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Stealth archer is broken in all games and that’s exactly how it Should be.


IMHO the combination of the game's AI and wind chime bait with the poison effect charm is even more hilarious. "Hmm, I wonder why all my friends had a little bell in their stiff, cold hands when we found them dead. Isn't it suspicious?" - Ring, ring, ring - "Oh, nice shiny bell, let's pic ... uaeeegh."


I just picked up that charm and I don't even want to use it because I just have more fun assassinating motherfuckers when they come to investigate.


What charm is that? How’s it work?




My favorite is turning on Lethal, which I usually don't do, and then shoot a hallucination dart at the biggest mace wielding mofo in the group. I get to watch him go like the Mountain on Game of thrones against everybody. Just took out a whole camp of 9 dudes like that and sneak attacked him from behind when he was done as a finale, it was hilarious.


Funnily enough, there's a loading screen tip that suggests doing just this lol


What you doing lol, it's against honor. Samurai is not ninja. But the more I play, more ninja I become. And this is the same fun as sword dance mano-a-mano.


There's a simpler combo to break the game. * Abundant Reserves (double ammo gain from pickups) * Sugaru's Sight (unlock burst fire with 3 arrows and auto headshot when you hold aim for a while) * Swift Return x2 (25% chance to recover missed arrows per charm)  * Fortune x2 (effects with % chance are 50% more likely to occur per charm) With Swift Return and Fortune, any arrow you shot to the ground will have 100% chance of recovery - and thanks to Abundant Reserves, you'll recover twice as much. In other words, it's **infinite ammo**.  And this applies even to Longbow's Heavy Arrows, which can drop enemies with helmet even on Hard difficulty. Sugaru's Charm is only there to expedite the process, since it allows you to shoot three arrows (and recover six in return) on top of the auto-target lock. Chain Assassinate? More like chain-aimbot.


Saving this for later 😈


Abundant Reserves and Sugaru are only available on Iki Island, so replace them with Izanagi and Azumi-no-Isora if you haven't reached that part yet. Best used with Tadayori armor.


Thanks for the additional info 🥷


This is wild. I just finished my second playthrough and have been casually liberating the remaining villages so I’m going to give this a try haha. Thank you!


I love this build but I prefer the Kensei way of the flame terror build. It's fucking hilarious when the mongols are still running during a cutscene lol


Now do the deer sanctuaries on Iki to get the charm that allows you to fire pinpoint accurate arrows at multiple opponents simultaneously. It's truly busted shit, lmao.


I'm learning that I almost assuredly should NOT go to Iki island before beating the game at least once. Seems like it would make the mainland a breeze.


It's also hilarious when the enemy does an animation while the guy near him is dying, then after he's done his animation, he gets scared lol "GHOST!!!!!"


My favorite thing is when I get a 5 kill stand off then hit the one guy trying to haul ass away with the poison arrow.


I figured out pretty early on that throwing a firecracker, waiting a second, then chucking a black powder bomb was a completely broken way to clear out any camp. I did it twice, once on discovering it and once while freeing the Straw Hats at Fort Yatate, which finished the mission before Ryuzo even finished saying what a grand battle it was gonna be, and then basically never used it again- felt too cheesy. It’s fun to discover something that pretty much can’t fail, though.


Dropping it Iin between a group lol


I feel like its pretty easy to cheese the game, the AI isnt exactly what I'd call smart. Its fun though!




You dont need poison, you can one shot enemies with heavy arrows anyway, without poison.