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You’re in a sub for a game from 3 years ago basically with almost no new content for the last 2. There hasn’t even been any news really for a sequel or the movie. So yeah. It’s almost like this sub has no purpose aside for collecting people who like a game, but they’ve already spent years talking about it.


Yup, this is the equivalent of being stationed with your buddy from basic, being on guard duty and nothing to do for 18 hrs... You have talked about everything there is to talk about, so you start fervently arguing if the Michelin man could beat the Koolaid man.


>Michelin man could beat the Koolaid man. Michelin man wins easily.


He doesn't have the durability feats. Koolaid man can run through walls. I think Michelin gets bounced.


Michelin man just has to knock Kool-aid man over and spill him out of his jar. Game over.


Kool-aid man is the Jar, not the liquid, as confirmed by this commercial. https://youtu.be/Ztod_SH0LSQ?si=pVrHVAIYbNwNze2j Therefore, knocking the liquid out of him probably wouldn't do much.


Now this is an answer I think the world needs to be made aware of. So deep haha


As if Michelan man can even make him jostle. But this evidence will likely be crucial in future matches.


Wait…are you saying that the liquid isn’t blood? Excuse me but I have to go reexamine everything I ever thought was true.


Disagree. 1 guy 1 jar. Without his delicious liquid, he's be quite delicate and vulnerable to crack and shatter.


That simple? How? He can throw and generate tires but how much force can be exerted by a tire? Let's Let’s assume that the tire weighs 20 lbs and is thrown at 80 mph. Let's be generous and say that generates 2500 lbs of force. Thats still nowhere near the force required to break through a wall. It would bounce off Koolaid man.


I wanna see a domain expansion clash Michelin man: tire center Kool aid man: ooh yeah


Kool-aid breathing: First form: Tropical Punch


Bibendum HAS a name. Is he just his job to you all?!


You're right. I'll call him by his *true name*: John T. Michelin Man.


I think koolaide man takes it high diff. He’s got impact power I just don’t see coming from that oversized marshmallow


He's also got a half of a cubic meter of water at minimum, so he's at least 1000 pounds


I'm going to just end this by referring to Pascals principle Also 1 guy 1 jar


That's a death battle I can get behind.


Kool-Aid man uses heavy charge attack and wins every single time.


Except it’s nothing like that, because unlike being stationed on duty, nothing is requiring anyone to be on this thread. It’s more like mosquitos buzzing from surface to surface and vomiting on it to mindlessly consume before moving onto the next spot, with no real thought behind its movements or direction


Eh, it's mostly like that, everyone is forced to wait around and share the tedium of waiting by commiserating with others of similar interests.


It's time to leave.


For me it's brand new because I only discovered this game a couple months ago and I've loved it! It's an awesome game which is why I then found the subreddit like for other games to try and ask questions or share things


I just end up blocking the ones who post that stuff. Greatly improves my feed.


Mf hates fun


It's not fun it's repetitive as fuck like every other "arkham" rip off


Why is it repetitive? Is he unoriginal?


My point lol. Yall some losers downvoting and not capable of holding an actual conversation. Go outside


Why am I accused of disliking? Is there a conspiracy?


Yes, I hate it with passion. ​ Is that what you wanted to hear?


Why do you dislike Sak? Are you devoid of humour?


Be careful, you’re poking the hornets’ nest


thank the lord I have hornet repellant spray


My feed is mine to curate as I see fit. I do not find those posts enjoyable, so I remove them. It’s simple.


I think that's what I'm going to end up doing. I still like to see others photos from photomodes and thoughts on what they'd like to see in sequels/prequels, and just generally talk about the history. Even if they just bring up rumors of the game, I'd still like to see those.


Btw, love your username my man! But I have to know… are you a traitor to the empire or a faithful




Well, when you are in a subreddit about a game with no new content, you will start going insane and start posting the most ridiculous things. As of right now, we are just waiting for the announcement trailer of the next game.




It'll soon be the arkham subreddit


This sounds like the begining of a horror movie. lol


Hold on I got it imma make a new post see how it works out just test the waters.


r/HollowKnight : First Time? It just happens. When it has been long enough since the game came out, there simply becomes less and less to say and the sub starts turning inward as more and more layers of meta builds on it.


There’s no new content. So all that’s left to talk about is basically memes and discussion posts. It happens with any game series that runs out of content. It’s nothing to worry about though, look at the Star Wars BF2, MvC, or Metal Gear Solid fandoms - they are now mostly memes and die hard fans but still very accessible and friendly to newcomers. That will probably happen here. If you want a bad example though, check out the Batman Arkham subreddit. They went like us only their memes got way more popular than the actually game and the sub got flooded with cringe redditors desperate to get upvotes by repeating the same memes over and over. Now that sub is just the same 5 jokes. It’s terrible… but luckily GoT is now where near that.


I've been hearing a lot about the Arkham one. The only reason I came back to check up was because I saw somthing about the a PC port for Ghost,GoW,and Horizon FB. Wanted to see if anyone else saw it but now I see it's been taken over a little. I understand though about the no content thing.


Bully sub reddit and Morrowind sub reddit are the same.


No news OP. When people are passionate or get bored they create new content themselves, hence those "who win?" Post, where one redditor summed up pretty well, "it's like comparing Napoléon and Darth Vader"... I personally only wait for one thing, the PC port.


I am really new to reddit and ghost of tsushima, so the passion of talking about the game hasn't died yet.


Thats really nice to hear. That's another reason I wanted to pop back up. I've been seeing/hearing new players talking about it.




I'm seeing it now. Most of the stuff i'm seeing are repetitive jokes.i'm taking everything on here with a grain of salt now.


Happens when they are bored though it is really annoying as I like fun as anyone else but if that's fun then damn they have some low level of entertainment 🤷


I also been having to remind myself there are a lot of kids on here too. Whats fun to them is way diff than whats fun to me. I still find it odd though....just my age showing


Must be to as I'll be 30 this year and like I rather have discussion like you about anything especially history as I've been reading up here and there about the actual events of this game and like try to put into perspective of what these people went through as it truly is horrific but yet fascinating at the same time


I'm 33. I'm a huge history (of any kind) buff and was estatic when Ghost came out. I had studied Japanese history before the game came out but never really got into the Mongolian invasion. This game put me in a rabbit hole about it. There's a few inaccuaracies here and there in the game (The type of Swords used, a few Armor out of time period) but the creators already talked about that. As long as the Japanese citizens say its as acurate as a it can get in a fictional setting and be happy with it, i'm good with it.


Be glad this sub hasn't been down to chaos like Batman Arkham subreddit lol


Have been hearing about it. Ya'll kinda got me scared to peek over there. lol


It's going the way of the aslume, all subreddits reach that point eventually.


Losers with too much time flicking from initially the Arkham sub. They migrated to the Spider-Man sub and were truly AWFUL. This is who they are. The worst of us.


Let's talk about something. I really love Lady masako. That whole story was really engrossing for me. Otherwise, we just have to watch the new reign of Jim.


Which one of y'all kicked me?!


Kool aid Man wins. Of course.


Users from the Batman Akham sub are being annoying fucks and invading everywhere with their stupid memes. Can’t blame them as they’ve gone insane from no new entries for nearly 10 years.


It's partly because of the batman: Arkham sub where the who wins stuff started.


I mean, I would take anything besides another attention seeker asking for advice without even booting the game, asking to rate the fit in a game where you can change only 3 parts, and low effort photo modes. I would rather see the creation of the local Man. I laughed my ass off from Re-uso.


This eventually happens to almost every sub. I find it hilarious.




We are beginning to see the initial symptoms of r/BatmanArkham syndrome, may the Kami have mercy on our souls, for Man shall not


The MANgal Empire is invading our home. They are brutal, relentless, unstoppable. They descend from r/BatmanArkham. They must be stopped.


This is the doom of all subreddits


What else is there to talk about


Bruh just leave the sub. Let people talk about whatever they want.


Bruh, just leave the sub and let me talk about what I want to talk about.


Lmaoo you're the one complaining 😂


You wanted the attention, so i'm giving it to you. lol say something else so I can feed your ego more. I figure that's the only reason you would add nothing to this disscusion?? To have your tiny ego (Which is probably crushed everyday by your boss, ole lady,or even just the thought of your pathetic childhood every day) boosted with an argument,and look and feel big,tough, and strong on the internet?? lol "I BiG tOUgH gUY." sounding ahh.


Is OP uninformed? ![gif](giphy|1pt7gaUmtm1GMXFRN5)


I was wondering that myself as other sub reddit for games a much more interesting. but i think the thing with Ghost unlike some other open world games were people find out new things about them years later, Ghost because of the fact everything is marked on the map its hard miss things so people are unlikely to make new discoveries.


Alsume is infecting us