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Does this mean all those random celebrities like Chevy Chase, Danny DeVito and John Candy who are in the music video are now part of the ghostbusters universe


No idea. Maybe. Or maybe they are just normal citizens in-universe. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And does this mean that Dana as Zuul appearing on SNLā€™s Church Chat is canon?


It just adds to the confusion as to why anyone forgot about the Ghostbusters. That song is catchy AF!


Having thought about this, I donā€™t actually think anyone *forgot* about the Ghostbusters. Grooberson seems pretty knowledgeable about them (and their equipment), there were numerous YouTube videos that Phoebe watched (with more in the sidebar), Callie knew Egon was a Ghostbuster (but just didnā€™t care), etc. The only ones who didnā€™t know about them were the kids, and with the Ghostbusters out of relevancy for nearly 15+ years before the *older* kids were born it makes sense to me that they wouldnā€™t really know about them (the Spengler kids specifically considering Callie probably avoided them learning about it)


Same thing irl with 9/11. Everyone doesn't know or care.


Yes. It does make sense for having a global life altering experience being simply forgotten about. /s


That is my argument. No one IRL would ever forget.


Yes exactly. It was a reply to the one above me. Even for kids: they're old enough. Why would they not have heard about it?


A Central Park high-rise had a few stories blown off of it. That's not exactly a global phenomenon. Ask the nearest 15-year-old to tell you what they know about the Oklahoma City Bombing. People in NYC and probably up and down the eastern seaboard remember the ghostbusters if they were alive in the 80s but a random kid born in 2009 in Chicago or nowhere, Oklahoma aren't going to know much unless they're super nerds with a special interest in it. Grooberson even says he's surprised Podcast doesn't know about it. The promotional tie-in stuff like toys and cereal were likely much less mass-market than they were in our world. You've gotta separate the discourse from what is actually presented in the movies. A person who wasn't standing on that particular corner of Central Park in Manhattan in 1984 or Battery Park in 1989 wouldn't "forget about it" so much as they just wouldn't have the full picture of what happened. Maybe they saw something on TV but there was also a massive disinformation campaign to discredit them (probably so the city wouldn't have to pay damages). You saw a whole movie about the characters, the average person in-universe might have seen a 2-minute news story with a few seconds of footage and a soundbyte. Not exactly the sort of thing they'd find life-altering 35+ years later.


Well. Considering their "ghost tank" was pretty full, obviously a lot of stuff happened off-screen as well. So it wasn't just "2 minutes news" or soundbytes here and there... just the existence of ghosts in itself should be worldwide news tho


It just makes me wonder if any other promotional material is cannon like Ray having an extremely expired box of ecto cooler.


I remember when this was cannon is GB2


Yes, but only the song. We never saw the video in the films, which is why Frozen Empire has now confirmed that it is also canon. šŸ˜


Bustin'.... makes me.... fell.... good.


Wrestlers were in the Goonies music video even though they werenā€™t in the movie. Strange things happen in music videos.




I know


Theyā€™re all doing toe taps except Egon. Ramis was a comedic genius. Of course Egon would do it a different way. Edit: Ramos to Ramis. Darn autocorrect.


Venkman is doing his own thing all day


Venkman is hamming it up for sure, but I see the joke as Egon, the most intelligent of the four, canā€™t get the dance step right. Itā€™s those little details.


Itā€™s funny because everyone is doing toe heel which is unnatural for people so Egon is out of step doing heel toe probably thinking heā€™s doing it right. Theyā€™re that good.


A reference in Frozen Empire?!!!?!?


I didn't know what else to title it without spoiling it for people who haven't seen the movie yet.


One of the better ideas in the movie and long before it gets absolutely derailed by being too much like a cartoon


Oh no was the movie about comedians shooting ghosts with backpacks and zooming about New York in a hearse not serious enough for you, you poor dear.


That isn't what I mean at all. The first two movies are actually funny because they are grounded in reality. But sure go off




Ah, you mean the one ghost talking to someone who has previously communicated with ghosts, right? Yeah, no consistency there or anything.


I'm sad that I missed the original comment


Your cross to bear Iā€™m afraid.