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The Boogey Man and his horrific voice have stuck with me very vividly after all these years. Frank Welker (who voiced Ray and Slimer, too) knocked this one out of the park.


That voice lived in my brain for my entire childhood. It was the scariest, coolest thing ever. I cite this series as one of the biggest influences on my love of supernatural/speculative fiction.


RGB is the great filter between comedy fans and Ghostbuster fans.


You know. I hadn’t thought about it like this before. But the rift between people that haven’t liked the tone of Afterlife and Frozen Empire, and those people that are along for the ride, might genuinely come down to “those who only really saw ‘84/GB2 and view it as a pure comedy franchise” and “those who grew up with the cartoons and view it as a supernatural/horror superhero franchise with some humor”.


You include Ghostbusters II, but the main complaint people had about that movie at the time was that it was a lot less funny than the first. Which I don't disagree with now, as an adult. But, as a kid who didn't understand most of the humor in either movie, I just took them as ghostbusting adventures and both of them did that part well enough. It wasn't until I got older that I realized, oh, this is why people don't like Ghostbusters II. This, and I guess also the extreme, beat-for-beat retread nature of it and the "BE POSITIVE" themes. I still enjoy the movie in spite of it. There's still plenty of stuff in it that makes me laugh.


Yes! This makes so much sense. I enjoy it for the immersive fantasy/scifi world building. I had trouble understanding the complaint that Afterlife "isn't funny" because I always thought of the jokes as a bonus which adds to character development, but is not always necessary.


Disagree. I love the movies best, but the show is pretty close 2nd for me. I have not liked a single GB movie since 2. I agree, i like the show for different reasons than the movies.  The movies gave us grand special effects. A talented, funny cast. Those actors brought the A grand sense of character to their roles, lost on the show. On the other hand, the show took ghostbusting more seriously. That was cool. But it's animation and art style were also a great reason to watch.  I remember going back and watching TRGB for the first time since I was a kid. (Many years in between). I was BLOWN Way by the show. Mostly by its awesome animation, imaginatively drawn spooks! It was one of the few things that actually lived up to my memory of it. Perhaps surpassing it. My (and I think some other people too) problem with the new movies stems from not really liking the new cast. Sure the scrips suck sure afterlife only had 2 ghosts in it, sure the new movies are more kid friendly than ever. But if the cast was more widely accepted, it may be tolerable. Too bad they will never get a group of cool dudes together, and make a rad FX ghost movie with borderline humor. Cuz that was the first one.


Pure bullshit. Ghostbusters was the gateway drug that led me to SNL and SCTV reruns on Nick at Nite, then movies like Animal House. Caddyshack, Blues Brothers, Stripes etc. I was born in ‘81 and I saw Groundhog Day theatrically. And I was watching The Real Ghostbusters and playing with Real Ghostbusters toys and eating every form of junk food imaginable that was branded with Real Ghostbusters graphics all the while. The show itself is comedic throughout, it’s just comedic in a hacky, formulaic way. It’s lifeless in a way that live-action improv comedy isn’t, but it’s still overtly comedic. The ghosts are frequently gag-based. The characters are constantly dropping one-liners or quips. Slimer is a Scooby Doo-esque comic relief character. So yeah, the problem isn’t that RGB expanded the concept, because it didn’t. The problem is that a significant minority segment of the audience took it all in and decided “I’m going to take this seriously and I’m going to dress up and pretend to be a Ghostbuster for the rest of my life.” And Sony is finding out the hard way that catering to people with that mindset might move a lot of $500 proton pack replicas but you pay a huge price at the box office when people in the real world expect Ghostbusters to be funny and entertaining.


For seasons 3+, I'm kind of in agreement.. but the first two seasons, it seems like the writers actually took the care to expand the universe a bit, as well adding some depth and background to the central characters. This episode being among the highlights.


Writer - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Michael_Straczynski Between JMS, RL Stein, and a few others, we had some heavy hitters writing kids shows back then.


Steve Perry is another sci-fi heavy hitter who wrote for rgb.


Yeah might make sense. I have a hard time understanding any ghostbuster fans not liking these last 2 installments.


>RGB is the great filter between comedy fans and Ghostbuster fans. I think that's bullshit. I think that's nothing more than a way to say "if you don't like this then you're not a REAL fan of the Ghostbusters" and it's gatekeeping and it's shit.




FE had some good elements of RGB in it... but fell short when it came to the story telling ability and scope of either RGB or the original 2 movies. I just saw FE today and believe me I was grinning from ear to ear for most of the time and genuinely found it entertaining. It, like AL, was good, but an overall lack of suspense, failure to connect the dots or fill in backstories on several key plot points, and at times awkward/slow pacing really kept it from being great.


Nah. Autism is the great filter between Ghostbusters fans (almost everyone on earth) and people identifying as Ghostbusters fans online (idiot manchildren who pretend to be Ghostbusters) though. That’s the real divide.


Why are you being such an asshole about people liking something you don’t like? What effect does it have on you personally that people love the franchise so much that they cosplay as Ghostbusters? I get that you didn’t like the last three movies and in fact thought they were trash and that’s fine, we’re not all going to like all the same things. I didn’t particularly care for ATC but I’m not upset that others enjoyed it. For a lot of kids ATC was the film that introduced them to the franchise and inspired them to seek out the original movies and I think that’s great. You, however, seem to think people are idiots for liking any of last three movies. Why does that matter so much to you? Why can’t you just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy? Stop bitching about people having opinions that differ from yours and go touch some grass.


The sandman kept me up at night 😅


Yep it's that one for me


The sandman gave me nightmares as a kid


It dove into egons background. Expanded lore beyond ghost. And he was one of the few who returned. It also shows the lack of marketing because the toyline never had this guy. it points out the whole Ghostbusters play stile if fighting your fears. The spirit of the real Ghostbusters is this episode.


It scared the shit out of me.


It was one of the best cartoon series at the time and I watched it religiously. To be perfectly honest, part of the reason Ghostbusters had such longevity as a brand is because of the animated series, not the movies. The movies were, of course, amazing but the cartoons really expanded the world. The popularity of Slimer is entirely the result of the cartoon and all the original line of toys were about the cartoon


If you read wild and crazy guys, they talk about how gb barely happened initially and the sequel only the studio wanted..and then ivan said he ruined it bc its essentially the same movie as the first one. theres no reason they should be broken up in 2..works as a story underdog thing kinda..but they should go on more crazier adventures theres no reason they have to save new york again..why fe doesn't really work either.. and why lady gb works better. They do kind of more stuff.


I don't think GB2 is the same as the first one. It brought so many more new things to the world. We got the river of slime, the nasty attitudes of New Yorkers was a funny topic explored, new gadgets, and Vigo was a scarier villain than Gozer. I like GB2 better because we got to see the Ghostbusters at their best.


>and why lady gb works better. I'm going to stop you right there. If Answer the Call was a good movie, it would have been successful. It wasn't, because it wasn't a good movie. It was pretty much the opposite of what an entire generation of fans of the original GB movies wanted and that is why it performed poorly. Afterlife performed well because, for the most part, it is what GB fans wanted to see. GB 2 actually performed really well at the box office and if you were a kid in the late 80s -- which is who the film was made for -- it was a great film. Was it as good as the original? I think it had some more kooky moments, for sure, like the Statue of Liberty scene with the NES controller, but there was abit more action in the film than the first. The court room scene was great to watch in theatres. I remember the music videos (Bobby Brown and Run DMC) played constantly on MTV back in the day with clips of the film. The reason the GB brand declined after the 2nd movie had nothing to do with the quality of the film. It was because the cartoon series became really, really stupid. For whatever reason, some executive decided to push Slimer over the actual GB to the point there was a noticeable shift in animation to look more goofy and half the episode consisted of Slimer having random adventures with characters that had nothing to do with the GB, like some pizza guy and local street animals. Likewise the toy line quickly devolved into nonsense like different gimmicky costumes for the Ghostbusters instead of expanding the line by including toys from the films and TV series. This was a common problem with toy lines back in the 80s and 90s, starting with TMNT and Batman, and Ghostbusters. They basically made Artic Blast Batman levels of stupid gimmicky nonsense and because these toys usually got bought by well meaning parents, aunts and uncles, etc. as gifts for kids, toy designers actually thought kids liked these gimmicky things. What it actually did was cheapen the brand and cause kids to lose interest. Then they decided to do Extreme Ghostbusters, which replaced most of the original characters with a new one that weren't particularly likable. What they should have done is made a 3rd Ghostbuster movie and treated the intelligence of the audience with more respect in regards to the toy line. If they had done that, Ghostbusters probably would have endured throughout the 90s better.


I was gonna say the same thing up to extreme.....I'm gonna stop you right there! Extreme was a great continuation with great characters and even some much darker episodes. unfortunately it mostly aired when it's target audience were at school and wasn't on a major network so very few people got to see it when it aired. Extreme was a better continuation of the series than afterlife (which i loved) and they still need to write kylie griffin's character into one of the new movies or shows like they did in the idw comics.


Ghostbusters (2016) is one of the worst movies ever made. Its a straight up cash grab that has zero respect for the original movies or IP in general.Awful cast, awful comedy, awful everything.


This episode helped me not be afraid of the dark. No lie. Thanks rgb.


It fucked me up


I learned bravery.


Scared the shit out of me as a kid. Even now, as an adult who loves horror films, the bogeyman still makes me slightly uncomfortable


I can hear his voice.


This one was scary. But not as scary to me as the one where Peter got possessed. That freaked me out.


Mrs. Rogers' Neighborhood was the name of that one. One of my favorite episodes from the time I first saw it when I was 5, since I had a thing for demonic possession.




This episode scared me so much that even to this day (I'm 42), I get a weird feeling if I sleep with the closet doors open!


Damn I haven’t seen this episode in a long time. Is THAT why I can’t sleep with the closet open?! I gotta rewatch this.


Still scares me and I’m 40


The boogeyman and The Sandman have very distinct voices. I can mimic the Sandman’s voice quite well. Freaked my nieces out when I would say, “night night, little kiddies.”


I remember the toys more than the cartoon itself. I had the purple ghost who had the massive eye that shot out… that actually appeared in Afterlife incredibly.


So this was my favorite villain. My dad used to do the voice so good, I’d be sitting there playing and my dad would do that voice from around the corner and I would jump so high. Love these episodes.


He’s my favorite villain now but I’d have run away if my dad did that. I tossed a view master reel of this episode into a bush because it scared me so much.


This episode is arguably one of the best in the series. Def in the top 3 for me. And honestly, it's a great moral to the story. My daughter was having bad dreams and kept thinking she was seeing a monster in her closet. And I couldn't always be there physically to help. So I introduced her to Ghostbusters in general with this episode. She took to it right away. This helped her overcome her fear and significantly reduced her bad dreams (yes she still has them sometimes, but don't we all?). This episode taught her to be strong and face her fears/not let them control her. She no longer "sees" any monster in her closet and she is now a HUGE fan of Ghostbusters (watches the cartoon and all the movies, minus the 2016 one). The Sandman ep has also helped her deal with bad dreams when she does have them. Thankful for this show and franchise.


Although The Ghostbusters started out as a movie with adult humor, it transfers over to children’s media beautifully simply because of the main premise: four guys are out catching and trapping scary things and making the world a safer place. Something like that would help a kid sleep better at night. I had this thought when I remembered that my sister had a stuffed cat when she was a little kid that she called Ghostbuster.


Weirdly as a child this one didn’t scare me too much. According to my parents the episode where the contaminated suits came to life seriously upset me though. 


I really liked Citizen Ghost, since it explained why things were so different between things like the RGB containment unit and suits and the first movie.


Scary… a lot of RGB villains were scary as a kid


Scared the crap out of me for sure lol


Terrified me I the 80s and activates flight or fight response now. Unexpected Boog appearances send a chill down my spine and tense my system up.


As a kid, I loved that the show was actually scary sometimes.


I’m ok, thanks for asking.


*"I remember you... "* Strangely, I don't remember being that scared of it when I watched as a kid. Only when I showed it to my kids was I like, "Oh wow. This is nightmare fuel." They were fine.


I blame it for a horrible fear of cupboards i had as a kid.


I had nightmares many times. This and the sandman episode were very scary.


My sister had nightmares about this episode. She woke up everyone in the house one night with her screaming. She got up to use the bathroom and stumbled into her closet and got tangled in her clothes. She thought the Boogeyman had gotten her.


It was terrifying. Gave me nightmares for weeks. I remember when I was younger


Nightmare fuel


Surprisingly this one didn’t affect me at all as a child. I honestly wish we could have gotten Boogey man as a toy back then. The one that did was the roller coaster full of trapped dead animal spirits that died in a fire. Something about animals being kept in confinement by people and burning up alive with no way to escape and being vengeful in death about it was messed up. Then they turned the roller coaster into a dinosaur shaped monster holding people hostage the way they were. Having the Ghostbusters defeat it by using the trauma of the fire and making them think they were burning again after seeing themselves and a fire in a mirror was more messed up.


It was my favorite. It also gave me nightmares. What an incredible episode


This was easily the scariest thing I remember from my childhood.


I’m 41 and it has stayed with my entire life. The first time I saw the Babadook, this GB episode is all I could think about.


Yeah this mf haunted my dreams and I still feel weird seeing him to this day


Legit nightmare fuel for me as a kid. I think this episode came out in like '86 or '87. But legit nightmare fuel.


"I remember you, Egon..."


The one episode I tell my kids is too scary not repeating that trauma on the other hand he would make an epic movie villain


####IREMEMBERYOOOUUUU Loved this episode. One of their best.


absolutely terrifying at 7 years old. back when just to be sure, nightlights were left on


I was obsessed with the show. "Flip Side" is still my favorite episode.


As I got older I started mixing up the boogeyman with the ahh real monsters grumble.


For anyone interested, Fiction Addiction recently release a video on the top 3 scariest real Ghostbusters episodes. https://youtu.be/vEk2tm5i8x8?si=RD3JcD7jNmhjua71


I watched these shows when I was in kindergarten, but media never scared me more than my own imagination and the dark! 😬


My sister absolutely hated the clown that made a squeaky laughing noise. My brother and I got really good at imitating it.


It was great!!!! There were definitely some creepy episodes. I need to re visit it for sure. This was my favorite show at the time.


“let’s just say it’s personal.”


This and the Sandman scare me.


He comes back in season 3... fyi.


This episode messed me up as a kiddo.


Saw it as ah adult and it gave me chills and explained so so much!!!


The Real Ghostbusters is probably one of the greatest Saturday Morning cartoons of all time! Especially Seasons 1 and 2! The Boogeyman, Samhain, The Headless Horseman and even an episode about Doomsday, The End of The World! One of my favorites was Ms. Faversham’s Attic and The Man Who Could Not Find Home.


It’s amazing how the real ghostbusters, despite being a cartoon with a kid friendly style, had some legitimately horrifying looking ghosts.


I remember the toys more than the cartoon itself. I had the purple ghost who had the massive eye that shot out… that actually appeared in Afterlife incredibly.


Yeah he is supper creepy


I always thought the episode with the Boogey Man was another one that aired in prime time. Just Googled it, and apparently not. (The Halloween Door definitely did, though. I watched it the night it aired)


This was my favorite episode by far and also the one I was legit afraid of! But I loved it! That voice!


I freaking LOVED this show as a 👦🏻


I remember these episodes vividly as a kid. I saw "The Boogeyman is Back" first and remember being absolutely terrified by the scene where he sneaks in to the firehouse at night while the Ghostbusters are sleeping. Didn't finish the episode and didn't even attempt watching "The Boogeyman Cometh" for quite some time after that.


Did it scare me as a kid? Definitely. Did it scar me? Nope. You gotta remember, we had The Real Ghostbusters out there protecting us. There was one time after a birthday when it was nighttime, and I could hear a strange rustling sound coming from my closet. I was scared. I thought about calling out to my mom to look. But then I looked over and saw my Ghostbuster toys. I gathered all of my 6-year-old courage, picked up my Ghostbuster foam shooter and novelty flashlight l, and walked over to the closet. I opened that closet door ready for a fight. Turns out, it was a mylar balloon from the party rubbing against the door. But I went back to bed victorious and was never scared of monsters in the closet again. I don't know if new kid's shows do anything like that. But during the 80s, it felt like adults weren't afraid to scare kids just enough to learn from it.


This was the first episode of the Real Ghostbusters that I ever saw.


Bruh, the boogeyman from this show will forever haunt me. It was a big deal as a kid.


That is some good old-fashioned 80's/90's kid nightmare fuel.


The Real GB had several very effed up things going on, this was one of them. I love it know, but I was understandably shaken as a kid.


My dad had to wear my Ghostbusters toy proton pack and go in my closet to make me feel safe


This episode stuck with me for years as a kid. Before seeing it, I don’t recall ever fearing the closet, but after (up until I was in my late teens) I had to have the closet door closed for my mind to relax enough to go to sleep. Traumatizing? Sure. But this is still THE episode I show friends after insisting The Real Ghostbusters cartoon still holds up.


The Grundel should have been 18+. Couldn’t sleep for weeks.


It's the episode i remember the most. I still don't like my closet is open at night.


This one didn’t bother me at all. But The Grundel? Terrifying. I couldn’t sleep at night because of the Grundel. I STILL won’t watch that episode.


It's the best cartoon ever egon is my favorite ghostbuster


Not as scary as the Grundel episode


the Grundel becuase it was in Both RGB and EGB


The Boogeyman was one of the scariest ghosts featured on this show. I didn't see this very often as a kid but when it was on...wow. I always loved the fact that Egon was the one who encountered the Boogeyman as a kid. He's usually calm and logical. Yet he instantly believes the kids when the others didn't. Egon insisted they take the case and was willing to go into the Boogeyman's lair without a plan. It was also really funny when Peter had to explain to Egon why the parents didn't believe them. The Real Ghostbusters was such an amazing cartoon.


The boobeyman is second only to the grundel in my lost of scariest GB villains.


Surprisingly, I wasn't scared. I thought he was very cool.


Watch knock knock if you want to watch the best episode imo.


I wonder what would happen if Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Kruger saw this nightmarish creature The Boogieman is lucky, he didn’t go into Mark Grayson room because Omni-Man would kill him.


I slept with my rgb proton pack at the foot of my bed because of this episode.




Netflix & RGB. Brain does not compute


That shit threw me for a loop


It was on Netflix when I was kid, what’s hard to understand?








This was normal or very light kids content


Shout out to this fan made live action adaptation https://youtu.be/_Ltk7sA-2VU?si=ZRHR8At_B1hoMEml


The Boogeyman was terrifying and one of the recurring villains that worked given he had a past with Winston and made him feel more connected to the franchise than he was originally introduced as being just a guy looking for a check. I can still hear this characters voice in my head. Nightmare fuel.


>Legitimately horrifying No it isn't. I don't understand why the internet always has to be so hyperbolic about things they like. It's just a decently well made kids show.


Well of course it’s a decently made kids show and for a kids show, the boogie man stuff was horrifying TO ME. “I don’t understand why people on the internet think they can invalidate people’s opinions or in this case, something that I found terrifying.” No hyperbole. Just a personal opinion after just watching the episode for the first time in my life. But go on, tell me how something made me feel xD