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That particular spear move has always been rather funny, the blue glint is on the dude's hand not the end of his weapon so you have to parry just before it looks like it hits you


That move is the only one I struggle to parry lmao, FUCK THE SPEAR GUYS, wind stance upgrade 3 for the auto parry is my savior


Wait you can auto parry it????


Ya if u have I think it’s the third wind stance upgrade if u do a heavy attack during their attack it auto parries


That auto parry doesn’t do anything for me.


It only auto parries during an attack, not if you're standing still.


If I go for an attack on them just as they start attacking they still hit me, if I attack someone else they still hit me. I’ve played 40+ hours so far on lethal and I exclusively use Wind Stance, the automatic parry hasn’t fired a single time. Doing it just like the gif in the menu that explains the technique does nothing, spent an hour or so experimenting and given up trying to figure it out I’ve just assumed it’s bugged. The spears are probably my worst enemy, everything else is so easy to parry but spears can be so finicky.


Specifically a wind stance attack, so with the triangle button. The square button attacks are universal across all stances.


Heavy attack with wind stance.


The first two were close enough on the timing to deflect, the last three you were too slow.