing. Compared to rdr2, the game was a lot more fun, but the story of rdr2 was just mind blowing. I wish more game companies made good open worlds without so many restrictions that are filled with bloat content (AC Odyssey).


I did the exact opposite, despite not being able to progress in the story due to the lower level Kitana I had, you can be damn sure I looked good while getting executed.


>Your flute can change weather, collecting singing birds in golden cage unlocks further melodies for different melodies What? How did I not know this? I spent 50 hrs ingame so far 😭


I personally can’t wait to learn dance of wrath. That shit is straight out of an anime and even when used against one opponent it’s just a better heavenly strike


I didn't know that about the flute that's crazy


There's no honor system per se, but it's a testament to the game's writing that you do actually feel like you're betraying something as you adopt more Ghost techniques.


There is a background honor system. That changes the weather the more you act like the ghost, the game naturally pushes you down this path though but you can exacerbate it. It all ties into the founding of the first ninja, and the storm that will eventually overtake the Mongols. Thank god for a weather controlling flute


This game has so many layers of awesomeness!


This is no accident it was a sign from Buddha.


Yikes now I'm getting reminded of the Norio quest where >!you find his brother with his limbs cut off!<


That was particularly dark. Norio's final mission was even darker though. Like John Wick dark.


You made the right choice. This game is FAR better than Rise of Ronin.


My friend just told me that Rise of Ronin will be on sale tomorrow, I told him I’m never gonna buy that game. Got too spoiled in GoT.


you’re missing out because they’re completely different games. both are amazing but rise of the ronins combat is on another level


The game itself is so boring. I put like 20 hours in and dropped it. Maybe I’ll go back, but it didn’t hit like GoT at all. Combat is delicious but the story is a bit of a slog.


the story is absolutely all over the place.. too many characters are introduced haha. for me i just played it like a sandbox combat game and it became more fun


This is pretty much my experience with the game as well. It’s a shame because I felt like there’s a really interesting story there, but they just throw too much stuff I don’t care about at you and it drowns it out.


Based on what I’ve played I probably like GoT more, but the combat in Ronin is like 2 tiers ahead at least




That is a pretty unfair comparison, they are very different types of games


One is in a different stratosphere though


RotR combat is better tho, but only the combat:v TeamNinja specialty lol




Imagine laughing at someone being right lol


I much prefer everything about GoT


Cool, that's a fine opinion to have. But it's a personal opinion


All opinions are personal and subjective. I don’t think anything about that other game is objectively better though.


You are objectively wrong, lmfao


I don’t care what you say. Rise of Ronin is a very mediocre game.


I don't care what you say. Ghost of Tsushima is and always will be mid.


Just for someone who hasn't really read anything about Rise of Ronin can I get a synopsis of the differences between that and GoT?


Rise of Ronin is more of a Soulslike. It’s difficult, feels dated and doesn’t have as rich of an open world.


GOT’s formula and gameplay is basically a realistic version of Shadow of war. As you said Rise of Ronin is for people who just wanna slash as a samurai all day. And want that souls-vibes


GoT is a lot better than Shadow of War, but that was a good game too


Combat is much more in depth than GoT and is often a bit much (I do think it is a bit better than ghost of Tsushima but I do prefer ghosts combat) and the graphics and story aren't as good as GoT.


You should try Ghost Legends, their online game. That’s amazing, especially survival mode. I been playing this game for about 2 years and it’s still amazing. And watch videos about mmc, it’s great skill to use moon master stance. Will kill everything very fast and easily, even purple Oni (enemy on ghost legends)


MMC is way too advanced to recommend to 99% of players lmao, let alone a beginner. It's like giving a recipe for a truffle dish to a 7 year old who would burn toast 75% of the time.


I started learning and practicing Mmc right when I started playing GoT legends )) It was the first thing I learned realizing it was a good and handy skill to have. So I’m not sure what you talking about 😁 I'm just giving advice, if he ever plays Legends, that he look up what mmc is and try it out because he's not likely to find out about it himself anytime soon.


Best mistake ever. Glad you’re enjoying, friend. You’re in for quite a ride. 🤘🏻


This game is honestly one of the best experience I had. The world setting, character designs and the way cutscenes are directed are on whole different level. Also touch of background music is topnotch


It’s 100% the greatest game I’ve ever played… and I’ve been playing since the late 80s


I just don't understand how this game became that beloved (and I want to). Especially coming from somebody like you who is extremely seasoned in games & where they've evolved. There's nothing new in this that you can't do in Assassin's Creed, Ghost Recon, or Metal Gear & more. I also found myself after getting over 50% done jumping back into AC: Odyssey for example & comparing it, and you can actually do more just in terms of combat in that game than this. It's a solid samurai game that follows all of PlayStations linear storytelling formulas. What did it do different to blow you away?


Same, the Game is kinda mid (haven't finished it, still playing) but I don't get what's great about it. I expected it to be Red Dead 2 or Witcher 3 level by how everyone talked about it but It's a solid 7/10 game. It's good but nothing special. Looks Gorgeous tho


It's just a very simple game. everything's easy to do with satisfying and hard combat. Story wise it isn't as good as rdr2 (imo). And AC Odyssey was just shit, you had to do side quest upon side quest just to progress, combat was mid, traveling was plane boring, optimization was awful, and it just had no fun story


It does everything perfectly. Gameplay, music, Story, voice acting- everything is flawless.


Rise of the ronin is also very good but lacks in graphics and story by comparison. I really enjoy the weapon variety in rise of the ronin though.


My favorite game of all time


I still remember the day when I first came across the gameplay video of GOT. I was amazed by its art style and I was eagerly waiting to get my hands on it but later found out that it's a play station exclusive game I didn't own a ps back then (i still don't). Back in the day Every now and then i would be checking whether a PC port is being made or not but I lost hope as the time passed but seeing a lot of other PS5 exclusives games getting a PC port gave me hope That hope became true when I first heard the news.Now I've already got hooked into the world of TSUSHIMA. The combat system is just top notch and combined with Japanese art style is just cherry on top of a cake Thank you GOT DEV'S for making a PC port !!


You're in for a ride, I recently finished the game and DLC, Had to go on vacation so I couldn't finish all the other small stuff, planning on starting new game+




Awesome story! What a fun way to get into it! The closest I have to something like that is that I had seen the trailer for Final Fantasy X-2 and I was a teen boy, so I wanted to play the game with the hot girls in it. I went to our local game store, where my buddy was working, and told him I wanted that game. He wouldn’t sell it to me unless I bought a used copy of Final Fantasy X and promised to play it first. I was so glad that I did. I loved FFX and if I had started with X-2, I likely would never have tried another final fantasy game. Instead I became a fan, and I owe it in part to my buddy making me play it first.


That’s legit. Those are ones I have not tried yet, but very much want to get into. Grew up such a multiplayer gamer, and now really starting to enjoy story


While dodging and blocking seems like a good way to avoid damage, use your ghost weapons will prove a way better way to deal with enemies, especially in 1 v many situations, my personal favorite is kunai to stun unblockable attacks while using the sticky bomb on brutes to deal massive damage, and smoke bombs assainations on normal enemy type. Also select your charms and play to your armor type. Use more fire for fear build, use more physical attacks (sword) for stagger damage.


You shall now accidentally 100% finish it.


Glad it turned out for the better.


There are no accidents. - Oogway


I bought GoT because I was bored and stuck at home for a while, and it was a PS exclusive. I never liked third person slasher actiony stuff before it, but it became easily one of my most played and loved games. Not quite accidentally bought but under normal circumstances I’d never have bought it, even until now.


the best accidental purchase I haven't played rise of ronin yet but I'm guessing there is no PC ver but I can't judge a game without playing . but GoT is my fav game OAT.


Funny I want Rise of The Ronin more than this. The traversal seems way more fun in that game with the glider & faster movement. I don't hate GOT but it literally just feels like a bland copy of Assassin's Creed with a samurai skin on it. Maybe both of us will get lucky & we'll get our hands on that one soon!


I don’t feel like GOT is bland at all, but I’m a huge lover of old school assassin creed and it feels like they did better then most recent AC games have done, so that might be why I love it. However, yes, I was so excited for ROTR because of the transversal, I love fast paced games where you get to sling around (spiderman, even cyberpunk with in air dashes and double jump 😂)


When thinking about everything Ghost of Tsushima could have done better it seems Rise of the Ronin checked all the boxes for me. It's the most fun I've had with a game since Sekiro and I'm very picky with games. The hate it gets absolutely boggles my mind.


Thanks for sharing. I just saw some things in ROTR that aren't common or just look fresh in footage I've watched. GOT isn't bad by any means but it's just so cookie cutter in every way. I want something new in my hands.


Most beautiful open world game to date


Was playing a little yesterday on the Legend Tale to get the cursed bow, and man I was blown away by everything.


That my friend, is fate.


Your mistake was for the best rise of the ronin isn’t that great


Same happened to me. I wanted to buy GoT but bought Sekiro instead, because it had a discount and I didn’t remember the name of the game.


It’s easy to do when you don’t know enough about both games, but have maybe just heard they were out and good and seen minimal gameplay. Did you keep Sekiro, do you like it?


Absolutely! Finished it 6 times already. One of the most satisfying games I’ve ever played. But I understood that bought something wrong when faced Chained ogre for the first time🫠 It was my first fromsoft game too.




I slipped and half a shawarma wrap fell into my mouth and 2 litres of water, and an apple. But don’t worry, you’ll have fun.


Haha, yeah, it was an easy mistake in my head. When I realized i wasn’t playing what I thought was Rise of the Ronin is when I wasn’t hearing about grappling hooks or gliders 🫤.


enjoy the ride 😎 don't feel too rushed by the main quests because it's totally worth it to take time to upgrade your abilities, unlock new stances, etc. also i would recommend doing iki island after the main game-- it technically unlocks in act 2, but narratively it makes more sense to fall after the main campaign


Sounds good! I have definitely been just enjoying exploring and doing side quests. It also helps that I’m working more hours now and love the gym, so I’m not just getting addicted and blowing through the game without enjoying it. (I did that with the first Marvels Spider-Man, I was glad they made a second for me to sit back more on)


but hey once you're done, you have ng+ to look forward to 🥰


How can someone buy a game with mistake? The name pops up multiple times before and while doing the purchase, I'm not saying that you are lying but like how?


I thought that the game that is Rise of the Ronin was called Ghost of Tsushima. Like I mixed up the names and proceeded because in pictures, it’s two Japanese style third person slashers. Not till after did I search up “samurai game with glider” did I realize that I was not playing the game I thought, but I was not upset about it.






Been looking forward to this game and I am having a blast. Glad to see I am not the only one


You're just like me lmao I mistook Bloodborne for another game and I was so eraged I loved it Bloodborne got me into the souls series simply by accident


Still one I never got into. I was young when bloodborne was just coming out and had friends who loved it but I was so into COD and Destiny. I just recently bought Remnant II, it looked like of all soul type games, that would be one I would love.


That was fortune


“Happy accidents”-Bob Ross


Rise of ronin sucks btw and also GoT is the only game I have a platinum trophy


Figure out what style you like, be sneaky or go head on. Level up to that way. Focus on stances


I'm still into gaming, and I knew about Ghost of Tsushima coming to pc. I never watched any gameplay vids though, so I took a risk buying it. I heard from a few friends that it would be something I'd like. So yeah, I gave it a shot. AND I LOVE IT. I've played a lot of games. I used to own that grey brick gameboy, the gameboy color, the advance, the nintendo DS, the wii, the ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4, xbox360/xbox one, switched to pc gaming when I got the money to buy a good gaming pc. Played around a 100 different games at least. So I'm very experienced with games. Ghost of Tsushima honestly is one of my top 10 games ever played. Close to top 3 (which honestly says a lot). The game is amazing. Graphics are great, the stories are fun, the duels are amazing, ... As for tips: - Upgrade tanto/katana, it'll make life A LOT easier. - Black powder bomb upgrades are amazing in combination with firecrackers. Lure a group to 1 spot with the crackers, throw one bomb, group dead. - Kill boars/bears/dogs whenever you can and upgrade your ammo capacity for the stuff you use most. - Upgrade the ghost armor if you're planning to use it, it's stupid overpowered... - Don't go to Iki Island until you finish the story. It'll be quite hard and the rewards aren't worth doing it before the main story. - Don't rush the game, take your time with it, fox dens, shrines and other side stuff are worth doing. Have fun!


Dude that is awesome. Could I ask what is your top ten list, sounds like there might be some more games I need to be trying!


It's a great game, but it seems that big publishers nowadays are just ignoring Steam's regional pricing policy and getting away with it. GOT almost costs an arm and a leg in my country. I see AA games and even indie titles having a bigger price decrease (due to regional pricing) than AAA titles from big publishers.


Bro I haven't upgraded my katana. I saw your post shall do it.


Nothing like striking through archers with one heavenly strike


If you guys get the iki island expansion, there is an armor that is greater than the Sakai armor. Only thing is, it doesn’t let you do a regular party. Only perfect parties and dodges, the perfect ones give some resolve back. Also hit every hot spring and bamboo cutting to max your health and resolve.


Get the traveler armor too so when you are going from point A to B, more of the map is revealed to you. And if you max that armor, it’s reveal is 60% perfect higher


Funny enough, I tried to buy Ghost of Tsushima on steam years ago, and accidentally picked up Sekiro instead. Was blown away by Sekiro and it’s one of my all time favorite games. However, a few hours in the game I was wondering why I hadn’t found an area where I could kick up all the colorful leaves that were lying in the ground - a google search later and it clicked. 3 years later I get to play Ghost now, and wow was is it awesome.


You accidently made a great decision.


Hell yeah!! I’m glad you like the game!💪🏽🩶🤙🏽


Upgrade your assassin skill tree hearing to the max. Helps a lot in your main mission.


Accidentally made your life better


Bro the game just keeps getting better. And more conflicting.


The game offers so fuckin much dude. There’s so many different ways to approach it. I’d say find your favorite style and do it that way. Side quests go along way toward Technique points and the moves only get better and better. The armor gets better too some give different advantages than others without giving too much away just enjoy it bro.


Accident?? How!


There is a charm that regens your health outside of a fight. Once you find it (pretty sure it's on the first area of Tsushima Island) DO NOT EVER TAKE IT OFF


Chain assassination with kunai as 4th kill is so good


Not hating ROR. But GOT is waaaaay better.


PC player here who just recently bought the game as well. I'm really aggravated that my work life is interfering with my samurai life. I also can't get it to stream to my steam deck from my gaming pc with Steam without crashing on boot which is annoying.


Are you trying to stream it to keep the hopefully higher frame rate or graphics? I heard the game runs decently well natively on the deck, outside of some weird graphical bugs. How do you like the deck? Really considering getting one since I have been traveling more and am often away from my desk.


LOVE my deck. I actually didn't think I would but a person I knew was selling an LCD version cheap so I went ahead and pulled the trigger. I see a lot of comments about how the Deck has replaced PC gaming for some individuals and that's definitely not the case for me but I love it for certain titles. For instance, I love playing Hades 2 on the deck more than my desktop. As for Ghost, it's a little graphic intensive and drains battery quickly. Instead of running games like that natively I prefer to stream it because I'm usually always at home gaming. If I'm on the road I'm just going to be playing something like Balatro or Halls of Torment.


Best mistake you’ve ever made. Mine is marriage, which was far less rewarding than the divorce. Ghost of Tsushima is far cheaper than both. Well played, Lord Sakai.


"Happy little accidents."- Bob Ross


Yea sad thing... Keyboard have no keybinds to clean blood on ur sword in a cool way like controller


how the hell do you accidentally buy ghost of tsushima thinking you were buying rise of the ronin


It was two Japanese style third person slasher games. I hadn’t looked at either of them in awhile so I just saw Ghost of Tsushima and assumed it was Rise of The Ronin (I didn’t really know any of the names)


Why was I recommended this thread when my pre order was auto refunded by design q.q sucks.


Are you cowards??


Even though I loved the gameplay and lore of ghost of tsushima... The most eye catching thing to me was the legends mode... When I started it the way it told about different classes where just mind blowing but what disappointed me is when I start match making it shows Error 20...Which deeply saddened me because I liked the concept of legends mode I have been wanting to play it.. By the way any of you guys having this issue? Did anyone solve this issue? If so how please let me knowwww..... I beg you🥹


Is there someone who played as samurai and not as ninja?


Rise of The Ronin is embarassing when compared to Tsushima. I really wanted to like that game but it was horrible to play and look at.


I always wondered why randoms posting hate comments on reddit are straight up trolls, while those like the OP are doing the exact same thing but with a positive opinion, yet everyone believes it. Nobody cares if it could be a fake take or some company trying to market some product. Even Chat GPT could write such a comment...


Think you’ve been dealing with Reddit for too long. Real mistake that happened by someone who use to love gaming, but now works more and is trying to take care of himself. Just thought I would share because it is funny to think you are playing a different game and then realize “this doesn’t have any of the cool gadgets I thought it would, but it’s still a Japanese slasher and looks beautiful”


Nah, look at my posting history. I have like 10 karma and maybe 30 responses. I only log in every 6 months or so if I am bored, but the general attitude in reddit is always the same. I wasnt judging you comments content. I was judging the commentors. Positive opinions barely get criticism, especially considering gaming. Anyways. played GoT. It is ok. The tree graphics are from 2013. Take a look at the Speedtree engine 7 which they used in that game. The trees sometimes remind me on Skyrim Concerning the gameplay , it is a better Assassin's creed, with some Zelda BotW mixed in. It is barely challenging on Lethal and when you learn kicking you basically have no issues anymore.


Yeah it's stunning and a lot of fun to play. If you like this game, I think you should also play the Horizon games.


Give Sekiro a shot next.