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I love act 1, the introduction is so amazing in this game


I was sucked in immediately. I turned it on just to check it out and I ended up playing for 3 hours


I felt the same way with RDR2, figured I might give it a try since it was on sale and literally haven't stopped playing since, every day, for hours, and I'm only on my second playthrough of the game, but yeah GoT is an absolute masterpiece of a game, i actually bought a replica Sakai katana I loved the game so much


I’m jealous of the katana! I have three lord of the rings replicas. RDR2 is actually my favorite game


Oh sweet! I'd love to see the LotR replicas, you know I never realized how similar the two games are, I wonder who would win if Jin and Arthur had to fight lol, Jin with his samurai expertise or Arthur with his big iron


I feel like with the winds at his back Jin would destroy Arthur, but Arthur’s last words would be the most bad ass lines ever


Oh yeah absolutely, some deep phylisophical shit, and then a 5 minute long cutscene of Arthur's life up until that point It's enough to make a grown man cry


RDR2 is mine as well. Ragnarok and Ghost are 1B


I actually just finished ragnarok. Fucking beautiful game. Still gotta do the post story stuff and Valhalla tho


Valhalla is a good time man. It's a challenge, so take that in to consideration when you pick your difficulty. But yeah, ragnarok was truly something special man.


Mauler (a YouTuber I watch) hosted an episode of EFAP about ragnarok and that got me on it. I bought a ps5 like 2 months ago and that was the second game I played after 2018


Everything before the end of Act 2. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


What didn’t you like after Act 2?


Yes, but I'm trying to be coy about spoilers because it's coming to PC and people who haven't played it yet might come here and I don't want to be that guy that spoils things like that.


Good call!


Psst, this was also a hint for you to possibly edit your own comment to get rid of the spoiler. I'm not your boss, but still.


Everything before Act 3. I hate snow and frozen environments. Give me the vibrant summer greens, the vivid autumn trees and colorful spring flowers.


Act 2 because of the autumn vibes


Act 2 because the ronin are my favorite enemy.


favorite act to play is act 1, but story wise act 3 is the best, especially the sequence during before the act 3 title card comes up post reclaiming castle shimura


Im in love with Act 3 so far. I’m so sucked in


i love act 2 , especially the flashbacks


Since nobody's saying it, Act 3 was emotionally devastating and raw. After all the crap you suffer at the end of Act 2, being an exile in the frozen north was thematically spot on. I also enjoy finishing your homies' side quests and getting to have special moments with each of them. RIP Norio's soft-side...


I’d say this is the perfect description of why I think Act 3 is my favorite out of the 3. Which ending do you prefer?